How many times has Ocelot defected?
How many times has Ocelot defected?
I guess you can say, he's pretty defective.
3 or 4
About once a day is pretty healthy.
Revolver Ocelot
the worst part about MGSV was that MGO3 was fucking horrible
As many as these digits
You know the real answer is never. Why asking now?
For real? Twice. He defected from Russia to USA, and then from the Patriots to Big Boss's side.
But he has pretended to defect a lot more times than that, the rest just were all a ruse.
Defective Squirrel:
"I'm good, but you're better."
"I love the feel of a clip sliding into a semi-automatic pistol."
do you want to fucking die?
When did he defect to those pistols?
Fucking MGSV Ocelot might as well be from an alternate reality why was he so boring????
On top of the expensive VAs Kojima wasn't able to license real weapons in general, so we have AKA-47 and mashed up weapons in MGS5.
Troy Baker, also, Kojima wanted the game to be "serious" and all that shit.
Thank god for that pc version.
Why is he so gay for the Boss when he is clearly the superior soldier?
What's a top without a stable bottom?
Too bad there is no fix for the awful acting, btw, /k/fags get triggered by the current weapon name fix because "those aren't even real weapons, they can't have the names since they don't look like the real ones!"
Confirmed for didnt beat MGSV.
How many times have I fucked your mom OP?
Way too many
back when mgs3 first came out, my friend and i always used to joke about how when ocelot showed up you just knew that someone was getting either double- or triple-crossed, no matter what
At least there is a better incentive to CQC other players this time around.
Never. He was always true to himself
Kaz's voice actor deserved an academy award for his performance and you know it.
He's not a defector. He's like, a quadruple agent. He makes everyone think he's working for them to his own benefit.
If I recall his only real 'loyalty' lied with Big Boss and his comrades in that group. And even that was pretty shaky.
checkmate atheists.
The enemy sniper…