How is Holla Forums coping with the fact that last night Trump made the aristocratic class more uncomfortable than B████ ██████ did during his entire campaign?
How is Holla Forums coping with the fact that last night Trump made the aristocratic class more uncomfortable than...
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The fact that trump was there proves he is part of the aristocratic class.
Gas that room
much did not changed, urges to genocide entire white race are still here
That really was not anti-establishment. It was just the usual cracks at Clinton's expense in between pandering to the crowd of rich fucks. The only good bit was the Haiti joke.
"Bourgeois class." Let's not confuse those two.
Trump thanked them after getting booed. He wasn't directly attacking any institutions but he was clearly getting a kick out of making them squirm.
Where's the link to the video?
Read a book
I dont like him but im still voting for him nigger, most of the semi-intelligent burgers here probably are, albeit with a disgusted look on their face
if you vote for hilldog and consider yourself left you are legit retarded/brainwashed i.e western liberal, if you vote for stein you are delusional
What capitalism did, was the destruction of aristocracy. Even if you go "aristocracy is good" with capitalism the merchants became the ruling class and merchants were never aristocrats or nobles.
Read a book.
I've assumed that most on Holla Forums have given up on American politics. They aren't really for Trump but they also seem to despise Clinton. I guess it makes sense though considering the only thing that matters to Holla Forums is means of production and the amount of money you have.
not from Holla Forums
Class =/= how much money you have.
yeah its understandable, it is a fucking shitshow no doubt
its still juvenile not to vote if you can, also the whole "hurr the president doesnt even have any power bit" is fucking retarded.
I literally have my ballot in front of me right nowexpat
Stein/Baraka LOL
The most important issue in this election is voting antiwar, and orange pepe man is the ticket for that even though we have no idea what he actually is going to do.
we sure fuckin know what hillary and her gang is going to do
This. Stop trying to make any slightly anti-establishment statement from Trump to be proof that he's really on our side and we should all vote for him. That makes you sound like Holla Forums.
I know but it seems that the only real reason you guys have for being against Donald Trump is that he's a bourgeois capitalist which is why I said it in such a way. I haven't lurked on this board for very long so if you gave me the run down I'd gladly listen of your collective positions on US politics I would gladly listen.
So who are you voting for?
I'm not American so nobody. If I were though I'd be voting for Jill Stein.
and so is Hillary.
After B████ became a non-person leftypol votes Stein.
Oh so you like thumbing your own asshole and writing letters to editors, gotcha
1. His class is a real reason for us commies to reject. The fact he's bourgeois means he'll definitely serve bourgeois interests as president.
2. What reason is there to be for him? Most of his policies are very pro-porky (like massive tax cuts), and other than his opposition to free trade agreements there's nothing leftist about what he proposes (and even then, he's only against them because he thinks they weaken US manufacturing, not because they benefit global capitalism or because they speed up neoliberalism).
Ah, I see. Well enough then. I guess I haven't been able to see any pro Stein threads since this board is so constantly shit up with theory. Thank you.
I love this meme. Trump may not be a hawk when it comes to Russia like Hillary is, but try listening to anything he says about ISIS sometime.
voting green is the most anti-prole thing you can do, nevermind the fact that you are literally voting for hilldog
yah huh sure buddy
dont take the ironic groucho tard seriously dude, plenty of people here have pointed out that trump is the uncomfortable but unfortunately right choice
Daesh would literally not exist were it not for US deep state involvement, we arent gonna start a "war" with IS because we fucking created them. He can sabre rattle all he wants against those goatfuckers, and hes far more likely to shut them down
you said it though, fuckin russia, thats the main reason to vote for him, hilldog is frothing at the mouth over russia because shes backed by the same neocon neolib cunts that were behind obama bush and clinton and bush
muhaha you both have nothing
hes not "my" candidate, hes a fucking douchebag, a literal robber-baron capitalist, hes still miles better than hillary based on the anti-anti russian rhetoric alone, nevermind all the lulz
and yes of course you are voting for hillary, or do you actually think stein is gonna win?
go on, give me that spiel about how the greenie getting 4% will somehow show how discontent we all are and fundamentally alter the next election yadda yadda bla bla bla wankity wank, I fucking love that shit
you are laughable, just because they are both shit doesnt mean there isnt a difference, although I gotta admit they probably both do a whole lot of grabbing bitches by the pussy
2 rare frog memes have been deposited to your account. Thank you for making America great again.
seriously? trump is paying in pepes? the market has bottomed out on sadfrogs, I can barely even move rares
at least the russians pay me in bitcoins, sheesh
I don't like posting unedited redpanels but this one have a point.
Yes, let's all tell them that we are mad at them. That will make them behave differently.
Uh no, Trump is awful for a number of reasons.
This. Watch this if you actually believe Trump is any better than Clinton when it comes to foreign policy:
LOL he's literally Bush 2.0 in this regard.
plutocrat, not aristocrat. aristocrats dont matter and hardly exist anymore. pic unrelated?
Stop beingnstupid, Holla Forums
Oh fuck off. I've yet to hear a coherent left-wing reason to vote for him, even the accelerationists have to admit that the only reason such a scheme would work is because Americans have been disappointed by the liberalism of Obama.
A vote for Trump is a vote for reaction, nothing more.
Probably because its Holla Forumsacks and not real lefties pushing this
Isn't that enough though?
What's wrong with your face?
How is Holla Forums coping with the fat that Trump has never intended to become president at all and is only helping out Clinton?
Or that the Democrats figured the Republican voterbase out? They know what they have to say, for them to vote for you. Now they have to find someone entirely devoid of conscience and shame, to win the primaries and caucuses, and then shit the boat by making an utter fool of himself.
Once this is over, Trump and the Clintons are going to be buddy buddy again.
Considering he told jokes that weren't that much worse than Hillary's, and that he is an aristocrat, pretty well.
He got booed for saying Hillary hated Catholics, not because he was threatening to gas them.
Ever notice how many shit Clinton did is swept under the rug because "we must be sure Trump never get elected!". Trump is the Boogeyman. He is there to make Clinton appearing the sane choice. This the Spectacle brought to a whole new level.
jk, actually this is an old as fuck tactic
If Johnson had been running all by himself, he would not have been acceptable to anyone. The only thing that made him acceptable to the world was that the shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists, knew that the only way people would run toward the fox would be if you showed them a wolf. So they created a ghastly alternative. And it had the whole world—including people who call themselves Marxists—hoping that Johnson would beat Goldwater.
- Malcolm X
In a market compliant democracy like the US, it doesn't make sense for Trump running for presidency anyway.
In a market compliant democracy economy positions are more powerful than their political counterparts. Politics are for people who didn't make it into economy. So they sell themselves out as lobbyists hoping to get a place in the supervisory committee (where they can do the least damage) as a thank you.
So what Trump is basically doing is degrading himself to menial labour (assuming he wins the election), because he could as well hire a jumping jack, if he wanted direct control over it so badly.
he fits just right in with the other scum
makes you think