The_Donald banned in 3... 2

* Woman gets top mod position at leddit/The_Donald

7 months later: explosive emotional tantrum, tries to get it banned to take her loyal followers to Voat.

(Woman gains power, becomes emotionally unstable, destroys everything in righteous "fuck you all, I quit! WHO'S WITH ME?!" tantrum.)


The_donald has been compromised for a good while now, it needs to burn.

Seems like a good thing to me. Why keep putting up with reddit's bullshit? Cucking to admins when you have as big of a userbase as the_donald has is retarded. May as well get them to ban the sub and cause a shitstorm that takes reddit down with it

The branding of being on Reddit… pissed off the cucks so bad.

The admins add new restrictions to what the subleddit can do every week, eventually you gotta stop putting up with it and let them ban you. Use the streissand effect and chaos to redpill the rest of reddit that can be redpilled, and move somewhere else

TD was pretty funny before the election but like all things plebbit gets its hands on, they beat it like a dead horse until it became really lame and unfunny. Reddit is where the scraps of our memes go to be gobbled up by the unwashed normalfag masses. It's where memes go to die, and TD needs to be put out to pasture.

They've been so utterly cucked for so long, but where will they go afterwards?

They were our footsoldiers/zerglings. Not very bright or valuable, but they had numbers. Lots and lots of numbers.

women need to get the fuck back in the kitchen. i'm so sick of these goddamn roasties. they used to make babies and cook and clean. they are now nothing but worthless fuck holes not worthy of motherhood.

The_Donald users are twelve-year-old closet cucks

T_D is basically tumblr

I won't mind this shitty thread if you stop posting about TD in the Seth Rich threads.

The_Donald can be compared to a special education class filled with leftist spergs. Emasculated, controlled and thoroughly inept faggots.

Let it burn


We buy the sexbots and if the hags don't give in to us, we fuck the sexbots until they capitulate.


If the memes were dank enough, everyone on T_D would be unironically communist. They have no idea what they are doing or why. They probably serve some sort of purpose but it's nothing to cry over if they die because that will just leave room for something better to rise in their ashes.
I refuse to give them any support or care in any way about them because they keep punching right like a bunch of fucking faggots.

Never met a man who called women "roasties" who wasn't secretly a cock-gobbler

I've heard 4 men say it irl, and each was a cock-gobbler to a man. Real men like their wives' pussies.

It's like Michael Scott's Paper Company.

Hello, newfaggot. Why wont you faggots lurk? Its not a suggestion. It is a requirement for personal growth.

Post based MAGA nogs

Spam t_d with redpills! Convert them BEFORE they get here when the ship sinks!

Not all pussies are roasties though.

reddit bans that reddit from reaching the front page except for when a thread makes it look bad or trump.