How likely is it that Hillary Clinton, if elected, will really institute a no fly zone over Syria and shoot down a Russian fighter jet thus initiating ww3?

Very likely I hope

can we stop having this thread please

It's hard to say, especially if/when the economy shits itself.

If no one got nuked during the cold war, no one's getting nuked now. Stop being paranoid motherfuckers

Robert Kennedy's speech writer says we're closer to nuclear war than ever before.

0, Russia and the US will not directly engage one another.

She won't start WW3 because it is already happening, and pic related is how it is fought, it is not a symmetrical war

Yes, this is the part where class contradictions are not solved in one class overtrowing another but with everything getting BTFO.

It won't be WW3

There's a 20% chance of war with Russia

You have obsolete information, it's 26% since this morning.

very likely.
Soros is in control of killary.
Soros sows war and profits of it

Well… You know how the last Great Depresion got solved… and since they cannot go "full credit cards" again… Production has to be destroyed you know…

0% chance, calling it right now

you can't call chance of an event, only event itself


People on this board can be as delusional and conspiratorial as 4/pol/ sometimes.

I don't know how anyone can think she isn't going to try to bully down Russia

The real question is
Is it a bluff?
Will Russia call it.

The second one is likely

They may be dumb cunts but theyre not that dumb.


the problem is that the war party is now grouping around the clintons like ants or maggotts, and they will call in the price of their political support.
as an eastern europoor, im not quite amused that we get two crazy war parties (putin + clinton) instead of just one (putin).

Thanks for correcting the record!

Lying piece of fucking shit.

Russia is already instructing citizens to stock up on food for probability of nuclear attack. Bobama threatened a cyber attack on Russia just lately. Putin banned Soros NGO's, Soros controls Killary. Russia knows the electuons are rigged

Soros sows war. He profits of war. You know who owns killary. You can see the scenario.

Furthermore, hillary wants exactly what gyorgi wants. A one world government. Putin does not. You would have to be retarded not to see what's coming

That depends on how much donations the Clinton Foundation gets. You can make Hillary do anything you want provided you give her enough money.


nice evidence of what you're asserting

I just want this wretched civilization to perish in a nuclear hellfire, is that wrong? ;_;

too likely
she'll have to deal with internal crisis, economic and social, with political polarization
the easiest way for her will be foreign escalation and pretty much enforce martial law to consolidate the mainstream support she has against an external threat


Have you been paying attention to the rethoric the last month, Russia is being blamed for everything in the US media. A significant amont of Democrats now think a war with Russia is necessary, because "muh poopdick" and "muh democracy"