Mike Pence Theory

Okay, I know it sounds a little crazy, but I was thinking that the media/shadow government/other kikes might be pushing the impeachment issue in order to get Pence installed. We've seen Killary, the SJWs, the media, the establishment, all of these people under kike control all keep up the barrage on Trump because they either can't control/predict him as easily as anyone else. So Mike Pence steps in and does it. I'm assuming their Pence plan allows for some homos to be killed in order to completely turn the US into a rag filled Jew paradise where Soros and his BLM welfare state people get to just run shit.
I know this is a little jagged around the edges, so I gotta know if there is something to this theory and how the possible outcomes of this event helps the kikes so we can stop it.
PIc slightly related.

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Shameless bump

Considering Pence just set up a PAC, it's entirely likely that he believes He'll be taking Trump's place soon.



Maybe he's trying to get himself out and about in order to be seen in public, apart from Trump, so that the idea of him taking over when Trump is "Impeached" by the lib nuts is more palatable. (((Their))) attempt to placate the right.

Fuck, he's even setting up. So my theory about him being the kikes' Plan B is solid then. He's gonna play their game.

Pence was a mistake from the get-go, and anyone who says differently is a retard.

See that's what I mean. It's completely weird for Trump to do that. Meaning someone around Trump selected him and Trump unwittingly listened to the kike's lies.

No you jackass, Pence wants to zap faggots because he is Christian. If Trump is redpilled and /ourguy/ why would he have Pence as his VP if he was a Jew puppet like you unsubstantially claim?


Oh user, I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, but it wasn't unwitting.

Because the 'If' in your previous statement is a big assumption.

Why would he have Pence as his VP? Because Pence - like most cuckold for Christianity - are servants of the Jew. Because Israel is our greatest ally, goyim.

Pray tell, who was the correct pick then?

NO David Duke LARPing either faggot, give me a name and support your position, I'll wait….

And there you go. Use the fedora flag next time you post, ok? whilst writing this post I realized those were disabled on Holla Forums, too bad..

You're not being consistent. In the OP you wrote some mumbo jumbo about Pence being a plant to fool Trump and now you write how Trump chose Pence specifically because he is, as you once more unsubstantially claim, a servant of Jews.

This is something I've talked about since day 1. Pence is okay because he's a fairly faithful yes man, but he's still a typical cuckservative. He's still establishment.

Let's just take a look through history:
JFK was an antiestablishment candidate. The establishment forced him to take an establishment running mate, LBJ. What happened? Shot in the head, and LBJ took over
Reagan was an antiestablishment candidate (no seriously, he actually was back when he was running. not saying he was good, but the establishment fought him hard). The establishment forced him to take an establishment running mate, GWHB. What happened? Shot in the chest, but survived the assassination attempt.

And now here we have Trump. Antiestablishment candidate. Forced to take an establishment running mate, Electric Fence Pence.

plenty of other presidential candidates he could have chosen actually, aside from Bush and Kasich just pick one.

Flynn was fired bc he lied to Pence, that led to all of this. That was when the cabinet started caving, Pence gave an interview and spoke for Flynn.

To add to my previous post's part about the fedora, the only one who appears to be a Jew is you. I personally don't care if one is a Pagan, Christian or atheist as long as they don't stroke their cocks about it (i.e "Why haven't you convered to Christianity, Holla Forums?" "Why are you worshipping a dead kike on a stick?", etc. etc.); that is not the purpose of Holla Forums. It's d&c and whether you are a shill or not, you are definitely helping them.

You didn't answer my question faggot, or state /yourguy/

Back your claim up brainiac, tell me who the VP should have been.


Pat Buchanan

Ann Coulter.

Someone who isn't balls deep into Israel… Now you tell me why choosing a cuckservative balls deep in Israel was the right choice - and see if you can do it without memeposting.

I'll wait.

Hitler seems to agree -

Because the Deep State would have lone-gunmanned Trump during the campaign without the insurance policy.

Sorry about the lack of memes, Avram. Now go tell Cobra Commander the D&C will take more time than you thought.

Wew lad…

That's not an argument, its a toothless ad hom after you got BTFO blatantly.

The Deep State is a servant of Israel, and so is Mike Pence - if you think he's any sort of 'insurance', you're a god damned fool.

>in order to get Pence installed

6 months ago discord on 8ch Holla Forums

Literally greatest allies

>Be (You)

Explain the post then and I'll give you an argument. I'll wait.

impeachment won't go anywhere you retard because they don't hae the support needed to get him out of office

I think they've got the support, what they don't have is evidence… but I'm sure they'll fabricate some. If we don't get white nationalism out of this next civil war then we never will.

I think the shills are trying to fuck up this thread, as no one can seem to think of what the endgame will be. We know LGBT rights is what'll cause a civil war under Pence, but they have to realize we'll win due to guns, right?

Pence was always the pick Trump had to make to satiate the higher ups. Trump's removal was always an option as Pence is a good goy.

Who? Christie? That fat fuck only went to trumps side because he knew he wouldnt win and was trying to get a cabinet position. He is as corrupt as the rest of them.

Didn't do your homework, did you?
Trump and Buchanan don't get along, there is a history there and the left could have used their past banter/insults as fuel.
Trump even called Buchanan a racist at one point, no way that partnership could have survived.

I love Pat, and Paleo-conservative is my shield when someone calls me not a real conservative since I can't tell federal employees I am Natsoc, yet.

Ann is fine right where she is. She would not have carried any swing states or Christian/Evangelical/Boomers like Pence did.

I am actually being kind responding to your 16 year old edgy ass, since you have proven you know fuck all about anything in this thread so far.

They ALL are user, It's sad, but it's true. Even if they aren't privately, they have to put on a goy face for those jewish dollars. It's sick.

Because Pence fit hit the Trifecta - and this came at a time when Trump was getting hammered for Pussygrabbing and his wife's nude model picks dropped and the "NEVER-TRUMPS" were gaining traction with Mormons and Christians.
Trump lacked political experience - Pence was gvernor of Indiana
Pence - Marine veteran
Pence - unquestionalbe loyalty to GOP and Israel. I feel dirty typing it, but it's true.
Patricarchal Christian figure.

He was the right man at the right time.

Sessions is right where he needs to be as AG, VP would not have been the right fit - too "Southern" for swing state votes.

I like Greg Abbot - but he's were he WANTS to be and again, Texas = not swing state votes.

I am also a fan of former Senator Jon Kye of AZ, but he is retired and would have been a good Supreme Court Justice - 5 years ago.

I also like Butch Otter, but again, would not have checked all the boxes like Pence - and swayed Ohio, Michigan, Indiana like Pence did.

Same goes for Phil Scott of Vermont.

As much as I don't trust Pence - he was the right man at the right time for VP.

My personal pick would have been Congressman Chirs Smith of NJ who is the most honest man in politics right now - but doesn't swing any states. He's a real life Boy scout. The kikes kicked him off the VA board because he gave away too many benefits to veterans.

There you have it. More than you low effort two sentences.