Ban all Trumpfags, Nazbols, and tankies

Just a friendly reminder that most of the trumpfags on this board are falseflags from Holla Forums. Trump has been known tobuse Holla Forums for debate materials and probably shills on this site.

The few people on here who arent falseflags who support Trump are probably nazbols and tankies who shouldn't be allowed to post here anyway.

prickly stop pls


Leave the tankies, ban nazbols and trumpfags

tankies sometimes contribute a little even though I hate them so they should be left alone. But the rest should be banned, yeah.

couldn't agree more. they can go back to the trump circlejerk in Holla Forums with the rest of the sheeple

Tankies may not be my favorites, but they are a very important part of Holla Forums and are way cooler than trumpfags and nazbols

leave the tankies and nazguls be, ban the trumpies if they can't keep their cancer in the containment threads

maybe somebody make a strawpoll for the ostracon?

thank god


Not enough of an echo chamber?

I would rather ban tripfags.

Forced user would solve the issue.

I would rather ban all the 'ban all people' people.

What are you talking about? Trump is a proletarian candidate, he'll be open to a worker's revolt, he hates the bourgeois as much as anyone on this board. A strong leftist candidate like Trump needs our support.

Trump is a bourgeois, retard.

Works for me. Faggots like n1x and A.W. would stick around for a while, but they would eventually get bored and go somewhere where people will be forced to recognize their tremendous intellects.

And absolute porkie

Tankies are like Russians on /int/ boards. Everybody slates them but they add flavor and some funny background noise.

Stalinposters, on the other hand…

I am not American, so these things are still bizarre to me. Are you seriously telling me that millions of Americans genuinely believe the greentext to be as it is?

At least

has some truth in it, even though I don't know why this alone qualifies her to become president

America's understanding of establishment is: private/public. The State vs the citizens. Therefore, the ruling class is thought to be he politicians of Washington and thoses affiliated with them (MSM).

Once the election is over, ban all Trumpeters, Nazis and Leftcoms.

Don't people realize that multi millionaires ARE affiliated with the politicians?

Burgers don't apparently.

rather ban:
anarkiddies (all kinds)
and all that other reactionary shitposting scum plagueing the board
this board needs to become a place of intelligent discourse for true Marxist Leninists like myself

I rather ban Marxist-Leninist.

Well, many tankies are in fact Russian.

lol how can multi millionaires be with politicians???? politicians tax them???

Killing someone is worse than not letting them post on your imageboard, and, I think nazis should die so screw it why let them post, but I don't know about you and how you feel about nazis and them being around.

Maybe we should just ban Russians.

I don't want more censorship.
But if you're going to ban trumpcucks you'd need to do the same for clintonshills.

Never, Russians are charming and humorous posters. I'd rather get rid of Burgerfats, they are terminally autistic, unfunny and one-dimensional


Ban all Trots and Anarkiddies, then maybe the board will be populated by actual socialists

also this

Saying clinton is the lesser of two evils isn't being a "clintonshill"

So sating Trump is the lesser of two evil isn't being a "Trumpshill" then?
Anyway it woudn't be that of an issue if they could just stick to the contaiment thread.



I'm on the fence with those guys, even tho I consider them to be red fascists and I hate them, I say let them stay.
Ancaps, Nazbol, Nazies and Trump fanatics do need to walk the plank.

But then, who we would make fun off?

you sound like some cenk yoghurt faggot

fuck off

What? That is her entire campaign.

No shit, Holmes.

Nope, they're just from Holla Forums. Obviously they disagree with us. And that's okay.

Now, you're likely a genuine falseflag. You want Holla Forums to ban differing opinions and become, well, just like Holla Forums.

why is leftypol such a pathetic little torture chamber

it's a false flag mate

Should all be perma-banned immediately, and the site must be quarantined until the purge is finished. This way this board will become a stronghold of the true post-Leftist-Anarcho-Feminist Intellectuals who are imperative to the destruction of capitalist forces and patriarchy.

