To dumb for comunimsm



You can still be a communist, just don't go online posting dumb shit you don't understand like all the other dumb idiots who think they are smart.

Follow my steps friend
1-drink fair

Be an anarkiddie


Nigga you are not dumb, just read for pleasure and theory and you will feel better
browse /lit/ "8ch lit is dead you only have 4ch" more


What are the must-read essential books out there?

Check the catalog for literature thread.




MY DICK It is long but very fun book

intros to philosophy and economy, then decide for yourself

soon we will destroy "muh greeks" shit lit meme



Being dumb is a prerequisite to shill/support communism. Also social resentment and forced brainwashing.


And you scum wonder why this board is shit

**then make it by yourself


There you go you fucking shits.
Philosophy should be in another pic, add those two to the 4 idealists, young hegelians and so on.
Also read Meister Eckhart, then Heidegger and then from Heidegger go on to the Kyoto school to see the culmination of his philosophy.

There are many missing, like Tucholsky, Βöll, Eichendorf,Fontane, Novalis and so on.
I assume the Sturm und Drang-era editions have good shit in them, I added the Heldensagen just to have at least one thing from pre 1750, if you want more start from Wolkenstein and the Nibelungenlied then read Gryphius.
Didn't check the quality of the translations because I read most of those in German or in my native language.

I used to be a libertarian. Well, it's more like libertarian to moderate to social democrat throughout high school and my first year in uni. Then I read Einstein's "Why Socialism" and I realized that capitalism itself is the root problem, not corrupt politicians or mismanaged corporations.

Here, I'll link it for you.

And here is George Orwell's Homeage to Catalonia. Orwell was a libertarian socialist, or an anarchist, who fought for Revolutionary Catalonia as it was being invaded by fascist Spain and Nazi Germany. 1984 and Animal Farm were criticisms of state power, 1984 criticizing fascism, and Animal Farm criticizing Stalin's regime.

If you ever want to actually start learning what Marxism is, here's a master list on where to begin. I would recommend reading Democracy At Work, by Richard D. Wolff as well to get a basic sense of it before diving into all the heavy reading.

Masterlist courtesy of shibe:

Democracy At Work ( )

Learning socialist theory is not easy. There are no shortcuts. It requires hours of study, and just like liberal economics, socialist economics have a diverse cast of characters who criticize each others' ideas. For example, Rosa Luxemburg thinks Lenin fucked it up because he created a massive state.

OK, Fontane was there already.
Also Magic Mountain is in there twice for some reason and I left it that way, and to
I added another bestseller-tier easy read.
Also everyone should read Kästner or at least buy him for their kids or nephews and so on.

The good thing about communism is your intelligence has literally no impact at all. It doesn't matter how smart you are, what your skin color is, how big your dick is, how tall you are, how your hair looks, or how many gains you got. All that matters is you are a worker, commrade.

P U R E bullshit tbh fam

It matters in the whole 'recognition and love by society shit', it doesn't mean getting beat to death by a dumpster in the middle of a hellish desolate slum just because you couldn't adequately perform in one of the few scientific proletariat jobs that could help you crawl from the bug-infested damp shithole you were born in.
Unless by communism you mean the USSR, where >hellish desolate slum is most of what is left by the wayside of inefficient capitalist production.