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Vita thread
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Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain. The explorationlust is real. Still need to get around to SRW Z3, Caligula, Senran Kagura, MeiQ, Tokyo Xanadu, Disgaea 3 and 4, and Seimadou Monogatari.
Gundam Breaker 3 and Dungeon Travelers 2 whenever they get cheaper (the latter assuming 2-2 is a sequel and not an enhanced remake or whatever), then Ys 8 and Sword Town's Foreigner's enhanced version next month, Seven Pirates and the price drop on Neptune 1 in August, Demon Gaze 2 in October, and SRW V whenever the hell it comes out.
to anyone playing odin sphere:
Don't waste your time with Juggler potions. I just wasted a thousand gold and tons of items experimenting with them.
I went to the pooka village and bought dozens of one of the cheapest items in the game, Mulberries. Then I quaffed a low level Juggler.
I got a bunch of gingerbread cookies, some ancient crystals, and some shitty level 1 potions.
So I bought dozens more mulberries and did it again, only this time with a level 8 juggler. I got the EXACT SAME pool of items. There is no RNG involved here.
I tried once more just to confirm it, same shit.
I thought about experimenting some more with high level items rather than shitty mulberries, but feeding it high level items defeats the purpose of the juggler in my opinion.
Stuck it out with ZTD.
I keep turning the Vita in cutscenes to counteract the fucked up camera.
I think I've done all the puzzle rooms, but I'm starting to have trouble finding places to advance the story.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Definitely not this worthless weaboo piece of shit of a handheld.
Call me when they have games other than Underage Party Quest MVIII, Angst Simulator: Fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIIIGHT edition and 2013 indie games.
I love Muramasa to death, but if there's one thing that grinds my nuts it's the reuirements to get the real ending in the DLCs. Playing 10 hours of the same content over and over again only to get 30 minutes of new stuff is simply inane.
I've been eyeing that Digimon game on PS4. I remember some of you beautiful lads talking about it and I don't want topen a thread just for this question. Is it any good? How big is it? Is the talk of it being SMT-lite accurate?
You lonely or something?
It's probably a cute tsundere who just want to bump the thread.
Are there any Vita games that are generally well received around here, but that you personally dislike?
Demon Gaze is basically the epitome of everything I hate about modern video games.
When I saw in the trailers that demons can turn on your party members, I basically shit my pants I was so excited. I'm a huge fan of SMT, and that concept was absolutely riveting to me. It was the first game in years I pre-ordered, and it'd be the last after I got the game and realized the one and only way that demon is EVER going to fucking go against the party is if you deliberately sit and try to anger it. It takes like nine turns of constantly pissing it off for it to strike you. I cried.
Obviously there's tons of other problems (each and every one having to do with casualization) but that is the one that hurt the most.
i also dislike the atelier franchise. i think it's adorable and well-made, however i have severe OCD and the time restrictions genuinely give me major anxiety. i got far into rorona, the game is very easy and i usually complete the alchemy requests with three entire months of time to spare, but even so i couldn't take the emotional toll so i quit. i bought the whole arland trilogy for full price cause i don't wait for sales, and i haven't even touched two out of three.
Gundam Breaker 3
To be honest, it was my first breaker series and didn't know what to expect, bought full price too. The game feels bare bones with too much emphasize on grinding for parts instead of content.
I'm a broke ass fucker so I'm playing Grand Kingdoms on both PS3 and vita. I'll convert to Vita only when I actually get the chance to purchase the game.
Atelier Shallie and Atelier Sophie do away with time limits. Shallie tries to replace it with a weird system that limits when you can do sidequests, but that limit disappears when you reach chapter 10. Atelier Sophie replaces it with nothing, and just shows off how they're planing on reworking the new time system. It doesn't even count how many months have passed ingame.
I feel the games don't work without time limits though, since the actual challenge (and point) of the game is to work efficiently on upgrading your items and weapons so you go from a clumsy little girl to a dragon-slapping pyromaniac with just enough time to make your daily afternoon tea. It's a huge contrast to most jRPGs where you just spend all week grinding levels.
They got rid of the time limit? The time limit is why I dislike the franchise, and yet that pisses me off. I can't stand this shit, man.
I'm glad you let me know so I can avoid those titles. I'm more stable than I was when I tried Rorona, so I think I will try it again and hopefully be able to say I don't dislike those games anymore.
unfortunately i am so sexually degenerate that i can't even get it up to humans anymore, otherwise my vita library would be much larger
Finishing up Zero Time Dilemma, I bought a shitton of games on this sale and since I used PSN cards I got some leftover cash I used to buy the last 2 Muramasa DLCs I didn't have, which will be my next stop after I finish ZTD.
Buying: nothing really, I already got enough games for the next 6 months until the inevitable Christmas sale.
You think? You will get a big damn gold trophy when you solved all the "quests".
ZTD is a lot more sutble on what you need to do when you jump between timelines unlike VLR where it's more in your face. Once you're truly stuck feel free to come back here and I'll tell what you need to do, spoiler-free.
Also always remember to check the flowchart, throughout the game sometimes you got a lock in it instead of a game over stopping you, right? If so always check back on those locks, when they turn into an exclamation point, that's your next stop.
fuck why do I have shitty timing?
but it just came out
but i just bought it three days ago
Superbeat: Xonic and sometimes the Muramasa DLC since I just got the real endings in fury mode for the normal game.
I'm stuck on Eguchi Wave and 6 Eleven in Xonic and I don't want to play other games in case I lose my Xonic skills. However, I can't advance in Xonic because I still can't hit the fast, common pattern in Eguchi Wave. It sucks to be stuck but I'm so close to unlocking the super sekrit club that I don't want to quit.
DJmax Technika Tune
Grand Kingdom
Odin Sphere remake
Depending on the midyear sales, an 8 or 16 gb memory card.
I don't think people can typically lose the good. I went two years without playing Project Diva at all once, came back, made no difference. I still played Extreme songs with no noticeable change. Like riding a bike.
Dungeon Travelers 2 demo. I'm actually having a good time with it.
I bought DT2, Lost Dimension, and Superbeat XONIC recently. IIRC, Lost Dimension is short, so I'm going to play through that first when it arrives. Hopefully I like it. If not, well, I guess I can still sell it.
If Sayonara Umihara Kawase goes on sale, I'll pick it up. I don't really feel like going out of my way to import it for 2x the price. I wanted Dustforce, but Capcom USA doesn't want to give us the DX patch, so fuck 'em. I'd like Wipeout and Super Stardust Delta to go on sale, too. Outside of that, I think I'm good until Q4. Grand Kingdom is on my radar, but I don't want to drop another 40 bucks right now.
DMC isn't on the Vita.
Pretty much every FOTM game. Hunting games in general. [Insert Atelier here]. [Insert Dungeon Crawler here]. I don't like VNs, either, so I couldn't get into things like Stein's Gate. Also Ar no Surge a shit. I was looking forward to that one.
Demon Gaze
Demon Gaze, J-Stars Victory VS+, Tale of Heart R, Trillion: God of Destruction
Should I buy that Demon Gaze LE at NISAs booth today at AX? Should I save my money for imports and pre-orders instead?
Definitely go with the imports
The LE is only $50 though.
No, you shouldn't
You'd be getting shit in English and by people notorious for not even pretending to translate properly. On the other hand, Ys 8 and Sword Town's Foreigner next month, and Demon Gaze 2 in August, and SRW V not soon enough all would be more responsible uses of your coin.
When does the second week of the sale start? Tomorrow? FUCKING RORONA BETTER BE ON THERE AT THE VERY LEAST.
The Demon Gaze translation was actually good though.
He's never actually played the English version of any of the games he criticizes, so you can safely ignore everything he says about English translations.
But anyway, I wouldn't give NISA money.
Damn that sounds amazing. I just beat the main stories myself, so I'll have to get the DLC now to keep playing the game. That, or play on Fury difficulty. I still have Dragon's crown, Freedom Wars, and Shinobido the beat, anyway.
I wanted to reply to this
Fuck my sides, IF has an international branch, why can't thry bring their games instead of letting Aksys mangle them? I'm exvited about otoge but not about who's bringing it.
Yeah but Demon Gaze was definitely too casual. Stranger of the Sword City did a much better job but still had some odd design flaws. Dungeon Travelers 2 being the best of both worlds.
I couldn't stand Muramasa and I'm probably the only person in the world I've ever heard express that opinion. The combat is just so inherently casual and boring because they designed and balanced around the autoblock in normal mode. They didn't bother making sure all the enemies had fair tells on their attacks because autoblock means they don't have to and even for everything that is properly telegraphed you can just mash through it anyway. I finally got around to trying the Odin Sphere demo and it felt way better thanks to the absence of the autoblock but it still felt insanely easy, that combat system just has way too much attacking freedom. You can shit out perfectly safe nearly endless combos in pretty much any situation, there's no balance between offense and defense.
More your speed?
That's pretty cheap.
noo, i'm more talking like i'd rather fuck the slime monsters than i would my party characters.
i wish i was joking.
still fucking hurts that they keep grabbing all the 2hu games I actually want to play.
What the hell is that game even about? Like what genre?
No worries. You'll go back soon enough. Everyone does. It's the circle of kink.
Still fucking great that they're not allowed to touch the actual canon games.
it's been this way for 11 years my dude
i've had failed sex attempts cause i can't get it up to humans
missionary position you sick fuck!
Kind of a raising/date sim roguelike thing, I guess. I'm not that far in it, but it's certainly unique and has great music and art and characters and everything. I'm really liking it, so far.
did they patched the bugs and shit?
Huh, I was expecting just a standard jrpg.
Might pick it up tomorrow but it's not on sale in canada.
Post fucker!!
It won't let me post this for some reason.
It seems to work a lot better than this fucking website at least. I have no idea why I put up with this shit.
The most anticlimatic ending to a fun character due to a camera collision glitch.
Oh yeah I got this message awhile back, it's automated right?
I had my ps vita for a while now and dont know what to play any recommendations?
Broke down and bough Odin Sphere, been a while since I bought a game at full price.
Buy The Last Blade 2 so I can get a Garou port
Why not buy one of the games on sale? Otherwise Adventures of Mana just came out and is only $14. I want Odin Sphere and Grand Kingdom too.
I'm really fucking tempted to import Gundam Breaker 3. Should I go with the PS4 or Vita version?
If you want to do online, the PS4 version requires a subscription fee to do so. Otherwise, either/or I imagine, though using a Vita TV seems the easiest way to activate Kakusei.
I've got PS+. It's no big deal.
Granted, I've heard myself they didn't do a bad job on that game, but still. Demon Gaze doesn't even have the excuse of them just being the distributor (the way I don't think they actually got much of a cut of profits from Ar Nosurge Plus and Escha and Logy Plus); at this point all that money likely just goes to NISA themselves, unless it's one of their employees own copies they're selling.
I would expect tomorrow, for the US anyhow. PSN seems to get updated on Tuesday mornings.
Been meaning to ask, does IFI just handle IF's own games thus far, or have they been contracted by other companies as well to bring their games west at this point?
demon gaze is the worst game on the system in my opinion, i'd sooner replay freedom wars than that piece of shit
Didn't end up buying Demon Gays. I'd rather spend my money buying Gundam Breaker 3 and pre-ordering the PS4 version of Caladrius Blaze.
Here's a pic of everything I bought at the show, not counting freebies.
Worst game on the system? Get the fuck outta here. You know there's like 1400 games on Vita right?
Request the Vita recommend chart, please!
yeah okay, let's say "worst game on the system that you wouldn't be able to logically assume is shit at a glance." 80% of those 1400 games could be dismissed immediately. it's shit like muppets: the movie: the game. i didn't add that into my equation.
Damn, really wish I had gone so I could get that hat and watch. I doubt I will ever find one of those for cheap online.
Also, just platinum'ed ZTD. It was…ok I didnt like how it seemed it had less than half the number of puzzle rooms that VLR did. The character animations were sort of weird and I wish they had just done the 2D images like 999. Akane's ponytail kept flapping all over the place in a lot of the scenes and just looked so silly.
i whine and cry all day about the casualization of RPG's and roguelikes.
but when it comes to live action games, i'm terrible at them.
i'm sure if i wasn't such complete shit that i'd hate vanillaware's games like you too and shit all over them.
personally i play them for the aesthetics and the music anyway. and in muramasa's case, for the mildly educational material about gook mythology.
the music in odin sphere is the worst part of the game unfortunately, the composer never heard of something called rhythm
There is no "recommendation" chart at this point, just this general 'what's even on the system" one people grab from halfchan when they update it with new releases. Also, I think this one might be outdated now. Maybe someone else has a more up to date one.
we should make our own. it's really wrong that every time 4freechan's shitty chart is posted that it risks someone being tricked into buying something fucking awful like oreshika, freedom wars, conception 2, etcetera.
i've seen tons of people talk about trails of cold steel, and not one said anything good about the game, yet there it remains on the chart.
and look. i think the reason the chart is as big as it is is because in the early days of the vita release, people were throwing shit like monkeys. they wanted to be able to shut down the no games argument by inflating the recommendations chart with any fucking thing that was put out on the library.
we're past that now. i haven't seen any console war shit in these threads, and shitposters are ignored. so who do we need to impress? i'd take off a good 90 games off this fucking chart really.
At least the Aegis Rim trailer has a fantastic song, remind me of the ZoE2 trailers
I'd be happy to help out with a potential one since I've worked on some charts and revisions for anons here before, have a good amount of free time, and access to stuff like photoshop and InDesign. Would really just need to know what all people want to see on there (with acknowledgment that not every game is going to be for everyone), since I can't claim to know every worthwhile Vita game myself.
Actually mentioned considering working on one before, but wasn't real sure how much demand there was for one specific to what anons here want on there.
In any case, if it does come down to making one, I suppose there's a question of what to do about the representative pictures or games. Most of the ones I've done have been for systems where the games all only had physical releases, so for something like the Vita, where a good amount of games unfortunately don't have a western physical release with cover art to go with them, it leaves an issue to be had. I can see why the halfchan one just opts for a screenshot from the game, but I feel something more like cover art or, perhaps, titles screens would be more recognizable. Whatever is to be done though, I'd prefer cohesion for it, since otherwise layout can be a bitch.
huh, aegis rim trailer? i hope you aren't misinterpreting me as saying vanillaware in general has shit OST's. only odin sphere. i've listened to muramasa's OST for a thousand hours.
but yeah, aegis rim is going to be a fucking day 1 buy. the background art is awe inspiring.
i'll leave the technicalities to you cause i don't know shit about design. but i guess i could make a poll with multiple choice answers. one for "what games should be in a recommended chart" and a second "what games shouldn't be in a recommended chart" and we can hope that no one farts it up and that 4freechan stays away from it.
When it comes to stuff I've done in the past, revamps have generally been easier since the content was there already and really just needing updating, tweaking, or expanding on. However, for ones I've had to do from scratch, I might have a handful of games in mind to start with (having some amount of content, even a small bit to start with, helps with visualizing the layout), but I generally have to wait until a fair amount of input is provided from other anons on what they'd like to see on it. I've never exactly used polls for that (strikes me that you'd wind up having way too many possibilities to put a "yes or "no" on), but more or less asked for other anons to give input on what they think is worthwhile, in the hopes that other anons can debate over some of the more hit or miss ones, or note when a particular game mentioned isn't worth it at all, and I try to post a text list or work in progress file before clearing a final one after a given amount of time. Unfortunately, it seems like in a number of cases, people have only remarked on when an addition isn't worthwhile after it's already done (for the time being), negating why I try to post what's potentially being added beforehand.
So for the time being, I'd be trying to compile a text list of games anons feel are worth playing, and work on trying to figure out what format to use for images (as well as gather said images, which can take time to find the right cover scans, or in this case, perhaps screenshots of) while that gets bigger/more refined, and then actually build it a little ways down the road.
I haven't played Conception but I like those other games. Their list is pretty shitty, but you calling Freedom Wars awful lets me know yours would be worse.
uhh yeah sure, i could do all that. i have a lot of free time, too.
congratulations on being the first guy i've ever seen say something nice about freedom wars and oreshika.
Well, I can't say I've seen anyone call them fucking awful either.
you fight the same four robots the entire game
the developers' understanding of difficulty is throwing more enemies at you, because they're too lazy to make intricate changes to damage multipliers and better test balancing
the dialogue made me want to die with its cliches and none of it is skippable
the world building seemed pretty cool and dreary at a glance, and they did nothing with it. wasted potential. i felt like i was in a hotel resort after moving up just two levels and getting past all the meme punishments for walking and shit. i completely forgot i was in a prison. i forgot i was in a prison because the prison setting was set aside so they could focus on their shitty cliche anime plot. i got to learn absolutely nothing about this cool communist regime and instead had to listen to anime bullshit in my unskippable cutscenes.
the hub world is too big and retarded and i don't remember a single side quest that wasn't a boring fetchathon for low level items. i also don't remember a single NPC anywhere on any of the floors that had anything meaningful to say. reminder that some of the NPC's in MH:FU have enough dialogue to fill a small book.
the human enemies had worse AI than shit from the PS1 era.
the status ailments your weapons can cause are useless and retarded. any high level player will tell you not to waste your time with any of them and focus exclusively on raw damage.
Were Operation Abyss and Babel any good? They're selling a pack with both for 4000.
i haven't played either one yet and probably never will because of my autistic hatred for demon gaze, but that price is a fucking steal. i'd get it if i were you.
let us know how shit they are
i've heard mixed opinions
It's the same composers as Muramasa with a few new ones.
that's bizarre to me.
maybe i'm the problem. do you personally enjoy the odin sphere OST?
also i'm going to try limiting my posts now because i am fully drunk
I doubt you're still around to hear this, but I was just reading about the differences between the original Odin Sphere and the remake.
Apparently, in the original, even using normal attacks depleted the POW bar, which when depleted will disallow you to attack until it's refilled.
And luckily for you, the remake happens to have the PS2 version included and accessible from the main menu.
This may make the game playable to you. (y)
Well, It's not exactly meant to be just an effort limited to one or two people (hopefully; I try to make it seem more of what the average user wants to see on them, so the more people voicing input, the better). And for the most part all I do myself with these is just compile them and try to keep them up to date. It's rare that I've actually added anything personally to them unless it's a game I've played myself and have seen enough of a liking for (for example, adding Ghost Trick to the DS chart was a no brainer and one of the first things I did for it).
you take that back motherfucker
I agree especially when SAO and minecraft are on there
I had a good time talking about Oreshika with a few anons that have finished the game a while ago. What happened
Finished Zero Time Dilemma, I can see why people would think the ending was polarazing, but I think it was very fitting. Actual spoilers follow. Delta did nothing wrong. Funny enough, no Zero in any game did anything wrong and Delta should have pointed the hypocrisy of both Akane and Sigma since they too put people through a death game for the greater good.
Fucking top tier taste right there.
I could never get into Oreshika. It was a very easy game and I thought it was fun but when I reached the third boss I couldn't beat him, got frustrated and stopped. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong because until then the game was so easy I suddenly realized I had no real grip on any of the mechanics. Still a good looking game.
Dude I just beat the third boss yesterday if you mean the two headed snake, it was tough but doable. My party was a destroyer
You didn't waste your devotions on shit god just to get aesthetics did you? Also when they bring up the maternal genes and paternal genes just keep in mind that paternal genes will exhibit first when the baby is born, you have no control over maternal genes later on because they only exhibit in your children's children and it'll become a melting pot of the previous generations, but paternal gene makeup still makes 70% of your child's stat.
If all of this is a hassle just focus on breeding with fire gods and higher level gods. Procs don't seem to do much unless they're enchanted weapons as I've been dragging along fine with raw damage.
My party was a destroyer, the halberdier, Nueko and the gunslinger which is my leader.
The twist is worth it if you manage to beat it.
I'm going to enjoy this game. Well, minus Lilian, anyway. Damn, I love when games have demos.
Might be worth a reminder that Fucking Gamestop's got the game marked down to $20 new, $17.50 preowned for now if you want a physical copy. Of course, if your area's like mine, fat chance finding a copy in store either way. They seem to still have warehouse stock of it though, since it's available for purchase directly from their website.
Already bought it, bro. I know I saw it at a local store not too long ago, but checking up on the website, I guess someone bought it. Damn. I don't like buying from the warehouse, since I'm not guaranteed to get a full package, but I'll see what happens, I guess.
If you dropped a few more bucks for the new one, they should send you a sealed copy. I doubt their warehouse has a need for gutted copies, the way their actual stores do. Though of course, to Gamestop, the word "new" simply means "unsold to customers" and can be in whatever shape, and I've even heard stories of customers having bought "new" DS games, only to find a save file had already been made. But I suppose that's most telling if the game saves to the cart itself.
You want to know why that happens? They gut the "new" games and employees are allowed to borrow games for a day and try them out. So that can happen where an employee will try out a new game and bring it back with a save file on it.
I usually don't have issues with Gamestop, but I do remember buying a copy of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance years ago that only came with the disc, and a scratched one at that.
How long ago was that? Also, I assume that it was a used copy then, which would be a real crapshoot as far as what you're going to get.
Part of why for anything I have to buy preowned, I prefer to look locally for copies, or in the case of buying online (which is less frequent for me; generally just if I can't find a game locally after a while of searching), make sure the supplier has photos. Unfortunately, that's not feasible for copies of things stored in warehouses.
I've heard they'd been gutted more for the purposes of having shelf copies people can open and (in the old days) read the manuals. As far as I know, letting employees borrow games is meant to be just for preowned copies, hence why customers would be annoyed about the conflicting definitions of "new."
Some companies have been getting wiser about that. For all Nintendo's issues, they do seem to make a habit of sending Gamestops mockup boxes with cover art and such for upcoming/current games, which might help remedy the need for gutting copies.
At least as of 2010 onward they're not supposed to do that, they can only borrow the used games. Can't speak on anything prior though.
This basically.
They did, but GameStop still made the stores gut new copies for shelf display anyway. I half think they do it out of spite.
2007/8. It was used from the warehouse.
Oh yeah, I get why they do it and such. The reasons I heard were that they didnt want to leave sealed games on the shelf so that people could just grab it and walk out. This way you cant really steal the product.
But one of my friends worked at gamestop recently and said that still happened where employees would borrow the "new" games.
To be fair, there's only so much you can do about that, about as much as stopping them from stealing. It's not like GameStop trusts their employees at all either, with tons of stores keeping the games under lock and key and requiring the (often only) manager to come over and open up the drawers and then relock them anytime anyone needs anything… regardless of how many non-keyholder employees are needing this at the same time, or any transactions or other work they might already be doing themselves.
PSP mode exploit is just too good. At least I still have my PS3 so I can move some games.
Can I move the themes using my PS3 too?
They could remedy everything by just acquiescing to the customer definition of "new" and mark shelf copies like those as "used" since they might as well be, or perhaps "gutted." But they don't, and continue to act as if new just means a customer has never played it, regardless of if it has the wrap on it still.
Can't recall, was Gamestop still making an effort to stock gamecube games at that point? With the actual cases and manuals I mean; seems like it gets to a point where any used copies are just disc only dregs people didn't want to buy prior, which i suppose they enjoy from an easy storage perspective.
As far as new games go, you can generally walk up to the cashier and tell them you want a new one and they just reach into a drawer behind the counter and pull a sealed one out. They just leave a single "new" case up there that they don't sell until it's their last copy (hopefully, otherwise they're gutting multiple copies).
With preowned game, sure, that's why they leave the cases empty on the shelves, as they keep the discs and cartridges behind the counter as well so people don't steal anything of actual value.
You're preaching to the choir here brother, but if anything GameStop probably would rather gut ALL the new copies so they could go "see buying used is just the same as buying new" and try to justify becoming a purely second hand store, with a possible exception for preorders since those are if not outright guaranteed at least more reliable sales.
I don't recall, but they still accepted and sold them.
What, you haven't come across the firmware requirements for games?
are there any active chat rooms exclusively to discuss the vita that aren't cancerous as fuck
i mean i worry that it'll be redditors talking about assassin's creed, minecraft stories, borderlands 2… that's how it goes down on any forum/message board other than this one anyway.
The issue is if I go to buy CoD the there will be 50 new and sealed copies behind the counter.
If I want to buy anything else, like ZTD the store is lucky to get even one copy in. The only reason my local store had a copy was because I preordered it
Well, of course. Gotta meet market demand.
You could try Skype, but you're going to end up with a bunch of attention-whoring namefags. Alternatively, make friends through PSN, and slowly establish a group.
pre-ordering vita stuff isn't shameful. it's the one and only way to guarantee yourself you'll get it on launch day. stores do not order copies otherwise.
it's not the same as PS4 or 3DS stuff where you're guaranteed to find anything at any store. we're the bottom of the totem pole.
Why would you even feel shame? It's the only way you're actually going to get a copy. Hoping that no one buys the one copy they MIGHT actually order is not the best way to buy Vita games.
Not yet. I'm taking my time with the few games I own and the PSP mode. It's been a while since I actually bought games so I'm not really rushing to beat them. Plus I got some games that are pretty long.
What the hell fucking third world country do you live in? Even Joshin, which is a general electronics store rather than vidya dedicated, has copies for walk ins, you just don't get the 15% discount.
Yeah, when it comes to really common, mainstream stuff, there's little reason to preorder since it will by no means be rare in the long run and Gamestop's all too happy to reorder more stock (if they don't just order more than preorder+1 anyhow), but with niche stuff, chances are they're only going to order however many were preordered, plus one for their shelves, maybe.
I remember one guy on /vr/ back in the day lamenting having not put in an order for a PS2 game called Dual Hearts, since apparently no one in his entire vicinity preordered one at all and it became completely unavailable to find locally.
There's a general tendency among anons tendency to despise the notion of pre-ordering, since you're dropping money on a game yet to be release or reviewed.
Still, contrary to how some might feel, there's reason to preorder games, it just really depends on the game/system in question, as not every release really warrants taking the risk and dropping money on it early on. And with Japanese games, barring decisions made in bringing them west, we're usually not the guinea pig for whether the game is good or bad or not, as they generally come out in Japan first, unless meant for a worldwide release from the start.
he put spoilers around pre-order, and pre-ordering is generally frowned upon, so i assumed he was embarrassed about it.
i agree with you. even a big (shit) game like resistance: burning skies from back around launch had zero copies anywhere for weeks. not one store ordered it.
US, Arizona.
it's not fair to compare japan. the vita isn't a complete flop in japan like it is here.
my vita sections at game stops are one two foot long bottom shelf that i have to lie on the ground to see that is nothing but trade-ins without the cases.
if i'm lucky they might have one new copy of some piece of shit normalfag game like sword art online.
Oh, another AZ user.
And yeah, I can confirm most stores here don't make that much of an effort for the Vita. Gamestop does the most, but as of now they've got them down to a row and half at the local one, though at least those are the cased copies.
I do know that an independent used vidya chain (or at least the branch of it that's been closest to me) here makes a decent effort to stock Vita games compared to the other places I've seen, and they probably have about 20-25 in a display case and run the gamete from mainstream to niche, though what they have is entirely reliant on what they get as trade-ins, and almost all copies of games stocked are preowned. They do have a "preorder" system of sorts and they cut $5 off the new game's price tag if you do use them, from what I remember (anything to help get people away from Gamestop), but it just consists of the employee preordering a copy themselves elsewhere and then giving you a call when it's ready for pick up, and you don't get any preorder/first print bonuses as the tradeoff.
What's this about 15% discounts? Do stores where you live cut the price temporarily for early sales, the way some PSN games occasionally do (such as how Yakuza 5 was marked down to $36 around its western release as opposed to the $40 it normally goes for)?
It's not just the Vita, I mean for things in general. Even shovelware Western shit gets stocked. And where else would you compare to? Europe? Australia?
Joshin cuts 15% off the MSRP if you preorder, at least. I'm pretty sure most stores do something similar, but there's not a lot of competition nearby so I can't give good comparisons.
PSN sales are up.
Is Resogun any good? It's the only game on sale that looks interesting, and I haven't heard much about it.
Thanks for the heads up.
Looks like Ayesha Plus is marked down. No Rorona, Meruru, or Escha & Logy Plus for the US sale though.
Shame Konami's been so keen on telling fans of their various series to fuck off in favor of mobile and pachislot, or I might have been inclined to grab Suikoden II.
>Go pick up vidya at fucking ebgames
>the one boy comes goes up to the counter and asks for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII
>I bought it
This day was weird.
>DT2 on sale for 19.99
Wew, good thing I grabbed that physical copy today.
How many weeks of sales are they doing? there isn't much that I'm picking up this week compared to last week, only Elminage Original and Echo Night
Two. This is the second one now.
It's not late yet (estimated arrival has always been July 7th), but I don't get it, is there a storm going on in Texas or are they fucking trucking it over here? And yes, I know there's no mail on Sundays or July 4th, but I would have expected something in the tracking about it being dropped off at a post office to wait out Sunday at least, or something.
Don't forget that Echo Night 2: The Lord of Nightmares has been fan translated, if you want more than that and Echo Night: Beyond to play as far as the series goes. Just a heads up.
Probably because they want to get rid of those new copies so they only stock preowned at this point. Though it's odd that at Fucking Gamestop, both the new and used prices have been reduced.
I love how Lost Dimension and DT2 go on sale right after I buy them. Oh well, physical > digital. Maybe Lost Dimension will gain some new fans.
Guess I'll wait until the end of the day for the store to not be retarded. I want to know if Xeodrifters is actually on sale.
I'm still buying SII. I already have the first one on my Vita, so I may as well. I've got too many JRPGs on this thing, and most of them aren't even Vita games.
Fair enough, but just know that pretty much any game that came out this year requires 3.36 and above.
GameStop updated their policies posted at the counter, not sure when but I saw it in early July
TLDR they now explicitly say that the "new" games you buy may have been played before you receive them
*early June
Well, I suppose if I ever did buy it, it would certainly be during a sale like this so Konami doesn't see a full priced sale from me after the shit they've pulled
Big thing for me is that I have a CFW PSP loading up with PS1 eboots of a lot of JRPGs already myself (including both Suikodens), a good amount of which that aren't even on the PSN for whatever reasons. Strikes me that some companies, like Namco, Atlus, (to a fair degree) even Square-Enix, and other companies are missing an opportunity in not having put various JRPGs up, especially considering the prices some otherwise see if you're not inclined to emulate. Even Konami pulled their head out of their ass long enough to finally put Suikoden II up there, and as far as I'm aware it did great in sales/ratings the month the PSN version was put up. They even put Suikoden III up as well (though that's one of the cheaper ones anyhow; II and V being the most expensive, albeit with a wide difference between each). I suppose it's not limited to the PSN though, the VC is also missing a lot of games that could do with being made more available, at least as far as official options go.
Do they have that as extremely small fine print? Because that's not how "new" should be defined at all.
I still remember the reaction I got some years back trying to get a copy of DMC HD at one that their site listed as being "new." Of course, at that point it was just the gutted store copy. The manager (that was the only one working the store at that time) was really pushy for a sale, but I told her I expected new to mean sealed and unplayed, and that I'd just go elsewhere for one. Shit you not, she said "well, we can always reseal it for you if you need it to look like it's unopened for a gift." As if it's perfectly normal to try to trick a friend or family member into thinking you picked up something that's not been opened but quite clearly (being a years old gutted copy) has been. I just walked out at that.
That's disgusting.
Is piracy still not possible for this thing?
This doesn't seem to be on the website. Then again, i can't find shit on here.
I had the same happen when I bought FFX/X-2's remaster on the Vita. Got an opened game with the voucher inside. It was weird, but at the time I wasn't too concerned, since I got it for 20 bucks.
These sales make me aware of a lot of games I didn't even know existed and remind me of things like Suikoden II that I desperately need to play. I suppose no one knows how Soma is for remote play huh? I actually have no idea what the game even is, but the environment looks cool. I have no idea why we don't have more games that take place in the ocean.
Also, should I buy Echo Night?
I'm thinking of updating once I finish the current game I'm playing but it's a hard decision.
It's odd. IFI localizes some games but Aksys pretty much brings their otoge. Doesn't make any sense they not bringing their own otoshit stuff while working personally on others.
Whoever was saying you jump every time you talk to someone or pick up an item in Muramasa must not have known about the square button. No need to even remap anything. (I would change items so you can use the D-Pad to move though)
You should get one of these user
>No mention of ?
>No mention of Kyle
I get that it was rushed. But I felt a bit more confused than satisfied. The bar was set too high.
Heavy Arm claims the asterisk war game is getting a physical version. You guys probably don't care, but I'm gonna buy it.
This is just insane.
In my country if you buy a new game it comes wrapped in plastic. I pay 60 euro for it. I'm owed a good product.
How can this GameStop store chain function? The retail market is under intense pressure here from the internet, if you pull stunts like that you'll die.
I'm very lucky with my local store: they always have a few copies of that Japanese PS3 vn lying around. But with the Vita even they can't guarantee a copy. Better order Vita games online.
Vita is kill.
Soma is a walking sim with jump scares, like Amnesia.
I'm going to need to see sauce before accepting that as fact… but god I could see them pulling that shit. The fuckers have absolutely zero respect for the customers, and if the brass got it into their head that that would make people go "Shit I may as well buy preowned since it's cheaper then" they would definitely do it.
Because like the rest of the American vidya industry, they've managed to shift their consumer base from "people who like video games" to "people who hate video games"
Oh, fuck, that sounds way more boring than I'd hoped. I guess I won't be getting it unless it goes under five bucks or I really want a spooky game to play for Halloween or something. The premise in the description makes the environment sound really cool, but I don't get how they can ask $30 for a walking simulator. I don't mind them, but they're just not worth what a regular game costs to me.
Anyone itt played Sword Autism Online: Hollow Fragment?
Should I be trying to level everyone or can I play through the game reliably with only a few partners?
I think leveling all of your partners can get you extra scenes and probably trophies but if you don't give a shit about those you can ignore the partners you don't give two shits about.
Freedom Wars is awesome m8, but its not perfect. The combat is is amazing but the lack of content and lazy game design makes it less than fun to play. I rather we fight 1 or 2 hard bosses rather than 3. Other than that, this game have the best combat and character customization in any hunting game
I care. The more waifu games the better. Hoping PlayAsia will stock it so I can preorder with God Eater 2.
I still have to watch the Anime.
Eeeeh, not really. It's got some of the most interesting moves with the grappling hooks and latching on to individual parts and shit but it all feels pretty terrible to do, the animations just didn't feel right and the guns never felt very good either.
I'll probably get it. Though I watched the first season of the animu a while back and the only one of the characters I can even remember is Julis.
Wasn't there another anime out at around the same time that was really fucking similar to Asterisk War? I mean like, so similar that if they weren't out at the same time I'd swear one was ripping off the other one.
Chivalry of a failed hero or something, I can't remember it's fucking name
Knight. It was chivalry of a failed knight
Its the fastest way to move around, very useful on airborne enemies and also have special ability. You can also carry gun and the only hunting game that perfectly mix 3rd person shooter and melee combat.
Except it didn't. The gunplay in Freedom wars was FAR from perfect, and the melee combat was pretty fucking bland unless you were doing PVP. Fighting the robots was pretty fun for a while but it basically boiled down to grapple and button mash, especially if you wanted any of the damned parts.
I like the game and all, but I wouldn't want to play through it again especially not solo
What a fucking non answers.
I aint reading that tl;dr
you're very defensive of your shit game
Not an argument
you ignored my arguments
My argument is that the combat is great. Maybe you should read my post really carefully before giving your two cent
good combat means nothing if the game is empty
Stop reading there, glad you agree with me.
it's like talking to a liberal
misinterpret things how you want
ignore facts
all in the name of your game so shit they give it away for free
But you already said the game have good combat, how am I misinterpret things?
I told you more people like Freedom Wars than dislike it.
Maybe Idea Factory has had a pre-existing deal with Aksys for those?
Not sure if it's the same across the country, but Gamestop has been VERY efficient at driving out other game stores through better marketing, as well as having a much easier time securing distribution for games and especially limited/special editions. In my town, the only places they can't drive out are Walmart, Best Buy, and other multimedia places where vidya isn't the main focus. I have to go into neighboring towns with less Gamestops (at one point my town had eight or more in a five mile or so range, shit was ridiculous) to find anywhere independently operated.
For the most part, I doubt most customers care either whether the new copy they're getting is a gutted one, provided it's not right on release day when they should have actual sealed copies still (and to be fair, there's a few times I've picked up gutted "new" games between them having been low in price, it being LONG after their release, and them being hard to find games in general where I'm more willing to drop $15 on a gutted copy than $60+ on a preowned one online), and with preowned copies, I doubt many care if those even have the case either. Not when they're likely to play something for a while and trade it in soon after for credit towards something else; Gamestop's all too happy to try to push that logic themselves since it helps them save on shelf space if they just have disc or cart only copies of older games.
there's 44 ID's in this thread and two have shown approval
afaik IFI/CH has their own VN branch to get off the ground, Otomate. They shouldn't be outsourcing much, anymore, if at all.
That's twice as many people who approve!
I sort of agree
I like the thorn in Freedom Wars, it makes combat fun and fast, adding a vertical element to it that makes it more innovative when compared to other monster hunters. Latching to a monster to melee and then having to quickly jump off is an interesting idea, although the lack of monsters somewhat limits the fun in it after a while.
The gunplay was ok, but I honestly can't stand aiming with sticks so I am biased against it.
The music was sort of cool.
The mashing buttons is really only a problem when you are sawing off parts by yourself, but I found it hard to get an ai to help me out – and even when one did, they never knew when to dodge the robot when it shook them off.
The animation does look bad but that doesn't matter too much while you fight.
That's honestly all the positive things I remember about Freedom Wars. is right, although the combat is good, it is stuck inside of a piece of shit. Just look at the fucking ending of the game, come the fuck on.
Almost no one likes Freedom Wars as a whole, people mainly defend it or half-defend it (like I am doing) because it brought many interesting ideas to the table and then fucking shat on them all. It had the potential to be something great and it ended up being prison high school bullshit, and now we are (I am) gathered around it years later desperately praising it in the hopes that one day, someone will fix its problems in a new game.
Goddamn I wrote a whole book just to say that the good combat is stuck inside a shit game
See this is my issue with IFI. They hace Otomate, they make the otofe, they can localize the otoge themselves, why outsourse at all? Even more with a company that shits on customers as much as Aksys. I just want to play Bad Apple Wars and Period Cube where voice husbando us, dammit.
Well, I picked up Adventures of Mana. It's been a really long time since I played Final Fantasy Adventure on GameBoy, but it seems like it practically the same exact game with shinier graphics, diagonal inputs, and orchestrated music (which sounds amazing, but the midi or chiptune or whatever is there too). It would've been nice if they threw more options in to take full advantage of the Vita as you can tell it was made with mobile in mind, but it's all pretty much what I was expecting. People who are expecting something that plays new will be disappointed though, since under the surface it doesn't seem new at all.
Here's the new trailers for the Danganronpa anime.
Let us know how the translation seems.
It seems like a no nonsense translation like some of Square's older titles. I haven't seen anything even close to memes or things people usually complain about. I guess people who find regular translations of older games boring and want Working Designs added humor or something might not like it.
After playing it awhile the game is really growing on me. Maybe because there isn't too many action adventure games on Vita. Ys:MoC is really all I can think of in English.
Huh, the game has little cut-ins like that for certain dialogues?
I rather have great combat and subpar content than game with 1000 hours of content but shit combat. Case in point; SAO:Hollow Fragment, that game have thousand of hour of content but it use literally WoW combat mechanic and I have to force myself to finished it. While freedom wars may have recycle enemy, fighting them is satisfying as fuck. Problem arise when you play end game content where they throw too many bosses at you and it become too tedious when you playing alone and dowright frustrating with an AI partner.
It also got a generally favorable user review
DT2. Thought I was at the end of the post-game, but nope, still a fuckton to do. And the god overbosses can still hand me my ass on a silver platter, despite maxing characters. Really gonna have to dig to find ways to counter them.
To be able to trade blows with these goddamned overbosses, since they got me feeling like vid related.
Ordered Trillion since Amazon had it on sale.
Plenty of it.
Head's up: Ayesha's on sale on the PSNetwork half price.
You can farm Mimics. Find treasure boxes that give items (Emergency Exits, Danish, Croissants, Medicine, etc), save before you open it, then open. If it gives you an item, reload your game and try again. Keep doing so until the Mimic pops up. Works for all Mimic class monsters, and in Item treasure boxes only (they don't spawn in weapon boxes).
Oh, and one more thing:
Kill them immediately or they will wipe your party, zero exceptions (unless you're rocking a Papillion or Bishop w/Insurance). All Mimics can self-destruct.
Is Soul Sacrifice good? I'm a big character action faggot, is it suitable for me? What is it like?
Pic related.
Square's not known to produce poor translations. You could argue DQ on the DS, but those were translated by Nintendo, IIRC.
DT2 whenever that shows up. It's close. Tried playing Neptunia some more, but that game is repetitive AND boring. HSG, as usual.
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace and Neptunia Rebirth. Had fun for a little bit with the prior, but I'm done with it now.
Probably nothing for a bit. Waiting on some releases. Contemplating getting Wipeout digitally or physically. I don't really feel like dealing with online passes, but damn if I don't dislike buying digital games.
Can someone give a second opinion on Puyo Puyo Tetris?
Dude, play the demo.
all i know is it's so easy that kids that don't know how to read it can solo the whole game.
After Type-0, I'm wary of them.
i've got a bad memory but i just remembered a more specific criticism i saw people throwing around.
people were saying the game is so easy that the hardest part about it is doing things like cutting off tails for carves. the monster dies before the limb is cut off. they die so fucking fast that you can't even get the tail part you need to make armor in time.
and these criticisms were coming from places filled with casuals, like gameFAQ's and reddit. tons of threads complaining the game's easy.
casuals call the game easy.
and i hear the remake is even easier.
buy it up if you're a fan of watching TV. they say TV is so fucking mind numbing that your brainwaves markedly simmer down after watching for three minutes. games like soul sacrifice are probably the same way.
I swear, if they're shipping it by truck instead of a plane…
Where to?
AZ. Which is just two states away, but Texas is pretty damn big. Apparently they had it in a warehouse in Midland, not entirely sure where that is out there though.
It's not late yet, but the fact it spent the last five days apparently going fucking nowhere that tracking would update hasn't boded well. Latest update on it is from earlier today at Fort Worth.
which area in AZ do you live in?
So presumably the new anime is going to be longer than the 12 episodes the last one was.
Also, did I see Chiaki in hopes peak with the others from DR2? I thought she was an AI… unless she was based off a real person
On the plus side, it isn't NISA.
On the negative side, it's Deep Silver and we don't know if they'll keep doing physical vita releases
hey what's wrong with deep silver? you should consider this a tremendous victory. you went from a company who openly rids scripts of "problematic" material, to a company who gave away a severed human torso wearing a revealing bikini, then told feminists to fuck off when they whined about it.
sounds good to me
Maybe they'll haul ass over there to make up for lost time.
DT2-2 is a sequel.
That's nice and all, but the games they develop themselves are just as broken as NISA's work, they think Mighty No 9's current release is "better than nothing" and one of their workers came up with that "I got drugged at e3, gamers are evil!" bullshit.
Still better than NISA, but not by much.
Well considering that I can go online, order any game and have it shipped to me the next day at no cost and this is usually CHEAPER than a brick and mortar store I'm guessing GameStop will never expand over here.
But y'all Muricans have Amazon, right? Maybe they can put this GameStop out of business.
Isn't Deep Silver on the verge of bankruptcy?
Not too sure if that would be preferable.
I ended up ordering a copy myself, since everyone was talking about DT2, with gamestop's buy 2 get 1 free deal this weekend.
Ordered it Sunday and should arrive today. That sucks with yours. Ive dealt with that with amazon before. They say it will arrive in 6 days, and 5 of those days are in "processing". Maybe I dont know how their system works but that sounds absurd to me.
Amazon UK are normally pretty good with delivery, I'm surprised you burgers have so much trouble with them considering they're a domestic company.
In the UK even standard delivery (which they usually state takes 4-5 days) usually arrives in about two days
I hardly ever even spend that much at Gamestop throughout the year. Nope.
finally back in town again, at home sweet home. Glad someone made another thread.
SAO Lost Song mostly. I'm about halfway through with Frosslinde now I think. I keep waiting/doing side quests hoping I can go through the "deeper bond" thing with Asuna, Lisbeth, Sinon, and Silica, but they never pop up. Yet I had Leafa's "deeper bond" side story done before I even started the Desert Island. Maybe post game I'll just get access to all the events then?…I know they aren't really missable unless you aren't walking around as KiddyToe.
I also played a little MGS2, but eh.
Moe Crystal English/Asia to release already. It's been fucking forever since they announced it. I'm beginning to wonder if it's even going to happen anymore. Also still seriously considering that PS3 so I can play Yakuza finally and some other games. It'll be a while before I can get one though if I ever finally decide to get one, gotta save up for school books though
I'll probably put my order out for GalGun next week though.
SAO Lost Song
Some HDMI cables and a PS2 to HDMI converter. It's nice that HDMI cables are so cheap now
> Hajime's hair isn't white like it was at the end of Goodbye Despair
> his eyes aren't "unlocked" either
Also, why how the fuck is Chiaki there? She was an AI, created to intermingle with the actual students/Remnants of Despair. How does she have a a physical form? Also, I'm really wondering how they brought back the people who died while in the simulation. I know they left it open at the end of Goodbye Despair. The only thing I could understand is Nagito and Mikan coming back, since Monokuma said it wouldn't be impossible for them, as they remembered/learned the truth about them all being in a simulation. But that doesn't explain the others…
Either way, I'm really looking forward to things wrapping up for the Hope's Peak Academy side of things. I can only wonder what V3 will have though, since it's going to be more of a stand-alone.
but that's just the thing she wasn't ever a real person. She was just an AI that was created. Unless they made her a cyborg body. But even then, she died too in the simulation. But as an AI-only, she was probably much simpler to recover, I guess? I guess we'll just have to wait and see…
If you're a college student, you get it for $50 a year instead.
Dungeon Travelers 2 arrived in a generic gamestop case. I should have known. Goddamn it, Gamestop.
You know what? Yours probably is taking longer because it's actually coming from the warehouse. I'm pretty sure in my case, they just called store in the state and had them ship their copy. I can see right now that 1 of the 2 stores that had a copy of the game no longer does. I'm probably going to return this…
I tried supporting local stores once instead. My experiences were even worse.
They had a copy of Garou: Mark of the Wolves for the Dreamcast there once. The case was in flawless condition. They wanted $50 for it. I was excited as fuck.
I bought it, took a look at the disc as I was ready to leave, turned around and returned it.
The disc looked like it had been laid down flat on gravel then ran over with a car six times.
Shit on Gamestop all you want, but at least they only take in working games.
When it comes to buying games from Gamestop, I try my best to only go local. Ordering online is asking for shit to go wrong. In a store, I can verify what I'm getting. Unfortunately with Vita games, I'm S.O.L. in most cases.
I mean, they try, I guess. You can always bring it back if something goes wrong. Of course, when you order online that makes things more difficult.
If you keep the invoice paperwork that comes with an online order you can return it at any store within the 7 days for a refund. Individual employees may not know they can, much less how to, because it doesn't come up often, but they absolutely can, it's in that fatass manual that no one reads.
PQube may be releasing Valkyrie Drive in the West.
Fuck me lads, it might actually be happening.
I got this from reddit.
Man, this is getting weird. Aksys localizing a Falcom game and now PQube is doing a Marvelous game. This used to be XSeed's territory, yet now it seems like XSeed is more interested in PS4 and if there's a Vita version then they throw us a bone.
Hopefully PQube will be able to localize Luminous Arc Infinity.
that shopto page link is dead. Anyone got an archive of before the page went dead?
Either way, strange times we're living in, like pointed out.
And if PQube is doing it, then that means there will likely be a USA version as well. I can't wait to see how that goes through the ESRB, just so PQube can just shit all over NISA with it being 100% uncensored and unchanged.
That's my hope at least.
Yeah, I made the return. The clerk was nice enough to fulfill my request to have a new copy sent from another store. It's a couple bucks extra, but it's better than risking getting generic shit again.
The smug would break the internet
I'm playing Persona 4 Golden and just got Virtue's Last Reward and htoL#NiQ.
I don't there'd be enough smugs in all of Holla Forums or /a/ combined to truly capture such a smugness.
It'd be Smugvana. Smug Enlightenment. It would totally shit all over NISA's "muh reasons" and "it's gonna be rated AO anyway" bullshit.
please, PQube, please make this so. I want to experience the ultimate Smug.
Just noticed this in the replies too. This means it's confirmed….right?
This Canada Post shit is really annoying, I'm still waiting on Grand Kingdom. Plus I'm going to have to wait on Gal Gun, Asterisk Wars Asia physical, and a Hestia oppai mousepad.
so grand kingdom is a poor man's Grand Knights History with 60x worse art?
Well, no. Not quite. It's made by the same person/people, though. Kind of makes me wish i could still use TN on my Vita.
What I was what I was saying is, it's possible that AI Chiaki was based off a real person, likely one of their classmates so she wouldn't be rejected by them as an intruder as up to the end of DR2 we don't know a lot about the students time in Hopes Peak.
And after a bit of looking into it, it seems that the anime (or at least the part with the DR2 characters) is a prequel to the game detailing how they came to be part of ultimate despair, which is why that part of the anime is called Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Side: Despair.
The other part is called Side: Future and is set after the events of DR2.
So it looks likely that Chiaki was a real person and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Hajime and the others kill her during the course of the anime because she doesn't want to ally with Junko.
It's pretty good, but if you get it GET Delta. It's the more definitive version of the game and adds more story content. Similia best waifu
My guess is it's going to be an earlier pass through the simulation that they manage to fuck up a different way since that seems more believable than the idea that all of the problem kids were in the same class.
This Japan sale has been good. Got:
Gravity Rush
DanganRonpa 2
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Muramasa Rebirth
Pretty hype.
Enjoy it. It's a fun ride.
Despite all the bickering about the title flaws I'm still tempted to ask, anyone wanna play Freedom Wars Co Op ? Currently Code 6 but I feel like my weapon's not cutting it anymore.
Well….Gamestop thanks for the games I guess.
this is the worst I have ever seen happen before. I assume it got destroyed in the mail since there were those plastic pieces in the envelope. But this seriously sucks.
what the fucking hell
Do what I did. Return it and see if there's a nearby store that has it. If so, they should be able to have it sent to your local store.
In all seriousness, that's terrible. I'd have been pissed if I got that. Straight pissed.
I ordered Lost Dimension and Superbeat XONIC as well. I pretty much expect the same thing again. If I get actual, proper cases and artwork, I'll be pleasantly surprised.
I'd complain and see what happens? If that doesn't work maybe you could ask Visa if there is anything they can do about it. I would also discourage shopping at Gamestop in the future. Try Amazon? Amazon Canada is pretty great, don't know about Amazon USA though.
He can definitely return it. That won't be a problem. It's just getting an actual copy of the game that's going to be difficult.
That's why if I buy from gamestop/ebgames I'll only buy new or if it's available in store.
It seems like it's a pretty sure thing. Good news and I'm sure I'll pick it up at some point, but there's a lot of other games I would've taken first.
Nobody ever seems to play together on here. I'd hop in a different day, but I'm kinda busy today. (I suck at the game anyway.)
At least you bought it from Gamestop, since they'll replace it. If you bought it on Ebay or something it would be "too bad you didn't insure it", since it's obviously been mishandled by the post office. Maybe you'll get a real case next time.
They'll fix it for him. You think that shit doesn't happen with Amazon? They're fucking notorious for having their LE's damaged. It's nice for me since I get a bunch through AWD, but they really shouldn't pack collector items like shit, since there's only so many.
The strike.
Other than that, Amazon has no known issues no.
Be sure to phone that shit in and let them know you want an exchange/refund asap. If they fuck around, call for a supervisor. If that doesn't work, chargeback through your bank.
Fucking Gamestop.
Well apparently they were all in the 77th class, not sure what would all make them all pay attention to Junkos shit though, were they all in the reserve course or was that just Hajime?
It's also possible that Chiaki was bullshitting about being an AI and she was actually a member of future foundation supervising the neo world program and she was put in there in a similar way that Makoto and the others were toward the end.
To anyone who might have missed the sale 2 weeks ago, you can still buy Hot Shots Golf for 4.74 USD on Amazon. I believe this is only for the US region.
Yeah, I plan on returning them for sure. I was going if they didnt have the original cases and such anyway. But now I get to make an "actual" complaint.
The worst part is that El Shaddai also arrived, in its own msssive box from the same location, whereas these showed up in just a bubble mailer. That really just shows complete negligence to me.
Vita gets no love, man.
and nothing of value was lost! i'd wreck the cases of those shit games if i worked at a gamestop factory too
DT2 is pretty great.
yeah i guess it's awesome if you grew up playing pokemon instead of wizardry
I mean, I can just play that on PC if I really want to.
what happens if you grew up with both?
She would've told them in the end. Chiaki is one of the best characters and Future Foundation is a bunch of faggots, so that would be horrible.
Order more stuff from amazon. You'll see that is the norm for most places. Strangely enough I've had the most consistent good packing from NISA when I bought those limited print games. Amazon can do a really good job sometimes too, but others they've done stupid shit like throw my game in unprotected with a heavy item that fucked the case up or have something bounce all over the box and bang cardboard corners.
i don't know how you did it then cause i sure as hell can't go back to shit square enix RPG's after i was exposed to smt and wizardry 8
What? Those aren't even similar.
Ive ordered stuff off amazon before too and dislike doing it. They also have sent LE stuff in just bubble mailers and it has been a bit crushed. I just really cant stand shipping since there are too many risks of stuff like this happening.
pay it no mind. that user hates everything.
they're turn based. they're RPG's. they're hard as fuck.
i'd say that's plenty in common.
i don't hate everything, i only hate piss easy RPG's for little kids
I've got no problem playing any genre or any game as long as they're fun and don't have a garbage localization
Are you the autist from the last thread who spilled spaghetti over how shit the game was that they'd played like 30 minutes of?
Have you played DT2 at all?
I was just going to let him be, honestly.
For the love of fuck, Gamestop, please do not fuck up the other half of my order.
stopped reading at your le shygirl meme image
i envy you, i lost the ability to shut my brain off like you. when i try things that require your brain to shut off, rather than obliging, i just get angry
Games, you mongoloid. Do you play them or just bitch? doesn't apply to DT2, so I ask: have you played it?
I would not trust Aksys though. Aksys have a habit of censoring games and including cringe worthy memes, like doge, into them. They even spergedo ut on twitter about why censorship is good and how dare people make fun of Kotaku or FE Fates.
yep. it was piss easy. but i wouldn't expect a thread who thinks persona 4 is impossible to play on the normal difficulty to think so.
But no one thinks that.
Well we'll find out soon enough, it's set to air on the 14th of this month. Not sure what order they're going to show it in though, logically it would be the prequel part first, then the future part.
How'd you like the Otherworld bosses?
If anyone does buy Adventures of Mana make sure you stock up on mattocks at the shop. You can never have enough. I got locked in a fucking dungeon without one, so I had to kill enemies for like 30 mins until one finally dropped. It wasn't fun. I'm buying a shitload of these things from now on.
They're actually airing concurrent, so you go back and forth I guess. I wish I could read the damn Killer Killer manga before they started, but I can't find it in english.
Yeah, I usually try to do in store pickup at Gamestop or Best Buy for games you have to order. Most retailers have no problem replacing the items for you, but if it's something you pre-ordered odds are waiting another week to play the game isn't very appealing. I don't even like having to talk with the people. it's all just annoying, so I usually just keep it and switch the case with some cheaper game I like less.
You sound like you just need a friend to have fun with.
They're like a Russian roulette of localizations; you never know what you'll get. They can up really fucking good like Muramasa, or they can turn into total garbage like their otome games.
i've seen at least 11 posts over the course of two years of people saying persona 4 is too hard.
it brings me great joy that the game doesn't allow you to change the difficulty anytime you want so that those faggots have no choice but to try harder and fuse better demons
what am i supposed to think of it? i think it's pretty gay the first thing you point to is a post-game boss.
"it gets good after 50 hours"
let's play the last blade 2 sometime. what's your PSN?
Moving on, anyone happen to be following PCube or sent word to them about whether that rumor for Valkyrie Drive was true? Cause I'd put money aside if it was true.
So, virtually no one. I'd be willing to bet that those remarks were in reference to Shadow Yukiko. That, or Shadow Kanji, but the latter was made piss easy in P4G. The rest of the game is pretty simple. Yoshitsune and Trumpeteer make the final boss much easier.
your shitty vita library is more of a shitpost if you ask me
If you rush through underleveled those two will still fuck you up. Beating Kanji with a golf club and my meager stats was a bitch.
not my screenshots, I just saved them from a thread awhile back. Probably pick it up in august when I get a ps4 tho.
I really wish Despair Girls had more common savepoints, I get sick of playing it after like ten minutes but the save spots are only placed every twenty. I just got out of the sewers in chapter 2 and the visuals make me feel like my eyes are going to start bleeding any second.
Why don't you just use standby?
Oh yeah, dude. Kanji's the hardest main game boss if you're underleveled in P4. P4G gives his lackeys actual weaknesses, though. I believe Shadow Kanji has a weakness as well? Substantially easier than vanilla. Swift Strike will still kill your party, though. Well, I think, anyway. I remember taking numerous tries to beat him in P4 on Expert. I basically had to hope he didn't use Swift Strike every turn, or i was dead.
Because sometimes I put it down for whole days and don't want to leave it in standby that long.
I just got a Vita recently and I honestly been mostly using it to play PSP and PS1 games as I never owned a PSP and I didn't grow up with a PS1.
I been really enjoying Me and my Katamari over touch my katamari. There is just something really charming about Me and my Katamari game while the humor in Touch my Katamari feels really forced. I'm not surprised to learn that 8-4 localized it.
Interesting choice. I'm intrigued to see how it turns out as the anime of the first game was… Well it was ok but it was a bit too short for me, none of the characters were really developed properly as they were all just there to be slaughtered to move on the plot. Granted that's what they were there for in the game as well, but they actually developed the characters and gave them some backstory.
I've asked about the subject here before and there's guys that have had the vita since launch and claim to have never turned the system off even once with no noticeable battery changes. You shouldn't worry about using stand-by.
I'd suggest getting an emulation device so you can play PSP games for free. GPD XD's cost $180 new and are powerful enough to emulate PS1, Dreamcast, DS, N64, and PSP obviously, all almost perfectly.
I understand the sentiment but I do like playing the games on the go with the Vita's nice screen.
He may as well just buy the damn game he wants. Hell, a PSP setup would cost him less than half that price.
yeah you could buy a whole 9 games, or have the entire PSP library for $180
tough choice
i understand, emulation devices never do have the aesthetics
I can sorta vouch for this, although my longest uptime is about two months before I turned it off. No noticeable change in battery life.
Central AZ. General area around Phoenix.
Good news is that the game's now listed as having arrived in state, but it got here too late to ship out today.
I'm just wondering what the hold up was in the first place. I know Sunday and July 4th have no mail, but that should have meant five days of no real progress in shipping.
Yeah, we have Amazon, but I don't think they're liable to put Gamestop out of business. People still like having brick and mortar stores to go to. I just wish we have less Gamestops.
I miss Play'n'trade and Game Crazy.
That might make sense. There isn't a single available copy within a hundred miles of me, new or used.
Yeah, going to take that as a good example of why to never order a used game from them. Hopefully since I ordered mine new, it won't ship like that. What the hell did they do, run it over with a truck first? Seriously though, raise all the hell about that you can.
Yet another prime example of why Gamestop is FUCKING GAMESTOP.
Oh wow, El Shaddai is actually complete and in good condition?
Yeah, that's why I'm hoping for more info on how Exist Archive is turning out before putting an order in, given how hit or miss Aksys can be at times.
Unfortunate that the PSN doesn't have every last worthwhile PS1 game, and even much loved classics like Crash and Spyro at times haven't been cleared for Vita usage (I mean, I know the Vita does better with fans of niche stuff, but it strikes me that pretty much no one would complain about those two classic series, the PS1 entries anyhow, being added to the roster of what can be played on it).
A PSP with CFW might serve you well on both fronts if that's what you've been mainly wanting from it. Not only would it open up stuff that's not on the PSN (which is not only lacking various PS1 games, but even some PSP games have never seen a digital release and as such can't be played on the Vita), but also easy access to fan translated and out of region games, along with homebrew and emulation.
Ayyy someone in NicheGamer's comments posted an archive link from that shopto think for VD in the UK.
And a release date set so soon? My my. One can only wonder.
I took the liberty of searching ESRB's site, but they don't have anything for Valkyrie Drive.
also meant to note that PEGI didn't have any listings for Valkyrie Drive on their site either
that queen is the last boss of Valkyrie's campaign, next char you unlock is rabbit prince
thank god it's over, it hurts my autism real bad how she does pretty much exclusively SLASHING attacks with a fucking SPEAR
can't wait to jack off to the rabbit some more!
i meant to ask, how the hell did your PS3 fall to the fall? did you accidentally tug on the controller while it was plugged in?
My ps3 is pretty much at the end of my table, I just stretched out my feet a bit while they were laying on the table a bit and when I realized my mistake it was too late.
sucks that it broke, i'm surprised. i've dropped lots of shit from pretty high up, most notably my Vita. three whole times. right on tile. dropped from chest height. hasn't even scratched it somehow, i could pass it for brand new. I guess I have good luck when it comes to these things.
you have my sympathy
Yeah, I was wicked surprised. That was the one I really wanted to pick up. Figured I may as well get two vita games and get the buy 2 get 1 free. I was not expecting it to look so nice, Im beyond happy with that one.
Also, update. I went into a gamestop and the manager was really apologetic, which I find funny since he really had no hand in what happened. But I was able to return them and he placed another order for the games with 1 day shipping. So if they show up complete, great. If not Ill just return them to a different store. And now at this point it would be a whole new order so returning them just nets me El Shaddai completely free.
Nice, I'm still looking around for El Shaddai locally, but all the stores with them are a long way away. I'm guessing you had your shipped from an actual store location? I can see online that you can still buy them through the site itself, but I assume those are used warehouse copies and there's no telling what condition or completeness you'll get it in. I'll probably have to resort to Amazon or something.
Damn, I'm kinda jealous. I wish I would've had money saved for that deal. B2G1 is my favorite thing about Gamestop. (Besides the fact that they actually carry Vita games and JRPGs)
Nice. Hopefully you get what you're looking for. I still gotta wait another week for the rest of my shipment.
Fuck my life.
Demon Gaze
Venus's Dungeon
The key
I have been through the entire thing multiple times with comet. Read all the signs. Workshop x13y10. How do I get in there. There is no place to descend from above. There is no hidden wall to kick.
Valkyrie Drive had English trophies, too. Hate to crush your hopes, but English trophies doesn't mean anything.
Even if it doesn't get localized I already got the jap version pre-ordered on amiami, which I can't cancel anyways
this day just keeps getting better and better
Holy shit, Trillion is only fucking $15 on Amazon. How cheap is this game gonna get?
On my Vita: DJMax Technika Tune
PS TV: Dungeon Travelers 2
No money to buy stuff at the moment
To get that PSVita L2/R2 case ;_;
Getting more unlocks on Technika, stuck on DT2 at the moment, endgame gets grindy af.
Does this usually happen before an asian version of a Japanese game comes out? Just curious to see if there isn't already a precedent.
Probably a new thing for Marvelous give people false hope.
It doesn't happen too often, but it happens often enough that you can't assume something is getting localized just because the JP version has English trophies in it. In the end, it's like a company buying a domain with a certain name. It means the company ""might"" have plans, but it's no guarantee of anything.
Currently into Atelier Ayesha. At first I was really put off by the mediocre music and the akward animations but after a few hours it finally grew on me and now I'm really enjoying it. Ayesha herself looks half autistic, half silently judging her companions but entirely adorable. The whole alchemy system really is something I wasnt expecting and now I'm slightly obsessed with maxing the quality of my items and after a week it didnt even grew old.
nothing yet, lets wait and see what comes out soon.
New thread here lads