This is the problem with the board.
This is the problem with the board
that is the problem with the world tbh
fortunately they're on their way out
holy shit lmao good post OP
Hey fellow whites. What names do niggers call you that actually get to you? Cumskin is too humorous to be offensive but pigskin actually gets underneath me a bit.
I've thought about this often. There's genuinely no insult directed at whites that offends or humiliates for that matter. I wonder if there's some truth to the neoliberal screeching that systemic discrimination has insulated whites from dehumanization or even humiliation. Supposing that this power structure falls when whites become the minorities in developed societies, will the insults finally have power? Will 'cracker' cause a young, discerning white boy to lash out in a fit of violence when the USA is South Africa 2.0? Only time will tell.
That's like being upset over leftists getting spooked by porkies.
I doubt it. Slavs who lived in shit poor conditions aren't affected, either. So it's not something born out of living comfortably. If anything most white leftist burgers are sensitive to IDpol that targets whites because they're soyboys.
this is a fucking ruse. ivan will kill you for even thinking about insulting him. they do not fuck around
Because you insult and expect this to slide, but not because it's a racial slur. We're not leftists, pissing our pants over getting IDpoled.
grabs popcorn
Time to see the 2 sides punch each other as usual. It's fun to be the observer.
this is really stupid. how does a word "offend" you? why should anyone care if you're offended? facts > feelings dumbass no one cares about you virtue signalling your feelings you're no better than the leftists
I was going to post the webm of Zerosugar getting his cock sucked by the tranny BO of leftypol but I don't keep that shit on my computer so I went to /sudo/ to grab it out of sudocuck's shitposting megathread. Curiously enough it was deleted and there is nothing remaining there,
Shut the fuck up dumb nigger. Don't ask me this shit as the dumb as fuck niggers who kill cops because of imaginary perceived racism. FUCK NIGGERS
>>>Holla Forums
Serious question for you: assuming this happens, who then are you going to blame all of your problems on? You can say whatever you want to make yourself feel better about yourself but at the end of the day you still have to live with the shame of knowing that most of the good things that you and your people have are due to whites.
lol once pigskins are gone there will be no more problem
This, but also for this reason words like cumskin or pigskin shouldn't phase you. Getting called a pigskin is hurting tranny leftishits more than it's hurting you.
Have you even tried posting it on Holla Forums?
Why is it here? what does it have to do with movies?
Very well thought out argument.
wtf i love the left now
So we're footballs now? I guess other than muh dik we figured out the second thing shitskins have on their minds 24/7.
Funny way of spelling Jewish
He said the good things, not the gay society wrecking things.
No, that is just reddipol consensus cracking and trying to muddy the waters because cumskin is the singularly most offensive thing most snowniggers have had said to them. Keep using cumskin it kills the Holla Forumsyp
I've tried cumskin on about 20 whites when checking out at walmart or any other burger grocery chain. I've also tried shitskin on about 10 or so blacks. I'll just say right now that cumskin elicits laughter whereas shitskin elicits rage. I've almost got my little white boi ass beat multiple times after using it. Worse was when a shitskin actually spit in my food. I reported this to his manager but he told him I called him a shitskin so it nullified his action and we both shook it off. Any other anons that want to try it out please report back your results. I just can't get under cumskins' skin by using 'cumskin', 'cracker', 'birdshitskin', and so on. Please help me offend other whitebois. Ty.
Is Holla Forums's defense mechanism just to fuck over their own soyboy beliefs so that others don't have to?
Wow, I want no borders and I think western cultures and people should die now! How come I've been so blind. Thank you MSPaint nigger, at last I see.
Why would you even make this post? It's clearly roleplaying but it's not even funny or cleaver; it's the epitome of a worthless shitpost.
Unless the point is to get someone to get shot by Jamal in which case it's kekworthy.
no offence but you sound just like a leftist. Just replace 'nigger' with cop and cops with cops with black people. You need to sort yourself out.
I thought he was funny.
To whom does that large black ass belong, user?
No bad tactics, only bad targets
It just seemed really lazy. I expect more I guess, always left to be disappointed.
I would say it was kinda low effort, not witty nor edgy enough to be funny
Actually this is imkampfy getting his dick sucked and yes it's me :p. I'll be a board vol soon here so plz be nice :ppp
We're a small very critical site, it's hard for creativity to flourish.
forgot to spoiler whoops :p
No one here has any creativity. Just the politispergs and contrarians that left in the exodus.
oh yeah? is that right?
I thought it an amusing brand of retardation, almost retarded enough o be true.
That's not true we've produced some wide reaching memes and have had a vastly disproportionate effect on the rest of the web.
Whatever shit you are smoking is rotting your brain.
The earth isn't flat, OP, fucking post some actual evidence to prove me wrong.
AWWWWWWWWW don't make me cum user
speak for yourself
>That's not true I've produced some wide reaching memes and I've had a vastly disproportionate effect on the rest of the web.
Literally all me. My cabal owns Holla Forums and 4chan. If you want a discord invite leave your UN below.
They do that over any slight because they're alcoholic maniacs.
I created Truthseeker. I own you.
Piggy admitted it was Zero when he was dumping all his blackmail files.
Shit nigger we always get a mention in the media up there with other nazi strongholds like 4chan and reddit.
Says the soulless machine like slave people from the frozen tundras.
But…did you come up with
Rent Free?
all me
nyah nyah
Serious question for you: When you finally kill every last Jew on earth, assuming this happens, who then are you going to blame all of your problems on? You can say whatever you want to make yourself feel better about yourself but at the end of the day you still have to live with the shame of knowing that most of the good things that you and your people have are due to whites.
I coined the term reddipol and I am sudocuck. What's next? Are you going to claim /leftyb/ and cuckime are yours too?
I have literally never seen any of those posted outside of Holla Forums and Holla Forums tbh
They're all retarded low effort nonsense that only lel so randumbs bother with.
The niggers, mudslimes, chinks, irish.
That's the great thing about the world being your enemy, you never run out of people to blame shit on.
Truth hurts don't it pooskin?
Truthseeker was trash, I had my cabal shut it down. You're welcome.
Cuckime wasn't mine but anikino was.
Rent-free is forced but decent, you can join the discord if you'd like to.
t. uncultured swine
You don't deserve a full response fuck off now.
"proud pagan + communist#6943" gis invite please
this is how it is done you newfag
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
Are you behind maisieposting too? That could explain everything
Probably on myself like I already do. Nice try though thinking that everyone who isn't anti-white is assblasted at someone else.
Thanks for the compliment.
No, but I admire Maisie posters dedication. Heck I even made a rhyme for him in my anzu rap thread.
Daily reminder that Blissposting is the highest form of posting on Holla Forums.
what bliss?
I agree
I've seen BLACKED used a lot on /a/. Hell I use BLACKED posting on /a/ under certain circumstances.
This Bliss.
I agree. That's why I post Bliss and not rats.
Alexa Bliss. To be quite honest she has a fantastic ass and at five foot nothing is short stacked as fug
Don't lie. This type of shitposting only can come from a person with shitty taste on women. ergo you must be a maisieposter.
Nobody cares, weeb.
Tell me the truth, the majority of you queers using the term "cumskin" are street shitters aren't you?
im a slav
Well that explains a few things.
Well that explains a few things
Soy eater detected.
Shitskin has a Freudian slip that exposes his inferiority complex and lack of intelligence.
So which board is it?
You are on it, cowboy
I would love to know what percentage of 8channers even are nonwhite. I get that this is a bait thread on a bait board but like. If there weren't whites here I think it'd just be Ron and a handful of faggots from /int/ and like that'd be pretty much that
Dude, really?
Why can't we just be bros? slavs are white, look at Putin for fuck's sake.
Considering how many burgers post on 8ch I would say that real Whites are actually a minority here.
Still not an argument.
Is there any kino that actually stars nonwhites?
If there was, it wouldn't be kino.
Fuck off niggerlover.
What about that question gave you that impression?
Sure there is.
Never catching on, freech.
1 drop rule brother, 1 drop of white blood and you're white.
oh look it's the shareblue meme
really makes you think
Maisieposter here. Nope, i'm not him.
Commence sagebomb. My fortune favor your cause anons.