Have you ever bought something because it made SJWs angry?

Have you ever bought something because it made SJWs angry?

Other urls found in this thread:


A brain

No, because that's just petty.


Huniepop when it was a dollar

I don't need to go out of my way to do that. My very existence would anger not just SJWs, but most people of good taste.

Can someone post that "how Americans take pictures" image?

me too user

I bought Bayo 2, but idk if that counts cause its a good game

I make good money I don't give a fuck

I buy games cause their fun to play. Pissing off SJW is just icing on that moist round and soft cake….

i got tricked by the sjw jew and bought hatred at launch

It was the cheapest. I was told that if it wasn't plastic or full auto (why haven't you asked your elected officials to repeal the NFA yet?) it didn't matter what brand I got.


Pissing off SJWs is fun but I wouldn't buy something unless it was at least enjoyable on its own merits.

Yeah, you were told correct. Nothing wrong with it, cheap, and solid. I really do have one of those too

to bad the game was piss easy and there is no subtitles when you sexually assault poke at them
minotaur a best



What kind of grown man detests the right to defend himself from criminals and hooligans?

This angers me and genuinely gets under my skin.


No, because I want to slow the momentum of the dollar by not spending anything while also sucking on the government tit for welfare bucks. I'm playing the long game of making SJWs angry.

Left-wing or at least American Liberals tend to have the following qualities to them;

1.) They like projecting A LOT

2.) They're sociopathic, and/or stupid

3.) They are children who cannot make decisions on their own

Most SJWs realize they're complete psychopaths who should never be trusted with a gun. So they lobby the government to help protect them from themselves because they are mentally incapable of doing it themselves. They lack competence and self-control

so…why dont we kill or at least ignore them?

No. I bought Senran Kagura because it's a cheesecake Musou. If anyone has a problem with that then that's on them for being such fucking prudes.

It's basic bitch moral high-horsing. They think that not owning weapons shows how moral they are because they don't have the means to easily kill people.

Unless you wanted like a flared magwell, you're right about it not mattering. Or if you wanted a cool engraving on it

You can't ignore these fucks because they go out of their way to fuck you over.

I was gung ho about Hatred, granted I never bought it mind you. Playing it it was just okay. Nothing bad, nothing good, just sort of a more forgettable Postal 1.

But don't try to go out of your way to play a game you know will piss someone off unless it's actually a fun game that's just getting unfairly jumped on like Dragon's Crown, what with all of those faggots losing their shit over that.

Sure, go ahead, sit back while they vote your freedoms away because you did nothing

What PC is that?
I bought a second recently as an excuse to give my brother my old one
>that feel when turning your family into a militia

I'm voting but I've been running out of ideas of how to deal with them outside of gassing them.

Because they're in one of the three camps.

1) Genuinely evil, they want to disarm the population, mostly the white population, and commence the authoritarian autocracy. See Hillary Clinton

2) Brainwashed retards who took the bait.

3) People are actually scared of firearms.

How can you be afraid of something that's been around since the 16th, and arguable 12th century?

The only people I know who could possibly be afraid of guns are women, but most women I meet around here CC

*CC or at least hunt



Well we got the other option, which is secession. We live in one geographical area, they live in another. We have separate governments, with defined borders, and leave each other alone. When their shit collapses due to socialist garbage, niggers, and nogunz, we invade and push them into smaller and smaller enclaves, until they don't exist ala Israel style.

Or just throw them out of fucking helicopters Pinochet style.

Don't ask me, I'm a freedom loving Texan. I think it's the fact that they never grew up around firearms. I couldn't really tell you.



Because they've been brought up to be scared of them.

Where I live, if you own firearms for anything other then hunting people look at you funny, at some point I just stop telling people because they'd tease me constantly about it.

Since then I've lost my privilege and it's probably not a bad thing since owning firearms did make me anxious, mostly because I was scared the RCMP would kick my door down for some stupid reason.

Where am I and what have you done with Holla Forums?

Because people today are so weak they're scared of guns, and everything under the sun.

Case in point: archive.is/ki2Ps

I hear that Social Justice Warriors™, or Feminist Bitches™ as I like to call them, absolutely despise Fallout™ 4!
We should buy the Fallout™ 4 and the Season Pass™ to piss off those liberal cucks! Am I right, my fellow Anonymous browsers?


That sounds more like overbearing government is making to anxious and not inanimate objects.

I live in AL. Not only do we CC like crazy we also are less racist from my experience. I go to California and only white guys are getting laid and I heard one girl go off about some Japanese dude being a slope. I come back to Alabama, North Carolina, or northern Florida and there's interracial couples of all types. Everyone's getting along fine and everything.

I guess that's what happens when you dont force globalist, socialist rhetoric down everyone's throat with helicopter PC bullshit.

How's Texas btw? I was considering visiting but the state is too big to decide where to go. Do I go to Tyler? Dallas/Fort -Worth? Houston? Austin? Amarillo?

That's fucking disgusting

I'm in buttfuck West Texas, it might as well be fucking New Mexico. Avoid Austin and Houston like the plague, they're liberal shitholes thanks to Calicucks immigrating. I think Houston has a dyke for a mayor. Depends what you like. If you like AL, stay in the eastern part of Texas, if you like the great plains like Oklahoma, go to the panhandle. If you for some ungodly reason like desert shrubland, go to west Texas. And the coast is probably like the coast of Alabama.


That would be retarded.

I don't spend my money according to how it would upset people I don't know nor care to communication with anywhere close to enough to show them what I've brought at all.

Jesus you must be retarded to buy shit to piss off strangers on the internet.

I want to deflower Marie Rose

Texas is alright if you can stomach driving through hours of nothing to get to what you wanna see.

I don't think so. I date a cute indian girl myself.

You better believe I do. Thanks for the advice. I'll check out that area.

Yes very much so, all the time

No. I've bought something because developers didn't fold to the censorhappy ninnies.

Get in line

I take it back, clearly the hours of nothing are what you want to see. Just make sure you're within driving distance of gas stations, they're few and far between out there.

Whatever knocks your socks, degenerate.

I don't mind deserts at all dude. I LOVE heat, and summer is my favorite season. Before I knew what kind of a shithole California was I was considering moving to Barstow or California City after university.

Wow, is that a special edition Zombie Killer Glawk Fawties?

Just… keep your rifle handy if you're going far from the roads in the deserts, okay?

Our mere existence makes SJWs mad.

Outer San Antonio is pretty good if you like non ghetto mexicans that hate illegals.
The actual city is pretty okay too, fairly regular conventions, mayor basically told AT&T to fuck off so there's actual as in, good speeds and not having their service "mysteriously" interrupted.
Subdivisions are shit though.

I'll get in the front of the line then.
I don't even play this series. Fuck that ridiculous amount of DLC.


Hope you like setting off metal detectors naked. You can get level 4 ceramics for ~$150 now.


Dis shit isa muh dippa dap problem solva, nigguh.

Sounds fun user. What kind of adventurous danger might I run into. I was thinking of getting into rural/urban exploration anyways like this guy

I'm actually a virgin, but an indian girl I have a crush on gave me a hug once. I like to pretend.

I'll check into it. Maybe there's a regional airport I can settle near to fly there during the yearly cons.

I don't think it had that much DLC back then, even when it launched on 360 with DoA4. It just did the fightan game thing where it would always launch updated versions each year and be ported to everything. It wasn't until DoA5 where the devs went full jew with all those costume packs.

T-todd? Is that you?

I did too, Indian girls are fucking mental

Go lurk on /k/ lad, your lost


Well that's just depressing.

Spics. Remember, it's double points for preggos.

Look up "spalling". Then do the math on the cost difference of steel plates + trauma pads vs stand alone ceramic. Then consider the fact that level 4 plates also don't just stop pistol rounds.

normalfags and chads everywhere on this board


My mere existence pisses them off so no.

Buying would only give them more power.


That my friend, is as non-kosher as it gets. It's a tactical sausage, holds 30 round 30 caliber clipazine ghost bullets that heat seek baby skulls in it's high capacity magiclips.

It's a weapon of war.


86 yourself

Please tell me how it works then.

Why do I get the feeling you frequent brit/pol/?

I really don't buy any sort of entertainment media. I pirate it.

You're mixing up the order; the hate for a thing was already present for SJWs & the love of the thing was already present for the buyer. The notion that people buy things just because SJWs hate it is mostly a shill narrative meant to be a self-fulfilling prophecy through repetition, it's meant to create an Anti-SJW market where none existed. It's why they coined the term "heckle shekels", specifically "shekels" since it is a merchant trick to get paid.

It's generally the case that SJWs simply hate most things: "Everything is sexist, everything is racist .. etc." Even things a person once loved are thrown out when they become an SJW because they are then deemed "problematic" & like every cult, the groupthink takes precedence over yourself.

I do not comprehend.


Why does it matter?

Because Jerry was too stupid to use their Messerschmidt jets as fighters instead of fighter bombers and allowed their dictator to make poor tactical decisions.

How badly did you lose on CS:GO today?

Is that it?
Am I just too jaded and aware how stupid the masses are?

You're a poor tactical decision.

All Of Them

Even postal 3

All Of Them

Even postal 3 and postal redux

Quite frankly I really don't care enough to continue this pointless discussion. I just hope you are going hard on your cardio if you are gonna lug those plates around when SHTF. Have another German.

No, I piss them off without having to try.

Tie down your optic and mount it right. Move your rear sight to the rear, and you always put a rifle down with the dust cover up.

Beat your fucking face until you learn your lesson, recover and unfuck yourself.

You should add that either they were raised in a environment where they do not know the real world such as niggers breaking in or guns can be used as a hobby.

Or that they have zero respect for the Constitution.


It's not like this is a new phenomena.

How can they respect a document that FUCKING WHITE MALES wrote?

Hell, I doubt most of these retards even know what the Constitution is.

Please stop making me angry guys. I don't want to be reminded of these people

You need to be reminded that these mouthbreathing retards exist. So you know what you're fighting against.

Glad I never met a SJW in real life yet.

If anything I'll just use the race card against them.

Stop being a pansy.

People of incredible influence and wealth are fighting them right now, and losing. The fuck could I do? I'm a dweeb working for Raytheon

Shitpost, collect guns and ammo, vote for Trump, train with your firearms, then wait for RAHOWA.

Live by your morals instead of just fantasizing about them. That is all any single man has to do.

No. Thats retarded and its a fast way to develop shitty personal character.

I never got racist pol types using anime pictures. Nazis faggots would ban anime and pretty much all videogames for being "degenerate". They hated all art that they saw as barely anti nazi, even for stupid reasons.

Shh, don't start this shit. This is a gun thread on Holla Forums. OP still owes me 50. I'd ask for more, but his weak girl arms can't take it.

That has to be one of the most retarded lines of reasoning I've ever seen.

Fuck off with that shit, retard. We're talking about raifus, not Holla Forums.

Holla Forums actually isn't nazis, they just pretend to be because they hate jews.

The owner of that glock still needs to kill himself. That glock somehow became uglier than it originally was. I hope it's not yours.

No I prefer lower profile designs. An engraving would be nice.

There's NatSocs on Holla Forums, and they're usually completely insane.

Yeah, but most of Holla Forums are not. I didn't doubt that there's some neo-Nazis in the mix.

Engraving feels like something an old man has. As for wood on AR-type rifles. Not sure if I like your pic. I prefer the A1 nylon furniture. If I did have to have wood on an AR, pic related would be it.

user pol is pretty much a de facto white supremacy natsoc board. Maybe it didn't start at thay but it sure develop into that.

Imagine being this naive, especially on the internet.

I bought Hatred.

That looks good too. Engravings provide no tactical advantage though.

People are too spooked to go there, so how would they know the actual composition of what Holla Forums actually is.

Also, how the fuck did the thread devolve into Holla Forums again? Fuck off you retards, talk about raifus.


About as much as ricing your desktop does.

They're just roleplaying.

I go there every day, to learn about global happenings and to kill boredom. It's pretty obvious most of them are just having fun on the internet.

Is that my raifu, the K98?

But it looks cool, so that's why I'd do it.

OP is a faggot. Check em


I saw her in the store and now I must have her.

It devolved into pol because people started talking pol shit, like.

Either of you know about the reliability or general utility of a Ruger 10/22?

Autocorrect’s a bitch, but you can eventually teach it to let you type kike.

I've never owned a .22lr pistol or rifle. I wouldn't know what to tell you. However, I do know that some people enjoy that along with the marlin 60 and 795, which is just the 60 with detachable mags.

I didn't type anything wrong user, i dont get it.

Nope, guy must be Totenkopf or something.

Ah, just the end looked similar. Rest of the gun was rather dark.

Still, that one's pretty sweet too.

So much firearms I want, so little money. Fuck man. I really want a FN FAL too, a USP Compact, a K98, a M1 Garand, a M14, a AR15 in a M16 configuration, an AKM, god damn it, so many guns.

Fuck off retard.

Wouldn't know, but I hear they're cool plinkers. I'll consider getting one in the future, putting a suppressor on it, really ricing that motherfucker up. I hear .22LR isn't that easy to find as it was back in the day though.

Superb taste in raifu, they are pretty much cousins, especially after they modified them to take German spare parts so it's an easy mistake.

You're telling me. I'm looking for that pistol, a PTR91 (maybe), a nice hunting rifle (thinking another CZ), the FB MSBS (when it comes out), the Desert Tech MDR, M16A1 clone, and I really want some kind of belt-fed weapon in 5.56. Thinking of getting that Ares MCR sometime.

The worst part is that I like to make sure the entire weapon has its other parts like an aimpoint, lights, and I got myself a set of nods and a civilian version of a peq last Christmas. It's hard to not spend my savings on stupid shit. This is why I'm never getting married.

I bought Dragon's Crown, but that's because I actually wanted to play it. Too bad the online community was terrible.

Yeah, I'll just use some milsurp raifu to hunt. If it was good enough to pop commies heads, it's good enough to pop pigs.

I think something might be wrong with me.

No, and I think that's rather pathetic, tbh fam. You're just as much of a tool as they are if this is all it takes for you to blow your money on something.


STG is a shit gun, m8.


It's almost like it was pretty much he first "assault rifle" or something.

That's a shit reason to want one. It's like saying you want to fuck your girl's gran because she was there first.

Except it's not.


I didn't use the word "the" for a reason user.

I don't. I like to use my guns without worrying about ruining history.


No, but I've bought something to make Holla Forums angry.

Turned out I actually liked it tbqh.

There is no value in those guns. I'd rather have a modern weapon.

I already have my AR and a Beretta 92. I'm gonna buy one some day and you can't stop me.

Also op, wtf is dis?

It's a modern repro. The internals are upgraded.

It's not a shitty gun, retard. What's wrong with owning a gun because it looks like a great piece of history for fun?

Nobody said that, but buying one gun means now you can't buy another or something else. It's an opportunity cost.

Having a shittier gun isn't fun. My current guns are fun, and they are useful.

No, but what's the point?

That's only if you own an original and you can't stand having a safe queen. This is why I don't own milsurp.

You can. I didn't tell you that you shouldn't. I just don't like it. You're the one that sperged out over someone else not having it on their list.

I know user, I had an allowance growing up, I learned how to manage my own money.

But they also aren't STG44's. STG44's are fun.

The originals all cost more than $2000

Do you seriously call a spergout?

It's a shit rifle. You only like it because it looks like something it isn't.


That's just bullshit, you can remove the leaf sight for a picatinny rail to mount optics.

Lift moar faggot. Not like this is the rifle I'd choose to fight in the Race War with, it's a fucking range toy dude.

Not enough to stop you from buying a 92fs, obviously.

No, they aren't. They're shit.

And this isn't an original. It's just as shitty with none of the history.

Did you read the rest of your posts? Pretty sperg, if you ask me, which you did.


How about you stop being a mall ninja


There's nothing wrong with that. But you're like a man that loves his ugly wife. Not everyone else can see what you see in her.

And now you don't have a rear sight. Congratulations.

I used to be a SAW gunner, so no, I won't lift more (plus I was the best in my company when I was a private). A rifle of that weight is unnecessary in this day and age, especially when you consider that my AR has more shit on it and still weighs less.

I like to run and gun, m8. This is how I play with my toys.

Can you imagine how much bitching this guy would do if he had to carry around a ww1 era bolt action?


Less weight is never a bad thing, means you can carry more munitions, rations, equipment, etc…

I didn't know wanting an optic on your weapon was "mall ninja".

Maybe if you add the EBR in there, but infantry rifles don't weigh over 8lbs, and the EBR is a full-powered cartridge anyway. This is a 10lbs 5.56 rifle. That's ridiculous.

No, because I'm not a retard who cares about opinions of people I'll never meet

Just in case you didn't realize this before but it isn't supposed to be a direct competitor with the AR.

Gotta have rails to get your tactical dildo

Just a shitty rifle, who would ever own that?

I mean look, there's no rails, it's heavy, it's capacity is low, muh optics, where will I put my tactical dildo.

He graduated at the top of his class of the Sonic Fighting Academy.

Yeah, because you're going to go into a war with a range toy. I get the rationale behind a lighter firearm, don't get me wrong, I'd rather go in with an AR than an STG in war, but we're not talking about war, we're talking about fun.

It comes in other cartridges. It can come in 762, 300 blackout, and the original caliber.

No, because I'm not a fucking idiot who buys things based on my ideology.
I own a gun, but not because I want to make some lefties mad. I own one because I actually care about defending myself.

I used to be master with that shit, bruh. It's all about that recoil control.

god forbid the weight isn't distributed closer to the body, with bolt actions like those the muzzle end weighs so much more effectively because of how torque works

m8 it's two fucking pounds, how much more food are you going to be packing with that extra 2lbs that you wouldn't already have in you.

oh wow, once again, two to three pounds max.

I know. I know who will buy it. I just said that I didn't like it because I don't buy shit to just shoot at the range once in a while. I like to get outside.

It's not just food you could pack. It's more ammo, more equipment, more water. Especially for fucking water dude, water is really important. Or hell, just carrying a lighter load in general. 2 pounds isn't much, but when you're marching for miles, it makes quiet the difference.

Now try firing one with a bayonet mounted, I only have the k98 which isn't nearly as long and my left arm will be sore as fuck from having to hold that rifle, worse than my shoulder will feel after all that recoil.

That's great user. You coulda just left it at that point at any time instead of comparing it to modern military rifles like it was trying to replace them.

Nobody uses that anymore. The M4 with accessory rails weighs 7.46 lb. Ligheter modular rails now exist. Without the rail, it's even less,

But I'm not the one that started sperging out about it being called a "shitty rifle". It's outdated as fuck with. Only collectors will buy it, and not because it's a technologically superior rifle.

Nobody ever said it was a technologically superior rifle you autist. That's my point. You went right ahead and started a crusade anyway though.

Wow, no shit huh?

Yeah, everyone knows that retard. Calling something shitty because it's outdated little sense.

Then why did they get mad when I called it shitty?

I'm not your therapist.

Obviously not, or they wouldn't be here trying to argue as to why it's totally a great rifle.


Are you saying it makes no sense to call something shitty because it's outdated? Of course it makes sense, otherwise it wouldn't be outdated. Outdated = shitty.

I'm not the one with the problem here.

Are you sure about that?

Pretty sure. I don't get mad when people call things shitty.

you aren't going to be humping this in your Afghani patrols, and no, two pounds really doesn't make much of a difference when you're already hauling an extra god knows how many.

I'm just trying to argue the point, but as soon as you look at the actual argument, it all falls apart, this is a collector's replica piece, not something that modern combat forces will use.

I want a VZ58, but they're fucking expensive to come by, but the VZ2008 are much cheaper to get a hold of. Just because I go down to the range with a VZ2008, doesn't mean I'm destroying some kind of vague historical precedent set with the original rifle; that's fucking retarded.


I live in CA :^(

I know, that's a firearm I'd love to own in the future, in 300 BLK.

Why? Do your legs not work? Don't you own a tent?

I think we've had a misunderstanding. I never said the gun wasn't worth buying if you've the right motivation. I just am not interested in it because, by modern standards, it's a shit gun. I really like abusing shit, and buying a $1.8k historical replica isn't exactly the way I want to spend my money, especially when I can't scratch and bang it, which is what ends up happening to all my gear and weapons. For me, the lack of some features does make a difference in what weapons I buy. This is why I have no interest in historical weapons. I'm interested in what the best thing I can get today. Helps in competition and just to see how fast you can run a course.

No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that for me, there are two possibilities when owning a rifle like this:

1) it's an original (think SKS or other such thing), which means I won't want to destroy it because it can't be replaced, and it also won't be that great at doing what I want with it (no bubba mode here).

2) It's a repro, in which case it has all the limitations of the original, but it also now has no historical value

The only other reason I can think of for buying is sentimental value of sorts. That might be the wrong term, but it's close enough. They buy it because it resembles the real thing. These are collectors, which I am not. I am not interested in collecting.

Buy it anyway. Fuck the police.

Ah, I had thought you meant one didn't exist and not that you didn't own one.

I have relatives in Phoenix, could probably get them to pass it along to me if I asked and threw in a little for them. I plan on leaving within the next few years but I can still get historical raifus. I'd really like a Rhodesian FAL but that's pretty much a pipe dream right now.

Hey now user, straw purchases are illegal! You wouldn't want to break a law, now would you? :^)

The best you'll get is a DSA FAL, which is pretty good. I heard they're even making an all titanium model, though I question how much that is really worth. You can pick up a good for for less than $2k. It's not as good as a SCAR H, but for the money, I'd take it. PTR91 is also good and now they come with solid rails for proper optics mounting and heavier barrels.

Honestly, the 308 market is much more limited in selection than almost any other if you want a semi-auto rifle, especially for precision work.

AR-10s are okay, but still not standard, which is why I haven't gone with that. They are also expensive.

I bought Dragon's Crown.

Although that was also in defiance against Holla Forums because I got the Vita version.

I have a 10/22. If you buy a modern one, expect it to jam within a hundred rounds. To that end, you should buy an aftermarket extractor to deal with that problem or lube the shit out of it before you take it out.

Not really, I'd buy more triggering Nipshit but I'm just not into most of it.

Living in country that doesn't allow guns and not owning Vita my options to piss off SJWs are kinda limited.
But I must say I would love to play with functional WW2 & WW1 weapons.

Not as the sole reason, but yes. Dragon's Crown and it's artbook. I liked Kamitani's work and I like games such as Golden Axe and Shadow Over Mystara. My purchase made a literal commie SJW angry, and an ivory tower leftist who wanted to change the artwork to virtue signal how concerned he was about extreme sekhsual dimorphication, even though he has no interest or intent on buying or playing the game, salty as fuck.

Of course not comrade.

Thanks for the recommendations. It pains me that it's likely all of the Rhodesian surplus ones are in the Congo or some other shithole being abused by third world retards.

Good shit

The Vita version is probably the most mechanically complete though since you can just touch doors, runes and chests.

On occasion. It's hard to genuinely want anything, really.

Postal 2 and Hatred (both physical copies) and I'm going to buy postal redux when they release it for ps4

Aside from those and moeshit, what games trigger the most the regressive left?

How did this thread turn into D&Cing Holla Forums and Holla Forums ?
You all post guns but if you keep being the best goy, no one will have guns.


I suppose they think crazy people will suddenly cease to exist once they take them away.

Meanwhile, I got a carrier with front, back, and side level III+ plates for $230 total.

I reckon this one is actually pretty spot on, their idea of gun use is what they would use it for, rather than the hobby most gun owners make of it.

Pretty sure you can piss off SJWs just by enjoying whatever you're already playing, so no need to by anything new.

Yes, because I'm a consumer whore who throws money at shovelware like IS Defense so that I can smugly circlejerk about how "counter-culture" I am.

On a weapon it actually does make a bit of difference, especially after hours of going in and out of buildings.

My nigger, that folding stock is a bitch though, replaced mine with a fixed stock (I already own an underfolder AK anyways). Do yourself a favor and cut up a beer can so you can slide a nice long strip between the handguard and barrel. helps keep the heat from the barrel from heating the handguard up so much.

That's just retarded.

Is it fun ?

Yes and no. It won't make me buy something but it could potentially let me know it exists.

I played this rom hack on a raspberry pi emulator

No. Get mad, gamergate retards.

Not as a primary motivation but it's something I sometime consider, especially since I have a trigger happy one on hand to have some fun with.

I own a bunch of guns, but I buy them for personal enjoyment and protection, not to piss anyone off. The only 'black rifles' I own are a nice AR and a Vepr, most everything else is milsurp and/or covered in wood.

Not because it made them angry, but I have definitely bought things that do make them angry. That being said, I'm glad I never fell for the Hatred meme during GG's peak. What a mediocre pile of shit that turned out to be.


Hatred, but mostly because it looked fun.

This is a shit reason to buy anything. SJWs buy "I DRINK SEMEN XDDDD" mugs because they think by doing so, they are standing up to the patriarchy. It's fucking stupid. If the game isn't at least fun to play, you shouldn't buy it, regardless of who it pisses off.

The reverse doesn't apply, however; even if the game is fun, if it was made by an SJW, you shouldn't buy it, because you're contributing to the eventual destruction of the industry - as in, no more good games, only walking simulators.

I'll have to work on this ceramic plate angle since it seems to trigger so many of you autists. I could be on to some weapons grade bait here.


I know it has a lot of jewery shit but I really do reccommend getting DoA5 last round, its really fucking good.


I didn't buy it to piss off SJWs, but if it pisses them off, all the better.
But you know, I think an SJW would like it because if you don't hold it right, it'll slap you in the face.

Where can I get this incredible deal?
Sounds fucking great.

wish i could buy a gun

Is that a bullet button on the rifle? Lemme guess, fucking california faggotry.

Hey, not my gun.
Just an NPAP I nabbed off of google images.

but it does look like the owner is from cali

You remind me of that streetshitter who bought a "White tears" mug just to piss off ebil racists.

Uh no. That's retarded reasoning to buy anything.

I buy games that I think might be fun. I play games for fun.

Jesus fuck, gamergate was a mistake.

Leftists hate the concept of self defense.


It's pretty simple user:

1. Only the police should have guns
2. The police is evil and filled with racist shitlords who are just randomly killing poor dindus!

1. defending yourself in case the government goes full fascism? nice tinfoil hat you've got there
2. Trump is Hitler!

It'd be illegal in California anyway.

Satan you know why you're so devilish, you're the only one that tells the truth when everyone else expects you to lie.

Would it be shorter to just list what is still considered legal in california?

I like this direction. Anybody watch Oxide?

Fuck me.

So where are these goys located?

Saw one guy with Marines forest cammies.

I know how springs work. It tickles my autism is all.

that's literally gay
just fight a war or something

Pissing off SJW's can only increase the chance of me buying a game by 10% it's still gotta be a solid game.

What's that at 1:16? It looks like the size of an aks-74u but the front looks all kind of weird.

I own a lot of guns. I pre-ordered Hatred. I might buy Senran Kagura.

Fantastic game, and beautiful artbook as well.
I bought it too, but not to piss SJWs, but because it looked great and reminded me of Golden Axe which i loved.

I agree 100%



Holla Forums loves Fallout 4, its Mass Effects 2 and 3 we hate