User you shouldn't play that game! Jesus would not like it!
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Tiny veiled religion shitposting thread
Atheism is a mental illness.
What if i do believe god exists but i just don't want to follow it's rules?
True story.
Why would Jesus not like vidya?
The only type of games Jesus wouldn't like that I can think of would be pornographic games. I don't think God cares about virtual violence.
Fucking infidels get out of my board.
Shit religious garb tbh fam
But user, Freud and Marx got nothing to do with naturalism. And Darwin's theory is a mathematical abstraction of processes we now are able to observe with molecular-scale granularity.
I always wondered about shit like this, then I went to a friends house…how do people deal with such idiots
I hate it when religious people just use their religion to hate on things.
Pic related is Sandy Petersen. One of the devs behind Doom and a shitton of other 90s games like Quake and Age of Empires. He also developed the Call of Cthulhu tabletop rpg. And he's a devout Mormon.
He was asked if his religious beliefs ever came into conflict with how his games had satanic elements like demons and shit and he responded with "I have no problems with the demons in the game. They're just cartoons. And, anyway, they're the bad guys."
Why can't all religious people be this cool and rational? Seriously.
Christ Centered Gamer is objectively the best review site
that DIDNT really happen user admit it
i wont be angry but you need to admit the truth
Nope, I'm telling the truth. Hand to god.
In that game you shoot the shit out of those animals.
with FOOD that PUTS THEM TO SLEEP. I've yet to be convinced this game isn't just Wolfenstein 3D localized for Germany.
According to Id it was just another company that paid a license to use the Wolfy 3D engine. Like a bunch of other companies did at the time.
Iirc John Carmack was told by his lawyer back in the 90s that he could actually have charges filed against him because of Wolfenstein 3D if he ever traveled to Germany.
Remember that people who can tell fiction from reality are becoming more rare, and be afraid.
Remember when "video game addiction" was the big scare and there would be news articles with kids playing video games while their mothers cry in the background?
Given all of the stories coming from China I think that has more cause for concern now
But I am playing as the Byzantines in AoE 2, Jesus would approve as long as all the heathens are dead.
There are only two kinds of people who get angry whenever Christianity is mentioned.
Edgy kids and teenagers who haven’t got a clue about Christianity, but want to jump on the bandwagon anyway. Teenagers who are in their "everyone but me are dumb sheep, only I know what's good for everyone" phase makes up for the majority of these people.
And hedonists and degenerates who feel that their perversions are threatened, or simply wish for the fall of western civilization. Liberals, socialists/communists, pedophiles, alcoholics, drug abusers, and etc. all fit into this category.
I personally do not believe in a God. However, you are free to believe in whatever you choose, user. Let's not allow our own personal beliefs to interfere with our discussions about the various elements of vidya. Also, it wouldn't hurt to put your ideology aside for a moment to consider how your traditions and points of view effect the lives of others who do not think like you. Thanks in advance. Have fun playing good vidya.
All the more fear for you to have, neutralfag.
I for one, cannot wait for the book burnings.
A lot of people in those groups are Christian themselves.
Best post in this thread.
Yeah, and diaspora parasites who stick around in other countries for generations are still natives of their home country.
Why are people who act superior to others always giant piles of human shit themselves?
Prelest, user. Either that or they have no sense of humility, thus the arrogance poisons their mind to the point that they can do no wrong.
Tolerance might put a tinkle in your balls but once it's "convert or die", as it has been many times throughout history, then you're screwed.
Well, this thread is going to gain traction, so may as well contribute
>father is a devout Catholic who genuinely believes in the end times, Hell on earth, the number of the beast, the whole nine yards
My old man wasn't perfect, but he stuck by his beliefs and they never informed his parenting style. He told me about his beliefs on God and all that shit, but in the end we could still watch movies with "suggestive themes" together like Predator, Terminator, Cobra, Rambo, etc.
I think both atheists and sensible Christians can agree that Islam is a shitty religion that needs to die. If it ever comes down to that in Burgerland, well, I know how to use a gun.
That sums up Holla Forums and SJWs pretty well.
Arrogance seems to be a really big thing these days. Everyone and their mother loves it. It pairs up really well with ignorance, too.
Christianity is fucking stupid and she is the #1 reason why I'm not one.
inb4 ebin fedora tippy meemays
I'm firmly convinced that the Islamic Mahdi is the Christian AntiChrist.
For the most part, yes.
That's why it's always important to humble yourself.
Get some fresh perspective on things, not to mention it helps foster other virtues.
Fixed that for you, m80
I seriously don't understand what's the problem with this.
I studied cathesism all my life and had to keep with my teacher's bullshit about the subject, even tho I mentioned several times that the bible is never against fun.
Hell, the fact that you're giving a bunch of data and code enough power to believe it could influence your lifestyle in any form is heresy.
I was talking about Christianity, which was at one point just as terrible as Islam.
All religion is stupid. By nature it is believing in something without good reason because someone told you it was true.
Bitch, you don't know what Jesus likes.
I bet Jesus would like SMT games.
Breaking: kikes infiltrating Christian institutions have brought ruination upon it
Also water is, in all but four cases, wet.
I wanna play 'Guess that game' now from the site
I bet Jesus doesn't like this either.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Christian post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid Codemonkey to disable it for you, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" atheism sux comic, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Holla Forums posting about atheism and religion. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic christfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "Atheism is a mental illness/Tip your fedora now mom." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
The fuck you talking about, Jesus walked into a church, started flipping tables, and chasing people with a whip.
Is this copypasta?
That box is probably filled with tiny dust particles, so you must give a lot of fucks. Checkmate atheists.
I have to say, that is some fine posting.
[AVGN] talked about that game years ago. It's made by a christian company that makes unlicensed games. They even had a game that you needed to top mount another game, so it could bypass a lockout chip.
Old people don't know what browsers are.
No. No, this is not copypasta. Why would you think this is copypasta? Do you think this is copypasta? Does this look like copypasta? When your cat meows do you go "is this copypasta, Felix"? When you see a bird fly do you go "I have already seen a bird fly before in my life, this must be copypasta"? No, sir, this is not copypasta. You don't know shit about copypasta. You are missing the point very hard and looking at it with your memory instead of your brain. You are reading the post in terms of size and rhythm where instead you should read it as it is and extract the information you need. Why would it matter if it was copypasta? Why do you care so much about it being copypasta? Do you think if it was copypasta it would mean any less? No sir, even if it was a copypasta – which you don't know since you are asking (by the way, it isn't) – it wouldn't mean any less. Newsflash, everything has already been written once. Every book or sentence or maxim or tale or novel has already been written. That's just what being human is. Do you think that makes the present uninteresting? Of course not. You have to live with the knowledge that everything is copypasta. But if everything is copypasta, nothing is.
You are a funny man user.
There's a reason I know what a 555 is, honey. It's because I got no comedic timing.
I'll have you know my old man who's approaching retirement age is quite PC savvy. Then again, he programmed m68k back in his day and even used a UNIX.
Incest is the best, put your little brother to the test.
My parents were pretty reasonable, since my dad didn't give much of a shit and my mom already went through that shit back in the day, and the only really retarded restrictions were on Halo, which was un-banned in the house after she saw the game being played, and Harry Potter, because her mom still dropped in from time to time and it would give her a stroke.
I'd get it if it was all retards like post-release Undertale, but it's only really bad out in the bible belt, Christians everywhere else are generally pretty chill, outside of the really old ones that are starting to go senile.
It got better though, Islam still acts like a fucking medieval institution.
ebin pasta m8
But I'm killing demons. Does that not please him?
Mine did thanks to his job. He didn't know much beyond that though.
so this idiot is why every fucking game I play always has "muh demons" and all these satanic references all the fucking game long?
I'm so sick of these shitty themes, why can't anyone be original. oh wow red monster with horns, NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!
Imagine if the whole world was this about their beliefs. we could all believe whatever we wanted and just be cool about it. reminds me of someone cool I used to know, but sadly melted away into some shittier and shittier version of themselves until they were nobody.
I never said all Christians were bad, I just said that Christianity and religion as a concept are stupid. Good people exist that believe in dumb things.
Feels gr8 m8
Would be funny if someone did call this fag out to a duel with old fashioned pistol in a parking lot somewhere, where in turn he ends up getting shot and dying.
Are duels legal in the modern age?
Genuinely curious as to if slaying demons is an acceptable video game concept for christfags.
not even religious m9, but the reason the satan worshippers put their shit in every movie and every game is so that they can show off their "bling bling" and basically desperately try to remind everyone that "we exist" it's all bullshit but they keep pushing that shit everywhere because they think it furthers their religion and think it pisses off other religions as a funny side effect.
In some parts of the US you can have "mutual combat" but obviously it's not to the death. If both parties agree to a fair fight, then it's legal.
They also commit cult abuse on military bases.
Did it ever dawn on you that your parents were just saying it was for religious reasons, but in reality they just didn't approve of you wasting your time in front of a television and were too weak to say you were disappointing them?
As a follower of the Creed ( a little like four - paragraph thing that supercedes all schisms and says THIS IS WHAT BEING A CHRISTIAN MEANS) I believe that, ideally, you would talk the demon down into despair, as Jesus did, but whatever, it's easiest to gamify combat.
but what if you are the demons
Fund it.
But is it still legal to hold a "to the death" fight?
As in both parties acknowledge the duel and do the old fasion 10 paces apart and have at it to kill the other consistent.
So not killing demons? Demons are the root of evil in christianity, so wouldn't it make sense to exterminate them?
But who was phone?
That's pretty mean
Obviously not.
I mean, come on, the few times they come up canonically, one gest sent into a pig and then off a cliff, and the others get tricked into believing a human is God because he's so good at looking holy.
Demons, in the bible, are pretty fucking bad at their jobs.
Demons aren't the root of evil, they're just the guys encouraging it, much like the relationship between gasoline and fire.
Demons are also total losers, since they're too busy being dicks to each other and men to get shit done or just have fun.
Duels were illegal back in the day.
im sorry to correct you, but atheism is a religion
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He crashed the plane once again! Isn't he just the biggest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your large muscular frame glowing in the plane, lit by open windows which is the only source of light in the plane, mumbling like a hothead as you once again get caught because it's part of your master plan. Or maybe it's not even part of your plan. Maybe you're such a small guy that you actually got caught by accident, so you just wait for your Brothers. Oh, and we all know the target. Dr.Pavel, isn't it? I imagine you little shit, rising your fires so hard that you leave a brother in the wreckage, but it's ok, the Leauge will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You work for the Leauge of Shadows. You are a big fucking guy, they're probably so sick of you already. So sick of you crashing planes for them every goddamn day. Just imagine this. The League hired you and they thought you were gonna be a CIA agent or a dark knight or something grand, and then you became a masked man. A hotheaded masked man. They probably cry themself to sleep everyday thinking about why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane and they wish they could've refused your offer in favor of someone else's. Your brothers can't even try to crash planes with you because all you say is "THEY EXPECT ONE OF US IN THE WRECKAGE." You've become a small guy for you. And that's all you are. A little man rising fires in planes by himself as he prepares to crash the same old plane that he's crashed a million times now. And that's all you'll ever do.
jesus literally is satan just wearing a mask in the bible.
Exodus 20
"You shall have no other gods before Me."You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth."
Deuteronomy 5
You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.
Matthew 1:23 says jesus (messiah) would be called Immanuel, which means "God with us." Yet no one, not even his parents, call him Immanuel at any point in the bible.
(Romans 1:3 says the Messiah is to be a descendant of David but how could jesus meet this requirement since Matthew 1 and Luke 3 show he descended from David through Joseph who was not his genetic father because of the Virgin Birth.
So smt if smt gave exp for talking to demons and you could talk to bosses. I would play it.
Stop it, user.
Christfags are so fucking stupid.
Could be worse really. I could be a Muslim and my parents would behead me for not slamming my head on the ground 5 times a day.
Not a christfag but you should read some shit before talking all mighty and sounding like an opinionated moron.
Read this
Neither Holla Forums nor SJWs are good things.
Since demons are such dicks to everybody, killing them would probably be the most Christian thing to do.
So if Evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups, does that mean that religion is for children?
I think religion is pretty stupid overall, but I have no problem with people doing that shit unless they're suicide bomber ackbar kill infidels type or the type where you have a really wacked out mom who uses religion to lord herself over others and command her kids while being supremely fucked up herself like
user's thing.
They exist. If it's not meth or incest, it's something else. People like that hold onto religion to prove that they're good people to themselves. But honestly, if it wasn't religion, it'd be something else.
Religion is beneficial when it's people are peaceful. It is, after all, an organization of people. Psychopaths and Sociopaths use it as a shield like SJWs use feminism and equality, while violating the tenants of such as it suits them.
A good religious person selectively ignores portions of his doctrine, not because it suits them, but because if he follows it, that religious tenant will hurt people (like the kill all infidels thing the muslims focus on).
Essentially, a good religious person isn't very religious.
It's derived from the "religion is a fairytale for grownups" stale pastas and reaction images posted all over imageboards for years and years.
that doesn't answer my question, user
But it explains why your question is stupid.
i remember my mother disliked me playing mgs4 because middle eastern freedom fighters are getting killed and my sister got really upset when she watched me kicked the shit out of osama binladen clones in postal 2
Those are Snifits, dumbass
I'd tell you to kill yourself but I can't trust you
fuck off JIDF
they were right
I have no motivation to do anything but play vidya and plan to leach off my family until I die/kill myself
That still doesn't answer my question, user
are you afraid of giving an answer, or are you afraid of lying to yourself?
Walt Disney is a vegetable though
So that means Christ would be a huge SMT fan
Jesus very much likes this. He after all, said it Himself that we should not make any oaths at all to anyone.
according to the holy trinity Jesus (the son)=YHWH (the father)= The holy ghost (the holy spirit). In SMT 2 you defeat YHWH, and IIRC in SMT1 you defeat the holy spirit.
In the case of SMT 2; based on what I've heard, the game could be seen as a metaphor for the many reformations that Jesus made. Keep in mind, Jesus was originally preaching to the Jews, many of his teachings were contradictory to the traditions of the old. His very existence was a challenge to the old rule of "no portrayals of god" as he himself was saying to be god in the flesh, and indeed many portrayals have been made of Christ and of YHWH since by the Christians. Jesus might be least offended by the law route despite the fact that he was working with Satan, in fact it could be argued that there is no reason for Jesus to take offense as contrary to popular belief, Satan does in fact work FOR god, not against god. The "Satan is the source of evil" meme is partly due to the Romans not understanding god as being the source of everything. Indeed in old testament god does some horrible things, like that time he send the bear to kill the children, also IIRC there is a part where one of the prophet's is complain to god that all his prophesies are about bad things and god says something like he'll be releasing evil spirits into the crowd. Satan is in fact the adversary/enemy and he has in the past opposed god, the book of Job is perhaps the most well known example.
As for Lucifer, he doesn't exist in the bible and is the result of a mistranslation, so I can't even begin to imagine how he could respond to Lucifer as a main character. But then again, the trinity doctrine isn't in the bible either so that calls a lot of things into question.
Assuming the following:
So why the fuck would he plant the tree in the Garden of Eden then?
Wow, God sure is a loving being.
As if you even need to refer to retarded kids stories to prove that point.
All you need to do is point out the very real fact that you can be the nicest, most devout man in the world and still die a long, horrible, painful death.
But I'm sure that's the work of "the devil", despite that god is supposed to be an all-powerful and all-knowing being.
I dunno man, it just pisses me off how my brother was extremely sick and my folks decided to blame it on a demon and pray rather than actually help him out. At least he survived.
If you bring up shit like this, the explanation is always 'he needs to let us make mistakes, because we're human.'
It's just a bunch of mental gymnastics because they want to believe. I'm sure every Christian beyond the super crazy ones know it's a bunch of shit. Even as a 4-year-old I knew it was bullshit, but I just got lucky because my mom fell out with religion after she forced me to read the Children's Bible, and then that was it, I was raised an atheist.
God had foreknowledge and had impact on Eve and Adam's decision to eat the forbidden fruit.
God set them up to eat the forbidden fruit, just the same way Pharoah was told to release the slaves but then "hardened Pharoah's heart" so Pharoah couldn't let them go. or was the Pharoah supposed to go against his hardened heart and do the right thing anyway? or was that impossible for the pharoah?
The fact that Eve did not know the difference between Good and Evil when she ate the forbidden fruit is very paradoxical, since She and Adam literally had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing. They are technically being punished for doing evil when they specifically didn't know what evil was or that eating the forbidden fruit was wrong other than the fact that they were told not to eat it, but that goes back to the fact that they had no way of knowing that disobedience was a bad thing… we can all remember moments when we were very little and our parents told us to not do something and immediately after hearing what they said we went and did that exact thing and suffered some kind of consequence. We knew we should have listened after the fact yet before we learned that we made a mistake something stupid about our way of thinking or lack thereof, a flaw within us, or some very deceptive hidden temptation that we didn't even realize was bad until it was too late, we went and made the bad choice. The question is why? To learn? Are we meant to learn here on earth? Does temptation exist because we are supposed to learn what it is and know what is good and bad and avoid what is bad so that we may be distinctly good? when wrong is done it feels bad, and when good is done it feels good, yet here on earth things can get complicated and the lines are often very blurred. I often make the same stupid mindless mistakes over and over again even though I know that they exist, and know to try and avoid them, but often then make even newer mistakes, like making the mistake of forgetting to not make another mistake.
At least looks more reasonable than "Intelligent Design" aka "God made it, obey the bible, the end."
What the fuck did he mean, then?
The Bible doesn't even say anything about sex that doesn't harm other people. Puritans just twist things around to say all sex is evil.