wtf I like RLM now
Wtf I like RLM now
Why won't he shave that fucking stubble?! it drives me insane.
Also, is (((Mike))) a soyboy?
I'd hit it
who kept this secret
tfw the saying that men make best women is always true
Trans Letter Media when?
Do it for Disney, Mike!
I want to be a girl
Is there a blacked app?
Yes, its called Tinder. Its how I met your mother.
That show sucked faggot
try putting these pictures through the faceapp.
OP here just to say that traps are gay.
Traps are NOT gay and I am here to prove it. Let's start with logic thinking. We will apply these questions to a trap, and it will help determine if they are gay. Does the person have a masculine penis? No, they have a feminine penis. Is the person a man? No, they are called dickgirls for a reason. Does a man have a numerical value of 1? No, not only is that not the case, but a man (or a woman) has no numerical value. This is nonsense. Is it gay to be fucked by a girl? No, if this was the case then all heterosexual sex would in fact be homosexual in nature. Suffice to say, I think we can all agree that traps are not gay using quick and easy logic thinking. Now, we will use imagination thinking to imagine a situation in which you are having sexual intercourse with a trap. Ok, so like imagine this chick; but she's this totally fucking SMOKING hot chick, and she's got really sexy titties and a sexy butthole that you can pound and a sexy little feminine penis you can stroke and suck. Did that feel gay? I thought not. We have used both of the types of thinking to solve the mystery of if traps are gay. They are not. I have used indisputable science techniques to skip the hypothesis completely and go straight to a proof. Science thinking is a secret third type of thinking that many people don't have so this may be a difficult concept to grasp for some. I am happy to explain my theorem further and am opening this thread to discussion.
Totally not gay
Wrong, (((MILO)))
You are a total caricature. We won't accept you in the alt right.
Watch this documentary to educate yourself.
Congrats, you made a Jewess OP.
Thanks honey.
Wrong my gf once ejaculated in my mouth it didn't taste like sperm.
Except that I am in a relationship with a woman.
Oh look, they ran it through the Faggynator 3000.
They ran it through your mom?
You know nothing John Doe.
I know that trap=gay
There are almost zero features that match between those two pictures. Why not just post a picture of a proud fat woman of color and call them r63 of one another. Stupid. Sad.
Traps are not gay just give it a try.
I'm pretty sure that's a fake. I doubt Trump even knows what futa means.
it's real
Trump is a long-time trap & futa enthusiast, user.
Why would I doctor a quote from The God Emperor?
We traditionalist conservative have principles.
Here an other documentary so you will know that definitely traps are not gay.
t. proud boys representative
Fake news
Fake news.
Fake news
Is that Laura Loomer?
this :/
Talking to yourself. Now that's sad.
Trips demand to meme it. The FaceApp made roasties assravaged to no end, let's harvest even more salt
Lol he thinks I am samefagging, nope.
I was reading an article on Transwomen in Thailand.
You might just be the sadest shitposter on Holla Forums after the maisiefaggot
Looks like Sophie Turner with a wider face tbh
do this one now
Doesn't look like a girl but I lol'd
Somehow he looks more jewish as woman…. looks like Gal Godot
But guys in wigs are still men. I wish women hid loli bodies in fatsuits but they don't.
I don't like your hostility.
Me with my girlfriend, you see totally not gay!!!!
Noooo! Hot Mike was a ruse.
Anyone did a race swap on Mike before the kikes shut it down?
No, no. Hot Mike just got through MakeApp.
I tried that on me and turned out to be a pretty ugly woman
FYI: Traps aren't gay, but if you like traps, you're definitely gay.
yfw Mr. Plinkett can no longer abuse women as a joke