Why does Holla Forums pretend to be so edgy?

Why does Holla Forums pretend to be so edgy?

Because it's an anonymous imageboard. If you want real edgy, go to Holla Forums.

I don't think they are edgy there, they support Israel loving trump

They don't.

Wanting to get rid of niggers and jews isn't "edgy" you leftypol soyboy. It's called pragmatism.


You are a dumb trumptard

What does edgy even mean, retard? fuck off

oh so that's what it's about.
fuck off, retard

Fucking dumb trumptard

so you admit what's 'edgy' nowadays is basically anything that might be inconvenient to jews?


Edgy was the worst thing to come out of 2012.

No one is being edgy here. If you get upset because someone made fun of something you don't like, just hide the damn comment or thread and move on. This is Holla Forums, not your reddit safespace.


'"""""""""""people""""""""""""" say the same stupid shit all over the internet, soy boy

If you think that anyone on Holla Forums unironically hates niggers or jews, you're an idiot.

No, that's basically a spot on paraphrase of what you've been saying.

Well I guess my advice goes to garbage.

nazi faggots need to know this isn't their internet safe space. Every board needs to be fucked up to the point thst mods will ban reddipol shit on sight rather than risk the shit storm their presence would create.

There's nothing wrong with "unironically" hating niggers or jews you stupid piece of shit.

lel so stereotypical

becose drumplungfps are sad dad dier orange dady is gon tobe inpeched :'(((

Okay but here's the thing.
You don't get to decide who a "nazi" is. You're not getting a communist left wing safe space here. You can have that just about literally anywhere else on the internet.

Then I guess that's fine. Freedom of speech is what brought the anons here.

just stop acting like an edgy high schooler that everyone hated because he thought he was smarter than everyone

Maybe you should go out more.

do you have brain problems you piece of trash?

There is, it's called being racist and a blanket statement brainlet.

Maybe you should get the fuck out of here.

Go back to reddipol it's that simple, you don't even discuss on topic here

I don't give a fuck. I'm racist, now make your point.

No. It's that simple. kill yourself. It's that simple.

Hey man, if you want to fix something you need to get to the root of the problem, you can't just deal with the symptoms.
Maybe people will stop being racist when niggers stop being human garbage?

How about discuss about the movie presented in the OP's threads rather than focusing on race for once?

I'm not the one who has a serious tissue issue with people of color, maybe you should kill yourself and end it already?

Okay, you know what made Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone so great?
There weren't any niggers in it.

You're brain can't even compute beyond nigger tier ape tier in and out group tribalism, you cuck.

It's called Philosopher's Stone sweetieeeeeeee

I had to get in a nigger taxi yesterday, he was pretty much just like this.

Dropped after 11 seconds, I can do a better African accent

just skip to the last 5 secs, classy comedy right there

Classic Holla Forums.

Thread derailment at its finest.

: )

Sam never claimed to be classy, he's always been vulgar and abrasive and edgy.

Who wants to do a "good" african accent?
Africans are shit.


I like to do accents. I can do a gollum / smeagol accent and hobbits are shit

I'm just implying that any thread on Holla Forums gets derailed because of political shitflinging.


I wouldn't know, I don't watch children's movies sweetieeeeeeeeee

They aren't for children they are for the entire family

I unironically hate ghetto niggers and banker jews. Black men, and the Jew merchant selling wares down at the mall. Im kinda ok with. Mostly.

BASED black men are great. I think they are better than whites because unlike whites they didn't get a free pass at life and had to work hard to escape the prejudice and oppression in order to elevate themselves to civilization.

Now I can expect a bunch of anime girls calling me a cuckold for admiring hard work, discipline, and self reliance.

If anything I consider us blunt.