Hope youre happy

Ya know that malware thats been going around? The one that disabled hospitals and now people are dying in the streets because hospitals are turning them away because computers are crashing?

The one that is making your amazon package take longer to arrive?

You people did this..its using the leaked NSA tools

Hope you fuckers are happy…fuck you if you think people being turned away from a hospital is funny




Don't care.

Go complain on the russian chan


Blame yourself or god.

I'm 95% sure you're a troll, but I'll say anyway… no we didn't. The CIA did this by exploiting vulnerabilities in Windows to spy on us. This was the inevitable result, which I'm sure they knew and didn't give a damn.

You seriously believe this was us?

We don't need stories from the front page of reddit reposted here.

The jews did this. The jews did everything.

I don't see how this wasn't inevitable anyway. They should be thanking whoever did this for showing them how bunk their system is.

Well, congratulations. You caught us red handed. We had to fund right wing safety squads somehow.

why should we care again?


Kill yourself you total imbecile. Waste of oxygen.

I get that it's sad that you can't get that anal fissure looked at, but shit dude, why complain here?

*Evil fascist laughing intensifies*

Oh how nice of you to blame. I wonder who you could be

Blood is on your hands. Lick it up since you enjoyed it so much up until now.


What the fuck kind of shitty cuckchan tier bait thread is this? What the fuck are you sliding, n00b? What, the real shills take a smoke break?

Remember to always sage

Did you school just let out for summer?

Let them run with this. Go ahead kikes meme us into S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

We're on the case.

We NSA now


Next time don't run critical software on windows. IT 101

I should care?
Schadenfreude feels nice.
Sage for moralfag thread.

dont look at me it was gamergate

Boo fucking hoo CIA/NSA niggers.
Maybe you should have thought about your weapons getting into the wrong hands before you made them.

If it would have been anyway from here, they would have hit Soros and the other kikes. Get fucked Moishe.

didn't he die?
was he trolled to death?

Good, maybe now we will be forced to have safeguards, and even laws in place to make us less dependant on software and internet.
It's still funny though, seeing the argument that releasing the tools so that any idiot can use them was wrong.
Any other attempt at a solution would have had the issue glossed over and we'd still all be manipulated and spied on by foreign and domestic agents while having a giant gun (in the form of cyber warfare) pointed at each of our collective economies, with the little people being the ones to suffer the damage of such attacks.

I'm a phoneposting nigger, write and big number is hard for me sometimes

I didn't do shit. I've been here this whole time merely keeping abreast of worldly events and masturbating to pictures of Ebola-Chan. My hands are clean.

You have no power here.

Okey so if you get to blame us for the death of people because of a leak and some people who wanted to profit out of it, is it fair for us to blame obama voters for the rise of ISIS and the deaths of many thousands in the middle east?

Since we can blame people for indirect actions

I'm Canadian. That's called "a busy Wednesday in the ER," you sack of gibbon testicles.


Wannacry about it?
I suppose we did 9-11 too?

Fuck you we're the good guys

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KYS you braindead shill
The IC hoarded zero day exploits to use them and didn't give a single shit about what the long term consequences to the general population were. Now that their treasure trove of exploits has been released into the wild as was inevitable we're seeing the results. Blame the CIA and NSA if you want to blame someone who might actually be responsible for developing these weapons.

and this is a nice thread

Hello NSA, you can blame yourselves, the CIA and microsoft. All you had to do to prevent this was get microsoft to release that secret shadowbrokers patch on pre-win10 systems. This is the future you chose.



You got me to respond so whatever have a (You) for free.

you are nigger. your cuck porn surfing did this to you