Hey Holla Forums what do you think about this?
What will happen if ALL men suddenly have a legally recognized "right to sex"?
Hey Holla Forums what do you think about this?
What will happen if ALL men suddenly have a legally recognized "right to sex"?
The Nazi who wants government-issued gfs must be overjoyed.
Universal Basic Incum when?
The best thing is that this kinds of laws always start in nordic countries, so FREE BLONDE QT FOR EVERYONE
They already consider those that resist to be "anti-social" and need psychiatric help, and I think they've already discovered "anti-social" genes.
We'll all be mentally and genetically perfected until there's no conflict between us and the system.
Tomorrow they will announce that not being an entrepreneur is a disability as well.
Thats called rape.
Might Makes Right Am i Right?
What reasoning are they giving for doing something like this?
What this actually implies is that governments will have to offer a public dating service to pair these reproductively desperate individuals with each other.
Honestly that isn't a terrible idea. Oftentimes such people have a hard time meeting people irl. Like if my fat, forklift driving, StarCraft playing older brother was paired up with an equally average girl, he'd definitely welcome it
You'll have to look somewhere other than the Express for reasoning
Man Porky really wants those extra wage slaves.
There's no rationality behind it, it's just liberalism's obsession with "liberating" everything, no matter how ridiculous that is. This liberation project become a mockery of itself a long time ago. In this case they want to "liberate" people who can't find a sex partner. Just one more example of why freedom under liberalism can only be realized via extensive regulations.
looks like the beta uprising will have to wait another day, neets have a new form of income for their tendies.
Can I also park in a handicapped spot then?
No, there will be new special spots that will make it clear to other people around you that you can't have sex.
But in all seriousness, I see nothing wrong with this. Giving straight men and gays the option for biological children is a good thing.
At best, people can be single and still fullfill their child wish and at worst it negates fears from betas who always talk about muh society of women and shit.
I hope as soon as possible, that would be rad as fuck and much safer and easier on women, as well as the above mentioned things.
All in all I see nothing wrong with this, although the title is clickbait.
But in all seriousness, I see nothing wrong with this. Giving straight men and gays the option for biological children is a good thing.
At best, people can be single and still fullfill their child wish and at worst it negates fears from betas who always talk about muh society of women and shit.
I hope as soon as possible, that would be rad as fuck and much safer and easier on women, as well as the above mentioned things.
All in all I see nothing wrong with this, although the title is clickbait.
The tl;dr reason for this dicision:
can I get government money then?
At last i truly see.
Pick one and only one.
Anyway, I'm fine with my waifu, thank you very much.
I came on your're waifu's face
No, true freedom can only be realized via better technology. Regulations do jack shit because, as you have no doubt already noticed, you run into contradictions when you have limited capabilities and resources.
she will never hold you, user.
it's just so the niggers you've helped flood europe with get gibs and access to a white prostitute and/or off with rape. kill yourselves.
those people are fleeing war they need a safe place to be
those muzzies and sandniggers are reactionary right wingers
it's not our fault they moved when competing reactionaries bombed their countries
Holla Forums, I know reading is not your strongsuit, but you really should be reading this article.
Its basically about giving beta's like yourself the ability to conceive biological children while being single. You can do your part to save the white race and prove how those negroes dont have strong fatherly instincts like you have.
everyone has a human right to love
You have good taste in lolis then.
Facials are a pretty low-tier fetish though. There's room for improvement.
A UBI would be better.
As for kids, I don't really want to bring any new life into this world. Their inevitable suffering at the hands of capitalism would be my fault.
Maybe, but it would be wrong to give up hope. Our species has not got this far by giving up on goals just because the prevailing opinion is that they are impossible. I have no doubt that people will one day be able to hug their waifus, and there's a slim chance I might live that long. If not, there's always the great event-horizon of death. Who knows what lies beyond that boundary.
Mostly emptyness and some worms.
That's absolutely disgusting on many levels.
One, if you can't get laid, it's not because you're disabled. It's because you're either a shitty person, have unrealistic expectations/standards, or already have a preexisting disability (like you have autism or agorophobia or something that is concretely preventing you from being able to relate to people normally). I don't care how fat or ugly you are, there is always someone out there who is willing to bang you, and if you're not a piece of shit you're already well above the majority of available single people. And in most cases, I'd argue that having a decent personality can go a really long way even if you're butt ugly - to the extent that I'm sure most neckbeard fucks could easily get a nice, average girl if they weren't generally bitter MRA NEETs who can't have a conversation.
This isn't a biological problem. It's a culture problem. Men who aren't conventionally attractive are bitter women-haters, and women who aren't conventionally attractive are just sad and lonely and won't even get attention from equally-unattractive men, because men feel more entitled to someone "better" than them.
But at the end of the day, if getting laid is the only issue here, there's no room for saying it's a fucking disability.
Even more so, though: This is actually legitimately damaging to the environment and society. We already have way too many fucking people, and we're gonna have too many more in the coming decades, and that with global warming is creating a population catastrophe where we'll not be able to keep billions of people from starving to death by 2100. We're only exacerbating this problem by continuing to essentially enforce compulsive breeding and/or reinforcing the breeder culture.
On many levels, I find this to be really sexist. The WHO is using the same logic capitalism has always used for population control to essentially colonize the womb.
>ywn be turned into an actual girl by the state in order to supply a surplus of government-funded happy endings
what's the point in even being a leftist?
No wonder we have the readabook meme, nobody bothers to read.
tbf thats already proven
what other kind is there?
geez, you're taking this whole dating thing way too seriously. check your nihilism.
I'm just kitten. Miyuki is the superior lucky star anyway, and I'm not allowed to cum.
you're no fun anymore
adopted children, idiot
you sure you linked the right study there mate?
Just world fallacy.
both of you kys. Not even gonna bother addressing these trite ass posts
Its for blacks specifically for biracial offspring, I think it has a section about mono racial black parental relationships but I could be wrong.
Seems white women arent good at making choices.
You better have kids with an asian then.
Or its saying the women who had kids with black men make bad choices.
Great way to tell which is which, if theres a little niglet begging for watermelon near her, stay away. Otherwise you're good.
when you think about it why should women get ownership of their sexual services when men's work gets redistributed? are you a sexist or something? because that's classism.
Here's a simple question: what did you experience 500 years ago?
You weren't waiting in limbo experiencing "nothingness" for 13.5 billion years before you were born. You only experience the moments in which you are alive. Therefore, subjective death is impossible. What happens instead of death is anyone's guess. Maybe you just skip forward a few billion years into a future where our descendants have figured out how to resurrect you from the imprint your mind left on the ripples of space-time. Maybe you wake up as a Boltzmann brain. Maybe you're already a Boltzmann brain and will be effectively immortal. Maybe this is just a nightmare and you wake up in Gensokyo. Regardless, I am completely convinced that there is more than "nothingness" after death.
I can't tell if you're joking. I support womens' right to the ownership of their bodies/reproductive capacity and workers' rights to own the product of their labor. But the latter isn't really relevant to this article or thread.
Found your problem right there.
Fair enough.
TBH besides your racism I dont date single mothers here because it shows poor dicision making skills. And I must admit that seeing single moms with black kids makes that reaction stronger, for whatever reason.Also its funny how almost all white women i seee (urop) with black men are fat, maybe its just confirmation bias though
Nothing, thats the nothingness i was referring to. The state of not existing.
This is tumblr-tier shitposting. As another user pointed out, it's nothing more than the just-world fallacy used to claim a false sense of superiority on an anonymous imageboard.
Literally kill yourself.
How long were you experiencing this nothingness for before you started experiencing something else?
Trite or not, they're right. You're saying "they deserve to be alone because they're bad or mentally ill" which, leaving aside how odd that is for a nihilist, acts as a justification of that system as it exists. It's little different from saying that the poor deserve to be poor because they're lazy, stupid, or otherwise mentally incapable of holding down a proper job. There isn't any real analysis but a repetition of ideological formulations about individual responsibility.
are you new to Holla Forums? we're lefties here.
Question Would you guys ever drop the marxist/leftist/insert whatever different things you believe regarding race if you could have your economic and societal ideas established?
What effect will artificial wombs have on this when they become more prevalent?
I would like to do all these things in an ideal world, that doesn't make me left wing.
women will need to get real jobs.
Race will be a matter of personal choice within a couple of hundred years, just like hair color is today. Honestly I don't care what you believe about it. As long as we were living in a left-libertarian society where people were free to live their lives how they liked, I really wouldn't mind.
As the experience of time is subjective and the state of experiencing only happens to living brains, nothing.
Although I do have an interesting theory about this. I have lost my memory for a bit when i bit my head, and it was like I instantly warped to when i remembered. It was like it never happened. And since I experience this right now and remember it, it may mean these memories or these experiences exist forever.
Yes.Because the material conditions will allow the causes of racism to go away,also make gooks honorary aryans if we are going for this shit, they are objectively the superior race
I take back what I said about your good taste.
I suppose it makes sense that a sub would be more into the motherly types.
Apparently it took the jews 800 years to gain 10 IQ points, based on that it would take the dullest of niggers 2400 years to reach average white IQ
>Because the material conditions will allow the causes of racism to go away
I don't like niggers because the commit a lot of crime, whats stopping a nigger from raping someone if no one has material possessions?
>he doesn't know that the aryan halpotype comes from mongolians
>he doesn't know that the polish are more aryan that the Germans
What would your solution be? State-provided gfs?
The issue is fundamentally a cultural one, and I'll admit to there being many superficial women as well as superficial men who are considered attractive. That doesn't detract from the point I'm making, which is that objectively-speaking this has little to no barrier on just getting laid. The biggest barrier to that is people being shitty, because of social conditioning that makes them extremely superficial or sexist. And the whole issue at stake here is whether or not not being able to get laid should be a disability, which is not only total bullshit in itself but also is being addressed outright wrongly by treating it as a medical issue.
That's also really the minor problem I have with this. The real problem is that the planet simply cannot support the population as it is, and not only is this going to only get worse from the effects of climate change, but it's going to doubly get worse by continuing to enforce/reinforce these ridiculous ideas we have about the importance of continuing to reproduce. We need to get our shit together before we even think of having more generations, much like most people who claim they can't get laid need to work on themselves before they are suited for a relationship or have enough game to have casual sex.
how long until gender too?
Lay down the meme spoilers faggots
I dont know what flavour of identity politics you buy into so I just threw whatever out there.
I suppose it makes sense that a Konata poster would be a bully…
Go away Freud!
Besides…they are all youngin's, so not particularly maternal at all.
tfw the europhobes are laughing at us and getting laid ;_;
Stop promoting your dead board, Nigel.
btw did you guys notice Nigel and Niger is only one letter away.
tbh they'd ban me for fun
Precisely. You cannot be said to experience death at all. If there is no life after death, then the entire universe (as perceived by you) comes to an end when your body dies. That seems unlikely. I mean, what are the odds of you even existing in the first place. Surely if it was possible to not exist, the chances are you wouldn't exist. Therefore, there must be some physical law which necessitates the existence of my subjective experience. If that's the case, I can't die.
This is basically just an extension of the anthropic principle.
You're assuming that human genetic engineering will never happen. I suppose it makes sense to bury your head in the sand when faced with a truth which will render your entire identity irrelevant.
Probably around the same time. Age too.
Well yes, she would be pretty fun to consensually bully.
I went into /britpol/ once, it was some babby having a teary over his ex, an autist obsessing over some-grill on twitter and some faggot in denial who wanted to meet up with a tranny "just for a chat I'm not gay I would never ever fuck honest".
At least you got to promote your social media page though.
False pattern of thought.
There may have been a trillion possible people alive who didnt become alive due to the universe, but you did by chance, and therefore lack any frame of reference. If you di dnot come into existance you wouldnt be here being a little bitch about it.
How will britpol ever recover?
You can keep bullying me, if you want…
But why do _I_ experience my own existence? What made me win the 1-in-a-trillion lottery of existence? Why isn't it someone else experiencing this existence instead of me?
I don't think it should be treated as a medical issue either (at least not in itself), but the problem isn't mainly social conditioning making people superficial or sexist; many superficial and sexist people have girlfriends and wives so that doesn't in itself seem to pose an obstacle.
This way of thinking reverses cause and effect in many cases. Frequently I've found that there's an embittering process wherein those who cannot find anyone form sexist beliefs and the like to justify why they can't find anyone: because the other sex is evil in some way, because they're all vapid whores or sex-obsessed bros, etc. These justifications conceal more fundamental problems that are not so easily attributable simply to beliefs, although such beliefs can exacerbate the pre-existing problem.
in fact, did you even read what i wrote?
I said I don't like blacks because they commit a lot of crime.
If their IQ suddenly jumps up via genetic engineering then they'd be as likely to commit crime as my own people.
Then I wouldn't have an issue with them
Then we take the stars
Antisocial means psychopath, not socially isolated.
Usually you just get autism diagnoses. Most 'antisocials' are in prison.
Tough luck. The other trillion-1 others are not here having an existential crisis because they dont exist.
Well the universe is deterministic.
And quantum randomness is not influenced by anything, so rewinding time would give the same resultsAlso its probably not truly random
You have largely misunderstood the causes of crime.
I was referring to cosmetic genetic modification to change one's apparent race. Improving the human brain is likely much harder, although it would likely be made easier by increasing genetic diversity to sample a larger range of parameters.
Okay, why aren't you experiencing the world from my point of view with my personality and my memories?
"just because," is a deeply unsatisfying answer.
Then what is it?
Because the blacks that were raised in the same socio-economic situation, area and school as me are all either in prison, inbetween prison and committing crime or smoking weed on benefits.
Compared to the larger amount of whites that went to my school maybe 5% are like that while 80% of the blacks are like that.
Mean words don't make people destroy their own lives.
I'm guessing the above is what you think makes blacks commit crime, but not whites in anywhere near the same numbers FOR SOME REASON
I have more respect for the ones who are proud of it regardless of what people say or think tbqh.
Never bullied?
Because I'm not you due to:.
plus genetics.
Lovely anecdote and pseudo-stats.
Actually yes. I learned how to deal with it.
you could try doing what I'm doing right now and stepping outside your torture chamber for a little while. Maybe look up some crime statistics.
I was bullied from age 4 to 14 and was suicidal.
Even though you can learn how to deal with it, you shouldn't underestimate the effects of social pressure and conditioning.
I was bullied from age 4 until age 16 and was suicidal when I was young.
I learned how to deal with it.
The biggest assumptions everyone is overlooking here are that crime is wrong and that law enforcement is fair and accurate.
Again, correlation doesn't equal causation. Also nice subtle attempt to try and shift the burden of proof from the person making claims to someone merely poking fun.
They are free to quit at any time.
Lots of it is.
You're still missing the point. There are far too many coincidence that had to happen for me to be experiencing the world right now. Hell, I don't even see any evidence that other people have a subjective conscious experience like my own.
Descartes please leave
t. Moralfag and narc
I know what your going to do before you do it, I've had this same conversation a lot.
Crime = punishment for crime = statistics
You have to believe there is a global conspiracy of everyone who isn't black against everyone who is to think these are made up.
What would you consider to be evidence?
But your fear can still be used against you to enforce the will of another group.
thanks, i'll go around injecting people with nicotine in that case
Most of it isn't.
Well, that's the problem with p-zombies isn't it.
quiting smoking is harder than killing yourself.
Of course only a moralfag could project fear onto another.
You have justified the need for a government that can do things its people aren't allowed to.
You just have to not smoke.
I'm not against government per se, just the state government.
Thats fair.
friendly reminder
Ah well. Theres always next time.
1) this doesn't talk about iq, so your initial claim to correlation has been ignored and you just goalposted
2) still implying that even if said correlation existed they are causal
3) the citations given by your own source code from the very institution labeling what is and isn't crime and how such should be punished, ergo still being unable to detect confirmation/expectation bias
You guys are all having the wrong argument.
If a higher average crime rate is justification to discriminate against blacks, why isn't a higher average rape rate justification to discriminate against men?
Holla Forums literally use the same arguments as the worst SJWs. I reject both those arguments for the same reason Holla Forums reject the latter.
You guys have all derailed yet another thread with this stupid debate that you had a hundred times before and have never managed to agree on anything in the end.
I'm sure you would, making talking about IQ pointless in the first place.
Then who has the right?
It already is in my country, here a woman can't legally rape someone.
It's not our fault you Holla Forumsyps try to force memes onto every place in this site.
tbf you guys wont believe government statistics, independent studies, science or anecdotes, you will never accept anything in this regard, hence
How many black people have you guys actually known on a personal level?
And you support that? You agree that men should be restricted to unsafe-spaces so that women can avoid the risk of getting raped if they prefer?
No I think men should stop raping.
Not what I said at all.
Again, not what I said at all. In fact, that the government does say what is and isn't a crime is the foundation for that point. But I will argue your strawman just for my own amusement: the state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual, crime. Crimes spring from spooks, fixed ideas. The sacredness of marriage is a fixed idea. From the sacredness it follows that infidelity is a crime, and therefore a certain marriage law imposes upon it a shorter or longer penalty. But by those who proclaim "freedom as sacred" this penalty must be regarded as a crime too against freedom, and only in this sense has public opinion in fact branded the marriage law.
It's what Holla Forums wants to happen to black people, when they're not advocating lynchings or outright slavery.
But I'm not Holla Forums.
You know perfectly well what is and isn't a crime, obscuring it with a load of bullshit doesn't change that.
So you didn't understand the part where I said infidelity is the crime from marriage or what?
Being spooked won't change the fact that all laws can be rendered illegitimate by anyone with a strong enough ego.
I don't think that word means what you think it means
But you lot are arguing the nature of crime on a philosophical level instead of addressing an obvious problem.
I'm not implying I'm smart, I'm implying you're good at rationalizing ignorance.
And this was a question, one which you didn't answer, which of course you are free to not answer if you wish.
It makes no difference in a practical sense.
I don't give one shit about philosophical ramblings, I care about the blacks shooting each other, robbing me and mine and costing a lot more than they return in tax.
And that you don't concern yourself with the reality of black crime says to me that you don't experience it.
This only reinforces the idea that most leftists are middle class and living in overwhelmingly white majority areas.
Anyway, this has been fun-ish, but I need to sleep.
Try and focus on fixing problems instead of deconstructing them, yeah?
Again, if this is what your defense is then you've sorely misunderstood every one of my critiques thus far. I have never said it doesn't exist, and to suggest as much is another strawman.
Good riddance. Please die in your sleep.
don't come back
Ironic coming from a StormJW.
you mean free arab women?
First of all, nice trips.
Secondly, -kun is woke AF, check this out my fam