Being white in Europe is the worst thing in my life. All the women and men are degenerate, hedonistic and uneducated morons who take drugs and study worthless degrees. All I want is to be an attractive, young, proud black man who studies about the history of his people in his free time and travels through Africa meeting countless unique and interesting cultures on the way. The women would be traditional and proud and my black friends would be stoic, hard working and thinking about their future family. I would study Physics and return to Africa to teach black children science and open their eyes to reality, to take them away from intolerant and backwards religions and ideologies, helping to make the future of Africa into a great one. Instead I am trapped in this white body, there is nothing to be proud of, nothing to life for and Europe is a total shithole full of leftist cucks and psychopaths.
Kill me
Hudson Cruz
This is such a terrible attempt to try to get people to go "wtf I hate being white, better go get myself a LaQuisha so that my kids won't be like me :'("
You can do better than this, Holla Forums. Can't you?
Blake Barnes
top kek
Ayden Hall
Wow, that's some shit bait. 1/10 made me reply. Way too obvious, work on your hyperbole balance for next time.
Wyatt Watson
Have you considered suicide?
Easton Long
Don't worry. You are not.
Ryder Sanchez
Op you aren't white though look at the picture.
Jayden Phillips
Don't you just wish you were 100% Nubian God like this Vegan Alpha male?
Asher Young
leave then
Hunter Sullivan
Oh, don't worry about that, sweetheart. You aren't.
See you soon ;) . t. your friendly neighborhood right wing deaths squads.
Jackson Bailey
Brandon Martin
Chase Myers
Please kill yourself, you don't deserve your white body
Carter Wilson
i'm more alpha than him and i'm whiter than your vanilla ice cream, faggot
Daniel Collins
I genuinely laughed put loud when I read that.
Isaiah Brooks
Kill yourself twice: because you're a cuck and a nigger.
Ayden Powell
What the fuck are you even going on about?
Nolan Reyes
Xavier Powell
Nicholas Jenkins
It's the current year fam, you still have time to become transnigger
Liam Young
Don't let your memes be dreams. Go full Dolezal and see if you make the news.
Cameron Diaz
Ian James
That's an oxymoron.
Austin Russell
Don't forget to report slide threads!
Jace Flores
If you were black your iq would be 80 and you would be unable to understand physics. KYS.