
who can explain how is it possible for communism to exist without a state controlling the economy? how can anarchy be anything else than the ultimate form of capitalism and a 100% free market?

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Bumping, genuinely curious.


I forgot the sage

You need a third party with a monopoly on force in order to enforce private property rights, so anarchy is for sure not capitalism.

Ancaps as they call themselves are pretty far removed from the reasons that the original anarchists were against the state. They see it as a violation of natural rights, whereas anarchists see it as a protector of certain rights that shouldn't exist. Polite sage if the question is in earnest.

So, we have

Like in the edgy 'Taxes are theft' way?

Basically, but they have this weird deontological mental gymnastics where they try to say that you can't disagree with them without contradicting yourself among other things.

well seems to me that free market is the default state, hence the word FREE as in uncontrolled

We've had this conversation too many times. Besides even Stalinposters are only authoritarian as a temporary measure and believe that the state will "wither away" somehow. That is to say, communism is inherently stateless.

I dunno maybe watch some LSR beginners' videos on anarchism if you still don't get how stateless socialism works and you're not willing to do the reading.

Kim Jong Un has pretty much free reign over his country.

Except capitalism literally cannot exist without state enforcement of private property. The so called "free market" needs to be consciously maintained.

Remember: capitalism does not simply mean trade.


Reminder that Marxists are to anarchists what the politically illiterate are to socialists.

Holy shit, I feel like I'm in a moment of clarity, you literally just made it all click in my mind.

People will themselves enforce communism, revolution will transform our way of life.

Because no private property nerd


greediness will be abolished?

Greed is only a capitalist form of selfishness. There is nothing wrong with selfishness, it just needs to become fuller. I want communism because it's good for me, and I care about the world because it's the world I myself live in. For this reason capitalist selfishness (greed) is very partial and does not have one's own interest fully in mind. Total selfishness cares about social relations and climate change for example.

maybe now you'll cut it with the fake socialist shit

Yeah, ok, fuck you too buddy ;^)

"Hey cool fruit"
*Takes fruit
"Hey that's my private property!"
*Shoots guy who took fruit
"Hey we're the rest of the community and we don't recognize the right to commit murder over objects"
*Propertarian is shot or banished

Pretty simple mate, you just assume private property as a default without state and ideology backing it

That's called ideology, son

-hey cool fruit
takes fruit
-hey that's my private property
-no, it's mine
-hey, the rest of the community, this nigga took my fukin fruit!!
-no i didn't
the rest of the community assigns a group of people they trust to figure out who's fruit it is in a special meeting called a court
that's one branch of government

Government =! State

A fruit cannot be private property.

that would still be a form of governance, though, state or no.

Without a state who will enforce your arbitrary property rights tho?

… Communism is a stateless classless society.
Communism =/= Socialism.

IN FACT you NEED a state for capitalism to be regulated or it collapses and drags humanity into the second dark ages.