Refugee Crisis

Suggestions to handle the refugee outburst? creative actually possible solutions please, preferably needless of long term political shit.

Other urls found in this thread:\/image/Number-of-Slovak-visas-issued-over-last-four-years.jpg

Oh boy, a shitstorm thread!

First, Europe will have to reassert its full commitment to provide means for the dignified survival of the refugees. There should be no compromise here: Large migrations are our future, and the only alternative to such commitment is a renewed barbarism (what some call “clash of civilizations”).

Second, as a necessary consequence of this commitment, Europe should organize itself and impose clear rules and regulations. State control of the stream of refugees should be enforced through a vast administrative network encompassing all of the European Union (to prevent local barbarisms like those of the authorities in Hungary or Slovakia). Refugees should be reassured of their safety, but it should also be made clear to them that they have to accept the area of living allocated to them by European authorities, plus they have to respect the laws and social norms of European states: No tolerance of religious, sexist or ethnic violence on any side, no right to impose onto others one’s own way of life or religion, respect of every individual’s freedom to abandon his/her communal customs, etc. If a woman chooses to cover her face, her choice should be respected, but if she chooses not to cover it, her freedom to do so has to be guaranteed. Yes, such a set of rules muh privileges the Western European way of life, but it is a price for European hospitality. These rules should be clearly stated and enforced, by repressive measures (against foreign fundamentalists as well as against our own anti-immigrant racists) if necessary.

Third, a new type of international interventions will have to be invented: military and economic interventions that avoid neocolonial traps. What about UN forces guaranteeing peace in Libya, Syria or Congo? Since such interventions are closely associated with neocolonialism, extreme safeguards will be needed. The cases of Iraq, Syria and Libya demonstrate how the wrong type of intervention (in Iraq and Libya) as well as non-intervention (in Syria, where, beneath the appearance of non-intervention, external powers from Russia to Saudi Arabia and the U.S.? are fully engaged) end up in the same deadlock.

Fourth, the most difficult and important task is a radical economic change that should abolish social conditions that create refugees. The ultimate cause of refugees is today’s global capitalism itself and its geopolitical games, and if we do not transform it radically, immigrants from Greece and other European countries will soon join African refugees. When I was young, such an organized attempt to regulate commons was called Communism. Maybe we should reinvent it. Maybe, this is, in the long term, our only solution


Probably the only time zizek has ever offered a clear solution to any problem

tl;dr Be authoritarian as fuck and shoot the ones who refuse to adapt to europe.

I am all for helping those people but if we are getting millions of them we simple cant keep up the angry wave of the finger, because wave of the finger relies on social conditioning and pressure, which simply doesn't exist in people from a vastly different society.

You are welcome as long as you adapt and respect the norms and laws of your host country. We're not going to forcibly convert you, but if you rape people or commit heavy crimes you will be harshly punished.

If the refugees don't want to respect our way of life and repay our helping hand and hospitality by biting it, tough luck.

And before anyone asks
To where? Ideally we would solve this differently but the world isnt ideal and hard solutions call for hard measures. Its either authoritarian handling of this problem, or if we don't, it will become humans vs orcs.

But hey, we could also just let the free market deal with it and open the borders, im sure everything will work out a-ok and theres totally not going to be massive ethnic violence and slaughter on a massive scale.

Well Germany opened the borders and there wasn't any mass slaughter.



this problem when sexism could save us.
Let any woman and children in, send all men back.

While this would be funny to watch, you must know that many isis edgelords are simply sexually frustrated, so taking their grilles would be an equivalent to 10 years of US funding moderate beheaders.

Apart from the fact that it might reduce the trouble caused by the juvenile men, how exactly does it solve the issue of million(s) of young men at the borders?

Praise zizek

let's see how internationalist my fellow "comrades" are.
Solidarity with all refugees, tear down fortress Europe tbh

Please read

Joke's on you, I'm not an internationalist!

I didnt know solidarity with the proletariat meant fucking over one part of the proletariat for the things porky did and making them go fascists and kill the other group.

fuck them, europe is much stronger than a few US-funded rebels

if they refuse to go away and apply like regular asylum seeker, just shoot them.
We are taking refugees from war, a man who leave their family in warzone do not deserve to live.

Yeah, and? Is Zizek some kind of prophet?

not a communist tbh

the only people who are fucking over the proletariat are the bourgeoisie, not refugees and internationalists.

Yes, making angry virgins go salafite won't definitely result in more boom booms, making Euros go right-wing

bourgeoisie are fucking proletariat by importing lot's of ill minded people without any desire to be class-consciousness. Where the fuck is the talk about Ukraine refugees? NOWHERE. Why? because they integrate into society quickly without causing ANY TROUBLE.

I sincerely do not believe they have strong enoughread intelligent enough leadership to cause any trouble for EU. Fuck, even I could make more damage to EU than terrorist attacks in past years combined.

definitely not. He's a pop-philosopher and is overly enthusiastic when it comes to sockdems.
cuz they brown, rite? way to go, tankie.
1. most Ukrainian refugees are within Ukraine's borders
2. you won't hear the bourgeoisie complain about the refugees of their latest imperialist proxy pet
3. they are not brown so there's that.
Integration stands for subjugation and not causing any trouble is a keyword for accepting your position as a disposable work-force. Because that's what refugees are in the bourgeoisie's eyes.

Most foreign criminals in the UK are Eastern European…


What the fuck even are these "foreign fundamentalists"? I thought all of the shit he was talking about went without saying.

God I really fucking hate "cultural" discussion in politics, it's so nebulous and arbitrary that it means nothing.

sure, i am full nazi who hates anybody who isn't white. Not that petty-bourgeois person like you actually meet non-white people in everyday life.

most syrian refugees are in middle east
oh shit, I forgot that if I'm not a woman or black I have no say in communist movement.
my god. Have you ever tried to work with actual people without your social circle?

Recolonization and forced modernization for backwards Middle-Eastern states. Radical Islamists, of any faction, will be shot.

So basically shoot all male refugees?

The Australian solution. Pay various third-world shitholes to keep the refugees. Don't accept any into Europe itself.

Literally why the Islamic revival even happened

Overthrow of democraticly elected leaders in favour of theocratical dictators to get better access to oil?

of course not separate them, however most refugees are men who do not hold any respect to women and left their families at home. they will bring no value to our society, they will just hinder our socialist movement in europe.

Clearly, not enough radical Islamists were shot.

I actually live in a working class part of town and I got many friends who are not white. But regardless of whether I'm a prole or not my point still stands. Dismissing immigrant workers cause they are "not class conscious" is peak chauvinism and pure bullshit and I wonder on what you're basing this idiotic statement. If anything immigrant workers are part of the most ostracized stratum of the working class.

yeah, but there's no substantial amount of ukrainian refugees in western Europe.

lol, yeah, talking about the primacy of the international working class makes me a SJW now, I guess?

Not in Iranian revolution when Iran became Islamic Republic. People were sick of Western capitalism and rejected the American puppet.

Yes. So they islamic extremism came about because america overthrew a democratically elected leader in favour of a puppet.

fuck i fucked that comment up

Another attempt:

Yes. So islamic extreminism came about because the people reaction to american imperialism. The americans overthrew a democratic secular leader to install their puppet, like i said.

Yes, in the sense of rejection of American influence, not because of.

Foreign aid from nato. Rather than displacing people in a foreign country. Believe it or not there are more options than immigration.

Sure, the imperialist forces which have been fucking up the region for the last 70 years are the once who are going to end this dilemma.

You attacked me that I'm willing to send people back just because they are not white. If you are not willing to accept that your personal ideology stand on strong neoliberal believes, do not bring race card on, you are not on Holla Forums

because there is """no war""" in ukraine, it's just """anti-terrorist action""". Officially, they come in as normal immigrants.

Pretty much. Religious fundamentalism has real, tangible and politically relevant meaning, it's not just backwater savage thinking left unimpeded.

Well if you want to bring that up, it's pretty clear that we're all just larping. In the end none of us will have any say in this and our stupid, shitty opinions mean less than nothing

it would be better than the current solution

you literally said they have no desire for class consciousness. You brought that on yourself. It's not a card I'm playing, I just noticed that you're talking shit and I'm calling you out on it. So either explain yourself or shut up.
[citation needed]
Even if they came we wouldn't notice them as there'd be fewer ukrainian refugees than syrian refugees.

agree tbh

nato only brings death and despair.

Yeah, but NATO still sucks.

Suppose basically every Arab who wants to flee the Middle East is allowed to come to Europe. How will this benefit the socialist project?

Why don't we suppose something not completely retarded.

We will tap into their power of jihad (=struggle) and overthrow the capitalist kuffar.

Why cant they do that at home?

No. Under true open borders, this is what will happen.

Because the imperialist capitalist kuffar are too powerful. We need to defeat them in their own countries, then the muslims can move back home and finally have a communist revolution in their own land.

Stop shitposting


I'm not being fully ironic though. If you want to stop refugees then stop imperialism of your own governments. RAF placed bombs in American military bases for example.

yes I did, and guess what, most of they don't. If you'd talk to somebody who works at immigration camp, you'd understand it better

these websites shows nice graphs about ukrainians entering Poland and Slovakia, I bet you can find much more if you'd try to use google.\/image/Number-of-Slovak-visas-issued-over-last-four-years.jpg

And get put in Guantanamo for the rest of my life?

and it didnt solve a fucking thing

Also I'm Americans so refugees dont really affect me


I have no say in the choices of the American government


Some European countries are just as hawkish (UK & France primarily).

t. yuropoor

Bombs speak louder than votes or words.

Also I'm anti refugee but only theoretically because America is smart enough not to accept them anyways. Meanwhile you euros are getting screwed. Finally being American paid off

I prefer refugees in Europe over living under the American police state and in the dystopian Disneyland that American society is.

If America accepted refugees, it would be profoundly less controversial. We'd give them some FEMA camps in Nevada or something and have some military personnel watch them, easy peasy.

Europe is getting so thoroughly shit on because they are stupid and make it worse than it has to be, especially Merkel.

Imagine having an ideology so insanely retarded that it makes you say shit like this.


We let them in and send the islamo-fascists into the gulag