What if ancaps are right

ok so before you call me a faggot (which i bet a lot of you are eager to do so) let's think about the following


we understand that capitalists profit from the surplus value in the form of money which is extrated from the commodities made by the workers when exchanged in the market, that commodity price will reach an equilibrium due to the inherent modus operandi of capitalism. when a capitalists manages to outcompete the other capitalists, the other capitalists will soon follow the same patterns to gain a portion in the market

the only solution to be compete againts other capitalists is to lower the prices of commodities to gain market share, this is why some cappies claim capitalism is inherently good, however we understand that in order to reach that point, in order to increase their profits, capitalists engage in:

a)decrease raw material's costs
b)extract more value from the worker's labour (exploit them)
c)develop automation technologies

they can only achieve this because they own the means of production via property rights and by controlling the productive forces

now if we understand that no matter where the capitalists try to gain leverage againts other capitalists, either by exploting the workers or developing nerw machines, the price fluctuation will always reach a new equlibrium point in the form of similar prices, wouldn't it make sense that the way to overcome capitalism ought to be to disrupt this equlibrium in praices from its root cause?

ancappies claim that capitalist is inherently superior because this equlibrium will always mean that no matter what advantage the capitalists get it will always be matched by the competition, im sure we have all argeed with an ancappie babout monopolies, nap, property rights and so on and they always reply with "b-but there will be competition that drives the prices down"

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capitalists therefore can profit even if prices are kept in check, as they would arrange the productive forces in a way that they still will make a profit
now how does this proves ancappies right in anyway? It all leads to the conclusión that they are indeed wrong as we all know, however we are also forgetting one main aspect of their ideology, the lack of taxes
if we understand that the equlibrium reached after price fluctuations is the energy driving capitalism as a the dominating ideology, shouldnt our theory be aimed towards the disruption of this equlibrium? If we somehow managed to completly eliminate prices from the equation, using the same automation technologies used by capitalists to profit from the workers to fully automate the production forces, from its delivery, to its production, advertisement, energy consumption and so on, to offer the commodities at no price (therefore no profit) for free wouldn’t we disrupt capitalism from within? porkies wouldn’t be able to compete because there would be no profit to be made, they would have absolute no way to compete at a loss going broke aftera couple of production cycles
we could imagine said environment given the amount of technological developments that we have seen in the past century, however there is still a massive issue here
the state
the state will demand taxes from the land, the factory, the energy, the vehicles used for delivery and so on, therefore creating the necessity to sell the commodity at a price higher than zero enabling corporate prokies to compete

make no mistake then, the state is indeed the enemy, the bourgeoise state, with all its social programs and welfare, with all its fake reformists opportunities, with all its costume of worker's party, bolshevikism, democracy and so on is the biggest enemy of communism

You're a fag.

But AnCaps are demonstrably not right, OP.
Post discarded.

In theory. He can also use other tactics to secure his own goals, such as a variety of (what we would now consider) illegal actions. IE sabotage, defamation, flat out violence

Nah, theres plenty of other ways capitalists gain market share.
The problem with all capitalist cocksuckers is that they use a perfect model of capitalism where everybody respects property rights and no underhand tactics are used.

What are you suggesting? I think automating everybody out of a job is a good way to fuck up the system to such an extend that it will create a vast underclass who work for crumbs which will rise up.

I think you miss the point man. Shit wouldnt become free 100%. But the price for goods for the average consumer would drop dramatically, as will their income. In the end, you still have a lot of potential labour, and a few rich people who control the resources. They will thus pay people crumbs to do shitty demanding tasks (think prostitution, being tortured for amusement, whatever else decadent thing you can think of someone with lots of money might do after they are possessed by their power). The people with the jobs will then still buy the cheap goods with the little money they have. We return to 19th century western europe, but amplified to a thousand degrees, with not enough jobs to replace the lost ones.
The disparity between the poverty of the masses and the riches of the few in itself will inevitably cause an uprising. Probably well before we reach the point of my illustrated dystopian scenario. And then again, that is only if yo assume that the system of property rights as we know them today is magically respected, which is not even happening right now. Tax has nothing to do with this, as tax is percentage based, and tax is used to buy labour (which will become cheap as fuck) and resources (idem ditto). In a more realistic scenario, the government would simply subscript people to do forced labour if they dont have any money.

tl;dr your line of thought only works in an idealised anclap state of the world where everyone respects property rights and the NAP.

Didnt read.


Even worse, legal actions. Lawsuits, creating supply shortages, legislation, and negative advertisement would destroy any upstart company.

ok this really hurt my feelings

it wouldn't be free because you would need to pay taxes demanded by the state, something ancaps are againts

but if you didn't have to pay taxes you would be able to achieve the production of goods at zero cost (as long as you fully automate every partof the production)

Go to Holla Forums if you want to shitpost

This is an interesting idea OP thanks for sharing

You dont need tax if the cost of production is zero, because then the state can do whatever the fuck they want, because everything is free.

Also, this is never going to happen in the near future, or ever. What is going to happen however, is that prices will become so low and work so scarce that forcing people to do jobs that dont exist doesnt make sense and you might as well abolish money and use planning and soft purchase caps to manage the economy.

Nigga, I know what Austrian economics is, it's just dumb. It's fuckin' dumb. Like, really fuckin' stupid.

Ancaps might be right in a different universe, but in this universe they are completely wrong.

We're all aware ancapism would collapse because of lack of effective demand currently created by government deficit spending
as well as collapsing profit rates and employment for the reasons you just listed

You'd think those Austrian allegations were just banter.

Really makes you think.


learn theory op


Like Yanis Varoufakis said, Marx's insistence on proving his abstract ideas with precise mathematical discipline was his biggest mistake, which is why capitalists are so eager to prey on it.

At the end of the day, it's all purely theoretical shit. The practical, provable failures of capitalism remain evident.

you're dumb.

What the fuck

Taxation via a capitalist state is still bourgy as fuck, its entirely anti-communist

If you want a quick jab to throw in there kindly remind the Ancaps that:
more than one business offering a product or service=/= competition

have them play with that for a while

This is pretty incoherent, and I fail to see what this has to do with the transformation problem which is about input and outputs of production cycles.