Doom hasn't even been out that long
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singleplayer aint that bad.
Its mediocre trash
And another reboot that sold only because of brand recognition will be forgotten quickly. Yay.
I loved the single player, fite me faggots
Is there a single gun in the game that feels like it has impact?
The plasma gun feels like a super soaker.
I'd buy it. - If it was 7€ or less with all DLC included.
single player was cool for about an hour
Feels good to know that people are still playing the original DOOM over 20 years later but in another 6 months everyone will have forgotten MOOM.
Nice one you fucking retards, now I won't even bother buying it on a 75% sale like I would have done if you let me try the single player first. And what the fuck is snapmap?
"Snapmap" is nudoom's map making tool, only there is a 64 demon limit unless you use one of those scripts that spawn demona randomly. 64 HAND PLACED DEMON LIMIT.
even if I was Id I would still be happy because I got fired right when crunch time rolled around and replaced with 3rd rate shitstains that work for less than half what I make per hour. Too bad I'll still get all the blame though because no one ever actually digs up dirt on Bethesda.
So basically a load of shit that's been outclassed in every sense for years by anyone who ever made a .wad?
Didn't crackers find a breakthrough with Jewnuvo and said they might be able to beat it in a few months?
also only 12 or something out at once.
Yeah, 12 enemies on screen at one time. Even if you placed all 64 demons in the same room, only 12 spawns until you kill all of them.
I wonder why. Is it due to console limitations, taking up too much space, being spec heavy, or what?
Consoles, because all snapmap maps can be played on any system.
That's such a weird choice. Is it even possible to mod NuDoom outside of snapmap?
It's also becuase nobody bothers to optimise their games any more.
It's only worth it for singleplayer, which is totally fun.
Also something tells me they're trying to keep it cheap to attract more folks for multiplayer, to keep it alive for longer.
The low energy video game industry is making me lose hope.
Who still cares about video games?
Denuvo makes is impossible to mod it. But if you have a pirated copy sometime in the future it might be possible.
This too, but consoles were the main reason.
The demo is still up nigger. Now you can have an informed opinion about the mediocrity.
It's just the first level, but if this is what they chose to represent their game. And it's mediocre as fuck, with terrible level design, boring weapons and modern fps cancer all over.
I thought even the chinks had given up on trying to crack Denuvo open.
People aren't gonna invest a lot of time in mods if they only work for the pirated version
Denuvo 'breakthroughs' so far have been retarded, you need a friend who owns the game already so at that point you might as well play it through family sharing
Thats why nudoom is done for in about a month or 2. No mods, no community involvement, and a shitty game to boot. There is nothing good about nudoom.
Just further proof Bethesda's success is a continued string of random events, and not a master plan.
This is the company whose flagship IPs sell on the promise of modding, yet they do everything in their power to discourage people from modding their games, or try and monetize that shit to pretty much kill the community.
It's weird personally. I remember some devs saying "The 360 and PS3 are holding us back!". And now they can't optimize their games at all. Outside of a few of course, DICE still manages to make good engines despite lackluster games.
I do, but only for a few series. Play older games instead though, no matter how bad the state of modern games are, nothing will change what made you fall in love with the older titles, and there's still hundreds of thousands of games yet to be played.
I wonder why they made the game impossible to mod. It's the same reason Duke Nukem Forever died. It's like the publishers forgot about why the games were so popular in the first place. They were on everything for people without good PCs, they were playable on everything as soon as the 2000s rolled around, and most importantly they were so customizable. And there's no better way of fans loving your game than being able to make tons of maps with little restraints, to lots more.
That and the fact that they tried to give NuDoom a season pass is retarded considering nobody liked the multiplayer. And considering the same team is making Quake Champions, that makes me worried as hell.
You do realise doom is all about singleplayer, it always has been, you see before you were born in 2010, games used to be about singleplayer, while multiplayer was just an afterthough, which is what happens here.
This is the real doom, only the singleplayer matters in a fucking doom game.
rip and fucking tear motherfucker
oh good the captcha prevented me from posting this non-saged
the alternative is that they wanted to crash the Doom modding community with no survivors because they believe it cuts into their turf for Elder Scrolls and Fallout. sounds retarded but this is Bethesda we're talking about.
Their success is based on a cult following, heavy marketing and buying out/canibalizing popular IPs.
No I don't, obviously all those multiplayer modes from coop to deathmath, on LAN or dialup, and all the singleplayer maps having optional deathmath weapon and player spawns for the sake of duking it out means they only focused on single player
Go be twelve somewhere else.
Doom was a popular LAN game for many, many years.
No it fucking isn't you fucking newfag. Doom started the multiplayer trend. Fuck off you piece of shit.
That's fucking retarded. I love singleplayer games and only sometimes play multiplayer stuff, but that's just historical revisionism.
It's basically a single player game based on a dead IP.
Nobody born after 1990 cares about Doom.
The same happened with Wolfenstein except the makers of Wolfenstein knew it was a niché story driven single player game for Wolfenstein fans/nostalgia fags and budgeted accordingly.
Oh and Wolfenstein let's you shoot nazis, it's awesome.
No, that's terrible.
It was on consoles.
Can't ADS in nuDoom, so it's not a modern fps game.
I know you're trolling and all, but singleplayer seriously has always been the only thing that mattered to me personally in Doom. Or really any FPS I've ever been much into. And I would consider it a bad thing that multiplayer seems to be shoehorned into more games than the old days.
But that doesn't mean I'm going to go trolling those who enjoy the multiplayer parts, that's not objectively wrong. Though it has always kinda bugged me that part of the budget went to making multiplayer happen, whereas I'd prefer that 100% of the dev effort went to the single player part I actually want. Or alternately, at least let me buy a slightly cheaper single player version so I'm not paying for the multiplayer part I don't want.
Maybe it's me though, but I wish The New Order's gameplay was more similar to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as well as the map design. It's still the most fun I had with a modern shooter in years and it did something right to keep me playing to the end, but I hated how heavy the character felt to control, and the maps leave a bit more to be desired in terms of secrets and maze-like design.
remember seeing a few totally legit and not at all financially persuaded speedrunners with suspiciously new youtube accounts doing runs of the game a week or so before release and then all fucking right off within a month.
It's shit. Levels are shades of grey and more grey, the gun variety is pathetic (most weapons being reskins of ones from the past timeline) and they are boring to use, enemy variety is just a bland horde of generic Nazis, the pacing is shit and constantly fucked with a need to inject the shit, Swedecuck approved, storyline into the mix.
I will never understand why people praise this boring turd.
Even on consoles you always had genres that were clearly multiplayer focused. Hell, one of the mainaspects of consoles was and still is to a degree that you can play against/with people on your coach.
Too bad thats pretty much a thing of the past now that splitscreen isn't in today's games these days unless its special cases like Nintendo
Doom was awesome.
Why are there 6 serious replies to this post?
Oh yeah I was talking about multiplayer as in Internet.
But couch co-op was indeed a huge thing on consoles. Split screen gaming with a friend was really fun.
The story in Wolfenstein is great if you're European and not an edgy teenager. Everyone hates nazis. Yes everyone. Even the neo nazis distance themselves from the old nazis.
Wow someone else who played the 2009 Wolfenstein?
Return to castle Wolfenstein is still the best ever.
Nice bait, you successfully baited a lot of anons.
Actually there's a scope attachment yes a fucking scope in DOOM you can put on your "Heavy Assault Rifle".
Literally just release the fucking SDK
That's all they had to do
They have to remove denuvo for mods to work anyway. Its impossible.
Games with assault rifles should be banned for being too boring.
Explain this shit to me. The number of times I tried it (mostly console FPS like Halo) there would be a lot of peeking going on, unless I brought 15 metres of ethernet cable to connect 2 consoles in different rooms together.
Damned from the start then.
"check out these deals goy, now its a full priced game instead of overpriced"
i honestly wanna give this game a gentlemans try but they should pay me for how much fucking space it takes up
Dont, its mediocre trash that has nothing going for it. Youre better off just playing serious sam or painkiller.
For PR reasons, friendo.
First off all I liked RtCW, but it's retarded to say you get more out of it as a european when it's basically fuck yeah murrica+indiana jones. Has nothing to do with europe. Also, the game is fucking edgy as hell. It's about secret nazi mutants and ghosts and shit.
Remember when edgy wasn't a strictly negative word?
Gee, maybe if you didn't keep using it wrongly then the meaning of the word wouldn't be so muddled.
It's the steam summer sale. Practically everything is on sale for 25% or more off. I mean there are a lot of criticisms to throw at the game, but this seems like a weird one.
Pretty sure everyone uses the micro missile attachment though.
you're probably right. but i bet i could get a laugh out of one quick romp through it like i did for wolfenstein. granted i was able to borrow a console copy of that game and burn it all out in one weekend and will never play it again
Please, do not pay for it. Pirate it when its cracked or borrow a friends copy. Just do not give bethesda money for this trash, not even 5 dollars.
But I didn't? In stark contrast to you
Because there can be nothing wrong with a larger userbase.
Just because nobody uses it doesn't mean we can just deny it's existence.
It's nothing like Serious Sam, and Serious Sam is shit. Painkiller's okay, but feels cheap.
I don't get people here's hated of new Doom. Sure, it's not old Doom, but it's still the best shooter in like 10 years.
Sure, but the scope just seemed like filler to me. As if they tried to figure out what it's second attachment should be and just gave up.
I don't think the multiplayer even matters.
All that matters is the initial sales.
Anyone know how many copies they have sold already ?
I would assume they made a killing.
hopefully one of my goy friends gets a console copy cuz that would be ideal for me
Its not hard to be the best at somthing if everthing else is really shit. Its still shit, but not as shit comared to this bigger pile of shit.
Out of all shit opinions, this one I understand the least.
Forgot b8 pic
Compared to most triple A titles, not much.
How the fuck is Serious Sam not shit? Especially 2 and 3.
What's been a better shooter in the past ten years?
Can you read IDs?
Marathon Phoenix
Perhaps it's because they didn't want what happened with nuDoom and Doom to occur again. Doom 1 & 2 have healthy communities that have persisted for decades now due to the community's ability to mod and innovate. While a normal creator would find that heart-warming, companies today probably see that as a threat to future sales, where if they release a newer, shittier, low-effort game that just rides on the franchise's coattails, it won't sell because the real, original fans still have the first games which still get content from other players.
So, what better way to make sure the next soulless, cash-in sequel sells than by sabotaging your own games in the present so that there is nothing to go back to years later in the future? That, god forbid, you actually do something right or fun you will never need to actually try and build on or improve over that with the next game because your stupid and tasteless consumer base will buy it just because it's shilled as The Sequel' and the last game lasted only a few days before you ran out of things to do in it.
If my assumption is correct, then ladies and gentlemen: it is no longer profitable for AAA companies to make fun, quality games. It's been said before, but mediocrity really does sell.
.79 mil on PS4
.39 on X1
.11 on PC
I personally bought it on PC. I liked it; good single-player. I haven't touched the multiplayer, heard it was shit.
I managed to beat it once, and I have no urge to play it again.
get out shill
Forgive me this was all I could find at the time.
Fair enough. Still doesn't change that you were wrong.
Holy Mother of newfag
Both players can peek, so it's technically fair. In my house we never really cared about it. I've never had and FPS games for console though, besides Star Wars Battlefront. (and in that you need to be able to find the other player easily or else it just feels like two people playing singleplayer)
Jesus, companies are fucking retarded. They should have been aware that because DOOM 1 did so great and was so well loved, it paved the way for DOOM 2 which even more people bought because they loved the first one. That's not even counting the fact that it was ported to so much systems because of how popular it was.
Instead of spending millions on marketing and fake hype, maybe they should make sure the game was a blast with loads of things done right that people would want to go back and pay for expansion packs and sequels. Am I wrong?
Why aren't you banned yet?
How is this even considered a good single player game? It's a mindless, kill 12 guys in the room and move on to the next one. We've been getting this shit for years, it's nothing new or innovative. If this is a good single-player game, then all of the shitty COD games are now considered good single-player games too.
i'm gonna level with you and say after the last bunch of single player games i played that were riddled with fucking padding and exposition, -just- going room to room murdering shit sounds fucking great
Then you must have incredibly low standards if that's all it takes to please you.
The thing is that Bethesda and most people unironically believed the original Doom was just about that.
The fact that they havent bragged about sales, that the buzz is truly dead, that they added a demo, that the Steam version is 40% off and that Pete "Fiction Doesnt Require Consistency" Hines was nervously asking… no downright begging people to buy it at E3 should be enough to understand how fucking bad it sold.
vgchartz pull figures out of their ass and they should not be trusted.
Alright, big boy, tell me: What's so edgy about Wolfenstein?
It's all right. I think this is what should be the standard for an average game. It definitely doesn't live up to the originals. I played it for free by family sharing my friend's steam account. The game also had a proper boss fight which for some reason is exceedingly rare in FPS games.
i would still expect the combat to be good, but i would much rather play a game that's just fighting your way to the goal than the hamfisted shit we get these days where the player is forced to listen to NPCs or do the same "puzzles' over and over again like pushing the same fucking crates next to a ledge
The game wasn't even that bad, just slow. Enough with these shit ">post ur face when u kekked that le game is on sale haha" threads already, jesus. They made enough to reboot quake for god's sake so clearly they're doing pretty well for themselves.
That reminds me, the Obliteration Techniques in Ninja Gaiden II flow much better than the Glory Kills do in D44M, probably since it's a third-person action game. The fact that enemies near-death also prove dangerous to your health by blowing themselves up in your face probably also has something to do with it.
You have good taste user
Its called Warhammer Vermintide and Shadow Warrior
It went down 7th of Juneyou fucking shill
With Fallout 4 money, and fuck you for reminding of that you goddamn fucking nigger.
nice dubs. you can also ignore obliteration completely if it isn't beneficial to the situation you're in and finish enemies off with regular combos, so you wouldn't have to lose your rhythm just to kill an enemy
I bought the Turok remaster in the sales. It's shocking how much more fun I'm getting out of this than the Doom demo. This game that as far as I recall wasn't even considered to be that good back when it first came out.
I don't understand.
Don't get me wrong, I bought Shadow Warrior really cheap and got to almost the final boss, but what makes this game so different from every other modern FPS that I see people praising it on Holla Forums? It's just the same shit, except you can bust out a katana to hack demons apart, and even that isn't as over the top and fun as Demonsteele.
So what gives? I'm not saying it's shit, but come on.
I say it's not as terrible as people make it out to be while saging the thread telling OP to stop making shit like this because it's just shilling the product, yet I'M the shill.
On n64 its kind of clunky, but the remaster did so much good for it, now its a good game. If you didnt know, turok 2 actually has a pc port. Its pretty easy to get, just google it. I think theyre remastering turok 2 too.
Shadow Warrior is literally Painkiller with swordfighting, upgrades, and more magic shit
Are you trying to make me not want to play Painkiller?
Can you go over what exactly isn't terrible about it?
I don't know user this board is filled with edgy teenagers who think nazis are great.
I try to explain to them that they're the kind of untermensch the nazis hated and would be shipped of to a concentration camp but it never seems to help.
Anyway Wolfenstein never takes itself TOO seriously. A nazi moonbase for instance.
Its actually a pretty fun game for a playthrough, it can't be played over and over for all eternity like the original Doom, but its a 6/10 shooting game and gets pretty intense and reaches about a 7/10 near the end.
You could make the game go from horribly mediocre to pretty decent with a very small amount of minor changes, but of course we can't make them without actual mod support and a lack of denuvo:
Any other small stuff? This is what I got from playing the demo level and watching some gameplay, so there may be more issues I don't know about.
Its decent, better than most, requires key combinations to deliver the attacks instead of one button cinematic bullshit and overall its very basic but has some nifty unique ideas instead of the derivative mediocre garbage that is NuDoom.
Focus on Melee and dismemberement certainly helps
He's still right, people need to stop making shit threads assuming a game has poor sales without any proof just because it's become cheap during a fucking steam summer sale.
Just bought this, thanks for the tip user!
Painkiller is a better game in most ways though.
Youll probably enjoy NuShadowWarrior more if you play it.
Well, you could always pirate it for yourself and see what I'm talking about.
Is that fucking Xanatos on the left?
Don't worry, user, the only thing that's more ingrained into this board than getting mad at video games is contrarianism. Once the pendulum swings back, things will change and being a nazi online won't be the hip underground thing to do.
I wouldn't really say Shadow Warrior has a focus on melee, all of the swordplay just feels so weak, even while you're exploding demons into gibs with goddamn katana shockwaves.
They should've either expanded more on the melee or ditched the gunplay all together and turned it into a first person musou.
Turok 2's the only one I actually played back in the day. Was pretty shit at it at the time. It'll be nice to finally see those later levels, when I get around to replaying it.
Keep the damage control Pete, Im enjoying it.
Im emulating it right now, and i got the control scheme like a modern fps. God damn i hate controller fps. It played so much better on pc.
Not on consoles
Well, if it's Shadow Warrior with less stuff, and I think Shadow Warrior is mediocre, what would compel me to play Painkiller beyond morbid curiosity?
Well jokes on you because NuDoom has cutscenes and shit you cannot skip.
For PS4?
I defended TNO because I though it was just Holla Forums having a fit.
Turns out the game is again, mediocre garbage thats only slighly above Turning Point Fall of Liberty.
Fuckoff summerfags
Get the fuck >>>/out/
I guess Sonyggers can finally play Halo like they've secretely always wanted
If you're a polak or edgy metalhead who just wants a quick mindless FPS fix you might get some fun out of Painkiller. Outside of morbid curiosity, I can't think of any other reason why.
it changes the level design to focus on single locked arenas with decent design and verticality. the whole "skateparks" meme is purely subjective and I highly doubt you haven't played a game that took this approach.
what the fuck does that even mean? Are you referring to the health system? It hardly changes shit on the higher difficulties since you need to jump into groups of enemies while on low health just to get it back up, which is a serious gamble. And as if vampiric health is a bad design choice, I sure hope you've never played a game with vampiric health before. Besides that, I have no idea what glory kills have to do with level design. Yeah they're slow as shit, hence why I never said the game is even that good and why I specifically stated that it's fucking slow.
Simply saying that doesn't make it true. The guns besides the pistol do equal levels of damage as the guns in quake.
again, specifics are needed. Are you referring to how they all chase you? Because they all seemed to be doing whatever the fuck they wanted when I was playing, there was an equal amount of em all over the map either walking around or infighting.
again, I just said the game was slow
you keep repeating this as if I said the game was the fastest hottest game on the market. Did you read or am I talking to yet another bumbling fucktard on here who automatically assumes that if you're not holding the same popular opinion that you hold the complete opposite opinion.
Read, next time and actually realize that opinions aren't always black and white.
you didn't read my post, where did I say that
I said the game isn't as bad as people on here make it out to be. It's still pretty bad.
This thread is literally pointing out that it's on sale, what does that say to you? What does you bumping this thread say to me?
I said it's not the worst game ever, I said that threads like this are literally "HEY GUYS THIS GAME IS ON SALE NOW" under the guise of some shitty "totally fucked devs weed lmao" topic
You sound like a faggot.
It isn't.
Go play Demonsteele and tell me that.
Well… I've liked metal my whole life. That's good enough for me.
Youre that shill that destroyed the steam review thread. Fuck off.
facebook-tier post
Fuckoff shillington
What the fuck?
Whats your point, they give you a shitton of upgrades and powerups so you can focus on melee and most enemies are more easily killed with melee.
How is that not melee focus?
Can you at least attempt to reply at this point?
So did NuDoom actually sell? I never personally heard any sales figures.
No one has, so theres your answer
The game's still an FPS, it just has more melee than your usual one. The actual melee combat is pretty much Oblivion tier, except you actually hurt people and your guns are totally shitty to make it seem like melee is worth a damn.
Four attacks? That's it? I'm supposed to think a game with 4 special moves and a regular attack is focused on melee? Dude, come on.
Gee I wonder why…
There's the projecting.
It MEANS that because of the glorykills and the fact that you can make enemies shit out all the ammuniton types possible in the game with a simple chainsaw swing, there's no need for ammo placements, health placements. DOOM was never a game for a "Vampiric" health system. You sound like the guy that literally had 41 posts defending this shit.
Use the plasma gun then.
Irrelevant because this isn't Quake this is DOOM.
Okay, from what i've played in the demo and seen from footage, the Imps do nothing but jump around the place and occasionally throw a fire ball but other than that, are no threat whatsoever, the Possesd soldiers now armed with fucking metroid cannons stand there practically begging you to shoot them unlike Original DOOM where they would occasionally walk around in search of you when they knew of your presence. The Pinkies literally just charge into you and are childishly easy to dodge . Hellknights ATTEMPT to track you down but are so easy to outrun.
If one of the selling points of the game is about how it's "FAST", and it's not even fucking fast, it already fucked itself.
I never said it wasnt an FPS, just that it had an unnatural focus on melee.
let's face it, if not for kids obsessing over brutal doom they would go with CoDoom variant and it would be even worse
At least Id have a fucking laugh as even the Beth shills wouldnt defend this piece of mediocrity.
And I said the melee wasn't very good.
Wonder if I can space this right.
And again
Fuck off kike, neo nazis distance themselves because if they don't, they'll get arrested.
Tell that to the Poles, the French, the British and the Germans who all have important elections coming up with Nazis winning in the polls.
The verticality in the level design is absolute wasted potential given the fact that the enemies are not able to make proper use of that verticality and challenge the player, unlike you who moves around like a ninja. Compare this to FEAR where the enemy AI being able to use the environment the same way you do to your/their advantage is what made each encounter so interesting despite you fighting mostly one enemy type at a time. Sure, enemies in Doom 4 are able to climb platforms, but at most they're just lagging behind you waiting to claw your ass as all of their projectiles miss you, turning vertical differences in level geography essentially into get-out-of-jail-free cards.
The prominence of a vampiric health system reduces the need for level designers to bother with item placement when designing levels if the player can just restore their health and ammo to nominal levels within a whim. Sure, there's still hand-placed ammo and healthpacks around, but in Doom 4 they're no longer as important since it's usually easier to regain health through Glory Kills. If anything, they act as bonus health or a means to recover health more quickly like in NecroVision on top of a system which makes it rather easy to regain health. Through careful item placement, you can create a plethora of interesting levels and various encounters which the level designers over at id decided to not bother with at all, and they'd rather just treat items as a failsafe.
Nobody ever praised Quake for how good the guns felt. Part of that has to do with the fact that enemies take more shots to die compared to OG Doom. Unlike Quake, Doom 4 does not use bulletsponges to its advantage with simple but great weapon balance and tight level design, instead turning most encounters into circlestrafefests or jumpfests when need be. In OG Doom circlestrafing endlessly (usually) wasn't possible through hitscan enemies which forced the player to use the level geometry to his advantage, but those are absent from Doom 4.
In OG Doom the AI was simple, they just moved around slowly and executed their attack patterns. The slow individual movement speed was compensated with plentiful and careful enemy placement, as geometry and enemy variety went hand in hand, and so different encounters could be designed. OG Doom didn't require advanced AI (nor could it have probably done so at the time) because the enemy variety, placement, and level geometry made up for that. FEAR, on the other hand, has you usually fighting one enemy type, but the AI is capable of using the environment in the same way you do, causing emergent situations where you can't always predict the enemy as most encounters manage to feel fresh.
Enemies in Doom 4 spawn around you at random, and either throw projectiles at you, or attempt to melee you. HOWEVER, as a result of the focus on verticality in level design, the player has a larger advantage over the enemy to the point of making most encounters redundant. Your speed in OG Doom was limited by the level geometry or enemies spawning around you, as you could not jump over them, unlike Doom 4. The AI doesn't need to be groundbreaking, it just needs to be able to challenge the player on equal footing. Had the enemies in Doom 4 been more tuned for vertical combat, then this flaw wouldn't have been so apparent. Had enemies made more frequent use of verticality (like denying the player from jumping on top of certain platforms), the game wouldn't feel like wasted potential. The Revenant now has a jetpack, yet can't fire homing missiles anymore, which would have posed a challenge for the player even when he's jumping around platforms. The only enemy which seems to have been accommodated for vertical combat is the Hell Knight and its leap attack, which is why it stands out so much.
Don't forget America has LITERALLY HITLER winning the presidency without question.
This is just another shovel of sand over single player FPS games coffin
The reards will think they should have focused more on multiplayer. And now Prey and the like will have a 3 hours campaing at max.
When talking about enemies in Doom you should just link this video.
I don't remember hitting bullets to deflect them in oblivion
There's no ammo, but the weapons are OP.
the majority of melee-focused games don't even have that much
Pointless argument regardless, the guns and sword are forced on you unless you go for a blade-only run. The reason user says it's melee focused is because you cant hold JUST the gun, but you can use the sword by itself. The game definitely encourages sword usage in the same way that many other hack n slash games do.
So you're telling me you've never played a game with locked arenas that require kills to progress? Really? Then how can you even properly judge this design decision?
Hardly enough gas to make it viable. That shit is rare-use weapon, and it follows the same rules as the health pinata thing.
On lower difficulties, no. But on the higher ones they are pretty precious resources.
Doesn't make it a bad design choice. I'm not going to sit and argue that the game clearly isn't doom but I'm not going to say vampiric health is unwelcome, either.
Never understood this meme. The whole "you're arguing with me for a long time so you automatically lose" thing is just retarded and only works for those dumbasses who are clearly try to bait you, yet you feed them.
I do. It's decent for revenants and stunning bigger enemies with the attachment.
Again, we can both agree although the name on the damn tin says doom, it's hardly a doom game. It easily acts more like quake due to the fact that it's in 3d, among other things. The reason I reference quake is because Quake has similar gunplay at it's core with similar amounts of damage.
What do you think they did in the original doom? Besides, the fireball can kill you in one hit on UV, so their slow attack pattern actually makes sense.
Fair enough point.
same with the original pinkies, by themselves they're simple enemies but when combined with other enemy varities they can be a huge pain in the ass. Especially the stage where they're introduced and hunt in packs, forcing you to track all of them at once and jump at precise moments.
I don't give a flying fuck what the marketers told you, I'm telling you that it's decent in other aspects. I told you outside of it's slow pace, as a shooter it's not fucking TNO-tier.
Again, I have no idea why you're getting this autistic with me. The game is still bad, and I have said that multiple times, also telling people to stop bumping the damn thread yet here you are, bumping and assuming I love the damn thing when I'm here trying to tell you to stop eating up whatever Holla Forums tells you to believe.
Shit, I fully agree with every single one of your points. I only want to add that
A: again, the game still isn't as "unplayable" as everyone says it is
B: I still believe the game is very much dogshit
Good points though.
Oy vey goyim dont you have any sympathy for the 60 million?
Well, shit, I don't remember that.
Would you rather have literally stalin instead?
Of couse goyim don't you know communism is the only way?
Great video. I should use this as an example for a question to how Doom 4 holds up to OG Doom.
His videos are pretty cool. I'd recommend just watching them all.
You can only kill your enemies with button prompt cinematic kills and your guns only weaken them instead of simply killing them?
No, they can still be killed without cinematic kills, but that's usually a waste of ammo considering you're given a free kill with free health on a silver platter.
Someone post the screen cap of the user who had to face his professor in a game of DOOM for his final.
Look we can sit here and make walls of text all day but just look at 2nd pic in . I'm tired.
Also, nobody said the game was unplayable, it's just shit.
It's a fucking miracle you know how to even breathe.
Why is an argument better when it is posted in the comment field rather than the image field? Why is it hypocritical to put an argument in the image field instead of the comment field?
Because A:
They aren't rebuttals to specific points I've given him
B: I'm not going to give a response to someone that fucking lazy, they're probably fucking bonehead retarded
and C: I'm not going to argue with someone that isn't even in the damn thread. It's a waste of time as it is arguing with someone like him, and I'm not about to waste more of it arguing with a fucking image. It's the chan equivalent of fighting about politics on facebook via image macros.
I'm pretty sure its not him who is the lazy hypocrite here. Considering your flimsy and worthless excuses.
I swear to god this is some circle of hell not even Dante could describe
Please tell me this is some elaborate ruse, please tell me you don't think we're on twitter or some bullshit
Out-fucking-standing. You have outdone yourself.
nah hold on better yet, let me argue the way you want me to argue
Yeah? You think you have outsmarted me? Well here's the words of someone much smarter than I am because I can't think and evaluate things for myself! I don't even have the images to reply so I'll describe them to you!
image ONE: argument from another thread, got you now!
image TWO: totally not photoshopped email from company x to company y because nobody lies on teh interwebz!
image THREE: sumg anime woman because now I have another human being argue for me as I continue my shitpost campaign and argue like I'm some character out of a deleted scene from Freddy Got Fingered!
Holy fuck you got desperate now that you were called out.
Oh ok I guess you admit you lost the argument. Here you go: (You)
user pls
Just get a room and hatefuck already
Just admit you have no argument and you're too lazy to actually read and respond to what the images say.
What's with the recent "lol just have sex XDDDD" posts recently? They make no sense. Why would anyone want to fuck each other in this context?
Why even bother writing that wall of text, you could have just said "It's not Doom (1993)" and boom, exactly the same point
Minus the objectively false points and the glory kill complaint which is valid, you have 10 posts' worth of a guy saying how the 20 year old game is better; you can argue that it's a valid comparison because it has DOOM in the fucking title, but they're still two games 20 years apart, the fuck do you expect
So its okay to dumb down a game and completely discard the gameplay, game mechanics and game design of the old game in order to replace it with something inherently inferior just because X time has passed?
Damn that's bad, not even the new Tomb Raider had a discount that quickly.
ID Software will probably be closed down by Bethesda at this rate.
i played this turd by dropping $3 on a redbox rental, honestly i'd rather have the three dollars back
love everyone bumping this thread still
neat strawman too
hey, samefagging. epic.
Well dear god you don't even need my responses to push yourself to (40).
So you don't understand the context of you ignoring the arguments present in the images being equal to you having no arguments against what is in the images due to your own lazyness or inadequacy. At least you admit that you have autism.
I just feel bad for you at this point.
Keep trying lad, I'm sure you'll have something for me at some point. I'm not going to argue with a fucking idiot who's just gonna show me his "epic comeback images" while I try to give him point relevant to our specific discussion. I'm waiting on your inevitable "educate yourself." Keep posting smugs as if you wouldn't be laughed out of a normal discussion. Do you like to respond to people by using images IRL?
I'm saying it's not okay to compare two games literally decades apart because of the plethora of differences from a video game medium perspective
Here, lemme give you an example: you know how Doom has a lot of moving walls, be it for hiding enemies, secrets or whathaveyou? Well it works for Doom, because Doom is a 23 year old game where all the walls are blocks with the same texture over and over, but with today's graphics, proper walls moving on their own would just look retarded, it has to be an elevator or a system or whatever, it has to be justified in-universe or else it just comes across as cheap, sloppy and dumb; basically, it's a different mindset
Maybe it's a shoddy example but I hope you understand what I mean; starting with a change like that, you get to all the different changes, to finding alternatives, to ending up changing a lot, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game, just that for some people it's a bad X game
There's them comparisons again, they don't translate well from such a big gen distance
no wait, I forgot you think that people shouldn't have to use their own words to argue with someone. I'll just reply to myself for you since it seems like that's out of your reach.
(pic related, retard) heh.
You're almost halfway there, I have faith you'll shill this game enough.
Well thanks for proving everything posted in correct time after time I guess. I guess anything posted in an image is instantly invalidated.
you got it, user.
Even though I replied to that one too and you're now stooping to arguing in circles, constantly changing goalposts. And as if I said images can't be used as evidence. Good try though. Thanks for shilling the sale with your bumps, have a good one, Silverstein. byebye.
you must be some sorta demigod from reddit
A reply, or should I say ANY REPLY, does not instantly invalidate something that was said. Especially not when you go on and prove everything the post said to be the truth by your own behavior and arguments later.
I was just here to laugh at you and point out that just because something was in an image doesn't mean its invalid. I guess you realized too that you weren't going to get away with your bullshit since you're running away now.
Dear lord if you keep replying 2 times every post you are going to get to (40) quick!
It was their whole plan anons:
They sell the game to all platforms on release for 60 bucks. All the fags buy it.
Then later sell it 40% off on the steam sale to milk the people who are on the "well I won't buy it on full price" fence.
I don't get why you think people would shill on a Sunday.
I'm a shill because I liked it? I told you guys the multiplayer is shit, and Bethseda wants to push that hard because they want to JEW you on DLC/reskins/map packs.
Just admit you hate the game because you can't steal it.
user after my experience with DOOM's demo, on it's hardest available difficulty "Nightmare", I think I've seen everything. All i'm going to get when I get the full product is rooms filled with 12 enemies, all of which have boring designs, easy to dodge projectiles, and horrendous AI. I only died once in the demo because of the great design choice of having enemies do 75% of your health with a projectile thrown/shot from across the arena.
Must have not been Glorykilling enough.
Also get better gore.
Doom always had shit multiplayer, Quake is where multiplayer came into it's own for id
Serious sam does suck though, its lazy garbage. This guy is an autist who thinks halo was a good game but he is right about this.
Also nudoom sucks more than serious sam. at least they spawn more than 12 enemies in in that game.
Sure thing, buddy.
It wasn't. It was garbage heavily marketed as a classic shooter when in reality it was a mediocre game with poor level design, weapon variety and shit AI. It was an idiot's approximation of Wolf 3D and RTCW. Even Raven's 2010 version was better than this garbage, at least the enemies had AI that was on par with 1998's Half-Life in which even the aliens try to dodge the frag grenade you threw at them.
Yes, because shooting demons from Hell is somehow less amazing than gunning down faceless goons in somewhat fancier uniforms. Oh wait, The New Order even got the uniform part wrong with only one enemy in the game not looking like over designed garbage.
quality "examination" there. Arena shooters sure are lazy for being arena shooters.
Explain to me how putting players in large maps with practically nothing in them then spawning, yes spawning, not manually placing, enemies in is anything less than lazy?
Doom actually has designed levels, marathon had designed levels, shadow warrior had designed levels, just about every other fps in existence has designed levels, serious sam has lazily put together corridors and large bullshit spaces with practically nothing in them.
The campaign is pretty good though, but yeah not worth a full price since the multiplayer is shit
It has enemies in them
Because it has a bunch of levels. Loads of enemy variety. The wave spawns are pretty well designed, some very unique weapons. The setting is cool and the gameplay is fluid and never feels unfair.
But yeah fuck all that because they didn't quite get the pacing right.
btw Serious Sam 3 solved those level design problems. Levels always move forward. There are dozens of props just lying about for no reason, which I guess is important to some people. You have to collect keys to open parts of the level. Hell it even has meta humour for the gaming "intelligentsia".
Ditch the multiplayer for over the top nightmare difficulty co-op and it would be much better.
Single player was fun, they should focus on that aspect of fighting demons, not other players.
You don't buy it for the multiplayer or snapmap
you buy it for the singleplayer campaign
That's like saying
No, he's an idiot sperg who can't smell the most blatant ambushes or handle changing situations (which is why he also disses Dark Souls in the same video) and thinks Painkiller's plot was good.
You fucks are a little too obsessed with twisting the reality in order to make it fit your desires.
Took you long enough
I was kind of quoting the conversation chain that implied the sales were not impressive because nobody talked about them, not aimed at you specifically. Sorry for offending you.
This is really really bad for a AAA game.
Your post is simply you acting stupid and saying a stupid thing because you want to be an angry shitposter instead of informative in any way. I'm sorry if pointing out you stupidity offended you so dearly.
It's incredible how apathetic this place and others like it have made us to violence and gore.
Did Uncharted also not sell well?
The point I was making is that there's a strong trend to circlejerk and pretend reality is the way they want it to be here on Holla Forums. I wasn't trying to be informative because I don't care and actually don't know why you think that's the standard here, but I happened to be more informative here for at least posting a link.
Anyway, if my rant wasn't even directed at you I don't get why you make 2 angry replies.
I am deeply sorry that seeing an innocent question being posted in a thread is so triggering to you.
I asked for sales figure you gave me "it sold a lot according to X" and no numbers. None of what you posted was informative. You were just acting like a whiny baby.
Holy fuck how can someone be so butthurt over a comment directed at someone else for this long? Jesus. This time pay attention:
The comment was not directed at you specifically, just the comment chain in general. Asking the question is fine, I was referring to the people implying the sales were bad without evidence.
The link has numbers
How can someone be THIS FUCKING STUPID? Dear God.
I dunno, but there you are.
I am deeply sorry that seeing an innocent question being posted in a thread is so triggering to you.
Oh and the numbers thing. That were only PC sales, not even counting Steam because they don't give sales. In short it meant nothing. And as someone else said its extremely low.
Oh I get it. It's the damage control tactic of "I fucked up, let's make ad nauseum comments and ad hominems to save face". Ok, you can go little guy, don't worry about looking stupid in an anonymous imageboard. There's no reputation to be saved because you have none. That's the point.
Look man I already apologized for asking a question on the internet. I dunno what else to do. What do you think could calm your extreme butthurt?
I loved the campaign, but multiplayer was fucking garbage and snapmap is somethig that nobody wanted or needed.
Just checked the game in my library, looks like they've added DLC achievements. I'm not even that much of an achivement whore, but that's bullshit.
The Jewish Sabbath is Friday afternoon to Saturday night, and I'm pretty sure that shilling is considered a form of "work", and thus forbidden.
Of course, there's nothing to stop them from just hiring goy to shill for them during their holy days. It's technically considered cheating, but it's rabbi approved cheating, kind of like "shabbat mode" those automatic ovens that turn on by themselves.
Why are you here?
I don't disagree with her usage of free speech there. It's just a dumb comment made by a dumb whore.
It's when they're suddenly against free speech when someone says something they don't like that I get pissed off.
It's not even bad, just bland and mediocre with absolutely no lasting value.
No we don't faggot. Maybe as far as PR goes we try to distance ourselves from old nazis, because it's easier than trying to make people understand that their ideas of what the old nazis were are completely wrong. But Holla Forums is totally pro-Hitler.
Single player campaign is great, which is all that matters. I'd recommend getting it on sale.
Are you trying to samefag?
People are defending it because it could have been worse not because it is good.
That is what happens when standards don't go up. They go down.
Which is why I had so much fun playing it co-op at my grandma's house, right?
multiplayer doom was so fun that it was being played at workplaces and bringing business networks to their knees
in the quit messages of Doom 2 it mentions deathmatching your boss as well:
Don't forget the game itself unironically did it.
Kill yourself. Actually kill yourself, right now. You colossal asswipe.
But this is hitting bed rock levels of low.
Now all they need to do is to just give small improvements to get all the praise and GOTY.
Late 2006 and 2007 opened the floodgates to make this process insanely easy, since most people were clean slates or were just useful idiots with shit taste trying to have acceptance.
And now this kind of mental gymnastics is the fallout after all this bullshit. Fucking shit.
Yeah, that the case. It's the monopolist's problem called competition with their past products, like shenanigans with Windows 10 and planned obsolescence of their previous versions.
A Pole here. Not happening. Show a swastika and you'll become a laughingstock here.
Could be worse. Wolfenstein was over 50% off by this time I think it may have even been 75% off sadly good sales are a thing of the past for all AAA games on steam
Hipster faggot
Whoa, we can't have people badmouthing AAA trash here, no sir!
Fun Fast Paced gameplay
Any Earth Defence Force
He was making a joke
Weapons that pack a punch, hordes of enemies, dodging, secrets, looks amazing in motion with all the explosions and shit.
they created such a beautiful world in the new order. Faggots and degenerates were reported to the police thanks to the honourable citizens of Germania. London didn't become such a fucking degenerate filled hellhole and europe was accelerated into a golden age of advancement. Shame you played as the villain.
The regular attack is not just mashing one button, because you have different animations with different direction combinations, so it requires some effort to master. You can also block with your weapon, if I remember that correctly. It were years since I played it the last time.
Even in Brutal Doom you gained only one hp per melee kill, not this pinata bullshit. They took that idea from elsewhere.
Duke Nukem Forever perhaps? Your ego shield is instantly refilled if you do an execution.
Please don't Zenimax wear the names of their victims like that.
It's funny when supposed dystopian vidya is actually utopian.
"Please don't let Zenimax"
As dumb as this sounds, the best part about the game for me was the plot.
Also, are you playing on the highest difficulty? The game becomes 3 times more fun when you're teleporting around the map, kiting everything.
it lives up to games from the early 2000s, easily
I like brutal doom.
how could anyone with their head screwed on right possibly be offended by that statement?
feels weird
You're underestimating the original game's legacy.
May I have some more context please?
Or you're overestimating 90s kids.
Since when this is failure?
Since AAA games, moron.
Guess for what game this is.
was meant for
Don't quote me ever again.
youre implying that caring about doom would be a positive trait
your theory has been borne out by the actual AAA games of the last few years, so yes, you're correct.
The semi-exception is "pack in a lot of barely related shit to pad the game", which is the Ubisoft way. Get the one branch that still has some white guys working at it to build the engine, have the 5 other branches you own add cellphone-tier "content" to it
I wouldn't think they would take ideas from a game that was all around considered shit I actually enjoyed that game, sure it took 12 years to get to and they could have done WAY better but it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be.
Why wouldn't it?
that doesn't make the games better, of course, but with today's consumer "padded out" is sufficient to keep them occupied long enough to not trade the game in early enough to hurt new copy sales
painkiller is fun for much the same reason serious sam is fun, and there aren't a lot of "kill a thousand fucking demons" games out there these days.
the "pentagrams everywhere is edgy" meme only works on millenials, kid, i'm old enough to remember what the original DOOM looked like
9/10, one for each user you managed to hook.
its either neutral or bad, so they like a video game, congratulations. or maybe theyre a sheep
where the fuck is the vulkan support they promised?
I bet they'll get right on it.
Hivemind rage, or something about sheep people something.
You know in economics, a product has to earn more than what they put into making it, right? Sales numbers mean nothing unless you make a profit off them. It's how even though the terrible Batman v Superman earned a lot of money despite terrible initial reviews, since they didn't get their projected $1 million, it would be considered a financial flop. Keep in mind, you've got to include advertising to the equation and movies have to make double what they paid into it to break even. Remember all those games that are asking for 2-4 million sales to break even like new Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite and Dead Space 3? Games and movies are similar in that regard.
It might have earned its money but you'll likely never get real figures for it since games barely say how much they put into making them. You'll only have a guess determined by the actions and praise they put forth to determine if they made enough or not.
Doom was okay, mostly supported by the singleplayer since the multiplayer is trash. It was at least better than Rage.
Tomb raider reboot wanted 7 million sales. Also
Well, the singleplayer was 9/10 so I spose I got my money's worth.
Nah you covered most of it. I'd also have more monsters be roaming the map rather than every encounter being an arena match, but they were still action-packed enough to be consistently fun.
Less checkpoints too, or an option to turn them off.
Never play more than $20 for a single-player computer game.
Dillon is that you using my MAGA Doomguy OC I made?
When the fuck are they gonna remake Turok 4 a.k.a. Evolution? I somehow hunted down a copy of the game's ISO, but it runs like raw ass. I can't change controls and I can't even save it so there's no point in playing it.
They made a reboot a while ago.
Really? Where? Is it the same devs who remade Dinosaur Hunter from N64?
Pretty sure its not. I think it was just called "turok".
Here is solid proof that most of the people bitching about Doom 4 are retarded. Tired of walls of text, here's some other user's even longer wall of ebin strawman argument.
Doom 4 has an 8/10 campaign, the best you can do is nitpick minor issues or (like most fags are doing) blatantly lie about the game in an attempt to strawman it. It's clearly not working, you just look like dipshits. And I have a suspicion that many anons are butthurt because they can't pirate the game. If I was a dev I would ignore this place because so many of you don't support the industry at all. Pathetic.
Hi todd. Mad because your game tanked?
The dumbass shitposter, confronted by an argument he can't handle, resorts to calling me Todd. Bravo, you proved my point.
Did you fucking wake up from a dead nigger storage recently or something? You dipcock assjew, the new doom single player is fucking repetitive and dull as shit.
I bought the fucking game.(I know I'm retarded, but I was in need of distractions)
It's silly but I had to turn the FOV on almost full to feel like there was any speed to the game.
Gunplay was underwhelming considering how none of weapons feel like they have any impact. Feels like there are invisible sponges attached to every single bullet you shoot.
Single player has barely an "ok" overall campaign but that shit could have been way better. It gets repetitive as fuck half way through the game.
They didn't even include all of the demons from previous doom games, or am I missing something?
The fuck is up with boss fights?
The forced story is fucking shit, no one gave a shit back then when doom 3 was out, no one gives a shit now. Trying to turn doom in to "cinematic experience" is fucking retarded.
The game is just made for fucking "movie" audiences with "nostalgia" hook to bait people in to buying it regardless.
Boooooooooooring and lazy.
did witcher 3 even have online? I don't think that is applicable here, stop being a dumbass
Its a fucking wave based shooter, not a doom like. Theyre completely different.
And? that somehow makes it not lazy? Its entire genre is lazy
Think of serious sam as a first person touhou/bullet hell. Its not about going through well though out levels and such, its about surviving a shit ton of enemies.
Nah fuck you kid, I'm so tired of this retarded fucking thinking. Dead Rising started on consoles. Any fucking game that involves shooting other things tends to have a shit fucking ton more than just 12 enemies in the area to shoot. It's already proven that the majority of steam users are playing on toasters. MicroSonyShit has nothing to do with this half assed trash job. Whatever, they don't have to try hard because you dumbasses will always blame anything other than the fuckwits in charge.
So i cant blame consoles for restricting snapmap? I cant put any blame on consoles for more streamlined and controller ready level design. Some blame has to be put on consoles.
I think you missed the point. Snapmap is a console centric decision, and it is a deliberate one to cut back on possible modding. The embarassing thing is that Time Splitters outdoes it, and it was a 6th gen multiplat.
Yeah because I totally had not already acknowledged that serious sam is basically a boring ass zombie game only designed for single player instead of multiplayer.
Condescendingly stating the most obvious things in the world as if there was any chance I may not have known them isn't going to change my opinion nor will it validate yours. Serious Sam is inherently boring and lazy by design as are zombie games and all other games that do little other than toss you into a large open area and have enemies spawn in.
Any fuckwit can design multiple enemy types and rip weapons straight from other games which is basically what serious sam does. The gunplay is quake, the guns are all uninspired and copypastaed from previous games, and the models for the enemies are hideous to look at.
I feel like youre ingnoring every good point the game has just to shit on it. Im curious about your opinion of nudoom though.
its like painkiller but not as good, painkiller actually has unique weapons that a lot of thought seems to have been put into(not all of them are like that mind you, but you got a gun that shoots out stakes, and has an alt fire that shoots out grenades, seriously how cool is that?), nudoom on the other hand just has the same weapons from the old doom games only reskined to look horrible with alt fire modes that often to little other than the blur the lines between different guns in ones inventory, oh look a shotgun with an upgrade that makes it NOT A SHOTGUN not you use it as A FUCKING ROCKET LAUNHCER WHICH YOU ALREADY FUCKING OWN SO FUCKING METAL DUDE, as well as a few generic ass guns that have been in every other game ever made such as the LMG. Real original guys.
The maps will point out the locations of the secrets completely undermining the very definition of the word in the context of this particular game. The game's difficulty will ramp up to ridiculous heights if you don't go find these "secret" upgrades for your weapons, and these rpg mechanics and glory kills are just completely out of place. The imps are dumb, the pinkes are just as non-threatening as they were in original doom only this time you encounter less of them, fiends from quake were more threatening and that is what pinkies should have functioned like in nudoom but modern id was too stupid to look at past successes and learn from them, and everything just feels like a damage sponge early on, and giving them as much health as they have is not real difficulty its just a boring waste of time especially on nightmare difficulty where I've shot some imps 2-3 times before they start dying or going into a stagger animation, later on this is remedied to a large degree because you have weapon upgrades and weapons that do more damage but then the boring waste of time that presented the only semblance of an actual challenge that this game has dissapears because everything goes down so easily and you only fight 12 enemies at a time.
Fair enough.
also the imps throw fireballs at 200 mph, unlike the original game where they were failry easy to dodge unless you didn't see them coming. I fucking HATE projectile attacks that can't be reliably dodged, it defeats the purpose of having them be projectiles in the first place. Its one of the things that pisses me off about halo, oh all the aliens are shooting out plasma projeciles, oh wait a minute, its better to just soak them up like a sponge until your sheilds run dry while shooting them than it is to actually fucking try to dodge their attacks? The fuck is that bullshit. Don't give me weapons that give off the pretense of being dodgeable but are just 1 step down from hitscans, its fucking annoying.