Jared Taylor on CNN

Is White Nationalism becoming mainstream?

Jared gave a fantastic interview with CNN, you could tell the interviewer was uncomfortable with his truth bombs and based rhetoric.


Is WN finally coming of age?

Other urls found in this thread:



Sorry, should have embedded. No webm, I don't care that much, take care of your own shit.

They always do this. It's so fucking transparent

CNN doesn't have any white interviewers.

JT is one of the only people I'm willing to overlook for cucking on the JQ because he's been the true entry pill for a lot of people, especially women for some reason.

open gates

gumballs immigration

diversity for everyone, except for israel

We're not sorry

He also does a great rendition of Non nobis, Domine.

Do you faggots see how badly kiked the mods are?
You can spread this to other white people to have them understand the bigger picture. Ofcourse the faggots mods that want this spread apparently.

Of course the faggot mods don't want this spread*

He also did an interesting one with some Japanese television station.
Interestingly, Jared speaks perfect Japanese.

What the fuck, mods

Nazi UFOs and esoteric kekism is more important than white nationalism going mainstream goy!

I only made this thread because I saw this video show up in an OP that was 404'rd before it even got a single reply. I thought maybe the OP had deleted their thread for whatever reason, but I didn't see it show back up in the catalog, so I made another one about it.

I guess now we know who actually 404'rd it….

Wasn't he born there due to diplomat parents or something?


Not surprising… for a spook/deep state operative.


If speaking nip makes you a spook, a lot of anons are spooks.

Taylor was raised in Japan, you faggot cunt.

This being anchored makes no sense



I know I don't agree with how softcore he can be, but how is this not a valid news story?

Mods here are compromised. You should have known this by now since it's been a problem for at least a year.


The mods probably meant to sticky but accidentally slipped. JT is probably the most articulate voice for Holla Forums, I haven't even watched it yet and know this sheboon will get btfo

This is true, more so since the shutdown last month. My question is where are all the Holla Forumsacks who should be flooding in here even with any cuckery afoot? Were the most prolific shitlords and meme wizards v& or something??

This isn't TRS or any other one of your favorite alt-kike sites.

Like I'm willing to look past his transgressions because overall he is a asset.
Let me guess, Ghost is an anti-white shill too? Or rather not worth talking about anymore?

Typical alt-kike shitstain.

Pretty sure we're all on the same page when it comes to kikes guy, you can't blame people for playing it safe when they risk their livelihoods. Let's put a hundred microphones in front of your face and see how tough you are then. Just because Jared can't say it doesn't mean he doesn't believe it, don't be thick

I'm not alt-kike.

Not "saying it" would be one thing. Actively groveling and making excuses for kikes throughout the years is another. Suck start a shotgun, alt-kike scum.

Listen, you compile all the supposed groveling and we'll see how significant it is in the grand scheme of things. , We'll give you something productive to do instead of autistic screeching

I already gave you two of the most significant instances of him being a philosemite, not going to play your game when you're more than happy sucking kosher dick. Suck-start a shotgun.

Normally I wouldn't even tell you fags your tells, but I know you'll go back to your old ways right away

Well then I'll keep my views of him for the time being, seeing as your persuasion game is weak. Why don't you make me suck start a shotgun you spaz? Acting like a fucking 13 year old edgelord

As expected, from an alt-kike faggot.

Oh I get it now, you're one of these "wait for Hitler" faggots who fell for the old Jew meme, never shutting up about it while simultaneously changing nothing. Again I invite you to make me suck start a shotgun with your tantrum-having ass

Pathetic. Keep sucking that kosher dick till you're blue in the face, what else can I say.

You paint yourself in a pretty flattering way for how you really are, you understand this, right? Its apparent youve gotta be either 13 or just a straight up loser IRL. Oh but its okay because you're a total bad got, Jew cock never gets anywhere near your mouth. Pathetic

Bad goy* we have a bad goy* alert make way

I'm not even ten minutes in and I can see exactly why this thread is bumplocked and you're a shill. Every hwhite person aka human being need to see this interview, this very well could be what the FOIA thread is about, and the ufo shit is manufactured hype

Hotpockets need to be thrown in the toaster oven.