Apparently Jane begged B████ not to endorse Hillary

Apparently Jane begged B████ not to endorse Hillary.

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The wife had more sense than the husband. A pity.

Really makes you think…

What went wrong Holla Forums?
We played by the rules, we dominated every poll, we fought hard as hell, but Hillary still won.
Not to sound like a sore loser, but I'm pretty sure the primary was rigged.

What could possibly be his strategy for becoming part of Clinton's campaign? Why didn't he run as an independent or joined the Green party campaign?

This is what went wrong.

Someone had dirt on him is the most probable explanation.

The second is he was afraid of being vilified by the Democrat base if Trump won.

Or he honestly believes Trump is a proto-fascist and can't in good conscience contribute to his victory.

You must understand that the DNC is corrupt as hell. They don't "play by the rules." Project Veritas videos that leaked admitted that the DNC has been helping rig primaries & elections for a long, long time now. The DNC is compromised with criminals. Until you get them out of positions of power, the establishment will always "win."

Also, B████ is being bribed to support Hillary, make no mistake, he decided the pay was too good to turn down. I think he was also threatened if he didn't accept it, so he was scared the Clinton machine would ruin his career. DNC tactics 101: bribes, intimidation and fraud.

Deep down I know this is the real answer, but damn it hurts.
I thought that all the 'The DNC is corrupt' rumors were bullshit the republicunts were trying to push, but they were right.

How the FUCK do they know his wife called him and said what?

Bribed with what?
Up until this point he has always stood up for what he thought was right, why do you think he would just give up? What could Hillary possibly bribe him with?

I've heard B████ was actually interested in posadism during cold war, so it doesn't seem so weird for him to support Clinton.

Y'all need to look at the DATE of the email:


written on the same day:

So here's what the email actually says:
change his mind [i.e. Shumlin should support B████ instead] and he's stood firm.

I'd actually say that this is better. If he had won, he would have come into the presidency with a democratic senate and a republican house, and would be stuck in a stalemate until the midterm elections in 2018. His uncompromising attitude and refusals to back down would hurt him in the polls, and his presidency would be seen most likely in not the best light. With this, socialism would begin to be viewed negatively, and any chance we had of a movement would be dead in the water.

In this current scenario, S█████ has managed to remain popular and stay in the spotlight far longer than other candidates who have dropped out, and no matter what happens, he's in a good position. If Hillary wins, S█████ is probably going to get some influential position in the senate, gaining support through his actions in government. If Trump wins, he will probably become one of the big names in the senate minority, as he will be the last remaining popular figure on the left still involved in government on the national stage. Also, no matter what happens, the movement that he's started, Our Revolution, is pretty active, creating a good chance that S█████' ideas and supporters will have greater influence in the DNC in the long term.

this is false. Of course the primary was rigged, but it was also rigged by idiots.

That's a nice family you've got there…

Right now Obama is loved by the average American despite him going back on many of his campaign promises. Bernie is more leftist and would accomplish more than Obama would, so Bernie at the end of his first term should be as popular, if not more so, than Obama.

The blacks will be punished for this when Trump is elected. You have our word, brothers.

You sucked up to the narrative of massive normie pussies that only want to avoid controversy so they can feel safe and complacent.

reminder that almost all of these voters were old people and that young voters overwhelmingly preferred sandlers

way to cut off the bottom where it shows that old people were primarily responsible>>992849

That's a very good question.

It is third-hand information, not the kind of thing that people should put much stock it.

See this:

The whole thing has been misinterpreted. Jane is not calling B████ at all. She's calling Shumlin, who decided to support Hillary instead of B████.

Is the entire 2016 election just an elaborate plot by B████ to bring about Posadism?


Bernie is terminally ill.

He never intended to become president since he knew that he wouldn't survive his presidential tenure in the first place.

His campaign was his last chance to inject some of his political convictions into the mainstream platform and a Clinton loss will obviously endanger this.

It was this. The way he sees it, a strong Dem showing is vital to him becoming Chair of the Budget Committee (a member of which would be Chair of the Finance Committee) (at the least, too, he could end up as Majority Whip or Leader), and it was incredibly obvious he wasn't going to be president at that point anyway. He's also looking at 2020 and 2024, even if 2020 would be against Hillary. He also genuinely believes that Hillary's platform and the Democratic Platform are similar enough to his own to use as pressure to get people to set Hillary straight if she even tries to go against the platforms (this is why he warns against complacency) and I agree with him.
Tripping because I was kind of an in-betweener on the scale of "grassroots activist" to "campaign official".

there was a higher correlation of race than age

can someone explain why so many of the democratic primaries were in the south?

What's the point of that? The democrats living in those states will literally have no impact on the general election so why do they help with the democratic nomination?

Partly because he's an entryist to the end, I suppose. He did try to use his voterbase as leverage to get Shill to adopt some of his policies. Unfortunately she pushed them aside as soon as he backed her. If nothing else, staying Dem allowed him to broadcast his points more loudly than if he went independent. He'd be rendered irrelevant in any case, but at least he tried.

A mix of things. Part of it was the superdelegates, some of it was the rigging/cheating, but the primary reason was party loyalty, the Clinton had the loyalty of large parts of the Democratic party and voters. You also got somewhat fucked by I.D-pol, women voting for Hillary because nshe was a woman and Chritsians voting for Hillary because they were told to by the pastor. Blacks voted for her because she was Bills husband, same for a bunch of other minority groups

Obama is loved by Americans because the media gave up doing it's job on him two years ago.

even though they won't choose the president, they still get to choose the party representative

whoa really

t. Stirner

t. Stirner

fucking internet though>>993834

I wouldn't say he was bribed; rather, he was tempted to avoid the knock-down-drag-out fight that the presidency entailed in order to protect his own way of life. You see this a lot with older politicians and thinkers: they grow comfortable and complacent with their petty position, and therefore become conservative and resistant to changes that would impact them personally. B████ realized he had a real shot at the presidency, then realized it would be a herculean effort to succeed at that job, especially given the ruthlessness and corruption of the DNC. He'd likely be dragged through the mud, lose his health, and ultimately fail to accomplish much once the forces of capital rally against him. So B████ capitulated and took the easy way out, and now gets to keep his comfy political seat in Vermont while shamelessly sheepdogging for Hillary. Understandable, yet still reprehensible.

Thanks for the money, bitches!