Not using a CRT monitor to play video games

It's like you hate yourself of something.
Why even live?

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It's like you're autistic or something


It's a shame that day will never come

While latency is important it's not a huge deal with modern LCDs. The main reason to want to own a CRT is for color accuracy and the ability to use any resolution without digital scaling/processing. My CRT is 2K and I can live with that. There comes a point where inane resolution is pointless but I suppose others have different priorities.


yeah i also hate my back and want to become a paraplegic too, OP

But I am, OP. :^)

CRT mustard rice.


Mine's a graphic design model from about 10 years ago.

Patent nazis must die

it s a hatelove

The day I got rid of my crt and got an lcd was a great day. I'll never go back to having a shitty big box on my desk.

is that Rhodesian camouflage pattern?

>People who claim that "this is how old games really looked when using a CRT

No, you fuck right off.
If you look at the game's raw palette data, it doesn't have fucking blurred pixels. It has very crisp, specific images that it draws. The CRT is flawed at displaying them.

Yeah the main reason a lot of old consoles output like crap on lcds is because they were designed to output at very low resolutions in composite. And with a lot of them like the Sega Genesis or the dreamcast you can mod them to output in higher resolutions at much crisper pictures.

I had a CRT for a long time. Over time it decayed and the color balance got all messed up as well as other things until it was all flickery and barely functioned. When it was time to replace it, it turned out if I wanted a bigger widescreen monitor that supported newer video standards blah blah I either had to spend MUCH more than I wanted, or finally quit the CRT life.

So fine OP, if you want me to go CRT so bad, either point to CRTs that give me the size and connection options of LED/LCD/etc monitors at the same price points, or send me the money to buy one of those high-end professional CRTs.


Stop being poor.


le CRT mastur raec

Believe me, I'd love to.

Though to be honest, if I suddenly got a huge raise or won the lottery or something, I'd probably splurge an an OLED screen anyway as far as upgrading my visual tech went.

Are you soft in the head or something? Developers are always trying to make the picture look best at the end result.

It's why many games on the SNES, like Chrono Trigger for example were tailored to look good in 4:3 of CRTs instead of the 8:7 internal aspect ratio of the SNES.

Not to mention all of the genesis games out there that took advantage of the fact that colors bleed together in order to achieve transparency effects. On a CRT these lines blend together and end up looking like a transparent waterfall, but on an LCD you just get little strips of water.

This is not even limited to CRTs, many GBA games may look oversatturated on the backlit GBA - This is because their colors were adjusted to look best on the non-backlit GBA that was out at the time.

It's like you hate yourself or something.

Its more entertaining this way tbh.
I've seen more than a few cars without rear wheels and a lot of models freezing and staying in place after they've "Left the screen"

CRTs are only good in action games that require perfect responses.

Actually, here's a better image for the way Sega games did transparency by blending colors - on an LCD you get strips, on a CRT it'd all be blended together.

What really surprises me is why can't there be a filter that can interpret the pixels the way it was meant to be seen.

I remember that in SNES games with "realistic" graphics (i.e, not Mario), I rarely saw a pixel or an aliased line. Even in big CRTs, all pixels were mushed into a very attractive picture.
It was a big shock to later emulate these games and realize how the devs made something that would never look good on paper (or in moder screens) and only look good in 80's & 90's TVs.

I've tried those "super eagle 2x whatevs" and it's better than nothing but it's certainly not even close to what I remember.

The way Genesis does color bleeding for transparencies is from the how composite cables blend color information together, not from CRTs themselves. S-Video and RGB cables with not cause the dithered meshes to not blend together.

Yeah, no thanks. I'll stick with my giant-ass HDTV anyday.

**S-Video and RGB cables with cause the dithered meshes to not blend together.

There actually are filters for that:

Honestly with the way that super eagle shit looks I would prefer the game on an LCD without filters.

That's the zero latency x-rays beaming into your brain for faster response times user

I'll stick with my LCD so I can avoid collapsing in pain from the high pitch whine they make.

Seriously, the refresh rate and color accuracy ain't worth it when the noise they make is that fucking debilitatingly piercing.

I don't feel like dropping $1200+ on a monitor when my $200 144hz lcd monitor is good enough.

It was an InterView 28hd96 that could do 1,920 x 1080 @ 85hz or 2,042 x 1,152 @ 80 Hz. Required a custom SGI graphics card to even use.

I bought a CRT a while back. Absolutely love the thing. Far easier on my eyes.
Most the time, though, I still play on my old flat monitor. Widescreen is hard to leave, sadly.

Where can one get these types of things reliably? I would love a widescreen version some time.

You can always try your local thrift stores, although you may want to step it up, as many of them (goodwill for sure) are no longer accepting them as donations, so it'll get harder to get CRTs that way.

So I have noticed. The guy I bought mine from had them out for only a couple bucks, because of that.
And most anything you find in the trash tends to be broke.


I got one for 3 dollars and it lasted for 5 years.

Yeah nobody who wants a CRT mentions the noise, I always suspected they never had a CRT before. After you've been off CRT screens for several years you don't wannna go back to that.

I haven't used a CRT before I got mine, and I haven't noticed a noise at all besides when I start it up.

You don't notice that high pitched sequel faintly operating in the background? Guess that's just me.

Nope. Maybe I have a better one, or something. Only noise I get is the startup hum.
Desktop makes more noise than it does.

I got a ViewSonic MultiMedia Series M70B. No idea what any of that means, or if that's good. It overheats like crazy, though, so I gotta keep a little table fan on the back end if I want to play for more than a few hours.

Just how many CRTs have you been around? I have a few CRTs in my house and they don't make any "high pitched squel" as far as I can tell.

The best part was scaring awake the sleeping cat on top of the TV and having him jump 30 feet in the air.

Shitty and failing ones make the noise.

Isn't that caused by capacitors dying?

Don't answer all at once now.

The one thing I always remember about CRT screens that I used to use is how much they'd hurt my eyes, these were at my school, so I don't know how much of that was down to them just being knocked around

I've been looking for someone selling this crt, but I can't find it anywhere

Hope you enjoy your eye cancer, cataracts, and early death.

are you retarded?

They aren't supposed to make that sound, and not everyone can hear it. It has something to do with a coil getting loose or something and it means that it's on its way out. It can actually be fixed, but it's very dangerous because if you break the tube it'll implode and shoot class everywhere.

The brand name is right on the corner.

Somebody might have set the refresh too low. A lot of CRT monitors
flicker like hell at 60Hz.

Underage detected.