post contradictions in Holla Forums ideology
Post contradictions in Holla Forums ideology
They do not have one single ideology you stupid moron
Holla Forums is against christianity these days
No it isn't, most of them support it
So right now they are the egiest of the edge
Not so much a contradiction as an outright absurdity, but they want to hold onto "traditional values" in the face of advancing technology.
An example of this is the "death" of the manly male. In a world where labor is increasingly performed by machines, "softer" people are an inevitable result.
Holla Forums ideology is contradicting accepted thought. There is nothing else there.
No we are not. Fucking christcucks.
It feels like those threads are made every day, it starts to feel boring
The Goal of Profit Motive is to corner the market for maximum exploitation.
The Free Market Thrives on Competition.
That gamergate pyramid, holy shit
is this real life
I laughed
They're the complete opposite of who they claim to praise
Projecting you cuck
Yes, now they worship an ancient Egyptian god whom they believe can manipulate the world and predict events via shitposting.
Clearly that makes them far superior.
I don't understand why Nazis deny the Holocaust. From perusing a few A. Wyatt Mann comics they seem to think it makes them look bad, but at the same time it's not like they've toned down the violence at all.
Holla Forums hates skinheads, silly. Holla Forums isn't stormfront (although I'm sure it's really easy for you to associate the two because of confirmation bias).
Just like we hate SJWs, right?
Although it's different in our case because unlike you guys and skinheads, we do not share a common worldview with the SJWs.
Even with all the chauffeured-Benz-French-courtesan-threesome officer types, the average Wehrmacht soldier was a scared peasant high on meth, I don't get where the idolization of not having fun came from.
Holy shit I want to key that truck so bad
it's all for the aesthetic though like everything they do. Whether or not you believe that true Christianity is necessarily homophobic/misogynist/actually reactionary etc. I don't see how you can deny that the New Testament is inherently anti-racist. That's one of its central themes, that is of a Jewish God becoming a God of everyone and becoming willing to save everyone. It's apparent that none of them read the Bible and have only latched on to Christianity because "DEUS VULT XD"
Wtf I love capitalism now.
Skinheads, antifa there is no fucking difference. A bunch of stupid useful idiots doing violence on behalf of porky.
I should introduce you to my friend, the True Scotsman