
I work in the DNC, I cannot verify, without outing myself, and who I am. At 12 EST, I will be releasing the DNC's bots they use for Reddit, Youtube and Twitter.
It's come to the stage where we aren't doing it to better America, the country I love, but for propaganda, and I can't deal with it. The bots, include:

- Reddit Vote Bot
- Reddit account Creator
- News Article to Reddit (the DNC supply us with a list, it will automatically post them, and then upvote them)
- Youtube Article creator (again, the DNC will supply us with the list, it will generate a video and TTS and upload to youtube and share to Reddit and upvote, but the Reddit post and Youtube video)
- Youtube account creator
- Twitter account creator
- Twitter Follower
- Twitter post like/retweet
- Twitter poll bot (will vote on any option we choose)

We have more bots I cannot discuss right now, but this is stage one of the leak, I am using TOR, so I 'should' be safe. see the album for pictures.. Don't believe me? Link me to a Reddit post…


Other urls found in this thread:


Damn, it’d be nice to get our hands on those and swing them around for our own purposes.


I hope you are for real..

OP is reposting from cuckchan, so they aren't the DNCanon.

So it begins….

You work in the dnc yet you know 8ch formatting? Hmm. I have my doubts. You rip this from cuckchan or something?

This, I'm not the op from that thread, I just figured it would be best to bring this info over here.

Here's some of the code he posted:


I don't go to cuckchan much so I appreciate it. If the user is legit those tools would definitely be useful for us.

My bad. cuckchan though, they don't use the id.000000 on torposting?

Is that even possible? Is he behind seven proxies as well?

OP just ripped that from cuckchan. He's not the DNC user.

vpn banned, tor allowed?

daily reminder that reddit fags wont care and just use this leak as a means to get more upboats. They didnt care when their ceo censored them or their own mods. This is a non-happening but reddit fags will make this an issue

TBH it is not really hard to create bots to do those things. Hard part is not getting banned for using them. DNC probably has some deals with those companies that gives them ban immunity.

Waste of quads fuck me. Praise kek.

I'm interested in the twitter tools myself, manipulating reddit is pointless, the admins are 100% kike puppets that already manipulate the site themselves.

The last time I tried posting on shitchan using tor (a couple of years ago) it wouldn't let me.

It's ok user. feel blessed for getting quads

and 5% CIAniggers

The bots will be our ally in the coming racewar.


Did you come here straight from Reddit or something?

This is a win-win. Use the tools sparingly and we can completely upset the balance of reddit.
Use them aggressively and we can destroy reddit
If they try to do something about it, that means severely defanging and uprooting any present protocols for protecting DNC shills and astroturf operations.

Does anybody have examples of these DNC propaganda videos created using TTS? TTS is so shitty, in youtube videos it's basically just used by pajeets who are trying to farm clicks of toddlers. It doesn't pass for authentic human voice.

Some of their bigger boards have hundreds of mods - are they all briefed to ignore this bot behavior? If the traffic looks normal to low level slaves/janitors, I would take a guess that the bot routes traffic through IPs bought from 'free' vpn companies like hola unblocker

Never underestimate the power of autism.

you have to go back

OP is alleging that the DNC was posting TTS generated videos like this on reddit, and that reddit WASN'T censoring them.

Considering how low quality the videos are, I find it difficult to believe the DNC actually involved themselves in anything like this. The DNC has the likes of CNN make their propaganda, they don't need shitty TTS to do it.

sad cliché response to me knowing wiki page level info about the site. kike/10

a thousand voices will always be louder than one.

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that both the DNC and GOP were pushing their sides via bots. And lets be honest, do you think the donald started organically? if you use shitty websites like twitter, facegoy, or reddit you should expect to have dissenting opinions censored while shitty content like what you just posted kept alive. If normies cared at all they would have been letting their voices be heard back when snowden came out and exposed the us gov for what it is. But as long as they can harvest internet points you wont hear a peep…unless they use this to harvest internet points and creake "outrage" before they switch to a different trend.

Twitter bots, facebook bots, reddit bots? Yeah, no shit.

But using videos generated by TTS bots? No. That's ridiculous. These videos have no propaganda value, they'd be immediately closed by anybody that stumbled across them. OP is claiming that these videos were voted up on reddit by bots. Is there any evidence of this? Where are the actual examples of this happening?

So then its even less of a happening at all. Shitposting bots are real? Oh man who knew.

Yeah, shitposting bots are real. Bots that create TTS videos are real, anybody can write one. But the DNC dedicating resources to such abysmally low quality propaganda as TTS generated videos? That I cannot believe.

DNC reddit bots were spamming and upvoting youtube videos on reddit that were produced by CNN, MSNBC, the young turkroaches, etc. Not TTS bullshit.

Would it even matter if it was real then? Because to me a thread like this is absolutely retarded and posts nothing we did not know already.

I'm about 99% sure it's not real. If OP didn't include the ridiculous TTS claims then it would be a plausibly authentic leak, but he overplayed his hand.

Webm related, A bot made it. Impressive, no? Maybe the RNC will hire me to make this sort of bullshit.

I'm skeptical. Why would someone announce this, instead of just fucking delivering?

It's likely not supposed to be "quality propaganda" as it is supposed to create the illusion of consensus - that "lots of people" are making videos and "lots of people" are liking them, using the talking points the DNC wants.
It being low quality both makes it seem less like astroturfing ("this was clearly made by a kid!") and also means they are actually using next to no resources/effort.

Most likely they know their audience doesn't have the attention span to actually WATCH the videos, so the quality doesn't matter. They just want to have the numbers to keep convincing the herd "everyone thinks the same way as me! Look at all these videos and upboats!" - and for the MSM to be able to report that "thousands of videos were made in support of this topic".

No, TTS makes it seem like bot generated shit. I do not believe the DNC believed these sort of videos had any propaganda value. The DNC had real humans churning out thousands of hours of propaganda videos. The thought that they were employing TTS for this is just silly.

If I'm wrong, it should be easy to prove me wrong by providing examples of such videos upvoted to visibility on reddit.

Now I know you're from reddit. You're on the imageboards dude, just post the fucking pictures.

If that's their bot they should take a programming 101 course.


Here the link for this thread. Every thread is saved and easy to search. But i don't like to visit ckschdan since 2014

why use bots when reddit and twitter do this internally?

i guess, why not both is the answer

I get where you guys are coming from, and you're probably right that text-to-speech is low-end garbage, and that they probably would not bother with it. If they were smart, they absolutely WOULD mass produce the shit for exactly this reason, though. Why would they bother doing low-end Text-to-Shit video when they have so much money and so many connections?

Then you realize that to build a consensus, you need to work your way up from the bottom to make people believe that everyone likes the ideas being presented. TTS is very quick to make, and any editor worth his salt would be more than capable of throwing together lots of them with some copy-paste video in a very short amount of time; imagine having enough money to hire a small army of propaganda makers using TTS to help sway public opinion via consensus building, and it's not a stretch to think it's possible.

I still think it's unlikely, but it's entirely possible, and knowing the lengths these fucks have gone to in the past, it's not a stretch.I mean, they fucking murdered a man for trying to tell the truth. Using TTS isn't that many rungs above the morality ladder.

The (((mainstream media))) does this every day of the year without the help of shitty TTS youtube videos with no views.
The DNC using TTS isn't immoral, just worthless.

obviously well done videos would be suspect though

We've know about shitposting bots since 2010, and confirmed with the Snowden leaks.

This shit is old new, but its nice to have detailed confirmation, especially since we all know Reddit is a SJW hive

Look at the Young Turkroach youtube channel. That's what modern youtube DNC propaganda looks like.

Breaking imgur links? Well, he is posting about a fucking reddit bot so you know the cuck is strong in this one.

Go back

Tor exit nodes need to be listed as exit nodes otherwise they just appear as regular IPs.