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She got redpilled by Jared Taylor.
That Invisigoth chick is awesome. Who was that other guy who she accused of rape after a bunch of his feminist grandstanding?
Let her call out Israel or the conservakikes and we'll see.
Just say Jews, you tranny looking cunt.
Ya that implies there's a difference. They will still get her on the defensive because shes a cuckservative.
Just leaving this here, a cuck tries to understand 4chan.
https:[email protected]/* *//4chan-the-skeleton-key-to-the-rise-of-trump-624e7cb798cb
Sick digits my man!
lmfao, like clockwork.
That's some irony right there
archive link
There is a difference, and they do hate each other, they just hate the goyim more.
I guess I have to be the one the remind everyone that Prager is a jew that works to make more conservative variety shabbos goyim. He was extremely vocal about being anti-trump and pro-rat during the primaries and IIRC signed that thing in the (((National Review))) conservacuck newspaper to snowball the NeverTrump conservacuck movement. Though leaving the (((American Enterprise Institute))) a long time ago he still works closely with the people there. One name you gamergoyim might recognize from the AEI is (((Christina Hoff Sommers))) who tries to make feminism 'okay' under the conservative label.
Checked. I read the whole thing, and its honestly the dumbest piece of propaganda to come out so far.
But Holla Forums told me that she fucks niggers and we can't trust her anymore!
My sides are in orbit. Top marks, user.
Theres like 1 picture of her standing next to a nigger at an awards ceremony.
Its fucking hilarious.
The irish spoke english and were white, wtf are you talking about?
Coulter is the most important political commentator of this time. She more than anyone has converted old school neo-cucks to nationalism. And she is the best voice against Trumps turn to the kikes.
Enjoy this OC.
His argument against Jared Taylor is flawed. Jareds argument was a 1:1 analogy of the current situation whereas the Turkroach dude turns back and starts talking about Irish which was an entirely different case.
The Young Turks are fucking retarded and can't formulate good arguments.
All these civic cucks in this thread promoting this cancer kike "iron ann" who called for the destruction of whites their own ancestors in europe.
Nice larping as natsocs ya kikes.
Source or it's baseless slander.
Liberals like to pretend that Ireland's struggles never happened because it BTFOs their >muh white privilege bullshit, so they either mock the subject or pretend it's a "white supremacist myth" (seriously).
And your opinion on Trump? If you think Ann is cancer what the fuck is he? Family and administration totally dominated by orthodox kikes?
You shills are still repeating that shit? After Israel was just BTFO about the West Wall too.
Trump wades into a shitskin/kike conflict and has to grovel to kikes for zero gains for America, he goes to visit for no good reason. And this is a good thing for a braindead fuck like you.
Now tell me how Ann is kiked yet Trump with his baggage and backtracks and admin is not kiked? I always wanted to see him visit Jerusalem and bow to them.That was exactly what we wanted.
blah blah blah
get some new material nigger
your dubs are thrown into the trash. gas yourself nigger
coal burning Ann, wew lad. Another TRSodomite thread.
Stating that here is usually a ban by mods, which says enough. Civic nationalism is straight a cancer, it's the kike method of retaining control to act as a release valve. They will continue their nudging policies of continual removal of liberties.
He doesn't even come close to what JFK tried to do by labeling Israeli lobby a foreign entity and cut Israeli funding. Let alone the economic reforms. It's just gonna be half assed attempts at nationalism meanwhile the left grow ever angrier and then the left will vote in some retard who portrays centralist viewpoints but then goes full libtardism when elected. Ultimately civil war or secession is the goal. Sorros is actively funding Atzlan groups and Black Nationalist movements.
you're not fooling anyone, shill
So she wasn't dating Dinesh D'Souza?
Why does one go on a date with a nigger to a TVland award show when you work in politics? Why does one want to publicly display the image of yourself with subhumans?
Is that all you've got?
It seems you also associate yourself with niggers. Civic cucks gtfo.
Promoting Zionism plans.
Let's use American troops to escalate and fight for disputes that aren't America's to begin with.
Good to know which side you people are on, then again your just kikes larping.
Shes dated pakis and jews what makes you think groids are off the table you dumb worm.
I see arguments are not your forte.
Judge a man not by his words. but by his actions. I'd judge him by that smug grin on his face in response to that 'gotcha' question.
Like inviting jews to conferences, trying to sabotage events that feature "anti-Semities", and being married to a woman of questionable ethnic origin who had behind the scenes contact with ADL spymaster Irwin Suall?
She's dating that one based curry nigger, forget his name, he directed some movie a few years back exposing king nigger.
she may associate with niggers but you're a straight CIA nigger faggot
His wife is 100% anglo you kike.
His wife is 100% anglo you kike.
and you're a 100% pure usda kike
Proving my point exactly. Kikes larping for civic nationalism and sucking kike dick.
Why would you lie if you weren't a kike?
people lie, kikes are just bad a lying
Nice argument. Oh, wait.
Dennis Prager is such a massive jew that he hates liberal jews even more than us because they're not doing a good enough job at destroying the goyim.
Iron Anne for Press Secretary
kinda late to this thread aren't you moshe? i was expecting this before post five.
It's not really a 'gotcha' question, because there's an easy answer: The Jews already have their ethnostate. If you can't just say that and instead go with "they look huwhyte to me", what good are you?
Is that one of those based jews?
No, because the enemy of our enemy is not our friend, but it's interesting to watch him go off.
yea Ann Coulter who's on the mainstream talmudvision all the time is really a thorn in the side of world Jewry. lol fuck yourselves all of you
Why does every thread nowadays devolve into TRUMP IS A KIKE TRSODOMITES ECELEBS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?
jewish, TRS homosexual and eceleb shills working overtime, I guess
Yeah, because Iron Ann is for bombing Syria and Iran.
Kill yourself, shill.
Those are the current marching orders for our friendly paid posters.