
Is private marriage the answer to the decline in the western world, especially the United States? In a private marriage, you go through all of the motions of a legal marriage except you don't file a marriage license. The woman changes her name, the couple cohabitates, they both wear rings, etc. They hold themselves out to the public as being a married couple. But they file taxes separately, each have their own insurance, and never claim to be married on legal documents.

The net result is that the government has no control over the private marriage. In the eyes of most churches, it is a valid marriage as long as the wedding was performed in accordance with church doctrine. Most churches would rather marriage be strictly a religious institution with no government interference.

Private marriages usually have a contract agreed to by both people which lays out the expectations of the marriage. A "divorce" ends up being a contractual matter rather than a full blown slugfest in (((family court))) with both parties lawyering up. Though the goal is for there to never be a divorce, if one happens, it's handled like any other relationship breakup where both parties decide between themselves in accordance to their private marriage agreement on how to split any assets that weren't the personal property of either.

The biggest risk is ended up with Common Law Marriage status but only a handful of states recognize common law marriage anymore. Alabama just abolished it and in most other states there is a requirement of intent to be in a state of legal marriage. A private marriage agreement shows a concrete attempt to NOT be in a legal state of marriage. Even with that, not living in one of the half dozen or so states with some form of recognition for common law marriage is a good idea.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not the answer in Canada, I'm afraid. Merely cohabiting (with sex) for a small amount of time results in instant common-law marriage and the divorce proceedings therein.

This faggot is on trial in the next town over. He's running a welfare scam and just happens to be able to deflower a nice teen girl who he 'privately marries" in his moron LSD church.

IIRC, in BC there doesn't even need to be a sexual component to the relationship. As long as there is a financial dependency created between the two, you're stuck. I'm a bit surprised that Quebec is the least accepting of this crap, having explicitly refused to acknowledge common law marriage.

All kinds of weird shit goes on with the offshoots of LDS. Wouldn't be surprised to find out some of them fuck their own daughters.

The only solution is a prenuptial. And if that doesn't work you'll have to kill your wife. Because, to be perfectly honest, I wont pay a cent to a woman who betrayed her vows and I'd much sooner go to jail for something I did with my own hands than be sent there by the cunt for not paying up.


Can't deny the truth in your statement but the United States also once upon a time kept its niggers in check but that's no longer the case.

Anyone who has visited Utah, especially Salt Lake City, probably has encountered homeless white boys who have been pushed out of their rural community because of FLDS's plural marriage creating an excess of males.

That does bring up the question of if it would be ok for more than two people to enter into a private marriage agreement. Since it is a contractual agreement instead of a legal government sanctioned marriage, it likely would be fine from that angle… provided of course that everyone involved was an adult.

So basically they're Mormon heretics. Because LDS are very conservative, the rejects and apostates happen to be very degenerate. There is an ongoing effort by the globalists to subvert the Mormon church.

For example queer Latter Days the movie portrays the seduction of a Mormon boy. Mormons are very tribal, exclusionary, disciplined, fertile, anti-LGBT/pro-Straight. LDS take the crime of sodomy seriously. They are anti-drinking, drugs, and caffine. In the LDS they are portrayed as "racist homophobes". Doesn't sound so bad does it?

The Latter Days movie is very popular among gays. One of the prime fantasies of the gay lifestyle is corrupting a "good christian". The purer the man is in his virtue and honor, the more desirable they are to the corrupt.

I got burned, don't do what I did.

To fix a majority of the issues with marriage, literally all that needs to happen is no-fault divorce laws get repealed. THAT'S IT.

That's not so fucking hard. Why the fuck isn't anyone voicing this? How is it that we can get the entire nation to debate whether or not to deport 6 gorillion beaners but we can't get anyone to question whether no fault divorce was a good idea?

That's why I said offshoot and FLDS instead of LDS. Think most people are able to understand the difference but of course (((they))) would love for there to be confusion because Mormon values and outcomes are everything Jews hate.

Conservatives are as bad about wanting to keep no-fault as liberals are. Remember it was Ronald Reagan who brought no-fault divorce to the United States and sold it as a conservative value.

Covenant marriage exists in a few states but has failed to catch on. Though the details vary a bit by state, in a covenant marriage there are a lot more steps that must be gone through before a divorce is granted. In the end though, it's still government control over what should be a personal relationship.

This video explains the government’s ONLY role in marriage.

Believe me, I know. It's just so fucking strange that pretty much EVERYONE, redpilled or not, recognizes the issue with divorce rates in modern america. Yet, nobody so much as discusses anything regarding the high divorce rates and the implications this has on social dynamics and child-raising. You'd at least expect SOME conservatives out there to talk about this shit.

Perhaps it's because the boomers make up the largest demographic for people to cater to, and boomers don't give a fuck about marriage issues anymore since they're all old.

I don't know that most people would say that no-fault divorce is the problem. People have their pet issues and find a way to twist anything into being part of it. Feminists likely blame men not being subservient enough or being scared of "powerful women" or some nonsense like that. They're also not likely to agree that children need a father around.

There are some out there publicly making the same argument you're making but generally they're not good communicators. There are plenty of studies that show that children raised in traditional nuclear families have better outcomes. But facts don't sway people as much as we would like. Appeals to emotion do.

Right, but logically speaking, you'd expect the discussion of "hey, our divorce rates are high and that's bad" to at least be heard sometimes in the mainstream. Isn't it strange how they're more willing to discuss deportations and other "racist/antisemitic" stuff before they'll even discuss divorce rates? I'd think white nationalism would be more repulsive to normies than talking about the issues with divorce. So what's going on here?

Found this in another thread which was deleted (MGTOW shill), it goes down to show conservative faiths have less divorce and more fertility.
If you want to be divorced, and have no kids, become an atheist.

A "moron LSD church" sounds like a lot more fun than a Mormon LDS church.

Saved. I've been looking for data like this. The MGTOW shills always have a defeatest attitude and way overinflate the divorce rates. Divorce is, of course, still too high regardless, but it's not so high that we should all give up and just not marry/reproduce.

It should also be noted that white liberal atheist cuckolds have rock-bottom fertility rates, whereas white christian conservative fertility rates are okay. We also know that political views are mostly hereditary. So this means that the white people in the future will be more conservative and redpilled and less libucky than the current batch. Even if we do become a smaller proportion of the nation.

Thanks for understanding the difference. I'm trying to red-pill every member I can.

Their very name implies defeat.

I'm going to gamble that you did this.

Don't marry sluts, user. Don't give up on finding a non-slut just because TRP and MGTOW keep telling you all women are sluts.

Here's my personal opinion on everything:
You must learn engineering, and go innawoods. Everything else can fail you. There's just engineering and going innawoods.
The law will fuck you over, the bank will fuck you over, the churches are all pozzed, the government, cops, everything.
The only salvation lies in.. fucking electrons, linear heat expansion, computers, etc.
What we need to do to ensure not just a social order and marriage and economy and the country and basically everything, is to invest ourselves heavily in the only unbiased, just, 100% reliable, trustworthy, unpozzable, solid hard science and technology.

Think about it: all authority comes from violence and nothing but violence. Violence is the currency that cant be devalued over time, or faked. You have no rights in this world, that you cant defend yourself with violence. The law is not law, unless violence can enforce it.
And science gives us the most of it per unit of effort invested.

So the trick to stable marriage is to live separately?

Do you think normalfags have that kind of integrity?

You're not reading that correctly.

Those uber high divorce rates you see include people who have been divorced multiple times. I'm sure everyone has met some 60 year old who has been married 5 different times.
You need divorce statistics for first time divorces to get a better picture.

So, atheists can't get married?

i am honestly disappointed at the pro white western nationalist scene not shelling the family courts already
not even trying to meme, how the fuck is it not a duty of every sane western man not to build a home made version of some sort of artillery and just fucking demolish these zionist courts

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Repeat offenders skew the stats heavily. Not to mention that the stats only look at it as a yes/no binary, rather than looking at it in terms of how many marriages last over a certain duration of time. It's nonsensical to look at getting divorced after 5 years of marriage with two toddlers to take care of, and comparing that to some older couple that's gotten divorced after 40 years of marriage long after the kids have left the house. I mean, obviously divorce sucks regardless, but the MGTOW defeatists try to make it out to be that ALL divorces are you getting fucked over with child support while they steal the kids away from you.

That would be the marriage contract (license, if you will) that is upheld by the courts and divorce (dissolution of the marriage contract) is further discussed through mediation (the court).

How is that any different than what we have now? The reason marriage contracts end up in such hell in the event of a divorce is because they're not regularly updated. The marriage license does not need to be renewed.

A contract you sign when you're 25 isn't going to contain the same stipulations and needs as you'll have after 15-20 years of cohabitation, especially when children are involved. It can get exceptionally messy, which is why mediation is necessary and laws must be put in place to protect BOTH parties. It's not like leasing a car, you dolt.

LDS are a corruption of scripture based on white Mohammed. They're a cult.

Private marriage is lolberg stupidity. Marriage is an act with social implications. The problem is the state is not under our control. You can't expect anything to go well while that is true.

That data means co-habitation with a partner outside of marriage. They are living in sin, eloping, shacked up, and so on.

I didn't expect that kind of answer out of the man, Barry looked lost as fuck!

There are also very fertile, well educated, straight edge, cult. A cult with stable marriages. None the less they are not a true Christian.

If they were judged on stable marriages and saving the White tribes, Mormons seem very attractive IMO. They also are predicted to dominate the religious landscape in the 22nd Century.

Modern Mormons overcompensate for perceived "past transgressions" on the issue of niggers.

The government needs to get completely out of marriage.

There's too much risk now, as is.

A system like this would help, and you would need to also throw out common law marriage.

You'd have to take it a step further and do something about children. Requiring a DNA test for the father to go on the birth certificate would help. Default 50/50 custody in the event of a divorce unless the other parent is in jail would help too.

No. It would cause more problems, actually. If people can get "married" or "divorced" without any headache or paperwork, then marriage becomes no different than dating, and the significance of the institution becomes nonexistent.

The best solution is to encourage legal marriages through economic and social incentives. Germany under the Third Reich was able to bring their birthrate up by giving medals to married women who had a certain number of German children with her husband. A similar principle needs to be applied so people are motivated to get married, at all.

Why don't people want to get married? Two reasons: women have too much legal power in divorce and family courts, and there's no economic reason for a man to marry when he can just date a girl and get the same benefits.

The solution: Get rid of the overwhelming female power in divorce, alimony, and family courts. Better yet, get rid of divorce all-together. Not having divorce legal makes people think "fuck, I actually have to spend my life with this person. Maybe I shouldn't just fuck some random girl/guy and put a ring on their finger after 2 months of dating". They are penalized for making stupid decisions, because they can't simple break up with their "wife" by getting a judge to say "k you're divorced have a nice day". This would create better marriages by motivating people who already want marriage to seek the highest quality and most compatible mate they can find, and better marriages attract more people to get married. Second, give tax breaks and economic incentives to people for getting married. This only works if divorce is outlawed or difficult, though, because when divorce is legal and easy, people just wanting to take advantage of the system will get "married" for tax breaks, even if they're not having children.

Most fundamentally: illegalize adultery. Adultery is the greatest killer of marriages, and we're surrounded by sexuality desensitizing propaganda 24/7. The more desensitized you are to sex, the earlier and more likely you are to have sex outside of marriage. Illegalizing adultery increases the cost of adultery, so fewer people will do it. Fewer people cheat, fewer marriages get destroyed.

I reckon marriage should be a church affair. Marriages actually meant something and couples stuck together when it was a religious matter, as it should be. If you want there to be some kind of legal benefit or incentive to marrying (though typically you don't need one: people nowadays don't marry because it is disincentivized), then you could potentially allow for common law marriages again; I'd open that to non-Christians etc. But I still strongly believe it is a cultural and religious matter above all else. You'd might as well have the state issuing baptism certificates if you're handing them control of marriage too.

I might be fedora but I think marriage might be outdated. If people want to hook up they should and I guess some incentives to have kids like tax breaks for couples with children well white ones anyway.

Hate to break it to you but the church is going through a schism caused by the internet tbh mate.

Lots of LDS kids are reading the obvious bullshit their church is. Even with inflated numbers the church's numbers are in regression.

Fastest chimpout ever and wouldn't get past either part of the gov.

Only reason people get married now these days are the tax cuts or if the woman is a cunt the child support gibsmedats. Things would be so much different if we managed to take the state out of marriage.

Nah you're probably just too young to remember the days people took their time with it, made sure they were certain about it instead of this date 2 months, marry because knocked up with brat shit. It used to have alot of significance and divorce even more so. But with the slow erosion of morals and faith in general it's become a method of getting tax breaks or ruining a guy's life for some extra shekels.

Grandparent's married and still are married after all these years, hell when my grandma had a stroke and got dementia he did the utmost best he could to help her until his own health fell apart. You don't get that kind of commitment or love these days and that's why marriage a shit.



There are a few of us that are red-pill on Holla Forums. I'd love to hear if you've been successful trying to make a Mormon understand that the Jews are the problem.

I suspect most wouldn't get the full impact of this but that is some super love/duty stuff you would never see these days. I don't think I would even have the ability to put up with that shit.

you just need to spin some more plates.

The only logical way to marry is to go Full Varg and move to an extremely rural area away from degenerate influence. I refuse to raise kids or marry in this shit culture, and were I to continue my bloodline, I'd have no choice but to move to an area far removed from any toxic cultural bullshit.

Those projections are only because all the spics and flips are joining the Mormon church.

As a state issue it's hard to get national attention. Marriage laws are like a piecemeal quilt that doesn't match art all in America.

since when?

Utah's biggest export is ex-mormons.
They fuck a lot and the only thing that makes their marriages "stable" is the threat of excommunication. In reality, Mormonism is full of drugged-up bored wives who rebel often and outlandishly (like Laci Green)

what a novel idea

there is no place removed from the degenerate influence, and now their mothers or even grandmothers were fully indoctrinated with feminism.
t. ruralfag


True, but the degree to which it is influenced by degeneracy depends on where you are. I live in a small, semi-rural town. The nigger side of the county is degenerate as fuck, the white side of the county is very conservative. There's one extremely liberal family, and everyone hates them. Divorce is looked down upon. Pretty much the entire west side is made up of white families with white children. Worst things we have out here are mormons and evangelicals, and one christcuck family that adopted niggers.

What a faggot. The only reason to submit your marriage to the government is so you can get the benefits from having a legal marriage, otherwise there is no point to ever marrying anyone!

Oh yeah. There was also a small group of hypersexual roasties, but they're all ugly or getting fat and move out of town after high school. Very few of the repressed degenerates stay.

t. kike

What is the purpose though of getting married though? As that user said, it makes sense for legal purposes (and I assume he was including having children as one of those things). If you're two people who don't plan to reproduce yet want to be together, why bother getting the government involved? You can date someone for four years before you marry them and you don't need any government involvement for it so why should you if you effectively plan to do it for another thirty?

what are the actual rates though? It's looked down on here by men but it's basically as common as any other place, and we don't even have niggers

they all turned to trash here and stayed, or left and reinvented themselves into non-sluts and married oblivious guys. I will admit that my school, which was not in town, had less sex going on than any other place I've been. But this was before cameras on phones, widespread internet, and because it was rural, even cable tv.

If you are marrying and not having children, you don't matter. It's fine for the physically defective who care about their society and are upholding the customs, but completely pointless outside of that context. Marriage is simply the vehicle by which we best propagate the next generation. Everything about the environment is telling us not to do that at the moment, the punishments, the incentives, the propaganda. That's why we can't fix our families or birthrates until we change the whole system

Practically zero in the white side of town. I know a couple families that are divorced, but no more.

Monogamy and loyalty, user. Marriage is, first and foremost, about reproduction and the combining of two families, yes, but marriage also represents the commitment to that idea. You can be married and not have children, but plan to. Or be married and not planning on it, but you're socially influenced to do it because everyone else is.

Also, what said. If you won't have kids and you're married, you don't matter.

yah nah ur a cunt

I think it can be a lot less complicated. Destroy no fault divorce, guilty party gets screwed, pre-nup cannot be dismissed or thrown out.

It's a tough decision when you're barely making ends meet.

The real problem imho is that there is no longer much social stigma against getting divorced. People used to stick together even if they couldn't stand each other just to keep up appearances, or at least keep it under wraps long enough so the kids could grow up well. A single mother was the scourge of the village. People now are both shameless and selfish and don't give a fuck how they look moving on from their spouses or ruining their childrens' lives over petty bullshit.

We should try to change government policy and use any loophole in our private lives to shift the control from women back to us, but most importantly we need to bring back true shame.

That must be one of the top 1% blacks.
Well spoken, full arguments, educated and actually understands the subject matter. Black genius.

What is even better is a private contract which makes the marriage legal but unannulable, ie unless there is proven abuse or infidelity as stipulated by the contract divorce is IMPOSSIBLE and if divorce happens nobody gets the other party's stuff.

This is essentially the same as giving yourself a marriage circa 1800, no divorce ever, no money for the whore if she tries to force a divorce via infidelity.


The high divorce rates in breakup of the family is a direct result of feminists getting what they wanted. Since one of the laws of power is that you don't attack the strong, only the weak, we have conservatives going after poor, powerless, young girls on abortion but not attacking white feminists. They know that if they go after white feminists, get their tax-exempt status pulled. That's the real power move that keeps the churches cucked.

Well well. (((Joseph Gordon-Levitt))) is in that gay Mormons smear movie. It's fine for a Jew to shit on and belittle someone else's religion, but OY VEY if anyone ever criticizes a jew or anything jewish.

…which the (((judge))) can nullify by calling the terms "unconscionable", or via other methods.

No. Would you sign a contract that allows an uninvolved third party to redefine the terms of the contract at a whim later on? That's how marriage works, with government legislation & the courts being the third party here.

Marriage is about loyalty, monogamy, and providing a basis for reproduction & inheritance. It's the best framework for accomplishing the 14 words. For millennia men and women got married without the "permission" of the state (i.e. marriage licenses). Why buy into the narrative that this most personal & intimate of relationships needs to have its terms dictated & regulated by the government?

Besides, if all that is holding your marriage together is disliking the hassle of divorce, you've got a shit-tier marriage that probably won't last regardless… and that father/mother dysfunctional dynamic is going to be visible to your children as they learn from you as role models. A successful marriage is something that must be cultivated between the man and woman, not simply being something that they can't be bothered to dissolve.

This. Too many naive people believing that a prenup is magically protecting you by itself, but it's just not true. As the user said, it can be thrown out at will by any judge who feels like it. A prenup is more akin to a written promise.

Yeesh. It's always amazing to see some of the shit that today's stars had to do to pay the bills back in the day.

I'm not a huge fan of Mormons, but I find it morally reprehensible that anyone would make a movie about some fag corrupting a young missionary.

Changing the biased court system and undoing the damage Reagan and the feminists did to marriage would be ideal but that requires a huge popular movement to accomplish. Which doesn't mean you shouldn't support such a movement, just that it isn't something you can accomplish on your own or on any reasonable timeline. The appeal of a private marriage is that you can do it now.

The stigma against divorce used to be really strong. Divorcees were seen as morally corrupt and not accepted in polite society. That is why Ronald Reagan needed to normalize divorce. He wanted to be president but at the time the a divorcee being president was as unthinkable as a Satanist being president would be today. He sold us all out to satisfy his political ambitions. It's sick how many "conservatives" think of him as some sort of demigod of virtue.

The tax benefits of marriage depend on your particular situation. If one person in is a higher tax bracket than the other, some of their income will get taxed less in a government marriage. For stay at home moms/homemakers, this is a nice benefit. But if you both make similar incomes its actually a bad deal because when you file jointly the level at which each tax bracket begins isn't twice that of those who file individually.

Underappreciated dubs. The idea of violence as currency is interesting. I wonder if investing in violence would be a good retirement plan.

The ability to force others to give you their resources is a sort of retirement plan. And if it fails, you're probably dead so retirement planning is no longer an issue.

This solution is like trying to restrain a disobediant cat with more gates, a leash and a collar rather than training the cat in what is acceptable behavior when it is a kitten. The cat will find a way to escape.
Men don't need to a legal solution to marriage, they need a proper wife solution to marriage.
Even if the best possible outcome is reached legally with possesions and finances in a separation, it's only a slight consolation if the whore gets the kids and leaves her doting husband with a broken heart.
A woman should have golden heart, a mind filled with the gospel to not be taken by the joo and her biggest aspiration is to be a mother (not just an afterthought next to a career.)
4. A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottennessin his bones. - Proverbs 12


redpill is degenerate.

This. If you marry the wrong woman, you get predictable results. Your perfect woman will NOT be found in a bar or in any socially standard dating spot. If the potential wife isn't found somewhere you yourself go to daily, and where people like you go to daily, she probably isn't the one. There are no sure bets, of course, but you're far more likely to meet a good wife at your work/church than you are at McLintock's Draught Pub.

this. met my wife at work in my early 20's.

I met my wife at a little kid's birthday BBQ. Do not skip those tiresome family events when they're not limited to family. Company picnics can be good too provided that you're very careful about who you're talking to.

If you searched for it, you will find 3 categories First Married, Second Married, and 3 or more married (since those married 3+ are so low individually they are added together even then they are still low).

Gays pathologically believe all men are gay, or should be gay.

All of those groups have theology and a church or family enforcing the marriage

Redpill is hilarious.
If they would take the real redpill, they would see that the Judens have them right where they want them. It was never about women leaving the family, or men leaving the family: it was about destroying white family, period.

And it will still be destroyed no matter what they do, so they've chosen the best option for themselves is all.

This is like when (((MTV))) got so bad about their shitty shows filling up all the time slots that people complained, so they created MTV2 as a channel that would "only" play music videos. The predictable outcome came within a few years.

Right. The government shouldn't be involved. Besides, the overall 1488 goal is a *cultural* battle–without the culture supporting the traditional marriage values the (((legal system))) will find ways to erode even the clearest written law. We live in a timeline where the Supreme Court rendered the Wickard v Filburn decision, where they said that *not* engaging in commerce, on one's own property, in a single state, was "interstate commerce" and thus subject to federal control "constitutionally". This ruling formed the basis for the laws involving gun control, the war on (some) drugs, and most of the rest of federal overreach in the past 70 years The point is this proves you can't win with written laws alone, no matter how clear & explicit they are. We must win the culture first, and then the laws will support us.

It is because divorce is seen as an escape route. In essence a "get out of jail free card." So no one wants to discuss it because they are afraid of not having it, furthermore most people are very parochial and don't think the ill affects of divorce will happen to them.

Gtfo, blackpilled manwhore

In many states, simply admitting publicly that you are married is the same as being married in the eyes of the law. The license stuff is just to collect tax money.

That's called Common Law Marriage and has been discussed in this thread. It's only in a handful of states. Some of them require intent which a private marriage contract is evidence against. Others are primarily interested in if you publicly call yourself man and wife. A private marriage would be difficult in those four or five states. One state, New Hampshire, requires you or your 'spouse' to be dead in order to be common law married. Seriously, in that state living people can't be in a common law marriage with each other.

But yes, those in common law marriage states would be best off if they checked the law's details with their lawyer when drawing up the private marriage contract.

What I am say is that you are still fucked, no matter how "private" you think the marriage is. If she can produce any credible witnesses to say they were told you are married, then she still gets half your shit plus alimony and child support - enjoy the rape. No legal maneuvering will get you around the sadistic female biases in family court.

t. SC resident who knows just enough law to be dangerous.

That's simply not factual. Over forty states have outlawed common law marriage. In those states you can run ads during the Super Bowl declaring your marriage and it still won't make you legally married. Just because the state you live in, South Carolina still has common law marriage doesn't make that state's law the law of the other states. A private marriage would be risky in South Carolina. It's also a state filled with niggers. Lots of things are risky there. Live in a decent state and stop believing that just because your situation is pants on head retarded that everyone else is too.