God tier GameBoy/GameBoyColor/advance/DS/NES/SNES games thread

God tier GameBoy/GameBoyColor/advance/DS/NES/SNES games thread.

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Stealthy nostalgia thread




there is no gameboy list.

I like it.

also here's Sonic 4 & Knuckles because OP is a faget

smh tbh fam

We could make always make one I guess


I believe there's an updated version somewhere



No too many consoles for one thread


The apex of the gameboy color.

Also, someone make a list of good GB/GBC games to make a chart.

No, too many 12yo. cooowaadoody kiddos in Holla Forums.

I found this webm amusing
who is that guy?


I didn't watch the webm, but I'm gonna guess it's Melonpan.
Was I right?

Sorry user, I have no clue

My folder.

All Zeldo games


You could've just asked for an old Nintendo games thread you nigger faggot cuck

No harvest moon has ever advanced beyond this point in the right direction

This man is correct, it was demolition_d
Maybe I'd even embed it if I could do that and still put in a webm of the jew overlord of this place's waifu melt in an oven, but I cant

I rly would like to see that on MEGA.

Golden Sun 1/2
Metroid Fusion
Links Awakening

Megaman Zero

I've never tried emulating the DS before and I really need some new games to play. What is recommended as far as the best emulator and so on? I was able to get both PS1 and PS2 emulators running on this old rig, so I should be fineā€¦

Advance Wars 2 dawg


Post specs

If it's not too old you can run Desume with no problems

Super Mario World is superior to Mario 3.
Fight me, faggots.

I like helping chart-user, even though my descriptions might be a little long. DS had a god tier library

2 and 3 are the best plot wise, 4 had the smoothest gameplay and presentation, 1 was rough as shit but it started the whole thing, and it deserves credit.

Rune Factory is pretty good though

I disagree

Heady for Genesis
underated ass fuck

Is there a Holla Forums list of Genesis/Mega Drive games?

Find one in a 4cuck archive


Nope, that's the current version. Good DS threads have been few and far between lately. But that could probably be said about most non-Xbox or Dreamcast system threads. Makes it a bit hard to get input for new things to put on it compared to what it used to be like.

At least someone does. Wish people could help out more with the PSP revision I've been working on, as like the DS chart, new additions need descriptions.

Been meaning to do one in the future, but discussion's not the most frequent. Currently have these as possibilities for it though.

Not bad. Add Gley Lancer and Lightning Force is actually spelled Lightening Force.

Oh and you can also add a /Thunder Force IV to that title.

Will do, thanks.

On a related note, why was that name even changed for the NA release? Double checking things on wikipedia, they went from the more concise Thunder Force IV to the longer Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar. What was the point? Did prior Thunder Force games not do very well in sales here in the US of something, hence the name change?

I have absolutely no idea, but I'd also like to know why.

Oh and also add Alisia Dragoon. Will post more if I can think of other games.


I'd argue 3 was a letdown in its plot given the Judges need supplementary material to get any actual background on what they did pre-Maverick and post-Maverick and how easy Omega was made his entire boss rush an anti-climax, though I agree 4 was where gameplay in general peaked. 4 was way better as a climax to the whole series in most everything, shame it was where the series hit its stride.

English patch release soon, hopefully.

Speaking of fan translations, anyone given Magical Vacation much of a go yet?

What's wrong with that?

Might as well post the GBA image. Admittedly I've been meaning to get around to updating it and it just hasn't happened yet.

I've actually seen some anons that apparently feel that older games/system library's aren't worth taking the space or time to discuss here at this point ("everything that there's been to be said about them has been said by now"). Kind of sad really, especially since I've seen that logic being applied to releases as late as 2009, even for games Holla Forums loves and used to have a lot of threads on even a few years back, like Ghost Trick.

And with actually older systems, like the NES, SNES, and Genesis, it doesn't help matters that people here haven't seemed real prone to starting threads on them often, and while they might fit /vr/ better, /vr/ here's practically dead at this point. Hell, they've even had a brownpill thread up for the last two weeks because the board owner/mods there apparently don't care anymore about cleaning that up.


Yeah, they're called summerfags.

Bullshit it didn't, the Zero Knuckle was way more boring than the special weapons in 2 and 3, and the bosses were best in 2.

Summon Night Swordcraft Story

Best megaman game on the GBA coming through here

Fixed version of chart. Sword of Mana is widely regarded as an inferior remake and Yggdra is much better on PSP.

This is actually a pretty conclusive list.

I've always thought of Sword of Mana as more reimagining than remake, the way Super Castlevania IV is, and I've seen a liking for it from time to time.

As for Yggdra Union, I could add a note about both it and Riviera having PSP versions and to perhaps do some research on which version is going to be preferable to play.

If people want both gone though, I can do so for the update, whenever I get around to it, as there's some other games people have mentioned wanting added to it for a while.

I've actually seen a good liking for both from anons here, albeit with acknowledgement that CotM has some points people might not be fans of (grinding for cards, for example; not that AoS didn't have grinding for souls too).

Please stop making charts. You suck at them. The fact that you put shitty SNK ports in the SNES is proof of your incompetence.

Riviera is barely different on PSP. Yggdra however is resized for its widescreen resolution and as a result the battles are less cramped.

Again, you can just hand the chart making to someone else. Your services are no longer needed.

World of Illusion is widely considered inferior to Castle of Illusion. Road Rash 1 is better on any other system. You're missing Bare Knuckle 3.

Holy fucking shit. You sure are full of yourself.
These charts are made of recommendations of anons on different threads. One person doesn't make a single chart.

Fuck off.

Holy fucking shit, you sure are a faggot. Kill yourself

Make your own chart.

For romhacking, yes. It has a nice look, but it's too easy and the music is a little uninspired compared to 3.

What's the name of that Mario 3 romhack that adds loads of new powerups and shit?

Mario Adventure or Super Mario Bros 3Mix?

There was one called Koopa Kingdom Escape, but it's still being worked on and I have no idea when, or if it's ever getting released.

This is exactly what I was thinking about. Thanks user.

Why the PAL version of The Guardian Legend?

I don't recommend it, fucking reinforcements every fucking time even with animations turned off every fucking time I just got sick of it and refuse to replay it.


Didn't say best weapons, 2 was the one with the Chain Rod.

Knuckle was kinda neat for trying out all the shit you could steal from corpses.

Your thread is too broad, OP.

Or stop making charts because Holla Forums is not a single entity that's guaranteed to enjoy even half of the games you have to recommend. This Holla Forums-approved shit is faggotry of the highest tier.

ZELDA (nes)

you are the user who fucks up every chart because of muh-opinion.

That's not Team Colonel

Just because you're psychotic like a kike doesn't mean I'll confide in your fee fees.

Fuck off with your cuckchan-tier bait

If you like JRPG these systems have tons of good games unlike the crap in PS2 era and later.

Play DS version of Chrono Trigger (cutscenes).

Good taste.


Advanced Wars
Final Fantasy

On the back of this, 1st pic is a weird olymipic minigame collection. 2nd pic is adventure game where you basically go around and interact with the characters and solve a quest for an alien hamster. Pretty basic, but fun if you're into the series and/or 12 years old like I was.

I bought it for the 3DS because I wanted to play it.
I used to play it in my old PC, and since I'll never spend 800 dollars on a GBC game I figured I'd buy the legit downloadable version.
I have it, but I don't think I've played it more than 20 minutes. I mean, at the end I realised I want it because it's rare. I want it because it's hard to get.

I remember reading about that shit in Nintendo Power, but i could never find a single copy, just how rare is this thing today?