Iron anne on trump


Ann Coulter was a Trump believer from the beginning. As far back at June 2015 she predicted a Trump victory on the Bill Maher show and was openly mocked by the audience and other panelists. But, turns out she was quite right.

But, after a series of flip-flops on everything from the timing of the border wall to the 'obsolescence' of NATO, Coulter is growing a little weary of waiting on Trump to deliver on campaign promises.

Uhhhh. I’m not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.

I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?

We had no choice. Yeah, I mean my fingers are still crossed, it’s not like I’m out yet, but boy things don’t look good. I’ve said to other people, “It’s as if we’re in Chicago and Trump tells us he’s going to get us to LA in six days. But for the first three days we are driving towards New York. Yes it is true he can still turn around and get us to LA in three days, but I’m a little nervous.

It’s just that it has been such a disaster so far, and that General Kelly is so preposterous, and McMaster — did you see him at that press conference? I thought he was retarded

Queen Slayer speaks only the truth.

Guess how I know you're a shill?

"…just put it down to him not being a professional politician and having to come into the presidency with no support network, with all of official Washington against him.

I do of course blame Congress most of all. They are swine. They only care about their own careers. Who knows how much of it is corruption and how much of it is pure stupidity. People should start sending Paul Ryan bricks to indicate how much we want the wall.

They are the opposition party to Donald Trump. This is really something we’ve never seen before. The president stands alone, it’s his own political party, he’s Gary Cooper. All we have is millions of Americans behind him, but he doesn’t have anybody in Washington behind him.

nd while Coulter said she's still holding out 'hope' for the Trump presidency, a dangerous thing when it comes to Washington D.C. and politicians, she concluded by saying, "I think all of the Trump true believers are petrified."

No matter how right she might be about some things, she's still a she.


Yep. Reported.

Enjoy your safe space

Kek. You couldn't be more obvious.

Yep. Reported.

Call it 4d chess or common sense, the president has remarkably little power alone; he can't pass budgets, approve bills or overrule Congress, and I think Trump is just trying to achieve as much as he can by working with these faggots. Certainly he'll need to build a strong support base in Washington if he plans to go Andrew Jackson and alienate the courts. Congress is unquestionably the enemy, and I'm disappointed Ann is blaming any of this on Trump. What did she think would happen, honestly?


mental retards >>>/out/

Name one thing Trump has done for whites.
Now name five he's done for Israel.
I'll wait


Wasn't a big criticism of Obama that he ruled by the pen? Look how quickly Trump dismantled the EO's of the last administration.

You redditors need to leave. If you cant handle debate you should fuck off

Kike confirmed

So let's just sit and pass no bills at all for the people then. Seems legit.


Holy shit, this is pathetic

There was no "debate" in the first place Shlomo, just you shills pushing the same shitty long debunked one liners like here

blame the courts
blame cuckservatives
who cares?
not true

Keep going, I want to see you empty the whole folder they gave you.

Yep, you need to leave.


When? Where?
You're talking to anons who voted Trump and supported him and have triple digit IQs which allow them to see the truth you brainwashed faggot


Yes I'm sure (((you))) voted for Trump and now had a sudden change of heart over green texting of "travel ban." By the way, you type pretty fast with your nose.


Except nobody defended Kushner, I know they told you to talk about him in the discord, but that's not the argument at hand Moishe.


Don't be stubborn.

Trump has actually put his name on a number of successful bills already and I have no objection to him using EO's where appropriate, but when dealing with the big issues, unless an EO is followed by a bill that passes or applies to a short term issue it's literally worthless because whoever comes next will whip out the scissors on day 1. Furthermore, EO's that antagonize factions in congress will make it harder to get bills through, and most of the time bills are worth more than an EO.

Trump's main job is to wrestle a huge group of diverse interests in Washington to pass bills to make the country objectively better and particularly improve life for his voter bloc. It's a difficult work and definitely the long term investment with the possibility of long lasting policy as a reward.

On healthcare, there's a real risk that Obamacare's removal becomes a titanic fuckup. If I was him I'd have let it sink itself like he wanted, but his hand was forced by the Republicucks. It is what it is.

People have got to understand that you can't just stomp on everyone's toes to get everything done tomorrow. He's stuck there for 3.5 more years, and he has to work with the fuckers around him or risk being rendered ineffectual, and we've seen already that Washington is prepared to let the country burn in order to oppose internal change.

All in all Trump may yet do terribly. It's really too early to tell. All we do know is that Hillary would have been 100x worse, guaranteed.

What's the go to response they gave you for this one?

Drown yourself in semen.

She's a coal burning plant like milo

E-celeb bullshit is cancer

Maybe among basic bitch republicans. That was the LEAST of the problems with that communist nigger.

Coulter was pushing a pro white agenda before the Internet you fucking faggot

Often alleged, never backed up. Nobody ever posts evidence of this.

Well, either way, ruling by EO is not substantiative and doesn't guarantee long term success, and America needs to not only have a great four years, but also needs to be cemented on a course to unfuck itself that Demoshits and Republicucks can't easily change.

There is none. Now that Trump has proven to be a Zionist meme everyone who attacks him on this controlled opposition kushner funded website ran by a Freemason kike will attack the actual people who support whites

Trumps kids are race mixers

We literally saw an article about her where she admitted she was dating some black guy. She's a coalburner, I'm afraid.

Curious how she became anti-trump when it happened. Now she's going about saying that Trump is repugnant and such. Big turnaround from her attitudes at election time.

fuck off shlomo

You're setting up a false dichotomy. Using executive orders does not preclude Trump from also signing legislation into law and nominating SCOTUS judges. Trump should not be neglecting any of the tools at his disposal.

Obama greatly expanded what EOs are capable of. Trump should be abusing that. The "moral high road" is for cucks and losers.


Source? You don't have one.

I think Iron Ann is right, but your rhetorical style is counterproductive. Knock it off.

not possible



Learn to read nigger.

There's a couple ways to look at this, purely from an ethno-centric angle.
1. He's temporarily fucking us on some things he said he wouldn't, and will change in the future.
2. He's going to continue fucking us.

Either is indefensible as of this moment. He changed his stance on TPP & some other issues after getting slammed on them. Give me one reason to not push him on some issues right now that doesn't involve his already historically awful PR.

Get. The. Fuck: out.


I give it before the end of 2018 most anons will be pretending they didn't vote for him or only did it to be ironic.

Coulter is always tossing a fit and acting as if trump will flip on this or that. During the campaign she did this a number of times, especially on the amnesty thing, and then Trump delivered a speech that was the exact opposite. Each time she sounds off, I'm reminded that women don't belong in politics.

Would you be saying this back in 2015? I seriously doubt it. You've compromised on your principles because you're now partaking in a personality cult.

converts are not recognized as real jews

How many white baby's do you think Ivanka has ritually murdered?

Get real.

I'm saying it's bullshit, if you can read. You're a slave to base Pavlovian triggers, and should turn in your white card.


So she's just a kikeabo? So much better

Some of us have lives outside image boards.

All the eggs in her womb, for one. All the white children she could have had. She killed those potential white babies, and decided to give birth to jews instead.

And for that matter, Ann Coulter is similarly guilty of not having white children, but at least she hasn't given birth to jews.

Voting for Trump instead of Hillary will never be the wrong choice. Hillary wanted to disarm white men, Trump is allowing us to keep our rifles. For that reason, if no other, Trump was obviously the right choice.

funny way to spell Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums1673329

Higher IQ anons (original 8/pol/ exodus tier) have already left here and know he's a Zionist puppet. What remains are the LARPing faggots from cuckchan and Plebbit who call the founding anons kikes now for calling out this obvious Rothschild plant.
The media was controlled opposition during the election. Attacking trump and making themselves look moronic so that the people would rally behind him.
Shillary was nominated because (((they))) knew her base would be PISSED over not nominated Bernie Kike.
(((They))) knew Trump would further Greater Israel in Syria and the ME.
(((They))) knew his charisma would keep rallying the Plebbit tier low IQ whites no matter what
(((They))) knew they could use the controlled opp AltRight and controlled opp AnTiFa to keep Americans distracted fighting each other so that Americans wouldn't March onto DC and lynch (((them)))

But EO's:
- announce strategy in advance
- can be targeted by the judiciary
- antagonize factions in Washington
- give the media something to talk about thus necessitating media games to control the narrative

Plus they have their limitations. He can't go and build the wall with them, for example.
There is a bit of a cost to them. Again, he's there for 4 years and doesn't stand to gain ground with cheap victories at the expense of an opportunity to work with people. When you rule punitively you reinforce already entrenched attitudes to vote with party lines instead of on principle, and Washington is partisan enough.

That said, if there was a pathway for him to lynch congress and the senate and start ruling like a dictator, I'd support that, but the system is sort of designed to require teamwork and prevent that.

But they love kikes even more then you r/the_Donald transplants.


Both lead to ZOG you incompetent Plebbit faggot

NatSocs aren't here anymore. They've realized what's happened and left user.

DO all their tactics just boil down to Tokyo Rose style shilling?

That may be so, but that doesn't invalidate the point.

Certainly right about this.

Spot on this board has been unbrowseable for almost a year.

Yes. Also meguca niggers keep shilling their awful live posting endchan 2.0 board here.

you can stop calling others newfags now

there's a board where you can whine about moderation >>>/polmeta/

EOs and legislation need not use the same strategies.
So fucking what? Better to fight and fail than to never fight at all.

You know what's more limited than EOs? Not using EOs.

Try an argument next time.

If that's actually true, then tell me where they went Shlomo.

I like how she explicitly pointed out McMaster mispronouncing America in a sentence that followed "Amurica's unshakeable bond to the jewish state" with a video of said mispronunciation included in the article. Coulter goes on to call him retarded for that… Perhaps its a coincidence, but I don't think his meme pronunciation of 'murica was the only retarded thing he said in that video.


This is a fantastic idea. If we organized some kind of planned event and paul ryan recieved hundreds, or thousands, of bricks in a week that would send a clear message.



I didn't get deleted it got anchored after 200 replies.

You severely underappreciate the importance of bills and the intentional limitations of EO's. And also could probably stand to read either the Art of War or the Art of the Deal.

The reality is that Trump could well be relegated to the position of a president with only a number of EO's to show for it all, some that get struck down or abandoned in the justice system, who is totally ignored by the rest of Washington.

These sort of people have very "superstitious" believes about the use of names. Saying "murica" instead of "America" is no accident.

You're again implying that using EOs precludes the use of legislation. That's not true. It's not an either or. Trump can and should use both to their fullest.

I don't disagree with the last sentence, I'm just saying that my definition of the fullest includes tactical use or the lack thereof to help pass bills.


And a zeeg hye to you too, fellow klansman neonazi!

Yeah it might be worthwhile, but you'd have to make fake ones out of painted polystyrene or something (papier-mâché?) otherwise the postage cost would be ridiculous.

I came here to laugh at you.

If that would have spurred people to partake in direct action against ZOG, it would have been a good thing. There's no point in bearing arms if people are too complacent to use them for their main purpose. Don't get complacent just because you own firearms.

Trump is a good fall guys for the impending economic collapse

Well, has Trump mossad'd the assad? He was under intense pressure from every side, launched a bunch of missiles, and then just fucked off to do somethig else. Basically, he did the politician thing and avoided his hand being forced by feignig action for the cameras. You're either a really weak willed retard or a shill if you still don't get this.

This image has such a wide application.

Does that somehow change that anons point?

Global report for not even trying.

it changes (You)r point, >(1), yes

This is a good example right here.

Nice green text too.

Slow day on meguca faggots? Should be. You guys have 4 trannies and thats basically it.

shouldn't you be moving to that other shilling thread that just got made?

Well that was the first game I've ever seen the (you) meme not green texted. But I'm not one of those meme worshipping trump posters, I assume you would probably know better.

Why would Anne be anything but happy with Trump?
He's great for the coal burning industry, and I'm sure she supports that.

(((newfag))) detected

(((Dank memes))) XD

and wrong
He can NOT sign budgets until they are fixed and shut down the government if need be until the budgets are fixed.
He can NOT sign bills that are not to his liking and shut down the government if need be.
He can sign executive orders to get the ball rolling on A LOT of shit that congress will eventually have to pass. Getting the ball rolling would get many congresscucks past the sale. Thats not overruling congress but he could be making much better use of executive orders, he hasn't even done the ones he promised to do in the first 100 days.

She's not the only one. I still believe he meant what he said he was going to do, but I think he suddenly got a reminder of who (((really))) rules the US one sunny morning in the Oval Office. Did they threaten his wife and children? Did they produce blackmail material even HE couldn't laugh off? All of it? Something else? We'll never know, and that sickens me that they got away with it again. I've been waiting for a long time for the Hero to appear, and I thought it was Trump, but I give up on Man and now place my trust in God and Jesus Christ, His Son. You fedoras can mock me all you like, I don't care. There are no heroes left in man, just predators.

Yeah, it's not like the courts are overruling those or anything

It's not just politician worship. Look at how fervently some anons defend what they deem "my board's" thoughts. Board nationalism is great, but these turbo-spergs are, without fail, completely ignorant (or intentionally revisionist) of the history of 4&8/pol/, /new/ & /n/.

Frothing at the mouths, they project their desires about what they read last month that the board consensus is. God forbid they become outcast in the "last bastion of free speech" on the clearnet.

To me, it's just as much the effect of censorship elsewhere on the tubes, as it is the standard clique or in-group mentality. I would give a nut to read the studies 100 years from now.
sage for off-topic navel gaving.

It didn't work that way during the '94 AWB. Accelerationism is a form of suicide.

He's young right now, still a teenager. He's somebody who never watched television, grew up on the internet instead. We'll likely see him start to appear publicly in 10-15 years.

She can blame Trump all she wants but she knows who's behind all of this.

Yeah, she does. She let it slip during one of the GOP debates.

just blackpill my shit up fam

Reddit spacing

wew lad, remember to gun vertical not horizontal when you kill yourself

Iron Ann got lucky in predicting Trump's success. Anyone who really knows American politics and Trump knows he kept his promises vague and made sure they appealed to his base. Trump is far better than Hillary and knows who he can fuck over and who he can't. The world is moving closer and closer to securing manufacturing and production to a protectionist modal and not a globalist one. That's what this entire election was about. China, East asia and some of South America controlled 90% of the worlds manufacturing and posed a major threat to everyone, including big bankers. Having Trump in office and changing the economic system from globalism to national protectionism means countries will have an economy that won't collapse because China wants to act out.

didn't take long to QED. can't tell if people are false flagging to intentionally make you guys look like idiots anymore, honestly.

Care to put your hand on the Torah and swear by that statement?


she leans whichever way the wind blows and apparently fucks niggers

I remember her shilling for Romney and suggesting the party needed to pander to moderates, fast forward to 2016 she's blabbing that moderates are the problem.
She was even buckling her lifejacket, ready to jump ship last Summer when it looked like Trump was in trouble; now we're seeing it again.

She has no fucking spine.

The only decent thing she's done is research into illegal immigration, but yes she's a coal burning turncoat. Its been suggested for years that she's either a moderate or a liberal, and is just soaking up right leaning money.

long as it's covered in shellfish and flames

not really looking to glom onto female political pundits, but…
how's Laura Ingraham?

I've heard her radio show a handful of times and didn't notice any glaring issues.

Never fall for the treacherous 3DPD menace.
The 2D reich is coming, non-believers will be purged.

Pure neocon, and really doesnt have many redeeming aspects.

Second U.S. Civil war on the way. Trump's rollover to the degenerates is proof that hope is a lie. The system can't be fixed.

We need a leaner version of the Constitution,
Then we need to take over Mexico.
No more foreign interventions unless we are establishing ourselves as the new rulers of that particular shit hole of dysfunction.