No Freddie Mercury Biopic for You!

Gee! I wonder why?

Other urls found in this thread:

oh well.
fags dont deserve to have movies made about them anyway. We Trump Era now.

Freddie was a cool faggot though.


kek you know shit about him
Guy was degeneracy central

Still he wrote, sang and played great music, that is still enjoyable, and his fame wasn't due to his homosexuality. You can't say the same thing about today's heap of fags in the music industry

Personally I though Gary Glitter's music was top tier so that excuses anything he did in life. If you disagree you are fucking Drumpfkin.
t. /leftyb/ retards

You sure about that? Queen was always the meme-band of the 70&80's. Just like Bowie, Stones, Jim Morrison and The Beatles. You don't get anywhere in showbiz without sucking jew dick.

bryan singer is more gay than freddie mercury


Death from cardiac arrest caused by an accidental medication overdose and side effects.

He is fleeing the country because pedogate is about to break for real this time.

Probably retaliation from Trump for arresting Flynn to be honest.

Any form of art should be viewed for what they are. If I look at a painting, I don't care who made it. If I don't like it, it's shit. If I like it, it's nice. It doesn't matter that what kind of hole the guy who made the painting prefers to sticks his dick into.

Freddie Mercury wrote and sang great music, so I will admire him as a musician, no matter how flamingly homosexual he was.

What the hell does this mean?
That's true now. Back then, it wasn't, you just had to create something original or something good.

-Adolf Hitler

He wasn't living off of being a degenerate, that's what you can't really understand.

What's cool about getting pounded in the ass then getting AIDS and die?
Get pounded.

He had an excellent keys man and decent side band who had connections, plus he was a CIA asset, his singing was unorthodox and original too
The rest i agree except the first phase of the Beatles, they were good but not "the band"

Part of his then-and-now image was about being a flaming fruitcake
He was a great singer but wouldn't call his music great for itself
The Bi-ker was legitimately a good person, had a great voice and played the piano at a respectable level. Do you really think he was successful for those things? do you think he would've reached those levels if people knew he was supposedly not even gay?

Holla Forums being triggered by things is honestly now on SJW levels



How was this not posted yet

Freddie wasn't even really gay. He was bisexual. He went both ways.

Yeah, he got banged by strapped ladies and african men



If you want to bring a good band that coincidentally had a homo as the frontman, there's Judas Priest

All Holla Forums does these days is spaz out about kikes like a bunch of retards constantly. They are the same class as SJW, except their ideology is even more retarded and stupid. I don't know why you say anyone has to believe it, it's a fucking fact. Most people who are not stupid left this place after goobergate because they don't fetishize killing people over their ethnicity.

Confirmed homo 56%er

Rob Halford maybe gay, but he isn't a faggot. During that whole "chick-fil-a not hiring gays" controversy, he defended their choice to do it.

it's not about calling Mecury a faggot, it's about having to listen to some stormtard drone on about degeneracy while promoting a morally bankrupt belief system centered around masturbating to killing people

I don't know, man

I'm trying to help you and the rest of the board, ya fucking idiot. Now they know it gets to you, every second thread will be full of anti-fag shit. Stop crying every time someone calls someone else a fag on the internet. Is this your first day away from reddit?

imagine my shock.

I don't get why anyone cares about Freddie Mercury, just enjoy the Flash Gordon and Highlander soundtracks.

Do you have reading comprehension problems? I said I didn't care about him getting called a faggot. I said I'm tired of stormtards getting triggered by the idea that the entire universe isn't filtered through their retarded world view. Hitler was a faggot btw.

Well, nobodies perfect. Still not as faggoty as George Takei.

I thought the X-Men were supposed to represent black people during the civil rights movement.

X-Men was a lot better before Singer put is stain on it honestly.

It was never always about that. That's just modern SJW spin. Yes, there's some related themes in there, but it wasn't the only thing going on.

Yeah, nobody takes that "i'm totally not mad" shit seriously, bud. I can't believe that in the Current Year you people still get mad over edgy views expressed on imageboards. When I see you guys using that passive-aggressive shit straight from gamerghazi or twitter, even I want to fuck with you and post bog pictures. You guys paint targets on your backs and then complain about muh stormweenies when someone shoots you.

You really have to try to be as gay as Takei

Easily the weakest part of the movie, pretty poor tbh fam

Chik-fil-A never had an issue about not hiring gays, they don't ask when they hire. The "controversy" came because the left tried to attack the founder of it for saying he was against gay marriage. That's it.

He was giving an interview with some religious radio show or something, and the guy's extremely religious, and he said he thought man was in error trying to re-write god's laws, and that it's pretty clear in the bible god's view on homosexuality. That's it. He asked and he gave his opinion from the perspective of his faith.

You see the real point of gay marriage was never about gays, they're only 4% of the population and of that only a few even want to get married, and they already had all the rights with civil unions/domestic partnerships, it was all about redefining the word so the left could then go after businesses with conservative owners and conservative churches and shut them down. That's all it was ever about, they never gave a shit about you faggots, they just wanted to use you as a cudgel to attack their enemies with. Why do you think they've abandoned gay men entirely?

Then Obama's guy in Chicago tried to ban Chik-fil-A for "not sharing their values" and there was that video of the liberal douche lecturing the girl giving him his free cup of water and her just standing there confused and smiling. Everyone turned against the left on the issue because they'd become nothing but bullies on it. Even Jon Stewart on the Daily Show ate Chik-fil-A on air because he said that was stupid. The left attacking them like that shot the restaurant up from 4th place to 1st place. It became the highest selling chicken chain in the country. That's why the left has backed off trying to go after people for being against gay marriage as much, it backfired massively in that instance.

In part because the owner has a basically spotless background and primarily uses his money to make sure foster kids have slightly more pleasant childhoods and make sure they have lots of toys every Christmas.

I was in pro-GG camp, you fucking faggot, and I'm still mad at the people from the Holla Forums thread who fucked the entire thing over. "Stormweenie" is a thing from some SJW faggot who can't say stormfag or stormtard. I doesn't mean stormfags aren't cancer.

It's NOT edgy anymore. It's been repeated here about 500 million times. If you just repeat degenerecy and say you hate kikes 100 million times, doesn't have an edgy effect anymore. It's just fucking annoying at this point and it drowns out discussion. I think I honestly like jews more after reading the past year of Holla Forums. Quality dropped off as soon as the election is over and those people went to the the_donald or whatever. Yes, actual reddit posters in this case are better than the people that masturbate over murder.


Ok kiddo. Keep being explosively butthurt about someone calling a gay celebrity who died of AIDs a fag. Don't say I didn't warn you once every thread on Holla Forums becomes "let's pretend to be Holla Forums and Holla Forums arguing" even more than it already is

Very true. The whole gay marriage tolerance thing is just another weapon to bludgeon straight white Christians with. A similar thing is rape culture and muslims. The left only care about rape when it's a white guy doing it.

Wait a second…

Mercury is a faggot. I'm calling out the people bitching in this thread that you can't enjoy his music because of their gay DOTR religion.

Some guy asked "what's cool about getting pounded in the ass", then suggested you should "get pounded". It was kinda funny. You however took this off-hand typical insult and added your personal e-nazi boogymen. I'm telling you you're setting yourself up to get laughed at. Maybe you should go back to the GG general and suck some tripfags off, because big boy internet obviously isn't for you.

It's an anonymous image board. How am I going to get laughed at, you retard? I wouldn't give a shit if I didn't have to read sermons about degenercy every time something doesn't fit into these faggot's world view. Saying they get triggered by things is a fact. It's the exact same kind of kneejerking behavior.

Lemme run it down, because no it wasn't supposed to be about gays. Different writers have attached different agendas to it over the years.

Originally it started as two things, Stan Lee turning his laziness into brilliance. He said the hardest thing about writing super heroes was coming up with an origin for them. So he just said "What if they're just born that way?" then the second was that they were originally created to be a rip-off of Doom Patrol, but with all the characters being inverses of Fantastic Four (Cyclops as a leader who wasn't confident in himself, Beast as a strong guy who was also a genius, Ice Man as the opposite of The Human Torch, etc.) The aspect of them being hated originally stemmed simply from Doom Patrol being hated.

Then with the relaunch, they went multi-cultural, but back then that had a different meaning than today. Today that just means "no white men!" back then that meant people from different countries, so they introduced Wolverine from Canada, Nightcrawler from Germany, Colossus from Russia, Storm from Africa, Thunderbird the Native American and Sunfire from Japan (last two died but their siblings later took up the mantle.) From then on it became a metaphor for race.

It didn't become about gays until specifically when Singer took over the franchise. From the first movie on where they're wearing black leather bdsm suits, and we get lots of lines like "You didn't tell them you're a mutant?" "They didn't ask, I didn't tell." "Have you ever tried just *not* being a mutant?" "Mutant pride!" and on and on and on.

When Grant Morrison was writing the book he had a panel with Stan Lee, and he asserted that what it was really about was the changing generations, that mutants represented the young and humans the old. Stan Lee threw up his hands and said "Don't look at me!" not wanting to flat out shoot his theory down.

In the last two decades conflicting writers tried to make them represent Muslims to little effect, and surprisingly mostly well-received… Israel when they fled to Utopia and became a highly militarized independent state.

The reality is quite different, but it's one no one at Marvel now would acknowledge, instead of hating mutants for being different, their detractors would hate them for being "privileged" they would say it was unfair that they had powers, that this gave them an advantage in the job market and other fields, the anti-mutant terrorists would try to hold all mutants responsible for the sins of Magneto and try to shame them for his crimes and indoctrinate them with films and demand they collectively apologize to homo-sapiens. There would also be a lot of kids who were wannabe mutants.

Like this, right now.

Is this some faggy game where you think you win by continuing to reply?

No, I'm saying you're acting like a mong and people are laughing at you.
This isn't a game like the debates you have on reddit. I'm trying to help you, moron.
are you sure you're not a homo, user? you're pretty emotional and histrionic

Rock and Roll is literally Thelema for Normalfags. Classic rock is proto-poz dogshit.

Are you sure they're not laughing at you for being this butt hurt?

Probably been here longer than you. Certainly don't want your advice about how you maintain your imagined e-rep on an anonymous image board where I could pretend to be you in the next reply.

Oh shit lad, please stop.

Hahahahahahahaha! Eat that, user!
Fine don't take my advice on how to not get people to laugh at you then. I'm going to go masturbate to Paw Patrol now.

Wow pretending to be me, how clever. Everyone is laughing at you harder now. Please take my advice, I'm an oldfag and only trying to give you advice.

You're putting way too much effort into proving you're not mad. Stop embarrassing yourself.

How is this not like how SJWs politicize everything?

he does have a point, these boards doesn't even have IDs, yet you think anyone would care about being embarrassed in a thread because you keep repeating the same sentence like a parrot

You can laugh at the stupidity of someone without having a face or name to put to it. It's that mentality that makes me suspect he's used to namefag forums. It's the same mentality that comes with the idea you have to "win" conversations. It makes people defensive and say stupid shit.

Honestly, I'm laughing at you for how butt hurt you seem to be by him. You keep replying and posting shit tier reaction images.

Now I'm laughing at you. Checkmate.

aren't you doing exactly that?



If you think you can win this conversation you're sorely mistaken. I've probably been having conversations for longer than you. You're just like the SJWs you nazi.

stop smaefagging, kike, everyone who likes Queen must die on the day of the rope, I will reply to you for eternity until the day when I get to hang you from a lampost

Wait a minute, that's what you guys are arguing about?

stop replying back, everyone is laughing at you right now

Genuinely a different user, for all I know the other user *is* a massive faggot, I barely followed your conversation, but how can you not like Queen?

Richard Spencer likes Depeche Mode. You gonna hang him too?

Different user, but that's not a bad idea.

Not him but some people don't like his rapid fire lyrics with screams here and there, pretending he's not gay
Which is weird, there's something about his singing that just screams closeted homo, but then you hear folks like Klaus Nomi, which is at times over the top gay, but you rather hear him because he doesn't pretend, he's a full on homo autist, doesn't hide it at all and feels more natural, Fred feels forced, hidden, even when at a technical level he's good enough
Plus i don't like the band's usual melodies other than Another One Bites the Dust, which is just a small jam with Mercury messing over it

tl;dr he sounds like a closeted man

I don't think he ever denied being into dick though, I mean the fucking band is called Queen. He was into guys and girls though, so not so much gay as omnisexual.

Mathematically speaking, he was the greatest singer of all time.

I don't read the comics, because ain't nobody got time fo dat shit when there's literally thousands of issues, often with conflicting canons. But in the movies, the whole "you get your powers at puberty" thing was pretty obviously a nod to the stereotypical homosexual "discovering themselves". It was such a big deal, and so central to many of the conflicts of the entire franchise, I'd be very surprised if it didn't have at least some basis established in the comics. If it did, then it can't be about race.

They did all the time, though.

What meme is this

I think he means like, number of hit songs or albums sold or some shit?

Not really, you can tie it to growing up, and virtually every race has some custom to celebrate it. Besides, the go to gay defense is that they were "born that way" and knew since they were little.

With mutants it varies. The ones with obvious physical differences show at birth, Multiple Man always says when he was born the doctor slapped his butt and immediately there was a second him. Xavier started losing his hair as soon as his powers developed at like 10. Wolverine first popped his claws at like 9.

Scientifically speaking, his voice had an soothing, angelic quality to it that few singers can achieve.

This is your mind on homosexuality and new american science



Queen is my favorite meme band tbh

Weev is a Jew.

this tbh

I bet thatb little whore gives great head

is Holla Forums leaking again?

Calm down, Holla Forums. Take a deep breath - everything is going to be OK.

you'll never kill anyone, because everyone knows it's a LARP


Also, the source given in the first picture ( turned out to be a now-defunct blog.

You never heard of The Monkees? Six Pistols?


Didn't know AIDS can impair the brain as well. Would explain a lot though.

you've never had sex, have you?