Skill tree
If a game does that then the skills put together are over-powered.
this rustles my jimmies so much, I literally have to start new playthroughs because of my autism.
If you can get every skill, why even have a tree?
Whats the point then?
And it's more retarded when you have to waste a point on a shitty skill to get the skill you want (Pre-MoP Wow, Diablo 2, even LoL).
whats the point of having every skill? you become a walking demigod and the game becomes too easy.
Do you mean every skill along a certain branch, or every skill in the game?
Complaining about the former is reasonable, but the latter is just pathetic.
>respecs cost so much at max level you have to grind for an hour to respec after dumping max money into a respec
Dying Light? Shadows of Mordor?
Choosing which skill I want first is cool, I by no means want everything instantly. But yeah, I better be able to get everything at once by the end. I don't even mind if that takes more grinding or whatever than would reasonably be expected to finish the game otherwise, getting every single skill/ability/etc should be possible.
Or maybe the end boss is just plain easy and didn't really require ANY upgrades.
what's the fucking point
That is good game design. A master thief shouldn't be able to also be a master wizard or warrior, else having any "character customization" becomes pointless and irrelevant.
Worse than corridor level design.
This shit belongs to the 70s.
Every fucking game I don't know what's wrong with me
Mass Effect 1
For the soldier class, you have to waste 4 points in pistol so you can access to the shotgun and unlock carnage.
Once you're max level, you can't even complete every skill.
Vanguard master race
Fucking diablo 3 was the biggest disappointment I've ever had besides Rollercoaster tycoon world
of the M.C.
Damn I fucking goofed that up bad
> it's a dead mmo
>orders you pizza when it's dinner time
>it's Hawaiian
Being able to acquire every skill in a skill or freely respec your skills is absolutely pointless in most RPGs since it destroys any immersion. How many world champion boxers are there in the world who could give up boxing and become a leading nuclear physicist in their lifetime?
There are games that have skill trees, yet are not really RPGs.
Cancer detected!
Pretty much only game that would benefit from such skill tree would be open world game that have no purpose other than completing every single quest in a game.
It is fun to try few different play styles on same character in Skyrim, it is nice to constantly power up Geralt in Witcher 3 but in actual RPG where you can build a specific character, forget it.
Even within a single discipline you're not going to master every specialization. A doctor might specialize as a chiropractor or a cardiologist and a martial artist can only learn so many fighting styles.
Runes of Magic sucks balls paywall bullshit and you should feel bad for playing the game
You're late, template thread autist.
god that game was fucking awful
I'd say the best way to go about this is to tie respecing to an expensive/rare item. That way, you can try different playstyles without starting over, and the scarcity of it means it's a meaningful choice, instead of changing classes mid-fight.
Do you need Mario to automatically make jumps for you too? Do you need you reticle in snap to every enemy in am FPS too?
Nigger what? How the hell did you get Runes of Magic out of that?
>they're still godawful
>everything is dumbed down to a hideous degree because WoW also dumbed down their game to a hideous degree (to appeal to people that barely play games in the first place)
>charging 50$ for an expansion worth 10$ at most, 15$ if you really want to push the price tag
At least the game lets you make pretty characters.
Felicia* Day
but Felicity is also awful
The most hilarious part is how pretty much none of the GW2 player base is even GW1 players. Most of the GW1 players either dropped MMOs entirely, or are still playing the original. The game was completely different from the original, and kept none of the promises for improvement it made, because none of the original talent was even still working for the company.
You know how Tsukihime fans claim that the anime doesn't exist? I really wish the original Guild Wars players would just start doing that with GW2. The game is so utterly shit that it doesn't deserve to be recognized as a sequel. I didn't even get 60 hours out of it, and most of the time I spent on it was from trying to boot up the unoptimized client after getting bumped out of the game due to some error while playing WvW, which was the only redeeming aspect to the shitfest.
Secondary professions? Heroes and henchmen? Having a low level cap in order to emphasize end-game content and the importance of skill? Having a large array of skills? The lack of a gear treadmill? It was all thrown to shit.
The game could have been amazing. Me? I'd have let players do something similar to the mercenary system they added in the original Guild Wars at the very end, and let them drag in their alternate characters as hero NPCs. Then you could direct three or four people. It would have added a whole new layer of complexity to WvW by allowing players to post guards at different areas as well, and it would incentive having multiple characters. I'd have had a level cap at Level 20 and none of that bullshit level-boosting crap for the PvP setting. I'd have made the legendary items like they were in the original game, where getting a cosmetic boost was all you got from unique shit, rather than stat bonuses. But most of all? I'd have made a comprehensible story.
And I would never, every have allowed multiple races. You want races and starting areas? Krytan or Ascalonian faggot. We're going to kill some fucking Charr and we're going to take back our god damn kingdom for King Adelbern.
the fuck? i wish tsukihime had an anime, maybe it will after the remake comes out in 2020. though ufotable has been slipping lately.
And I wish Guild Wars had a sequel.
I wonder how Heaven's Feel will go with their whole three-movie scenario. There's no way they're going to main consistent quality for three films given the route hits most of its high points in the final third.
If you want an RPG that doesn't force you to somehow specialize, play Skyrim. It's not really an RPG, but that doesn't seem to be what you're looking for.
also that whole dick move with putting the game up on sale a week before the expansion and then making the expansion come with the base game anyway.
I can see some perks say +15% acceleration could be attributed to having a more daft foot.
>all upgrades literal percentage points of TAKE 3% LESS DAMAGE
>maxing out upgrades literally run down to TAKE 21% LESS DAMAGE or HP INCREASE BY 20 POINTS
The tree merely shows which branches can grow, not all that will.
It does look like a tree, it's just upside down.
Gee should've predicted that the game isn't well designed and looked up builds online instead.
Fuck me, you mean I can make food heal an extra 1%?! Sign me the hell up
Why have a cap that high?
Witcher 2 had some of the worst fucking game mechanics I've seen and would be a full trash game if the writing wasn't so fantastic
You can't be a werebear in Diablo 2 unless you waste a point or two on Werewolf-related shit. Thankfully it was only one wasted point iirc.
You are the reason for Fallout 4.
Isn't that point?
Just like real life.
You people are exactly what's wrong with the industry, fucking casuals can't into RPGs.
also skill trees are almost always shit with the exception of Path of Exile, the "tree" part of it as opposed to a bigass list does nothing but limits the amount of choices you can make in your build.
Seriously though if you can get every skill then what's the point of letting you choose in the first place since everyone's character will homogenize into a master of all trades.
Fuck you, Hawaiian is the best fucking pizza ever.
Aside from plain cheese, of course.
It is result of faggot designers obsessing on making a tree.
It works really well in the souls games (aside from 2) because most players will want their characters to stay around 100-150 so that they can still do multiplayer with others, but the lack of hard level cap means that an autistic person who absolutely must be effective at everything and use every weapon can play by themselves and continue leveling up long after the meta. I always have one character in each games with no regard to the multiplayer meta and I just try to collect everything on them, while everything else is limited to an arbitrary level, mostly so the builds are interesting because I don't like PVP or PVE.
>95% of any skill tree is made of percentage buffs
Guess the game
that game was terrible and it wouldn't even bother me if not for the fact EVERYONE sucked it's dick when it came out.
sounds like Skyrim.
Personally I find that hitting the level cap in a game with levelling is one of the worst possible things to happen. I absolutely want to cap well past where you'd normally get by the time you've done everything. That way, there's always another level off on the horizon.
It's especially bad when the different branches are basically totally different stuff that doesn't really help the other anyway, so you're not even making the game easier by having both. Then there's really no reason to limit you to just one at all. It just means that since I'm not replaying the game anyway, I gotta choose between magic or melee but never experience both.
To me, just having to choose what I'm getting now is the right amount of choice.
But then again, I'm not really big on multiplayer games, so everybody having the same character as me isn't really going to make any difference anyway.
Plus, this happens a lot. It's not reasonable for games to expect you to lock your character into one path forever when you don't have the information to make an informed decision in the beginning anyway. Aside from just plain not knowing the mechanics when you've just started, there will ALWAYS be some options that are garbage and some that are amazing and you will not know which until it's too late. Heck, two games might have basically the same skill/bonus/whatever, and it's garbage in one game and basically required in the other due to factors much deeper in the game you can't know about yet, so you can't even use prior experience as a guide in these things.
Couldn't a skill tree work if it was like vehicle upgrades? Kinda like that Podracing game.
Of course, that would lend itself more to a combat oriented game or RPG than racing.
What? Are you saying that a low-budget 'Roguelike' Roguelite Castlevania clone with permanent upgrades, half-baked combat, and more grinding than an MMO is the worst thing ever??? Well these awards will surely prove you wrong! Who can rail against such great, prestigious awards like Rolling Stone Top 10 Video Games of 2013?
Unfortunately it is.
I guess in a sci-fi action racing game I can see that working. The skill tree will be upgrades for your ship/car/plane/whatever.
Can't we just stick with gifs, pls?
When did Holla Forums become full of casuals and normalfags?
But user, that's why it's called a role-playing game. You're roleplaying someone that wasted their formative years :^)
Look, I get it. You're clearly not a very smart guy and I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say you don't have a lot of formal education past high school. You think you're intelligent based on your experiences in internet echo chambers. I'm guessing you haven't done too well career-wise, or at least you don't think you're where you should be. You clearly don't have very much experience with people different than you, so I'm going to assume you've never lived in a city or a place that's majority minority population for any extended period of time. You also regularly post weird sexually suggestive anime pictures which lends toward some kind of creepy/pedophilic sexual tendency. Either that or you don't have a whole lot of success in relationships.
Regardless if any or all of that is true your opinions are shit and not worth acknowledging. History will leave your shit ideology behind. You deserve to be called exactly what you are: a hateful bigot who's statements and views deserved to be marginalized.
Sounds like you should rethink your hobby.
or just use Zanmato. you can also kill Ozma at level 1 and it's easier because flare star does less damage.
That's the whole idea of a progression system, retard.
Go work on your fucking movie Ross.
Being able to freely respect just sidesteps the issues entirely rather than fixes them - the flaws still exist but aren't as noticeable.
The major flaw is just that some games place more importance on decisions made in building at the start of the game rather than later in the game. You should be able to experiment with build options at the start of a RPG while you learn the mechanics before you form better builds, like in an FPS (say Doom) where you can mess around with your movement and attacks while you learn the enemy's behavior and the properties of your weapons.
I feel like you didn't even read his post.
well, welcome to the real world.