Who watches Syrian Girl Partisan?

Great channel. She's even been on David Dukes show a couple times. Would bang 10/10.

Your thoughts?

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You must be lost, cuckchan is that way.

Works for Israel

I do whatever attractive women tell me, and I am easily influenced by the opposite sex.

So yes, I watch her.

Do you fuck the other sand-nigger races as well?

looks like a fucking tranny what r u a faggot?

Can't wait to send my neetbux to her paytreon!!


0/10 would not bang, she's disgusting. You gave her some free advertising, now fuck off.



how telling

Yea, no.

She's incredibly dumb like most women her twitter is good for a laugh apparently WWIII started last month and we're all dead

Fuck off, aut-kike.

Saw her from day one when she was on LL, she's legit and was one of the few public people speaking out about Assad being the good guy, who FSA was etc, thus was swamped with trolls and deadshit LLr's so left to YT. LL was best Syria source back then. Back in 2011-2012 it wasn't 'good' to support Assad or even know the truth, that was a small minority but we kept at it.

Germany worked with all races, we can't win this one alone as a minority. Enemy of my enemy is my friend!

She's gorgeous.

Assyrians are white, you fucking paki

Why do some syrians look basically white like Syriangirl and the Assads, whereas others look like straight-up shitskin dunecoons?

They're probably remnants of the Aryans who travelled from India to Europe, the sandworms are actual sandworms.


Nobody east of Greece is white. Get your facts straight.

o i am laffin

There are a few remaining genetic outposts of the Aryan race, but even these are slightly mixed with Turkic/Mongolic peoples (and god knows what else); you'll find that the most pure blooded individuals make up the upper echelons of any caste system.

Nice reading reading comprehension, retard.

She's h'white enough, just abort any male offspring.

Aren't Russians white?

Gypsies travelled from India to Europe. Aryans travelled to Europe and India from Caucasus.

That's just fucking dumb. I would agree with saging the thread because e-celeb faggotry, but she's a fierce paid shill for Assad. And Assad is /ourguy/.

A pity I already claimed her as waifu, OP.

She talks like a retard, but she's white enough. No oven for her.

Stay mad cuckchan.

She has a degree in chemistry as well.
still waiting for a fappening leak

Taking drugs doesn't count as a degree in chemistry.


Sexual chemistry.

I don't watch her channel, but I'm obsessed with her lips. I'd love to kiss her, just once.


>implying pic related could fit into an aircraft carrier let alone that svelte frame

By the way, thanks for that while I'm enduring nofap, you iguana-cunt. I'm going to have guy-cramps all afternoon.

Should definitely not think about how amazingly those full lips would ease your pain then. Christ, that luscious bottom lip brushing against your balls when you're all the way inside her mouth would be enough on it's own.