If you are here, please fucking stop. Hide your goddamn powerlevel and let the philosophy club discuss actual philosophy. Why is it that every communist I meet in real life is a god damn retard?
Communist In every day life
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I wish there was a club like this at my school
Wow, he really showed his pseud level.
this. It's some autistic tankie liberal.
If he was actually a leftist he'd like chomsky instead.
I wonder too. They must have something in common other than communism obviously. That's not retarded at all.
Better than the leader of the philosophy club being a fucking lolbert. Anyways, I used to be a regular in the dubtrack room, but it just became too unpleasant. the room has next to nothing to do with leftypol, I think it's mostly run by Holla Forums users who want to troll leftists. I don't know why we allow this thread. One of the regulars in the room is named pepezefrog. no suprise, he identifies with pepe, but the anti-social edgy kind. always tries to act like a toughguy, it's kind of sad the extent of his delusion. now he might be a Holla Forumstard, but what's worse is that he's a literal cuckold. I don't mean that as an insult, everyone has kinks, but he's always bringing it up. One time there was EXTREMELY light banter going on, and he just loses it and flies off the handle: 'cuck this, cuck that', he starts rattling off the elaborate fantasies he has about 'chad' and jocks in highschool. I'm guessing he thinks the absurd spiel he is giving feels damaging, because that's what he's vulnerable to, but all of us are just confused. every day he says something about cuckolding, and it is never related to the discussion. just out of no where "cuck, cuck, cuck" we were all telling him to calm down, but he didn't wouldn't going. eventually I guess he realized how much he was embarressing himself, and his cuck insults weren't having the desired effect, so he ragequit, but the whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I hardly go there anymore.
fuck off nig
he makes for an excellent intro to Lacan Marx and Freud
and being a good anti IDpol radical left bro
He is also a meme that pseudo marxist like to attached themselves to because he is "edgy". I am almost 100% sure that this dude has never actually read any zizec, and gets all his information off "school of life" vids on youtube.
Yeah, no. Those terms have contradictory meanings. We know what a liberal is. Quit trying to make "liberal" into a useless term for "people we don't like."
go ahead and read him yourself
I said it considering OP said they were attending a philosophy club.
Instead of watching his videos that, while being entertaining aren't what we would call "a good source of philosophic material" they could have, idk, read one of his books and discuss it.
Taking the video approach just shows how much of a pseud he is because if he's dazzled by what he watch in the video it means that he has little to none prior knowledge of any sort of philosophic actual works. He just want the cocaine addict to do the equivalent of a magic trick with words so he can clap while feeling enlightened, which is the main reason pseuds are pseuds imho.
I'm not saying their videos are devoid of content, but they're clearly introductory work for you to get interested in marxism and lacanian psychoanalysis. He even says in one of his videos that Lacan is not hard and anyone who says the contrary is lying or something like that. Which indicates that he's aware of what he's doing, but pseuds gonna pseud and ruin everything.
Its been pretty good so far. The meetings have been pretty serious and focused around actions on and off campus, and most people who make decisions know their shit. Everyone has read Marx to some degree, and most have read enough to understand most tendencies. We have alliances with almost every leftist organization on campus(minus the dems) and have around 150-200 members(40 dedicated), and have built a lot of momentum in the past year. Currently we are working with Professors and RAs to help get them both unionized.
Don't go with philosophy clubs/Academics. Go for activist organizations/student unions. The more action the org does, and the more clear results of these actions, the better.
Tankie liberal is not a contradiction. Tankies are not communists, they are liberals pretending to be communists.
So Stalin is a liberal?
what did he say?
Philosophy doesn't begin until there is class struggle begins, there is no philosophy without it or divorced from it.
Philosphy without real world relevance is useless.
That's a good thing. I remember in my community college our leader was a libertarian professor. At the end of the meeting after we'd discussed whatever philosophical topic, he'd educate with us about the proper (read: libertarian) way to think about it and since none of us were as knowledgeable in philosophy as him his words would be fact. Sad
Zizek makes a fine intro for Lacan, but most of his books are just…boring.
Oh jeez i hope this is ironic
They are militant social democrats.
That is what he is saying. He is an idiot.