Trump got BTFO this debate
Thank you for correcting the record! A dollar has been deposited into your account ;3
tbh he just threw cheap insults at clinton and she refused to fight back
it was the worst debate i have ever watched
It always look like he lost, but his shitty rhetoric and baseless accusations seems to have a magic effect on murrikans. It's almost like murrikans don't give a shit about facts or politics and just want the loudest one to win.
People gasped when he said he wouldn't concede the election when he lost
then you didn't watch the last one
i did
it was bad but not boring
good meme
Oy vey this is absolutely true! You could tell only one candidate actually had the interests of Israel- I mean America- at heart. Clinton needs to be POTUS. If you don't vote for her you're on the side of those pesky porkies! Do you really want to be like those retarded Holla Forumsyps? I mean c'mon fellow communists let's just all put ideology on the backburner for a bit and go show our support for HRC to the world! Maybe we can join antifa along the way!
This revolution is looking all the grander ever since B████ pledged his enduring support to our, dare I say, Dear Leader Madame Secretary Clinton!!!
It's time to celebrate our early victory!
hi Holla Forums
ignore that first one
Lurk a little bit more Holla Forums
in all seriousness, trump got BTFO
insightful, intelligent, one sentence analysis
truly superior opinion to anyone in Holla Forums
this thread has changed my life
OP has such wealth of life experience and education
I am so glad for Holla Forums
At least he has the brains to spell Americans as 'Americans' and not 'murrikans'
you don't have enough brain cells to use a better meme?
triggered burger pls go
See you Holla Forumsyps are severely assmad that we won this time.Get it through your thick skull, Hillary will be a godsend to the working class, you heard her, she was raised in a middle income household. She only has the commoners interests at heart. She is everything that Holla Forums embodies and more. Take your fascism elsewhere please.
Trump did poorly during the first half, but once he started talking about the problems with foreign policy he did much better from there on. I think it was a tie in this one. However, politics is bias so people often hear what they want to hear.
I could use "gringos" or "yankees" if you like. I'm not calling you guys "americans", that's my trigger (I'm chilean).
ITT: Holla Forumsacks pretend to like hillary and then get offended by their own posts
They both did pretty well in this debate if you ask me. And I don't like either candidate, I'm looking in as an outsider. Hillary spoke absolute sense when it came to roe vs wade debate, made Trump look like a fool. However Trump schooled her on foreign policy. She looked pretty foolish there.
Yeah, he's making it pretty obvious that he's trying to throw the election.
NIce try Holla Forumsyp. Hillary has and will always be our choice for POTUS. You're just a woman hateric, fascistic, racist, indoctrinated, neo-nazi stooge.
Should of just mooned the audience and called Hillary a cunt.
Would have been EPIC
Exactly, drumpf has no chance now and honestly I can't wait to see antifa btfo those right wing terrorists.
Anyways, I used to be a regular in the dubtrack room, but it just became too unpleasant. the room has next to nothing to do with leftypol, I think it's mostly run by Holla Forums users who want to troll leftists. I don't know why we allow this thread. One of the regulars in the room is named pepezefrog. no suprise, he identifies with pepe, but the anti-social edgy kind. always tries to act like a toughguy, it's kind of sad the extent of his delusion. now he might be a Holla Forumstard, but what's worse is that he's a literal cuckold. I don't mean that as an insult, everyone has kinks, but he's always bringing it up. One time there was EXTREMELY light banter going on, and he just loses it and flies off the handle: 'cuck this, cuck that', he starts rattling off the elaborate fantasies he has about 'chad' and jocks in highschool. I'm guessing he thinks the absurd spiel he is giving feels damaging, because that's what he's vulnerable to, but all of us are just confused. every day he says something about cuckolding, and it is never related to the discussion. just out of no where "cuck, cuck, cuck" we were all telling him to calm down, but he didn't wouldn't going. eventually I guess he realized how much he was embarressing himself, and his cuck insults weren't having the desired effect, so he ragequit, but the whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I hardly go there anymore.
Holla Forums pls
*pls go
Holla Forums it is time to stop
I'm pretty sure he won. Clinton kept bringing up old shit with no new real zingers. Trump brought up the recent riot incitement video and accepting money from countries that hate women and gays.
Nice try Trumpkin. Only one person on that staged looked honorable, composed, and presidential.
the moderator?
You people are pathetic. She's the only candidate that will help the working class. Why? Well just take a look. Donald Trump wants to be friends with Russia, which has THOUSANDS of nuclear warheads. Hillary would draw us into a war with them, possibly causing a GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR EXCHANGE. Now just TRY to say she won't help the proletariat. You're wrong. She'll be the best thing for communism since Karl Marx himself. The aliens are going to come, the Dolphins are going to ascend, and the bourgeoisie are going to die in nuclear hellfire along with hopefully me. Shit is going to be great.
Captain, I am detecting elevated levels of mad in this post.
And a poorly-concealed falseflag in this one.
Can you Holla Forumsyps be any more obvious? The WWIII meme is bs that Trump's camp has been pushing.
WE, Holla Forums, STAND WITH HER
bruh if you're gonna shitpost on our board, at least have the decency to learn our memes first
Should've lurked more tbh, was that newfriend that asked for book recommendations a few days back. Thought the board was pro-Hillary though so wanted to counter Holla Forums trolls. I'll go back to lurking…
How did you miss the bit where WWIII was presented, as it should be, as literally the best thing that could ever happen to the worker?
learn our fucking memes you dip
I'm kind of ok with this "the world is irredeemable. Let's blast it until it's a giant fireball" kind of outlook. I mean I don't really have any meaning in my life right now. I could use some apocalyptic hype in this moment tbqh.
take your meds.
You are three levels of irony deeper than I thought you were
Mad respect to you, dog
Go fuck yourself drumpfshit
lmao @ Holla Forumsacks getting triggered at this post calling out what they are doing
go quote yourself somewhere else retard
Just go back to Holla Forums spout your memes retard
Really makes you think
I feel as though Trump is throwing the election. Because I find it difficult to believe in the last debate he'd willingly pull losing moves that have gone against what's worked for him.
He's going to lose and destroy the faith Holla Forums put in him. He's going to be the rightwing's B████ ██████ but maybe this was all Hillary Clinton's plan all along to show how America is a fucking monarchy and the choice was never ours to begin with.
This, the sad thing is that they'll be circlejerking over the screencaps as legit, even the guy doing the shitposting will believe his own bullshit and forget he fabricated this.
His weak point is women. He had to try to appeal to them, which is difficult because women are retarded.
the only blowing I saw was the eventual implosion of America's two-party system
I don't think anyone at Holla Forums believes you guys like Hillary. We know the more naive of you fell for B████, but we all know Hillary is just George Bush in a pantsuit and you guys wouldn't support her.
If anyone is pretending to like Hillary it would be CTR.
CTR shills on facebook, Twitter, and Reddit.
Why would they shill on this cancerous website or even 4chan for that matter? They know nobody on those two sites would vote for them.
They are all over 4chan Holla Forums. They probably wouldn't come here but it is possible.
I don't get it
more like 50
Don't know why that trip coded me
Also rest in peace Motorola.
So four dozens of people?
CTR is Holla Forums
They found out they could be paid to shitpost and so they do. None of the opinions expressed are valid.
oh you mean millenial income?
More unironic posadists on Holla Forums.
use the damn elections general