Is this liberal hysteria: the TV show?

Is this liberal hysteria: the TV show?
Holy shit this show had be written by a bunch of sheltered upper middle class urbanites. This is just getting ridiculous at this point

Holy hell is it that POZ?

He was the best part of the second season of Daredevil.

It's pozzed beyond belief my dude, half of the time it's Punisher nearly fucking his partners wife while his partner knows about it and can watch it from.his computer.

I can only imagine the people who made this show saw those "right wingers commit the most """""""attacks"""""" in the us vs Muslims" Facebook infographics and decided to not look at the fact that most of the "attacks" that are labelled terrorist incidents are like minor hate crimes and almost always have the additions of "post 9-11" added to the as a disclaimer. Now they think that the alt right is in every Street corner ready to run them over with a Dodge Challenger or something.

Is it really that surprising? They would never allow a show about a white man going full vigilante on criminals without it being pozzed to the gills. Frank is a Jew, the bad guys white NRA caricatures.


Look outside your window
That is liberal hysteria: the reality

I bet you're a liberal and you don't even realize it.

Sooner or later we all join the collective consciousness of the eternal Jew


Show is still shit, because it's more of a Jason Bourne rip-off, than a Punisher show

Wasted trips. Showing Punisher nearly cucking his jewish sidekick was the most hilarious shit ever.

Reading is for fag


Watching it now. It's okay but I think the whole
is a stupid plot.

I just want the Punisher to be about killing criminals

Frank isn't Jewish, his partner Micro is tho


No I'm not, I know full well the differences between modern "conservatives" and actual conservatives. I am not a neo-con, I'm a borderline reactionary nationalist, nationalism being a very liberal thing in the context of world history sure, but there is no American Monarchy. I'd like an aristocratic republic desu

>Bernthal was born in Washington, D.C. to Joan Lurie (née Marx) and Eric Lawrence "Rick" Bernthal, a lawyer with Latham & Watkins LLP and Chair of the Board of Directors for the US Humane Society. His paternal grandfather was musician and producer Murray Bernthal. He has two brothers, Nicholas and Thomas. Bernthal and his family are Jewish.

Reported for reddipol ;)

gb2 poleddit

Back 2 plebbit you go.

His last name is castle

Pottery, pure pottery

I couldn't even finish the first episode
also no right winger would call liberals "do gooders" these retarded writers have never spoken to a right winger in their life.



But you are posting here

Dolph Lundgren will always be the definitive Punisher.


He'll never be considered so, but my favorite of the bunch

Who? Karen? She's a woman carrying a small revolver in her purse. This is classic anti-gun strategy, to completely vilify the concept of firearms yet qualify it by saying something to the tune of "but of course you could still have firearms for protection".
No he's not relatable at all, his story wasn't sad sympathetically, it was just meant to be tragic. It was meant to be a tragic irony that the guy advocating for 1776 to commence again was killed by someone who shouldn't have access to firearms. He was killed by the classic narrative of the mentally ill guy who somehow got a gun. He also somehow got a hold of C4 and Claymore mines but whatever
He's presented as shitty cowardly politician using the narrative to further his career.
She's such an unlikable forgettable twat that it doesn't matter what she does or what happens to her. BUT you're missing the point of the character being the way she is. She's meant to be a some amazing, super smart, super talented, woman. It is very well established that she is unquestionably amazing. But, and this is the important part, her only weakness is caring too much. She gets broken down by her own feelings. This is a very common thread among tumblr tier fan fiction and female fiction in general. Though her character and the show she's in is so unbelievably poorly written that these kinds of things are not blatantly obvious because each of these characters has to constantly change their motivations and personalities to fit the plot because it's a shit show.

What is the difference between the alt-right and paleoneoconservatives?

You dumb nigger, get off the internet and go get a fucking job.

The importance of the ethno-state, and the fact that paleocons won't go near the JQ.

CHIP. Not "Micro". Fucking Disney…

The Jew Quarter?

So just to confirm HW Bush is a paleo and Trump is alt right?

No. HW is a neocohen and Trump is le alt kike.

I stopped watching in the middle of the fifth episode. I couldn't take boring government suits bitching at each other in an office, in scene after scene after scene. Also Micro's boring family. I tried fast forwarding through all those scenes, but they make up most of the show. Most of the show is useless filler.

She's sexy tbh.

It was pretty good.


How is that soy working out for you, tranny.

At least we get a revenge comic book series about a badass assassin killing criminals in gruesome eats about family and love and shit


Seriously? Did he rob an armory from a military base or something?

Paleo-cons are more like Pat Buchanan. Conservatives but don't want to fuck around as world police and focus on internal problems in America. Alt-right is more of a loose alliance of various right wing groups. Honestly, I thought they were a bunch of guys trying to save the white race by jacking it to trap porn.

A bit scrawny for my taste.

This poster is correct. The Punisher, on Netlifx, producers of fine programs like Bill Nye Saves the World or Dear White People, is a red medecined extravaganza!

It does try to go even road, because, come on, even I as a christian rock-ribbed conservative can admit some of our ideas are a little screwy. And it would be racist and wrong to make the antagonists black or muslims. That would spread hatred! No, I understand that for the good of society white males like me must always be the villains. But this show tried to cast us in a sympathetic light. After all, is the Punisher at its core about sympathizing with the people Frank Castle shoots?

Be sure to subscribe to Netflix and Blacked, and prove how open minded you are! After all, if you don’t watch offensive dreck produced by people who hate you and everything you stand for, you are close-minded.

lmao get a load of this goy

Bush is the definition of neocon
Trump was sort of paleocon in the presidential campaign but ever since he got in office he has been moving more and more into neocon territory

The absolute state of Marvel.

This is the equivalent to "if you believe women deserve to be treated equally, you are already a feminist".

Did you even watch the show? Her character is fucking hated, and she can't get anyone to join her girl power movements.

well you sort of are

If you believe you should treat others like you want to be treated, you are a Christian.

what's the problem with her face?

no he just somehow has them

But gender roles are also biblical

The point is she shouldn't even be in the show. None of those words should ever appear in any context in a Punisher script.

That is a very good description, campy 80s Punisher with Dolph Lundgren as Frank is so far the closest thing we got to an actual onscreen Punisher.



Even Clinton and Obama were very close to a neocon especially during their later years, despite public statements and media articles to the contrary, the president of the US is not the be-all end-all decision maker, your shitty Congress has a lot more to do with that than you think.

It's almost as if democracy is just a delusion

wtf. This shit was actually on a show? Liberals sound autistic as fuck.



meanings change. wow.
left and right used to mean something completely different. wow
fucking kill yourself'ed

liberal means something different in every country idiot. it doesn't have an objective meaning

Liberal means person suffering for pathological altruism and self-loathing.

I'm a liberal because I don't give a fuck about anything, just ask for some basic protections, so all is permitted. Who cares if islam takes over europe? I'll be long dead by that, fuck this gay earth.

.. That is not the Punisher. That is Runaways.

This, this is why I support radical centrism. Both sides are dumb and all political activists should be hunted, raped and killed. Its about time that alt-center terrorism meme became real.


What about that Sam Hyde guy?
He's killed hundreds in mass shootings.

So when you say you're a liberal, what you mean is you're really a nihilist?

The way things are going, if you're under forty now, you should probably be worried.

They are basically hedonistic nihilists who expect the government to provide for them and their pet minorities.


It's my favorite, if they just redid the audio with less terrible sound effects I think the movie would be more enjoyable.