Anyone know some good games that you can go quick, hop around, climb and do crazy shit. Been craving to play a game like that but don't have one that it's the core of the game play. I'm thinking of trying out rocket jumping in quake maybe give that a go. Mirror edge is something i'm not a fan of though. Also just general fast paced games, thinking of giving bullet hell games a try. So anons got any recommendations or warnings?
Fast/Agile games
Most of the curayzee genre.
Legend of mana has some of that.
Most arena shooters.
F-zero and wipeout games
God Hand if you're exceptionally good.
EYE fast? It felt kinda slow in my playthrough. Idk if i'd play again.
well late game, or if you cheat which I think there's a glitch still in involving pausing the game that allows you to max out any stat. Anyways with 120 agility and 10 LEGS the game goes into speedrun broken territory.
Rocket Jumping maps in TF2
and this
Besides Sonic, Megaman X and Zero are very fast paced.
most arena shooters, like xonotic
I'm not looking for speedruns more about games that it's the focus of the gameplay to be fast and stuff, but I did look it up and watch that video. I like seeing them so thanks for that.
Sonic feels so weird, I know it's fast but I don't feel like im going fast and at times the game gets pretty slow> I honestly never played Megaman so i'll give it a go.
Problem with arena shooters is that most are dead. Yea I know there are still community's out there but for a new guy like me there is just no point. I could spend hours getting good to have a chance against them but I really just don't feel up to it. I think I kinda missed that train. But if there are any with large populations let me know
God Hand at Lvl Die
Dankey Kang Jungle Beat
Quake 1 is still fun even in singleplayer, especially if you learn to bunnyhop/straferun
Strike Vector let you go pretty fast depending on how gud you were. You could buzz through small tunnels at max speed and fuck shit up on the other side if you were good enough.
It's a shame the communities probably dead.
Smash Bros. Melee and PM
Super Monkey Ball can get pretty crazy if you get good at doing tricks.
Oh yea i'm thinking of doing that for sure.
Looks intresting but it's a shame if it's dead.
I played monkey ball a long time ago, was complete shit at it but it was the wii version and I had to turn the fucking thingy to control the ball. Are all the games similar? How does it play out?
how did strike vector not take off like a rocketship?
fpsfags are the worst people. its always too similar or not different enough with them
if you have a wii, you could emulate the gamecube version
This game is such a sad fucking story from what I've seen.
I got it day one and the problem was not enough content and not enough incentive to continue playing. They had to release something though because they probably were at the end of their budget.
They were extremely against DLC and Early Access. They essentially marketed the game as "Buy once you get the entire fucking thing" sort of deal. And then continued to push out updates, maps, patches, gamemodes and more. Which was based as fuck. Embed related. This was one of their last updates which changed the combat drastically simply by reducing gravity.
Not only that they had a ton of servers available all over the world that could handle a stress test most AAA games out there couldn't. They seriously put a lot of time and effort in to this game and it was dead within 4 months. They just couldn't push out content fast enough and it had a (few) balancing issues that were later removed but otherwise it was a solid experience.
The worst part about all of this is that in order for them to keep pushing this game they had to make a reworked title with a SP mode and several updates that are console exclusives because they need publishing money. It's fucking shit but I don't blame them if it was their only option. If anybody wants to do more research in to the games development feel free. These devs clearly put a lot of passion in to this project and it's probably completely dead on Steam.
Nitronic Rush
I can't believe I forgot to mention a game such as
as a fast game
This looks pretty good i'll give it a look
I have this can't believe i've never gave it a try
That wii is long gone, but I could emulate it.
New Super Hook Girl is a fast rope swinging game. One of the most fun freeware games I've seen. If you like that kind of game you can also check out the Umihara Kawase series, but I haven't played those yet so I don't know exactly how they compare.
I played it when it came out and the community dropped so fucking quickly
every good shooter dies too young
This game if you enjoy speed running and butt sliding.
So I gave a bullet hell game a try, fucking kill me.
Installed this.
This game looks so fucking weird, I have it but idk it it fun or just goofy?
Megaman Zero is the fastest, most kickass action platformer series I know. The story is compelling, the music is ridiculously good, and the gameplay is awesome. There's not much to complain about.
Xonotic is a fun arena shooter with good weapons, good movement, and breakneck pace. Unfortunately it's very, very dead, but you can still play with bots.
i want to like it because it just looks so damn quirky