Wat do Holla Forums?

Wat do Holla Forums?





The only acceptable answer.

Multi track drifting + film to fap to later

Best I could do

fix it

Stop the train.
Change the material conditions such that capitalism cannot exist and capitalists are unable to exploit workers.
Let porky go.
Redistribute the gold to most important projects where it will be most effectively used to help humanity.


The trolley is actually a ruse by porky designed to save some of the porkies. The solution is to disregard the lever and let the 5 porkies die then finish off the last one manually

I was hoping we could split the train, but this is much better.

It is best that you do nothing. The very act of being a participant in this scenario makes you morally liable. Whereas before you were simply a bystander in an accident, you are now a murderer, and how do you know the value of those five outweighs the value of the one man? He could be the most gentle man on earth, while the others are murderers and rapists. Why should his life be forfeit for something beyond his control?


There is no ethical difference between action and inaction. You are already a participant by virtue of being there and being able to act. Of course it's easier to lie and claim that you didn't know what was happening or didn't understand what the lever did, but you would still be responsible for allowing 5 people to die rather than 1.
Then again, you should never be punished for such a choice. Punishment doesn't solve anything.




Sounds like a good thing, tbh fam.

I'd agree with you irl but we have to meet our monthly edge quota otherwise Holla Forums will call us cucks

Whoa, I posted this three years ago on /lit/. Funny to see it show up on Holla Forums. Dont be concerned "bros" im a cool celebrity.

You are a part of the problem faggot

I do what I want faggot.

Also congrats on making a famous meme.

Oh lol. Wanted to do the same. Only I planned to write one porky with fortune 10 bil or 5 porkies each with a fortune of 2 bil