What does Holla Forums think of Jordan Peterson

We talk about Jung a lot in our esoteric Kekism threads so I was wondering what the general opinion on preeminent modern Jungian. Seeing as he's gotten quite popular and recently said "I understand the Nazis because I can see them in myself"

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a kosher faggot who's afraid that whites are gonna go 1488, fuck off.

I'm not really interested in his political beliefs.

I'm wondering if his lectures can help me understand Jung.

Just read Jung.

reading Jung's essays will help you understand Jung, don't try to get too deep or semantic the gist of his stuff isn't that esoteric or weird.

Iv'e always been better at learning by listening rather than reading so iv'e been looking for some recorded lectures.

Off to a good start.
We've had this thread what 3 times now?
His political opinnions are shit and he has a tendency to scrape the surface when it comes to political matters so what do you think any sane person thinks?

If you're really interested in peoples opinnions you'll check the previous threads, if not then you're propably here to shit up the board / shill eceleb shit.

He's decent for breaking normies out of their SJW or communist conditioning, I don't dislike the guy. He's decent pre-redpill material.

He agrees his political opinions are shit too, he isn't very political outside of being thrust into the spotlight by standing up for himself.

His recent 2017 Personality 20: Biology & Traits: Orderliness/Disgust/Conscientiousness
www. youtube.com/watch?v=MBWyBdUYPgk

Goes in depth about Hitler's personality traits & how he motivated his people through disgusts sensitivity. This 2 hour lecture is actually fucking amazing. Sitting through it I felt 'this sound more like a promotional video than a warning'

Polite Sage because fuck eceleb shit, pol isn't the place. But Peterson has some good ideas and wisdom that isn't politically related, more spiritual / social / mythological kind of shit.

Except for that one time he might have posted on 4pol: http:// archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/102188802/ (ID: 1B9BDBuv)

OP, this is currently in the catalog:


being a racial purist is not redpilled or a traditionally european value, it is a very post-modern 20th century value closely linked to the development of nation-states.

Neither the ancient greeks, romans, germanics, thracians, nords held so rigidly to "racial aka biological purity", instead they held to a cultural-spiritual purity based on shared ethics and a shared world-view.

Civcuck detected. The "redpilled paradise" of Brazil awaits your (((enlightened))) presence, Shlomo.


wtf i didn't make this post?

It's mostly because racial integration wasn't an issue in their societies which were governed along tribal lines. Racial homogeneity is something that went without saying in all cultures throughout the world until very recently. Even 50 years ago, if you were a white American you were going to marry a white American, there were no real thoughts about it, it was as natural as the idea of marriage itself. This is one of the reasons the founding fathers of the United States, who were racially aware, didn't put any provisions in to protect the racial integrity of the society, it never occurred to them that the populace would allow it to become an issue. William Lancaster noticed this, he was aghast at the idea that the constitution didn't set strict limits on who could occupy higher office: "Let us remember that we form a government for millions not yet in existence…. In the course of four or five hundred years, I do not know how it will work. This is most certain, that Papists may occupy that chair, and Mahometans may take it. I see nothing against it."

My point was that the dysgenics of Brazil are an example of what happens when a nation decides that racial purity is irrelevant.

Try again Chaim.

Meanwhile you don't seem to be aware of the fact that the different human races are in fact different species, and that seeing other species as the other and desiring for them to be separate from your tribe is natural, and predates recorded history.

Your hypothesis that being aware of race and desiring set bounds between the races is a "post-modern construct" is outrageously preposterous. Tell that to the homo sapiens that bitterly fought the neanderthals.

The roman/greeks had tons of contact with other races from down south, and had them in their empire and granted them citizenship and intermarried. It wasn't a taboo, they didn't rant against dark skinned citizens etc.

The Romans had very strict laws on who could become a Roman citizen, and it was largely based on having Roman blood. The bible is very clear on this, where in all of the people of Israel under Roman dominion, Paul of Tarsus is one of the only people who was a Roman citizen.

you know cro-magnon, and early modern humans interbred with neanderthal. So whatever race you think you are now is actually an inter-species hybrid.

What are you even complaining about and why do you harp on Brazil?

Oh wow, what a strong argument! I guess I'll just accept the genocide of my entire race now. Thanks for helping me see things (((differently))) Mr. Shekelsberg!

It turns out my concerns about the West being flooded with non-white invaders intent on destroying my people (at the behest of the Jews) is just a "postmodern construction"! What a RELIEF!

I guess I'll go donate all of my belongings to the neighborhood rabbi and start volunteering at a (((refugee))) centre.

Really glad we had this conversation.

Jordan Peterson is a pussy and his son is a literally autistic NEET who hates (((the alt-right))) for being too (((extreme))) for alt-lite Sargon of Akkad bitches like him.

Yeah, they raped and slaughtered each other until only one group predominated, they didn't hold hands and sing kumbaya while throwing each other wedding showers. We have things like nations to help reduce the incidence of that sort of thing, now.


Yes it was, you fucking civcuck. Go read Juvenal. Kill yourself. Leave.

You didn't have to be a citizen to intermarry or inter-breed with other races, or even to join the army. Epictetus was slave from anatolia who gained citizenship as well.

Romans could mate with their foreign women, and they did.

Plutarch (De sera numinis vindicta 2I [563]) tells the story of a woman who gave birth to a black child and was accused of adultery, but subsequent investigation revealed that her great grandfather was an Ethiopian.

The Roman scholar Pliny (23-79 AD) mentioned yet another example of mixed children:

“One certain example is that of the renowned boxer Nicaeus, born at Byzantium, whose mother was the daughter of adultery with a Negro. Her complexion was no different from that of the others [other white women], but her son Nicaeus appeared like his Negro grandfather.”

Racial mixing also took place in the Roman colonies, and specifically the colony they called ‘Africa’ (this was then what is now known as North Africa, and the Roman name was then given the entire continent).

Not wrong. I got banned for a month awhile back b/c I made a "what does Holla Forums think of x" thread.

These things are so outlandish that the author thought they should be mentioned. You argue like a jew. Try again.

so common that many authors mentioned them.

He is a fucking hero. He is the only professor in Canada standing up to the government/Jews with regards to mandatory diversity (race and gender) quotas in academia. The man is an anti-Marxist killing machine.

If he came out full 1488 guns blazing, he would already be in prison in Canada, and he would have accomplished nothing. He's playing politics. If you look at his Twitter stream nearly every second tweet is pro-white along the lines of attacking anti-white discrimination and propaganda in academia (e.g. (((white privelege))) nonsense).

Not every person who stands up to the Jews needs to be Hitler reincarnated. Battles must be chosen carefully to fit our capabilities. In my opinion, he's just being realistic about what he can accomplish as a Canadian university professor. (If he ever gets sacked, I bet he will reveal his true power level.)

Neither example say anything about Rome's acceptance of others. The second is mentioned purely on account of its novelty.

The Romans granted citizenship much more widely than any Greek state ever did, for example, to everybody from Pictish chieftains in Scotland to Nubians in Sudan and Gaetulians in Morocco. Roman emperors came from Spain, Gaul, Illyria, the province of Africa (modern Tunisia), Syria, Thrace and a few more. Romans admired Greek literature and culture; followed Egyptian and Near-Eastern religions, and many of the richest and most powerful people in Rome were of foreign origin: while grouches like Juvenal loved to complain about how foreigners were taking over, their resentment is a tribute to how much social mobility was possible.



Sounds like him. After listening to tons of his lectures this reads almost exactly like how he would speak.

You cited a fucking post on quora. That person didn't even cite anything himself. Just get the fuck out, you moron. You are incurable.

Congratulations. This is the most Jewish post I have ever read on this board.
Every single people valued racial purity, hint: lighter features. Read Rigsthula, the Illiad etc.

what difference does it make? go read the Histories, everyone knows Romans were cosmopolitans, intermixing with all sorts of races, colonizing other nations and taking their women to make mulattos…. and tried to form an egalitarian society where even slaves could become free men and citizens, and invented democracy. All the shit you hate.

I'm done. I've wasted my time.

racial purity wasn't legislated in any national or political code until the 19th or 20th century….what are you talking about? Most civilizaitons had a really vague concept of their "tribe" that revolved around their spirit, ethic and way of life, not their genome.

The Romans were civic-nationalists and cosmopolitans, they didn't filter people by race but by their allegiance to a city state.

The word ‘cosmopolitan’, which derives from the Greek word kosmopolitês (‘citizen of the world’), ….

Stoic cosmopolitanism in its various guises was enormously persuasive throughout the Greco-Roman world. In part, this success can be explained by noting how cosmopolitan the world at that time was. Alexander the Great's conquests and the subsequent division of his empire into successor kingdoms sapped local cities of much of their traditional authority and fostered increased contacts between cities, and later, the rise of the Roman Empire united the whole of the Mediterranean under one political power.

"Roman Stoics extend citizenship to all human beings by virtue of their rationality. On the other hand, local citizenship becomes more demanding. There is no doubt that the Stoicism of Cicero's De Officiis or of Seneca's varied corpus explicitly acknowledges obligations to Rome. This is a moderate Stoic cosmopolitanism, and empire made the doctrine very easy for many Romans by identifying the Roman patria with the cosmopolis itself."

Your "facts" are Jewish as fuck. Reported you fucking kike.

no. they were civic nationalists and as time went on they liked the idea of being "citizens of the world" and granting citizenship to anyone who was skillful or helpful and loyal to a city-state, race was trivial.


I think it was him, personally. I agree that it sounds like his voice.

Even if it was not him, the arguments presented by that user are incredible. The idea of arguing from a mathematical perspective that (((diversity))) reduces the proportion of whites is genius: It cannot be argued against. The leftist is then backed up against a wall and must argue for why whites should desire to become a minority ("what are the benefits of diversity?"). This kills the Marxist.

It is also true that the way to awaken the beast is to get it across to as many whites as you can that the let's goal is the complete replacement and elimination of whites in all white countries. This will awaken the survival instincts, which will lead to pics related.

I am not gonna bother arguing with a filthy kike who flat out ignores half of every post he replies to.
It's not a coincidence that Helen of Troy, the woman described as the peak of beauty in Ancient Greece is also described as having racially pure features like light hair, light eyes and white skin in practically every sentence where she is mentioned in the Iliad. Racial purity was strongly valued by ==ALL== the people you mentioned.

Merchant BTFO.


You just cursed yourself by invoking Kek's name in relation to civcuckery and rolling double sixes.

Prepare for chaos, faggot.

I'm a child of chaos, your grinch magic has no effect on me

No wonder Rome is a prospering empire today. A true beacon of progress for everyone to view as a standard to achieve.

Can you be any more obvious Shlomo?

My impression of him is that he is acutely aware of the utilization of control of language as a means to a very bad end. He is also learning as he goes but is doing the work, since this is not his area of expertise but he is in a fight and is not going to be unprepared. As far as I am concerned, anyone talking shit about him should just directly tell him so he can address it and respond, but given his performance and situation– he's done very well . His credentials are unrivaled. He is a sjw's nightmare and their cure should they want it. Furthermore, his work examining personality determining political affiliation would likely lead to thorough spotlight being placed on narcissism's role in leftist political movements which has been needed for a long time. I hope he has found or finds Yuri's videos, I'd like to hear his take on it. I think he may suffer from existential depression but scholarly pursuits give him focused distraction and this new circus should do him good overall, if not land his mug on a postage stamp when all is said and done.

I'd like to also point out that he has studied Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's works in great detail. The man is well aware that the Jews were behind Soviet communism.

Get the fuck off of my board KIKE.

And you know this how?


Got a new IP shlomo?


haven't been following, saved some stuff though

Agreed. Don't know about you, but when watching his videos or just listening to his lectures, I always got a feeling that he was much more aware than he let on. At certain points of his lectures, usually when either talking about the total destruction that usually accompanies communism, or talking about the stupidity of SocJus arguments, he really comes across as an actual white man who has had enough of all the horseshit, but can't reveal his powerlevel just yet.

All those posts show that he might be /our/guy

We should just keep a close eye on him and continue to judge him by the fruits of his labor. If he turns out to be a deep cover shill, we'll expose him as such.

I honestly think he's hiding his power level like we could never imagine.

I mean, he already has the Kermit voice, the Mystic Frog Spirit Hat, and embraced KEK more or less. And he's ruthlessly intelligent, his work as a clinical psychiatrist has honed his gift for dressing down people and laying bare all their faults to the world.

He's the new Dilbertfag - a kosher goodgoy who gets worshiped by autists because he said something they liked once.

That's one of the things I feared, that he might be a shill or be cowed into silence. But so far he hasn't really backed down from anything substantial.

Real possibilities. We must remain vigilant, but also mindful of the political realities in Canada. He's in no position to all of a sudden begin naming the Jew out in the open. His SJW enemies would love it if he did that, he'd be fired instantly.

If you look at what he's been up to lately, it's pretty clear he's positioning himself to abandon academia entirely (he calls the YouTube alt-media phenomenon the "gutenberg revolution 2.0" – it's a good observation, and he's commented on how human evolved to obtain information from one another via spoken work for millions of years. Written communication is very new by comparison.)

Anyways, we'll see. Glad others are keeping an eye on things as well.

Same fags who said Milo was based.

Who said we ever liked Milo?

Go back to leftypol kike shill

There were many people who said Milo was based when his articles were being spammed. I wasn't referring to anyone in this thread.

Books on tape of Jung's stuff.
If you can't sit long enough to read the Red Book yourself then it is possible it would be a disservice to yourself and others to try to learn its contents. The rest is scholarly work often transcribed from lectures, the Red Book was an illuminated tome from the start.
Jordan Peterson is good for beginning intro and such, but his historical knowledge is pozzed and sticks entirely to 'university approved sources'.

Don't try to defend him. If he has the balls to face constant persecution all the better, but our approval of him is unneeded and could only harm his cause.

The most logical thing to do is to observe what the man is accomplishing and out him as a shill if the evidence suggests he is one. So far, I don't see any hard evidence that he is a shill.

He's accomplished a lot a good so far. I've used some of his videos (such as him debating SJWs) to redpill people on Marxist communism and what's going on in the West. His stuff is good for showing normies that SJWs are not just harmless clowns, but that their ideology comes from somewhere much darker (and then you can redpill them on (((who))) is behind that ideology).

Comparing Peterson to Milo is invalid as fuck. I can only assume you're a shill or a useful idiot. Take your pick faggot.

Aah, Romans and Greeks. Those philosophers and boy-lovers. But of course SPARTANS have their reputation to uphold.

He's a good shit-stirrer but his christcuckery prevents him from opening his eyes and embracing National Socialism.

As a lecturer he's good.

With memes, at first he was cute. Then he gradually became more and more annoying tbh,

I don't care about this. I'm not going to refuse to discuss the man's work because it might interfere with his potentially undercover 1488 game. If he's chosen to not be fully in the open about his beliefs, then falsely denouncing us if he has to is par for the course. There is a price to pay for not being 100% honest, even if you're doing it for a good cause.

It's dangerous to not analyze people like Peterson, because if he is in fact a deep cover shill, we need to ascertain this as soon as possible so that counter measures can be put into place.

Yep. He wouldn't still be in academia if he wasn't playing their pozzed game. I'm of the mind that he feels he can currently help more people (help free the minds of students from Marxism) by playing ball with the university somewhat.

All this being said, the moment I am convinced he is a shill, I will expend a great deal of time and energy exposing him as such. If he is a shill, he is one of the most dangerous shills of all time.

Nigger, he holds a non-literalist interpretation of the bible and has spoken at length about how Jesus was killed for pissing off the Jews.

That moment when you realize that the commies have been indoctrinating our youth with marxist idealogy for generations in our public school systems. Hundreds of millions of professional victims rallying against the system looking to take power away from their perceived opressors in any way they possibly can. The Jews have orchestrated all of this. Oh my

he seems legitimately autistic
or is he just high on sincerity?

He is like Milo.

Technically speaking, he's cancer, and ultimately a bad thing. But in the current context, he deals significantly more of a damage to our enemies than to us.

He is chemotherapy. A means to an end.

can you prove that with a reference?

He wrote a hell of a book, has a good lecture series, but he is over saturated and many of his popular insights are trite.

A good man who will inevitably become infuriating due to over exposure. Sad!

A guy with heavy weaponised autism. Want to read some classic russian lit because of him

Have you ever heard the story about the lion?

I think we could learn a lot from him. He knows much more than he is letting on about also.
He talks about WW2 and mentions Nazis, then he will divert attention to soviet Russia and 'the gulag archipelago' and focus on the atrocities there and largely gloss over what happened in German territory apart for a bit of half hearted lip service to the standard line 6 million etc.
Being such fan of Solzhenitsyn he certainly knows about the Jewish Bolsheviks controlling the soviet state and the banned book '200 years together'. Its definitely worth watching his lectures for the psychology and philosophy content, you learn a lot about yourself and other people.
He took a big stand against the Canadian government making the used of invented pronouns xe, xir, and refused to use the language even though it was technically criminal hate speech.This gave him a massive platform and 325k youtube viewers and he recently said he might quit teaching and just make documentaries as his reach was so far.

He is very anti SJW and anti communist, but where he lies on the political spectrum is hard say apart from that.

I think he has seen Yuris video's

I doubt he is a shill, he has to disguise his power level to be a professor in the most pozzed universities in the most pozzed city (Toronto) in one of the moist pozzed countries (Canada).

He's not telling everything but is a good start to get people on the right track, and a few extra hint for those of us well on our way.

Read his fucking book it explains everything Jungian and everything he has to offer gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=FA914DB025BE6F8DF3A96966C0BFA791

Anyone who says anything against him is a fucking kike shill

he straight up showed them like ten minutes of nazi propaganda about jews. he also read hitler's table talk recently. and on the joe rogan podcast he talked about the importance of truth and all that. he certainly seems ready for the red pill, but i dont really see him being sufficiently exposed to it with his current lifestyle, not any time soon anyways

So much this post. This man is a fucking hero, standing alone against a huge formidable machine. He needs your support. Rise up and help him.

if you want to take things in your own direction such as 14/88 or whatever, then like Shiat Laboof says just do it. Somebody's gotta do it. May as well be you. You can thank Peterson for maintaining a perimeter for you while you get your footing.

He's far better than Milo please. He's just a normal guy sick of SJWs, he has normal guy political beliefs on most issues. Milo was actively trying to legitimize faggotry and the sickest forms of degeneracy inside the right. Milo was a nefarious actor, Peterson is just a normal bluepilled guy who hates the left, he doesn't claim to be on the right.

I'm afraid Tarantino will get his hooks into him like pic related.

He has some interesting things to say. I don't hold the fact that he's bluepilled on the holocaust against him. Not everyone's ready to go there. Especially not older people.


He could tell the uni to fuck right off and he would make more then enough to live on from his clinical psych practice. He is the epitome of antifragile. I love it.

Too bad those judeo-greek faggots didn't read about genetics or Robert Putnam or anything else.
