Rage inducing arguments
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Fuck these make me so mad
Ah, the favorite fallback of every know-nothing intellectual coward in the world.
Why are so many people such loyal slaves?
My friend does that all the time. Luckily he is not a political person at all and we just argue about video games and movies.
Because they believe that their sole purpose in life is to serve the bourgeoisie. The system has been rigged to make the proletariat them believe that the bourgeoisie are their gods and sole providers.
Do you live in a socialist country? Would you prefer being a slave to the state? Is that a better system?
More laughter inducing than anything really. Unless it's your business going broke.
My leftist friend uses some of the most rage inducing ones in OP
And the best of them all
You are literally so wrong I don't even know how or where to being.
If you dare step far enough outside your comfort zone, try reading.
How is this a bait? I live in socialist country and government runs everything (into the ground) and everyone.
Bureaucracy and public employment is up like crazy while those institutions barely retain any quality and are, in fact, worse than before. The only requirement to be on the official payroll and put your feet up on your desk all day is to suppprt socialist process.
If you don't you wll get barely any contracts at all, your business will be audited constantly and out of the norm, ransacked, racketeered or just shut down under some false premise.
These things I've seen happen to close friends and family. In 2016. And most socialist countries apply more or less the same modus operandi
Read what? You haven't linked anything. You just sperged out because I didn't agree with your dumb thing.
Also, if I'm so wrong, why did nearly 40% of small businesses (not le burgeoise meme) go broke in my country after state mandated minimum wage raises? Three of them. In a row. Currency is worth shit and inflation is at large so nothing can be bought with glorious socialist wage increase
Oh, the leftist. A poor specimen so deluded it needs its own safe space in which to sperg out when confronted with its shortcomings. Pitiful.
What country do you live in?
Germany is democratic-socialist country, and they produce a metric shit ton of GDP, and they haven't even been unified for more then 20 years. If you look at how long the German vs. America economies has been around Germany is doing light years better.
Meanwhile, in America they don't have universal healthcare, education as a right, etc.
Just go back to /r/The_Donald already
Increasing the minimum wage decreases teen employment ever so slightly, and inflation eventually catches back up. It's a non-solution at this point.
That was fish in a barrel.
Make it fun user, try to guess where I'm from.
Ok bro.
Are you retarded?
What country are you in?
You're retarded politicians probably just increased the minimum wage overnight. When done in a series of modest increments it has little to no economic impact.
That's an interesting statistic, considering countries that focus on a minimum wage and price controls tend to have strong businesses. I agree that there's evidence that
Anyway, wealth redistribution actually has benefits for the economy. Milton Friedmans permanent income hypothesis was wrong, and it took the place of a superior income hypothesis, that being the relative income hypothesis.
So, you should substantiate your claims about how Keynesianism killed your country, and how it was implemented. Until then, I don't think anyone is able to have a serious discussion with you.
So instead we should allow people to live paycheck to paycheck, risking their lives working because there are no safety regulations to prevent them from killing themselves on something stupid while they are working?
I like this post. What is shown in your picture is what happens here. Children of armymen and high ranking politicians are rich and fly everywhere, have big parties on private island and yachts, own night clubs and hire famous singers for their birthdays.
Rest of populace struggle to find food for their families at overprice since everything is imported and nothing is produced here. Production and distribution means are 100% in state hands. Why this contradiction?
I said nothing about safety regulations. Those should be a norm. But even then, they aren't observed here. You basically work under permanent risk of death (or starvation).
Link goes nowhere. Browsing on phone, maybe this is why?
Country has one big means of income. Rest are underdeveloped and inefficient. This big means of income is worth less each day, and state decides to invest in social agenda while production is almost dead, crime is an everyday reality (murders, kidnapping, extorsion, even from state forces), medicines nowhere to be found and starvation an actual danger. Also diphteria.
This should be enough for you to know
I don't know. Cuba? Venezuela? Brazil? Hard to tell they're are a lot of countries that did Keynesianism poorly. If it is Cuba, you do realize that you guys have lost over 1 trillion USD due to the embargo?
You do realize Fidel was going to place a Russian missile base in Cuba right? He would do that still if he could get his 80year old dick hard enough.
Alas no, it is not Cuba. They don't have internet access for the proletariat :^)
And you do realize that the United States had missiles in Europe to use on the USSR before the Cuban missile crisis, and one of the concessions the U.S. made with Russia to end the Cuban missiles crisis(not publicly of course) was to remove those missiles?
I'm not going to play this game anymore, if you want to have an honest conversation about how the economics implemented in your country so we can contrast that with socialist and similar Keynesian initiatives, then fine. But you need to tell me what it is first.
We wouldn't call China actually socialist…just like you wouldn't call it capitalist. It's a horrid amalgamation of the worst of both.
Ok friend. I live in Venezuela. Do tell how socialism didn't ruin this country beyond recognition.
Also, were the usa missiles removed?
So you are either in Brazil or Venezuela?
Hate to be the one to break it to you, but if your country isn't in North America, Eastern Asia, or Europe you are kinda fucked regardless of what economic system you use.
However there are rather convincing theories that the US may have intentionally screwed you're economy to try to stop the spread of Socialism.
Venezuela isn't socialist, friend.
Why leftist think USA is the cause of your system going south? It was badly implemented, on the back of authoritarian figures with army ranks and terrible investment plans.
They are like you. They all blame usa and colombia for everything wrong yet they control every aspect of economy and politics. How does this work? I want to learn from you, first worlders, maybe you know much I don't which could help me figure this out.
When the guberment does stuff that dere is socialism, and when it do more stuff it be even more socialister.
-Vladimir Marx from Das Ruble
Well friend. State owns means of production, distribution and even pricing of goods. They also holf conplete political power backed by military and criminals in poor areas (not even trolling). Chavez sold it as socialism of XXI century. What should I think then?
Ahh. Well I'm not super familiar with Venezuelan economy, but from what I gather it wasn't socialism. There is still private corporations in the economy. Your government didn't invest in anything other than oil, it was run by inefficient bureaucrats. The three tier monetary system you guys have is very odd, and not something as a socialist I'd be interested in implementing.
I'm sorry your country was fucked up by ignorant leftist, but they were never proclaiming Marxism and weren't basing their economic system on any particular socialist philosophers.
Yes, but the United States had better missiles by then so it wasn't really a win for the USSR.
Nationalization isn't the same as socialism, at least in a Marxist sense. Socialism must be built from the bottom. up.
Here's an article I found about it, but this shouldn't suprise anyone, the US and Russia meddle with the comings and going of pretty much every country to make themselves look better.
nice meme friend
If you would like to improve your knowledge beyond what you could garner from propaganda sites and right-wing rhetoric, you could start with the wikipedia page on socialism.
literally the worst
Maybe because it in many cases was?
the majority of the means of production is in private hands in Venezuela you retard
socialism is about elimination of commodity production more than state or private interests in control of producing them.
Also hondurans in epic free market capitalism are busy struggling to get enough money to get by by filling potholes in the roads right now, so really it has more to do with being fucked over by major world powers than whatever happens locally.
The standard stuff you hear from pseudo-intellectuals who can't argue their points really.
Everyone knows, deep down, that they are being exploited at their business of employment. Most are unable to articulate exactly how though.
The standard statement you hear from buffoons who have never read a book really.