Half Mexican Holla Forumslock here. I'm being ad targeted. Let me give you the intel

Half Mexican Holla Forumslock here. (yeah I know, kill yourself mudblood… Pay attention this is important)

So I want to let you in on whats going on as far as media from my eyes. Tech is targeting to try and change my mind, and they want me to see you as the enemy.

They seem to not like that I voted for Trump.

What are the tactics, the are surprisingly more insidious than you would think.

We'll start from before the election 2016

It started first with targeted recommendations exactly as you would expect. Pro Hillary stuff, anti Trump propaganda. It didn't work on me because I read wikileads and honestly it was heavy handed.

After the election tactics changed.

My GF's parents are white (again, no race mixing, yeah yeah pay attention) and despite similar tastes, I'm getting recomended shit like dear white people, Bill Nye Saves the world, etc. with 99% approval, while on there accounts it's showing as 60% approval.

But that isn't all.

Jew tube will line up recommended videos for me of people I like.

This is what isn't getting reported because it seems to be targeting specific users.

Autoplay used to be a pretty okay feature. Play an artist, load the next video in the background.

Google is purposely going out of their way to make what I call Change of mind strings.

I decided to see if this happened with tech illiterate G/F parents. Nope, played as normal.

But it doesn't stop there.

I have no love for Mexico. I was born in America, mom came here legally, dad is european Anglo American. (I know race mixing degenerate, pay attention)

That's not the scary part though. There are 3 things that are creepy as fuck.

I'm sure some of this is no surprise to you guys, but the lengths its gone has been pretty extreme. My g/f (whose mostly a-political and listens to me) isn't getting targeted. My Gf's parents aren't having this happen.

Add to that you are seein PR companies trying to push all "new hip" talent into garbage propaganda.

Anyways, thought I would let you know whats going on on my end and what I'm noticing from the targeted POV.

I'm sure most of this is no surprise, but shit is getting weird. I kinda miss the days when companies just wanted me to but their shitty products.

Cut yourself off completely from modern pop culture garbage like any sane man already did

Knock off the reddit spacing. Literally everyone is being ad targeted, you fucking dipshit. Install an ad blocker.

Kikes have something to sell you, user.

White people will probably just completely ditch their platform, because they detect the anti-whiteness.

They're trying to target minorities with anti-white things. Not much of a surprise. They want to create a 'community' or tribal 'identity' around non-whiteness…

The Jew trying to make you see them as your friend and use you against white folks, so they can just more easily plop themselves ontop of the all hierarchy.

Getting niggers and spics to fight white people is how they prevent whites from fighting them. When they win, every race but them loses.

sage because OP could just be a faggot promoting conspiracy garbage

I wouldn't trust me either. Skepticism is always the safe bet.

Judge me only on how what I say effects you. If useful keep in mind. If useless disregard.

Maybe I should of been clearer… The ads aren't ads, I use no scriptu-block and Ghostery…. The ads are the content and how it's being served.

I base my beliefs on evidence. Some garbage mods, playlist order, or stalking commentors/mods aren't gonna change me and turn me.

But the content and tools for judging quality of content are being targeted.

We're seeing targeting of content and services as the ad. The ad they are pushing is not a product but a way of life to make me turn on you.

And I know I can't be the only one.

Either you're a mexican or you're an American. If you're born in the US, you're 0% Mexican by nationality. As far as race is concerned, you're a Mestizo.

There's too many contradictions in your story, and I cannot accept it as anything but fantasy.

What exactly are those contradictions?
I didnt see any, and it fits with the liberal agenda 1:1 that google is pushing.

No the kill yourself isn't a meme filth. You get greaseballed on the DOTR faggot. Kill yourself and your rapist father with a shotgun

thanks for the info but you're still getting bulldozed into the mass grave

I've seen this before. It's especially concerning when i look up music/vids on another network and device, only to have other unrelated videos I'd commonly view from another network entirely also appear as if it had identified me somehow. It freaks me out when I think about it but for the most part im desensitized.

Sage for low enegy OP. Come back with pic/vids as proof.

When we neck you, we'll bury half of you here and half of you in Mexico.

Ummmm, K.

You seem to get what I'm saying and it's not far fetched. We know Google and tech companies are Data mining.

What we don't see (or rather what you don't see) is how seemlessly they are streamlining it together and working on different methods of attack when full on blitz fails.

I see this because there is a data profile with my ethnicity and viewing habits.

You are seeing targeting advertising for propaganda now.

Yeah yeah, 1488. Kill anyone who is even the slightest deviation outside a purity spiral.

We're all fucked if the targeting ad content works. They're aiming for me now, they will aim for your sons and daughters next.

No one benifits from the destruction of the white race. Trying to normalize racial hatred of white people isn't right.

Honestly, the white race has always been good to me. I know you get called crazy for talking about white genocide being plotted.

Understood. You are right to be skeptical. When I have time I'll show, although I have a feeling my effort will go into "you are just a tinfoil tard" or "Of course you and some baby boomer don't have the same content sorting algorythm"

typical TRS specimen.


Fuck's sake just install noscript you retarded beaner.

You: 5ab6f5

Me: 751104 (Literally 10 posts earlier)

You may want to read things a bit closer.


Ok, that's enough. Lurk moar you fucking retard. And you would be surprised how all of the websites are connected. Check out walmart.com for bean and cheese? They sold your browsing habits to Netflix who recommended you watch liberal garbage.

kill yourself. any halfway redeeming quality you had was flushed with your obvious TRS cockgobbling.

Why hasn't this been bumplocked yet?

For gods sake I hope they start targeting the living fuck out of non whites. Give em the hell they put us through. Yeah, not yet, but there is HELL to pay coming

Thanks for the info. You're invited to my battalion when TDOTR kicks off.

Wanna know how I know I'm going to spam this thread now?




Pretty good insight, if you're wise enough to listen. Thanks, OP.
Not sure what the fuck to do with it since everyone is going full retard thinking you're invading or some shit.


Someone permaban this faggot spic with his shitty schizo posting.










Fuck off mongrel apologist cucklord.

Check these digits and tell me it's not useful information. Someone knows good intel when it's presented
And basically, you're fucking retarded.

Kill yourself mansonposter.
This is common knowledge that facebook and other web2.0 cancer sites use targeted ads.
Everything you do online is tied to your real identity, especially if you're a retard mongrel like OP who uses faceberg and jewtube without a condom.


You make the rest of the top 0,001% mongrel community look like a bunch of retards and I'm sure you will be more comfortable with something softer, like TRS or reddit.Don't use kikebook, don't use your legit accounts on Jewtube, don't use social media and kill yourself, you will be doing a great favour for everyone, beaner

ITT untermensch get intimidated by untermensch, and fail to take note. It's not like he's here to say "zomg u gaiz, guess what new information I uncovered!"
He's just here to provide possibly worthwile information. The better we understand each little nuance of their system, the greater chance we have of exploiting or dismantling it.

I finally understand reddit spacing. Holy shit OP, learn to write a proper paragraph. Either way, that's fucked, but to be expected. They're intentially trying to agitate and instigate. Can you do a couple test runs and screencap the progression? And stop racemixing you fucking whore.

all of that shit's part of "targeted advertizing"
tho social manipulation, the gaslighting, everything OP described is common knowledge.

wanna know how I know you come from a cucked site the censors the -fag suffix

no, it's here to shill for mud-acceptance, nothing more
deradicalization shill

He says, while reddit spacing.

Just talk about how it makes you a rage on your podcast, your fans will do the rest, Dax.






Get fucked, cuck


Extra line here just for good measure.

reddit spacing is a legitimate concern but it wasnt what I did

I like how you still fail to understand the purpose of the thread, and instead resort to cuckchan tier discourse.

How am I failing to understand, if anyone is it's you. OP is a mongrel trying to convince us that mongrels can provide "good info" and all he's come to us with is common knowledge.
This shit happens to everyone, I get black sun shit in my kiketube suggestions and I never watch any Holla Forums-tier content.

All OP is trying to do is deradicalize us and have us talk with a supposed mestizo. It's bullshit, kill yourself niggerloving cuck

yeah but you just got triggered by double spacing…thats not good.

and you're bumping a thread made by a subhuman.

(checked) (checked again)

You're not getting targetted with ads about degenerate, anti-white shit because you're a spic who voted for Trump. You're seeing those ads because EVERYONE gets that propaganda shoved down their throats by jewish media.

You could have easily communicated this message in two sentences, but instead you came to a white nationalist message board to constantly draw attention to the fact that you're a shitskin living in America miscegenating with a white girl. Are you expecting a warm reception? Go jump off your roof you filthy beaner and you won't have to deal with Bill Nye ads when you search jewgle.

Stay triggered, leddit.
And no, the purpose was to shed light on how exactly it shifts content slightly to take you from your safespace of black sun or more likely Sargon in the case of this non-white "redpilled" gaymers and brings them over to "I'm not racist" lolbertarians like Destiny. If he intended to try and subvert us by playing the game you believe him to be playing, then he's grossly underestimated full/pol/, and will leave disappointed while we come out of it with +1 insight. But say your peace cause I'm going to sleep, and I'm sure you'll at least attempt a rebuttal despite its obvious futility I do actually recognize the ironly in that statement, tho…

I mean, that's about as blatant of an invasion as you get. I wish them the best on their spic message boards posting about tequila and how to hop the border. But spics have no place on Holla Forums.

OP you're getting shilled hard and slid hard, and I've seen the same shit. they don't know how to try and subvert my point of view anymore so they stopped but the shit you're talking about, where your content is tailored to be psychologically manipulating and no one else gets the same stuff while watching the same shit.

disregard your entourage telling you you're not being a good beaner and not to talk to us, I have an entourage as well. you've set up flags in their system and they are going to follow you more now. you're the first to bring this to our attention and they're really not happy.

chekd faggot

This'll drive the other dude fucking batshit-ANGRY, but this actually does the job of changing my perspective on the matter for which I feel terrible, cause other dude put in a good effort
Well, fuck. My bad. Guess I'll go back to lurking, maybe for a decade this time or kek can just finally kill my dumb ass in my sleep

Wanna know how I know you're a 4cuck? Again you've said nothing that isn't common knowledge.
Facebook openly implements emotional manipulation tactics to target "torubled" teens and "lift" their mood, this sort of covert-psychiatry is all over the internet.

Tell me your dreams OP. Especially those that you remember from very early childhood, those which repeat themselves, and any that stand out more recently.

Your dreams can help me to discern the extent and purpose of why they are messing with you. Your subconscious picks things up that your consciousness doesn't, and will show you those things in your dreams if you know to look for them. I suspect the reason for your being targeted has to do with your European blood.

I would also be wary of the messages they try to pass on to you through your friends, as they will manipulate your friends in the same way so that you hear the same message from someone you trust. I call this technique they are employing the "memetic singularity" and video related illustrates the basic principle of what you are experiencing.

OP, you seem like a decent dude and I don't hate you for being mixed even if it is very unfortunate. Your thread kinda sucks but I appreciate the effort, even if most of us know this shit already. Don't racemix with that white girl though you dirty spic, if you actually care about White people you won't dilute White blood lines

He doesn't care about whites, he's genetically incapable of doing so.
Jesus, this site is fucking dead.

This. Be prepared for them to start working the other side, if you will, trying to get you to exacerbate your Holla Forums beliefs at the same time. They will do everything they can to remove you from the median baseline that everyone else experiences, in order to impede your ability to engage in reality testing. You will need to gain an absolute faith in your own ability to tell truth from fiction.

Also you should teach yourself the principles of geurilla warfare. Exploit your asymmetry to gain more knowledge about your enemy and to begin subverting them. Remember, the people they assign to harass you are just dumb thugs, they have to do everything according to textbook. You don't. If people ask you questions, provide a mix of truths and half-truths. And don't be afraid to call on higher powers or to document your experiences with normies. The normies will disregard you as crazy, but that can work in your favor because it incapacitates them from actually doing anything too blatant because if you were to suddenly end up suiciding right after you tell a friend it wouldn't be suicide, they would be exposing themselves.

Get out you fucking race-mixing spic


Wanna know how I know you're from some cucked site that censors the -fag suffix?
Wanna know how I know you're okay with mestizo freaks who steal white women?

user….you bring tears to my eyes…another Mischling among the ignorance of all these faggots. I'm gonna rock this patch and hope we run into each other when someday brother.

What is it with you meztisos and being retarded?
you always identify through your race on an anonymous laotian water colour eporioum and you still have to out your race out.
Also your reddit spacing, god damn.
You have to go back, I don't care that you don't identify as an american, the fact you put Mexico infront of America shows that you don't belong.

Shut up. Let the spic speak. He has valuable information and as long as he respects our customs and doesn't prove himself to be a shill, which I don't think he is we can welcome him as a guest. He does have some European blood after all, that's worth something.

Right after this he has to GO BACK, if he gets my meaning.

the spic has nothing of value to say.
prove me wrong
you can't

Have come to accept the rest of your post, but you're wrong about one thing. I haven't been to 4/pol/ ever, and the last time I was on Holla Forums was shortly after the Hal Turner silliness, around when newfags brought more newfags by breaking rules 1 and 2 during the subeta raids.

It's time to leave


No, I don't think that's true, I think it's possible for a half-white to empathize with us, and to want to avoid the half-caste fate he is in, he is a cuckchanner who needs to be reminded about why we take a hard-line on race-mixing though.

Let's hear his dreams, I can tell you with more certainty then. It is valuable to recognize they are employing these kinds of techniques against people. Turning him away when he has valuable information is what (((they))) want us to do, and his experience is very similar to my own. Other Holla Forumsacks should be able to recognize the similarities to their own experience as well.

what valuable information? it's common knowledge that websites track you and cram in as much ads as they can.

You have to go back Pedro, no one cares about your underaged memer beaner opinions.
We're not race mixed mongrels, those who are fled to cuckchan or more kosher areas like TSR so they can ignore the inevitable truth that they are mudskins of a lower caste.

Aside from the shills, I've started noticing this too. I'm stealing wifi from some random person, and apparently they're in crocheting business because that shit's popping up on all ads everywhere for me.

advertising is one thing, this is pure propaganda aimed at radicalizing people. If ISIS started doing 'targeted ads' would that not be worthy of a thread? And yet, here we have a much bigger threat than ISIS on display and you proclaim in your 'great wisdom' that we should just ignore it.

Mischling refers to kikes with a quarter or less kike-blood, not mestizos and niggers who steal white women. someone called me one once because I'm 1/8 slav(and yes slavs are white), but the term has a very specific meaning

He has no valuable information. If you didn't know 99% of the modern internet was MKULTRA-tier social engineering you're too dumb to post here.

This site is infested with phonies and cuckchan rejects now, none of you faggots bumping gives half a fuck about saving the white race from invaders and shibboleths like OP. None of you are serious, you're just in it for the memes and shitposting. You want the real redpill? All nonwhites hate all whites on an instinctual level due to genetic factors they will never be able to overcome. Animals can be trained, but they will never abandon their animal nature and OP is one of these animals. Why are you faggots enabling him?

He has nothing to say that can't be found out from GLP-tier sites. Faceberg, jewtube, etc all have social manipulation elements and of course they want to deradicalize and demoralize. Why anyone on here still uses sites that fucking gaslight you is beyond me.

Holla Forums was never good, fuck Tom DeLay.

Incorrect, half-whites are half-animal as well. They will never be able to empathize with the White struggle because they are part of the problem. Any self-awareness they may gain can be used to help whites in one way only: suicide.
If OP really wanted to help the White race he'd dump his traitor girl and off himself but instead he profits off the intelligence and demoralized state Whites find themselves in by stealing one of our women and using our websites. He is not your friend, no goddam mud-baby is.

Did you even read the thread? It's aimed at deradicalizing people and placing them into negative emotional loops.

If you cannot comprehend the value of what he shares, you do not belong on Holla Forums. Fuck off shill, the adults are talking here.

Indeed. This is structured propaganda using targeted advertisements as a medium. An old hat technique, but what's novel is that now they can use AIs to engage in this kind of informational warfare against individuals.

This kind of attack depends on the same advertisers giving normies a median baseline against which the target's experience will be very exceptional. The normies will think "this person is crazy" and that's actually the intent of this kind of technique. It's beyond their imagination to think that certain (((agencies))) might selectively filter the information a person receives in order to manipulate them and that's what allows them to be contained within a more general matrix, and requires certain individuals to have a more specific matrix created for them to inhabit. Whenever you threaten to break out of the current matrix they've set up for you, they have to create another. And if they're being forced to go to these lengths, you can be assured that you're getting dangerously close to tearing the veil.

It's shitskin, shitskin.

What do you mean? I've been here all summer.
keep projecting, you second exodus niggerfaggot

You'll hear no argument from me. The Holla Forums I knew was comparable to what Reddit is today, tbh. While maybe Snacks didn't ban wrongspeak like Reddit does, it was still the liberal garbage that would probably support Bernie if the timing was different. I still had fun in those days

I understand the value.
it's value anyone worth his salt should know.
that fact you need to label yourself as an adult and defend the mexcriment shows you don't belong here.

If OP really wanted to help the White race he'd dump his traitor girl and off himself but instead he profits off the intelligence and demoralized state Whites find themselves in by stealing one of our women and using our websites. He is not your friend, no goddam mud-baby is.

Any shitskin worth their salt would murder his bretheren before offing himself.
his sacrifices will be honored but not remembered, though.

Finally, a thread I can post about this subject in…
So let's forget about this racemixing beaner OP for a second.
I'm as white as a vampire and voted trump. I haven't posted on my FB account for close to 3 years now, I use the account for keeping up on the normie sphere, work groups and of course to message grills. But recently (the past 2-4 weeks) I've noticed a drastic change in the algorithms being pushed by FB.
My "time line" has taken a 180 and gone from posts from people I interact with IRL to single moms, niggerlovers, old peope and dudes (all posting absolute inane, irreleviant content btw).
and 80% of all of my "People you may know" are either men or niggers. As another user pointed out, it is heavy handed and obvious.
But, the thing that is even more concerning is that I am 95% sure that FB is now messing with the messanger service as well… get this.
Before lets say Feb I would get ignored by some grills whom I messaged, lets say 60%, would either message me back trying to be nice, then they would btfo me, or not reply at all. The other 40% would be cool. Now not only can I not get a reply from anyone other than family, but my outgoing messages to girlls are left undelivered/unread for weeks.
yea, yea yea. I know. But even this ugly mother fucker got some replies before about 3 months ago.
I always laugh at those "targeted individual" videos but either its like OP is saying, and white girls are being brainwashed into hating white fucking males or it's that FB is actively fucking with white fucking males
Also OP you realize that white girl could have met a nice white guy and had tons of white babbies and lived on a farm happily ever after right?
Really, kys taco filth

nigger what? I remember Holla Forums being ironically racist that then evolved into genuine disdain for niggers which led to /new/ becoming what it was.
After /new/ was in full-swing a bunch of retards came to Holla Forums after Hackers on Steroids happened and then it became very left-wing. Snax was gone by that point too. Shibboleth.


user grills won't meet up for scenic dinner dates with sock account posters.

Unironically racist but still "muh 1%ers, gays are okay, religion is dumb!" Remember that EFG was based on the typical Holla Forumstard, and the mocking nature of it went over most peoples heads, who instead just treated him as a typical may may.

I pick em up at grocery stores.

Reread your post, am retarded. Yeah most of what I remember was after the hackers on steroids, iirc, when it started to spiral downward from an ocean of piss to an ocean of piss that took itself seriously.

You don't know what that word means. Fuck off.

Just wait until they start planting their own people in your life, if they haven't already done that.

Format and reinstall your computer, make all-new accounts, do not login on the old ones and see if it keeps happening.

I am honestly scared of this. Been noticing the amount of feds/pd plates in my neighborhood. Good thing i'm moving soon or am i

That's why I have exactly 10 people I trust, and they are psychopathic thugs like me.
Our militia has criminal ties hard, and it's one of those situations that prevents infiltration.

Is this what we have been come?

Holla Forums does realize that some Mexicans could be 100% European because their upper class tends to be highly Spanish right? I mean if you excluded every white who had some indian in them you'd be looking at a pretty empty room. If mischlings were partial kikes and could be in the Nazi army then why not 1/8th mestizos. Purity spiraling is retarded.

Shitskin scum

Found the octoroon.

Hmmmm. What if I'm Anglo with a dash of Cherokee?

Yeah there are a handful of pure spaniards in Mexico and they are all in the top 0.0001% of the ruling elite. You are not them, you are not related to them. You are a mestizo and your ancestors were brown monkey people without (much) fur.

lol they're everywhere man. I've had friends/roommates who were FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6, fucking Koreans and Chinks even also a German Argentinian. This was taking place way before I made it to Holla Forums. Why you might ask? Because I'm basically a weapon they've invested tens of millions of dollars into, not to mention all the manhours, the sacrifices, the staged events in my life. Ironically it's one of those the more compromised my OPSEC, the harder it is for one single group to manipulate/hurt me because they won't do anything they haven't all agreed on.I'm not some special snowflake either, I know there are others here on Holla Forums who just haven't woken up yet.

The number of shills in this thread suggests to me there is significance in OP's European blood. If OP is still around, I hope he'll share some of his dreams.

Hanz plz

Who cares?
You have to go back, Pablo.
fuck, why haven't the mods here used sunshine to ipblock all the spics and ipblock spic countries?

Hello gringo-FBI. Have you tried gassing youself today ?

Aaaaaand you just moved from properly paranoid to unwarranted self-importance.
Also you defended a shitskin.
You are now eligible for the rope

Why do schizophrenics never think to record the "harassment" they get?

FBI is mad as fuck because Comey is gone.

His bigger sin is his dirty blood.

The government mind control globalist nazi Jews would erase it AHHHHHHHHHHH is why.

It is truly always the Jews fault.

This is a meme, most whites don't have any "Cherokee Princess" in them, it's a bunch of bullshit to explain high cheekbones and to make them feel special. Faggot.


I remember what another user once told me, he said: “Your skin will be your uniform”. You have to realize that if the race war ever kicks off, it won’t matter who you think you are culturally or if you ideologically sympathize with Europeans. Whites will take one good look at you and if you look remotely spic they will say “Here’s another subhuman in need of a bullet”. Wake up, your a mestizo and their is nothing you can do about it.

Pray that something like the Race war is just another one of Holla Forums’s pipe dreams, because if it ever does happen it will be people like you that will be hunted in the streets, you are guilty by association, by simply existing within the borders of the USA you are a treat to the white race and must be deported or killed, it won't matter to the mob that your a half breed.

This is my friendly advice to you and as a Southerner who has both black and Hispanic friends. I don’t want to kill every last one of yous, some of you guys are great but the reality is, in a race war, it will be black or white/ kill or be killed and no in between.

So, wake up and smell the roses and get out while you still can……….hombre


This. My grandfather has Mediterranean tier dark skin. He always claimed to have a injun ancestor. His DNA came back 100% west european.

Stop shitting up Holla Forums with your shitskin schizoid ramblings. I hope the cartels skin your face and feed it yo you.

because the mods themselves are pakis and beaners

I thought they were nigger jews and Freemason stooges?

As schizo as most gangstalking claims are some are definitly legit. They'll happen to individuals after they get in legal shit with some rich powerful family. Often they'll discover the people stalking them work for high end private investigation groups. Sometimes they'll employ EM to skull tech to make isolated individuals go crazy.

You misunderstand normalfags user


You realize there are tens of thousands of EM dispersal units don't disguised as cell towers used to control amerigoys right goy?


Nope, we accept all kinds of different whites from various historic European ethnicities you disgusting spic

It would only make them look crazier. Normies have been inoculated to see anyone trying to make connections that the media doesn't give an official imprimatur as crazy. When you whip out Bayes in order to demonstrate the exceeding number of coincidences in your life are not, then they think you're truly nuts. But they'll still listen to your message if you leave it with a general blanket statement of "they don't like what I'm doing so they follow me."

Shills exploit the same stereotypes and thought patterns. You're not supposed to pay attention to the man behind the curtain, so when you encounter resistance like this it can actually be a good sign.

That's why radio jammers are hugely illegal. Because then they couldn't fuck with you using electromagnetic triggers.

I actually have a magnificent number of spark gap generators

Assblasted to high heavens. I wonder if staff is already searching for a new job

Knowing the FBI they're planning to kill Trump. He needs to purge the FBI, CIA, NSA of like 95%

Yeah that's a fed. But it was probably because they suspected you of distribution.

But I mean it wasn't gang-stalking. It was standard police procedure. And stoners.


There's no such thing as half mexican. You're full on Pedro.

sure dickhead: all of these agencies would shack up with you and not say a single thing aout pissing in the hallway when you came home drunk
LARPing faggot

You have a fun life:)

You and your 'psychopathic thug' squad are nigger-tier Whites.

The principle behind the 14 words extends to all races. It is to secure the existence of your people, not to destroy others.

You don't speak for the hivemind. Stop this 'we' bullshit.

8pol isn't a WN community, and we're getting pretty sick of your regressive larping. You've become a useful idiot serving the establishment.

Yeah government agents are not as clever or subtle as they think. They tried, over and over again, to send informants to infiltrate or otherwise surveil the stoner/druggie cliques in my HS and every single time even retarded teenagers usually stoned out of their tits recognized it and avoided it, only people dumb enough to get busted were niggers and a couple mexicans. CIAniggers are a different story but Cointelpro fags and FBI are not nearly as smart as they think or anything close to the prestige of their institutions.

I don't think it was also don't think 99.9% of gangstalking is real, I was just telling the story of how I found gangstalking.
I wanted to post this video, I'm tired as shit lad.

I did find a channel called Brian Tew who used to be DoD and actually knows his shit regarding hyper-game theory though, still a whackjob but a wealthy and knowledgeable whackjob who's probably trying to perpetuate the gangstalking meme. He goes to Israel often(and normally crazies can't get into Israel unless they're turbokikes). Much like "Morgellons disease" - gangstalking can act as a memetic mental illness.

It was really grating tbh, don't fall for the college meme. I'm much happier having a little apartment by myself and a career.

We are going to eradicate every last kike chaim.

When you do you leave a void which will be filled, as they're inevitabilities of our socioeconomic system. You kill the kike by rendering it obsolete, not through murder.

Many big drug distributors are "undercover" CIA. FBI, DEA, NSA are for retards go with anti to "save" America by doing things like killing 80 men women and children at Waco afternusing CS gas on them. CIA is just for people who want to sell drugs and rape children.

you are going back we don't want you here their is no fucking you there is only me WHITE wanting you gone .

No you filthy kike.
On the day of the first Holocaust we will exterminate them all, down to the child.
No Jew will escape judgement.


You're right, it's a NatSoc one.


deport them all or better yet kill on site

Kill yourself alt-kike shill. Keep proving pic related right, and keep proving I was right about the nature of this thread: deradicalization and mud-acceptance.

That bit about the establishment really pisses me off as well. What the fuck has the judeo-masonic establishment done for Whites other than threaten our continued existence.


You've become a shallow mockery of an SJW mischaracterization.
Again, you can't kill the Jew through murder, only through obsoletion.

False equivalence followed by a straw-man. You don't have the logical capability to post here. Lurk moar.

Neither do you, nigger-lover. You have become an SJW, what now?

Deport all and israel dual citizens hang publicly for USS liberty then send their corpses back so can be kosher buried after we soak them in pigs blood HATE RISING NIGGER!!!

You were already filtered for spamming. I'm certain whatever you posted was retarded nigger-tier shitposting.

protip: you can't reply with stubless filters :^)

You're a dash of fuckin nothing now. That Cherokee got bled out already within several generations if it was strictly white before and since then, it's just in name pretty much Elizabeth Warren.


god you niggers are dumb.



I see this all the time. I was a 9/11 protestor IRL and online since early 00s (don't bother with that shit for a ~decade now though), part of first YT producer invite rounds etc, seen it change from YT to jewshithole and the rest.

This is somethign that happens to any politically leaning/red pilling/awakening topic. They use their 'suggestion algorithm' to get you off the juicy stuff.

E.g. You're watching video on holohoax
next vid
next vid
next vid

Even e.g. car shit, it'll take you away from juicy technical discussion and learning to watching some shitskin arab who has everything paid for by their parents talking about 'muh larmboghini'.

Great post user, very interesting seeing how they apply this algorithm to different accounts and user types.
Be great to make a short (30 sec) video showing this if you can it'd be excellent jewtube red pill material.

And in this exhibit we see the Jew cower in fear at it's impending destruction.

You've settled for a delusional worldview because it's easy. You've chosen the superficial comfort of stagnation over the unending fulfillment of understanding.
You are not edgy, you are not interesting. You are a trite clone and a puppet being played by the kikes. Ironic.