Half Mexican Holla Forumslock here. (yeah I know, kill yourself mudblood… Pay attention this is important)
So I want to let you in on whats going on as far as media from my eyes. Tech is targeting to try and change my mind, and they want me to see you as the enemy.
They seem to not like that I voted for Trump.
What are the tactics, the are surprisingly more insidious than you would think.
We'll start from before the election 2016
It started first with targeted recommendations exactly as you would expect. Pro Hillary stuff, anti Trump propaganda. It didn't work on me because I read wikileads and honestly it was heavy handed.
After the election tactics changed.
My GF's parents are white (again, no race mixing, yeah yeah pay attention) and despite similar tastes, I'm getting recomended shit like dear white people, Bill Nye Saves the world, etc. with 99% approval, while on there accounts it's showing as 60% approval.
But that isn't all.
Jew tube will line up recommended videos for me of people I like.
This is what isn't getting reported because it seems to be targeting specific users.
Autoplay used to be a pretty okay feature. Play an artist, load the next video in the background.
Google is purposely going out of their way to make what I call Change of mind strings.
I decided to see if this happened with tech illiterate G/F parents. Nope, played as normal.
But it doesn't stop there.
I have no love for Mexico. I was born in America, mom came here legally, dad is european Anglo American. (I know race mixing degenerate, pay attention)
That's not the scary part though. There are 3 things that are creepy as fuck.
I'm sure some of this is no surprise to you guys, but the lengths its gone has been pretty extreme. My g/f (whose mostly a-political and listens to me) isn't getting targeted. My Gf's parents aren't having this happen.
Add to that you are seein PR companies trying to push all "new hip" talent into garbage propaganda.
Anyways, thought I would let you know whats going on on my end and what I'm noticing from the targeted POV.
I'm sure most of this is no surprise, but shit is getting weird. I kinda miss the days when companies just wanted me to but their shitty products.