Steam profile picture thread, post the one you currently have not a bunch of fucking pictures.
Steam profile picture thread, post the one you currently have not a bunch of fucking pictures
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 autism
pls no bully ;-;
my current
also does any one here know if there is an Holla Forums steam group ?
i already joined a few 4chan ones, but i havent found any Holla Forums groups ?
Good goy
There's a few 8chin Steam groups, this one probably has the most at I know of
I like to play games with my friends easier and play Steam-exclusive games.
This is subtle. I appreciate it
Get out
Fix yo shit
that's sweet can you do the same with mine?
what was your name again, merkuriv?
the guy that did the hank hill voice on TF2Classic
Looking for a new one, though.
shOt eM wiTh mY gUn
Nedroid is cool
Why? So you can try and find my account and beg for my expensive pixels?
Fuck off.
Why not just post your Facebooks?
That's kind of a non sequitur. Steam is on the base level a game specific service. Even if you don't like it.
Go straight back to 4chan and do not come back
I'm disappointed that nobody made a version that says Mei-ke A-Mei-rica A-Mei-zing again
I think I haven't logged in in 2 years now.
you should do that
I plan to do a giveaway of good games to only steam level 20+ people with the only objective of raveling in the salt from edgy pirates. What game non shitty games should i gift?
I do not possess the necessary software or skill to accomplish such a task my doode
Then learn.
Been my picture for a while now, ever since I had it drawn for me.
Before i left steam
thinking of changing it to something else soon.
i have to say i am impressed, you manage to fuse 2 most cancerous characters into one and put it as steam profile pic
What the hell is that game about anyway? Is it good?
These are my usual
I haven't changed it in nearly 2 years.
I was genuinely surprised when I saw this.
It's been this all year, I don't even fucking play PC games anymore.
It really makes me sad seeing how overrun Holla Forums has become by valve astroturfers and redditors from pcmr these days. Why the fuck did hotwheels ask them to come here.
Flush with the success of a successful migration and the sweet taste of humiliating Moot, Hotwheels thought he could do anything. Even invite redditors and mold them into proper user. He dreamed big. He meant well. He thought he couldn't fail.
He thought wrong.
Maybe if you keep crying about people liking things you don't like and pinning it on a random thing from the list of scapegoats it'll go away.
It's an adventure game.
gorky pls go
Cancer: the thread.
a while ago someone posted what looked like a sketched crab holding up a small sword, anyone have it?
I dont know if any of these work with steam, just found them in my profile picture folder
is that you Jamus?
dude weed lmao
I've yet to have met anyone on Steam who knew where it was from.
Used to use a bunch of Metal Gear Rising images like so fuck you, OP I'll post as much shit as I want but I recently just felt like using normal images from games I love that don't have as much popularity.
Also used chan memes but those have become so commonly used by users who don't even browse them. Kind of just made me stop for some reason.
not so subtle but effective bait
I like it, classy.
sorry, I'm not jamus.
Is that from Iji?
Steam sucks. Hell, games suck, every single game on Steam with the exception of a few literally do not interest me in the slightest, also
been using this for ages now
no thanks
simple yet effective, good choice
Yeah, my favorite boss. It's YOU'RE MINE, JUST DIE, COME ON, AHAHAHAHA
Because you're apparently all millennials with shit taste, heres mine.
What is this from exactly? Looks like SMT
Jesus Christ, Denton.
I was lucky enough to get this drawn by an user in a draw thread.
Why save shit pictures of the best horse
hello my Assyrian brother
It is from SMT, pretty sure it is specifically Soul Hackers
I am using it for everything for about 6 years.
Oh shit, my brother
Summer please end
Sorry Steam is bad juju to you user.
Not videogames
That's a pretty Harold you've got there
Yeah how about no?
Here's how it's gonna happen
No thanks!
Good, maybe they'll make games that are marketed towards me
Op now knows that I enjoy a lot of mediocre games!
Why would anyone bully you for posting the chocolate thunder thighs gem?