We Will Never Get A Sequel To Blood Dragon

We Will Never Get A Sequel To Blood Dragon

We did, actually. Trials of the Blood Dragon is a game in the same universe with a story that canonically takes place after Blood Dragon. Nobody knows about it because it's a Trials game.


It's a "sequel" in the sense that it's a continuation of the story, sure, but I'm betting that OP was asking for a true sequel in the video game sense.

Plus, Trials of the Blood Dragon sucks as a sequel.

reminder that zombies beat out Dinosaurs and Aliens for what theme players wanted in the next Far Cry

Yep. Sucks.

I was super excited when the Trials trailer started too this E3 because I thought it was going to be a Blood Dragon sequel.


Wait, wasn't there already that shitty Primal Far Cry game? Are you telling me that they actually made a caveman Far Cry game and didn't put dinosaurs in it?

It was great the way it was, there's no need to ruin it with a sequel. You fags asking for sequels are the reason franchises end up butchered to hell and back

no becuase that game was too homophobic.

All I wanted to do was shoot and bike

Jesus Christ, I thought someone was just committing massive plagiarism when I saw that game. The trailer is….it's like they have no idea what made Blood Dragon awesome in the first place.
also, nice dubs :D

fucking this

i pirated trials of the blood dragon on launch day and seriously maybe 30% of the missions let you ride a fucking motorcycle. everything else is bicycles, or jetpacks, or on-foot shootan sections, whiel the protagonists shout things that probably looked good on paper but sound like retarded garbage when coming out of the drooling, talentless mouths of the actors. that's right! play TRIALS of the BLOOD DRAGON and hear three lines from Michael Beihn, ride a motorcycle occasionally, and enjoy such iconic Blood Dragon locales as Miami or a city being attacked by giant bugs or an underground indiana jones temple!

yes I mad I actually unironically liked both Trials and Blood Dragon and this game is the absolute worst of both

Webm that shit

How well did Blood Dragon do sales wise? Seems like most people enjoyed it, yet no on has even tried ripping it off yet.

It got seven digit sales.


Ubisoft fluked with Blood Dragon. I guarantee you if they made a sequel it's going to be a godawful piece of shit.
Blood Dragon as good as it was was still limited by the fact that it's still Far Cry 3 at its core.



i cri evrytiem

But BD was a game based on the gameplay rather than the story or some agenda, so that's a no-no to most devs.

just fucking kill me…

the only reason they pretend to care about that crap is because of money

And also because they don't know how to actually make fun games, so trying to make a game like Blood Dragon would be impossible for them.



so they made blood dragon on accident? maybe they were trying to make something obnoxious but failed remarkably


Reminder that FC3 with a coat of paint is still FC3.

You retards are asking for a bag of shit because the packaging is appealing to you.

Well originally it was an April fool's joke.

Holy hell what a ducking casual

Ducking autocorrect

Wasn't Blood Dragon itself just a thing that happened because of some internal fuck ups on behalf of Ubisoft?

Isn't that part of the Mendel's laws? Maybe it was just a coincidental redistribution of genetics :^)


That shit is sad even for reddit\normalfag standards. Can't you see all the self-flagellating "irony", like in Borderlands?

Duke 3D was 80s. Unapologetic, unashamed, reaganian.

dude you're so special, you're so fucking out there and edgy dude holy shit, nobody has these opinions man, woah.

user plz.

I'm glad for that. While I enjoyed Blood Dragon, not everything needs a sequel. I'd rather original IPs be developed than expanding a story that doesn't need to be expanded.

sure, that said i wouldnt mind another game that takes overdone modern mechanics, tweaks it a little and gives it a wacky setting.

True. I wouldn't mind another game that takes the piss out of modern vidya trends and was actually fun and irreverent.



We already did. It's called Far Cry 4.

Haven't we had enough of neo 80s for a while already?

Feels like there's a new game with that gimmick like every few weeks nowadays.

Hasn't played the game.



This meme needs to die
