Anyone remember this William Pierce radio broadcast, "The Butchering of Ukraine"? In it, William Pierce recounts that "[some] observers saw a pattern (in the killings)." and that Ukrainians who were in financial disputes with Jews (ie, Jews wanted to steal things from the gentiles and the gentiles wouldn't sell at outrageously low prices) tended to be killed. Does anyone have a source(s) for this? I am very interested in this subject.
Also, it is a great broadcast and it reminds me of (((Gersh's))) actions towards the Spencer family and Andrew Anglin. A Jew wanted money so she threatened the hapless mother of a political dissenter in order to coerce her to sell her home and then hand over the cash to a Jewish supremacist organization and when she refused, the Jew begins to go on a witch hunt. If we lived in the USSR, Spencer's mother would be dead, Richard Spencer would be dead, Andrew Anglin would be dead. We'd all be tortured to death like our Ukrainian brethren. It sickens me to think of it. Jews never change.
How bizarre. I listened to this very recording yesterday for no reason(tm). No sources were sited in his broadcast though.
Dylan Hall
Jackson Garcia
Bump, this is important.
William Martin
James Bennett
t. (((goon kike shill)))
Connor Young
I think it is "Genocide at vinnitsa". Now you can (hopefully) help me out. Does anybody remember which broadcast has Dr Pierce talking about a nigger harrasing a white man in a supermarket, the white guy gets to his car where the nigger attacks him with a brick, he kills the nigger and after investigators find out that he has racist correspondences and is part of some racialist groups he gets charged with a hate crime? I would really appreciate it if somebody knows which broadcast this is on. Apologies for the wall of text.
Cooper Jackson
Here's a link.
Lucas Collins
Wew I misread your post badly and recommend the wrong broadcast based on your description. Still I would appreciate it if anybody remembers which broadcast I am looking for. The one I posted is worth watching too.
Jordan James
Sebastian Long
if anyone doubts that this mindset exists, take an international flight into JFK airport while one from Tel Aviv is landing. Jews will push and shove past everyone, cut in line and not blink an eye. Flights from S. America, Africa and Europe at least respect the others place in line. I tripped one trying to push past me and he hit the floor and didn't look at me, just kept on going.
Landon Phillips
God damn we need to start beheading people for this kind of shit, cant believe they just fucking took it all down just like that.
Adam Price
Pierce had also very interesting broadcast about jewish mafia resettling to the USA from the ex-USSR states.
Luis Rodriguez
Animals. Cockroaches.
Ayden Watson
I believe the broadcast you're thinking of is this one.
I know that the massacre he was referencing was the genocide at vinnitza. However I am still searching for a source for the claim that the NKVD targeted Ukrainians who had resisted Jewish intimidation tactics.
I'll bet that would please you very much, Goldberg.
William Pierce is probably among the greatest Americans who ever lived. I feel second hand shame for the boomers who had such a brilliant and passionate man and yet they threw away his offer of greatness in return for selling out their own children's future. SHAME on them.
Jews are such disgusting people. And I use the term "people" very loosely. No group of alleged humans on earth are so self absorbed as the Jews.
Juan Davis
Thanks a bunch user, that is the one I was looking for.
Liam Brooks
Is there an archive of Pierce's texts, broadcasts?
Fuck yeah it would please me. If you have not realized Anglin and Sspencer ate controlled operatives that Pierce would have chastized and rejected than you need to fuck off tbh. You shame the man by defending those faggots.
Colton Clark
Nice try Jew. I look forward to the DOTR. I hope you remain in my country for that day.
Ayden Barnes
Seems like all the links are down on and the magnet link has 0 seeds.
Owen Sanders
Bet you would you implicit little faggot. Bring your Thai whores with you when you do.
Samuel Ross
that's some shit. i'm seeding it right now
Grayson Reed
Joseph Richardson
Love this meme.
Easton Ward
Do you get paid per post, Mr. Fink?
Dominic Lee
spencer and anglin are jewcocks servicing fags though
Daniel Flores
John Torres
That is a Jewish lie intended to discourage White resistance to the Jews. Straighten your thinking. And even if they were, it would be politically irrelevant. They are openly speaking out in favor of White people. That alone is why Jews post lies about them online. Hass it not occurred to you that Jews would counteract White nationalists by claiming that they are Jews? Use your brain.
Also, please find for me a source backing up Pierce's claims. I believe him as he knew his stuff, but I want a source to quote next time I bring it up in an argument.
Grayson Baker
Oh but secretly they're working for the CIA and ADL and oyyyyy veyyyyyyyyy!
Christopher Mitchell
Is it me or Holla Forums is infested with the shills?
Brayden Johnson
The latter unfortunately. It is a sad day when all I want is a single source and the Jews can't even allow that without sowing their shit. Every single thread that seeks to achieve anything immediately gets infested with these faggots. They are almost single handily responsible for derailing dozens of threads. And all I want is a single source.