How do I get rid of nationalist feelings /leftpol/? I know how irrational it is but it's still there...

How do I get rid of nationalist feelings /leftpol/? I know how irrational it is but it's still there, how the fuck do I get rid of it? I want to feel like I did before I became one the feeling is absolutely shit, any former Holla Forumstards have the same problem?

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any brainwashing needs counter-brainwashing or what them folks on tv call "radi-cali-zation"

read more militant and passionate leftist texts, e.g. manifestos by leftist terrorist groups and whatnot

Realize that nationalism is ultimately artificial and an incorrect thing to self-identify with. One remedy would be to consider the atrocities that your country committed, then realize the atrocities that every country might have committed at one point in their history.

don't worry
I still have trouble getting over colonialism, and strong Republicanism
I mean, seriously, Texas was the greatest place to have ever bloomed from the Earth

i'm having the same problem, (am former Holla Forumsack). But for me it is racially.

I used to be legitimately obsessed with white identity. It was literally all I would think about.

Separate the things within your country that you like, from your country. It's as responsible as capitalism is responsible for smart phones.

Get a real identity.

oops, forgot to take off my shitposting fag

You put on another one.


Take all the energy you put into nationalism and direct it towards solidarity with the international proletariat.

I never was a Holla Forumsack, but recognizing that I have literally billions of comrades all around the world was a great feeling.

The main thing is to stop frogposting

Have you ever heard that Texan women are like snowflakes? Individually they may be pretty, but organized together they can stop traffic.

Oh boy

how? please explain.

Race is a spook. It's as rational as basing your identity on your eye color or favorite fruit.

…also they get me wet and shivering

Pride in your nation is not only acceptable but natural and ought to be encouraged.

You only betray yourself by denying this eternal truth.

Please stop, I don't want to go back to that

1st step is to realise that the kind of people trying to stoke your nationalist feelings have historically been the ones that did the most heinous shit against it.

You grew tired of the struggle that is life, you handed yourself over to an ideology that seems "natural" for the ease and "freedom" it provides but in this you have accepted an inorganic ideology.

Your rejection of the struggle, natural order, etc. will only leave you feeling empty and alone in this world. To feel the spirit of a nation burning bright, the smiles of your brethren and sisters, that is what life ought to be.

This joy, this wonderful joy, is only found when you accept the struggle and seek to overcome it, regardless of how the world views it. To mantle the gospel of Not Socialism is to mantle truth and happiness.

Come home.


identity in general is a spook and basing it on a strongly held ideal, such as advocay for a communist society, is no more or less "rational" for your identity than racial or fruit-based identities.

If you really do advocate for communism, so much so that it can be used to sum up you as a person (i.e. your identity), then you should realize that your identity does not matter, but rather your physical actions, such as producing goods or fighting for an open society. Your identity may be useful to, well, identify you, but it does not define you.

I'm from Houston darlin, most Texan women are dumb as fuck and boring as shit.

what the fuck do I base my identity on, then? Nothing?

I feel as if nothing matters lately, after I had gradually realized how stupid I was for thinking I was deserving of greatness because of my race. It's really attractive, you know, it lets me believe myself to be a fallen king of some sort, who can rightly look down to shitskins as subhuman animals.

You wouldn't really understand unless you were an actual white nationalist

I don't know man, it just seems like an uphill and unwinnable battle. It feels bad, I don't even think a society with a few different coloured people can be that bad.


as a Texan, agreed

as a former Mormon, by the way, most Mormon women are sexy as hell

I think you mean pride. Which is a fine feeling, but why do you have to put it in a nation? Also, this or terms like bait.

Nazis are probably the most retarded of all rightists. Fascists at least have some theory in the form of Mussolini and Gentiles, but the Nazi worldview is like the most infantile non-philosophy I've ever encountered.

Here, let me sum up the tenets of nazism for you:

Every fucking other ideology has some concrete hypothesis about how the world works and how it can be made better but literally all Nazis have is Hitler's rantings about how he feels the Jews are behind him being a fuckup.

Currently it just feels like a dark and bitter feeling, you would not understand it

*reeks like bait

Stupid auto correct

If different people want to live and work together, why must the Fascist tear them apart? Because of some "purity" bullshit?

why the fuck would it be good?

Eh, falling away from religion, yeah I kind of do.
That's exactly what it sounds like


sexhaver scum

Base it on yourself, your talents and skills and desires and everything that is you. You are not your genetics, your class, or anything but yourself. Stop being such a faggot and realize yourself.

Some are all right, but I wish there were more that I could actually talk to.

I fucked a mormon once, she was hot and let me blow my load in her booty.

The eternal SJW reveals himself at last!

You need to mindkill yourself.

Basically what said.

You create yourself (i.e. your identity) not based on any intrinsic qualities, but on your deeds. How do you treat people? What kind of work do you do? What do you want to do with your life?

There are virtually infinite possibilities. Forge your path. Seize your subjectivity.

I'm only human

Good thing I'm not a naturally grown Texan then, that way I may stick out from a drab background of sluts.

you give anarchists a bad name



Possibly, do you actually read books?

Don't worry, you're just having a nihilist phase, it'll pass

Do something, make that your identity.

Yes. Mostly dead boys though, and a few ladies who were stuffed in an oven (Sylvia Plath, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, et al).

Of course it seems this way, Hitler saw it this way, his members say it this way.

To declare war on everything, the left, the right, the churches, the banks, the religions, the social engineering. The be a Not Socialist you must declare war on so much, want to help so many, and face hatred and spite from almost everyone. You risk your job, you risk your life, you risk just about everything and all that you are given is the idea that you're fighting for something that is just, something that is right.

This struggle, it makes me feel alive. It gives reason to existence.

Except for the part when he allied with the DNVP, amirite?

easy, just keep telling yourself that the concept of evolution doesn't apply to humanity because we is special, and that culture has nothing to do with the trend of overall scientific and technological progress in said cultures.


Don't let your desire to be free of propagandized opinion fool you into believing all societies are equal

Having feelings is fine, but basing your entire ideology on nothing but feelings is profoundly stupid and more than that, counterproductive.

Agreed. That's why we need to do something about all these germanics. They'd probably still be running around the forests buttfucking each other and jacking off with pinecones if the Romans didn't do them the favour of introducing them to human civilization. Shame that they seem to be fundamentally incapable of living in it, though.

culture =/= nation

Which culture was practicing human sacrifice to their sky deity at that time?

t-tell this wasn't all just autism

I don't know man

Don't conflate culture with ethnicity

I honestly don't think I can answer because I've never had any sort of attachment to my nation, but I suppose if you really wanna stop thinking a certain way, I'd recommend the following:

1. Don't moralize yourself about. Correct yourself, but don't flog yourself [hypothetically speaking].
2. Try to deconstruct the idea of nationality in itself, especially conceptions about national identity. Like, for instance, what does it mean to be "an American?" In my opinion, nothing really. There's an epic shitton of differing people in the country, with different ideas, different thoughts on ethics, etc., to a point where the Lacanian idea that "there is no average Joe" rings true. Just keep doing stuff like that basically, find ways to undermine any generalized picture of what it means to be X.
3. Try to focus in on Nationalistic line of argument commonly used by yourself and just rip into it brutally.

Uh, the fucking Germanics? Have you never heard of blots and bog bodies?

Also, what did you want them to do? Let Huehueteotl unleash a plague of fire on their cities? It was a pragmatic decision.

You cannot get rid of the red pill.
No matter how many "blissful pleasure steaks" you are eating from the left buffet.
The easy buffet. Where going down the drain is the direction, and sliding along the flow with everybody applauding around you is so much easier than having to fight anything.

But you cannot get rid of the red pill.

Wasn't that several centuries earlier?

GTFO Morpheus.

Best of luck in your return, friend. I know you'll make the right choice.

The Matrix is shit, my dude.

The bog bodies, yes, most likely, but Germanic peoples have been practicing various form of human sacrifice well into the Migration Era.

Hitler wasn't even a nationalist, he was a jingoist.

just like how all communisms aren't really communist?

If there's one art form where the far-right has had great luminaries (Mishima, Celine, Koestler) it's literature, so why is nazi prose so damn fucking odious?
I see it in this thread and in Holla Forums and in their sites, it all reads like a shitty Evola yaoi fanfic with sublimated weaboo aesthetics.

Hitler was a sadboi who got friendzoned by a Jewish girl tbh.

The best cure for nationalism is to actually meet and talk with people of other backgrounds. This is elementary.

if he was a nationalist then why did he invade poland and why did he fuck up czechoslovakia ?

why didn't he just take up isolationism instead ?

But I have

because poland was Prussian to begin with before the rest of europe decided they would dogpile germany.

Honest question here, the Romans, other Mediterranean Powers, the Chinese and others, possessed complex urban cultures (circa 100BC-300AD) not rivaled for another thousand years; what accelerated their development?

I do not believe the answer lies in some superior ethnicity, I don't believe cultures are transmitted along with ethnicity (i.e. Aboriginal German culture no longer exists), nor do I believe Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel reveals the secret behind certain cultures rapid evolution

Are you a butthurt kraut or a wehraboo burger?

Dead boys are the best authors and coincidentally Dead Boys was one of my favorite bands growing up.

Ok then, you're more interesting than the vast majority of women I've met.

nationalism is merely tribal affiliation, like with the "workers" or "bourgeois"

It's the same group-level behavior. Nationalism makes sense because wealth, in large part, is tied to land - especially in terms of agriculture and energy sources like fuel.


The obsession with Hitler and his regime amuses me, they had more in common with the Romans who conquered Germany than the original German people

Adopting to what remained of the institutions and technical aspects of an already advanced civilization.
The Great Migrations happened over a span of ~200 years, and the Church remained a dominant ideology spreading knowledge and culture under an assumed/bastardized role for the next 2 millennia.

what about france and belgium and the soviet union ?

Do it fam.

The world is about toil, discipline and devotion. It's about looking foreword to a better future, a better tomorow, for your people. Not because they are better then you, but because they'd wish the same for you. It's repayment to your ancestors and investment in future generations.

I frog post and I'm anti-nationalist and i've been so since i was politically conscious.

Remember that recognizing the fictional nature of a nation means that you no longer have to feel guilty over all the stupid shit that people in """"""your""""""" nation do.

Facebook toad is a shitty meme though. Why would you make yourself save such ugly things?

any good free video editing stuff out there?
would edit this and show war results of nazism instead of this misrepresenting shit

That doesn't explain any of the advanced bronze age empires


I imagine it involved the interaction of many complex factors. Involvement in long-distance trade is I think a big one, since you don't generally see the more geographically isolated cultures building big cities and great works, whereas those situated in spots where they're able to make contact with a lot of different peoples and adopt their innovations seem to be the ones that thrive the most. Trade and access to different trading partners is definitely a big thing to look at, I think.

Class isn't a form of identity. A lot of people make this mistake. Ideally, people should be aware of their class and how it affects their personal interests, but you can be a proletarian without identifying as one, because it's not defined by self-identity so much as your place in the capitalist mode of production. Those who have to sell their labour to survive are proles, it's as simple as that.

So verbose and yet so shallow, one could interpret that post in both nationalist and internationalist way.

It’s also a matter of experiences. I am myself a minority in burgerland but grew up in a multicultural city, so the idea of ethnic exclusionism was already moot.

But I’ve also lived in all-white rural towns as well as in the Middle East, and have had the opposite feeling of being alienated/hated by other ethnicities. But then you get to know the neighborhood and realize everyone shares the same basic interests: sex, booze and cigarettes.

Hallstatt was Celts, that's another story.

Well sounds like you've still got some actual self reflecting to do, wee laddie.

It really is.

but why not help those of different ancestry?

do they not deserve to be helped in their time of need? do they not deserve to be treated the same as we treat those who share our ancestors ?

Communism is literally Christianity - just a more advanced form.

Ahhh but the puzzle piece that you missing is that people don't struggle and toil for international affairs, quite the opposite. They do it for family, they do friends, they do it for those they are closest to and they love most so they can share the prosperity.

By getting a real identity, stop relating yourselve to the nation in public, say that you are from your town and not your state. Start getting involved locally.

The irony to all this is Communists encourage non-white nationalism/tribalism, under the idea that their tribalism is socially constructed and popped out of a grand conspiracy by capitalists. This is the problem with social constructionism that has been debunked for a very long time, when the revolution comes, all those non-whites you armed won't all distribute the means of production to other races despite belonging to the same class. They will use hog what they grab for their own kind. Humans universally behave this way, there is no way to break down innate tribalist tendencies - especially in low IQ retards such as niggers.

Communists will be covering up non-white rape rings and tribalist, racial violence against their former oppressor white comrades deep into the utopian dream. It'll be spun as 'the after effects of late stage capitalism', and will go on forever. This is fundamentally why white socialists should just embrace nationalism for their own self interest and collective interest.

It's not that they don't deserve anything, it's that they are not your people, thus not your responsibility. They are their own people with their own interests, which are likely to be very different to yours.

A nation should prioritize it's own people in the same way a family prioritizes it's children.

german military singing about a little girl and her sweet smelling pussy
how degenerate

except that this isn't even remotely true

Nazism was obsessed with sex, and their modern descendants seem to take the same view.

Your ancestors working and contributing to a nation to deserve a place in it isn't true? Who else built the country other than the people in it?

Who you think built this?

They might, but that does not mean they must do it for a "nation"

Just be a left-wing nationalist, my dude.

You can be a soft-nationalist without the racial and ethnic bullshit that stormnigger is trying to trap you into.



Would Nazi Germany have been a Marxist state if all the cancer Hitler brought was removed?

Of all the cancer Hitler brought was removed then Nazi Germany wouldn't have existed. It was literally, unironically Spooktopia.

Nationalism without an ethnic, ancestral basis is not nationalism at all. It is amusing to think anprims or ancoms who look at hunter-gatherer Rousseau-tier peaceful tribes and point to them as examples of what they want to create. That tribe has a blood-basis, every member is a kinsman - you don't harm, cheat, steal or cause trouble with your kinsmen, especially if you have lifestyle of hand-to-mouth cooperation. You try jam a bunch of disparate unrelated people from around the globe together to build some kind of commune, you're going to have a bad time.

Everybody's a worker, lad. Should be at least.

You might a well say Homosapiens…

You might want to check this one out OP. There are many left-wing nationalist movements, which, unlike traditional right wing nationalists, are not based on being butthurt and masturbating to the old ways. They are even often combined with the class based things.
See Kurds, Irish, Catalans etc.


It isn't irrational at all. A nation is generally made up of people of a specific ethnic group. Everything that happens within that nation affects how well your group will do.

It is natural for you to want your group to do well, it allows you personally to fulfill the biological instincts of surviving and passing on your genes to the next generation.

Whether you do this or not is irrelevant, we are animals and we follow our base instincts. This is why you feel a sense of nation pride/a want for your nation to do better, its biology.

Fuck off I'm not going to cuckifornia

Everyone should read this before becoming a socialist, before the feels escape them forever.

Hello, Holla Forums.

It's almost like the hair color of your parents is completely irrelevant compared to the productive relations you find yourself in every day.


No shit

By this logic, it's impossible to cooperate with or get along with someone not part of your immediate blood family, which is itself more nonsense.

Well, what country do you live in? What did it ever do for you"? What makes it so great? What did your school, news and politicians tell you vs reality?

tbh mods should delete this shitty thread, it's clear that a Holla Forumsyp made it as a lightning rod for their shitposting

Feels-based racism isn't science.

Baseless bitter slander.

If you're attracted to inbreeding.

Biological instinct is. A Nation is the real world expression of the attempt to fulfill that instinct.


Please point to literally one example of this

Please give one reason why this isn't true


How do you know that? Did you read the script?

Please point to one example of this.

Please describe these tendencies and how you have discovered them

Why would they be more tribalistic?


This is the official manual for the Tiger tank
Maybe they were too busy fapping while Rokossovsky dismantled the Wehrmacht in Operation Bagration

The statement "They are not my people" isn't 'feelz' is biological fact


My proof is basic logic

A group is safer than an individual. The safer the individual is the higher the chance of surviving long enough to spread your genes. Since most people in a country are 20th cousins their genes are still yours, though to a lesser extent than close family obviously.

Seperate your feelings of kinship from the concept of the nation.

You can be protective of the people you are responsible for, without being proud of the abstract geographical area they live in.

A nation is a legal fiction meant to smooth out problems in bureaucratic administration. Biology doesn't enter into it.

You clearly have no understanding of genetics. You cannot take someone's blood and say 'oh, this person is finnish' because there is no one gene for finnishness and a given gene will be distributed across any number of nations and ethnic groups.

A given member of an ethnic group is not guaranteed to share a certain number of alleles with another member, they can be quite dissimilar, because we do not make delineations of ethnicity on the basis of biology. They are social categories, defined socially. Read this:

Aren't racists the one's who are fans of eugenics? As in not everyone should spread their genes?

So what happens if you run out of white people? You are going to have to go abroad eventually.

Tribalism is indeed something all humans share, be it a family-level tribe, or a nation-based tribe

That is literally the opposite of what a materialist believes.


If that was the case then why did different nations exist? If the idea is to smooth out problems in bureaucratic administration then there would never have been separate nations, but one global nation.

No such thing has ever existed, so you are clearly wrong.

I'm sure some are, but to paraphrase leftypol

Since that has never happened I don't know, but thats like asking what happens if all the food on the planet disappears. Millions of people don't just evaporate into thin air.

That you would even ask this is stupid.

This is bait right? If not then im pretty comfortable with my world-view if the alternative is literal retardation.

Most nationalists are working class, we tend to live in poor areas which the diversity moves to when they are shipped in.

Most people who are racist are such because of their interaction with people of other groups.


Being against the outgroup is like one of those cognitive biases. It's common because of peculiarities in our evolution, but it's not fixed and we don't have to build our society around it just because some disingenuous stormfag insists that doing otherwise is impossible.

It's like saying that murder and rape are natural so we should stop punishing that because we're never going to end those problems anyway.

You don't shit your pants just because it's easier than taking them off when you have to go.

Different nations emerged out of different polities. Retard. It's because they found it easier to get things done by defining themselves as a nation, not because they wanted all of humanity to have the best administrative system ever.

You came so close.

Yes, that's my point.
Nobody argued otherwise you dummy.

There's nothing inherently wrong with nationalism. Holla Forums often forgets that the nebulously defined lines between countries have kept vastly different cultures separate for ages now, and that immediate globalization has been causing quite a few problems. I wouldn't go so far as to say borders shouldn't eventually be eliminated, but the current system of globalization through capitalism and crisis has been ruining huge sectors of working class areas in all countries that have been forced to take part.

Dude are you even reading this thread?

Exaclty, but there has always been a class styructure that prevented this because one ruling power wants something that they can't have because its held by another ruling power. Do you remember when the distinction between persons used to be what King or Christian sect you supported? Now all of a sudden its ethnicity and national identity.

Eugenics is pretty popular among racists and would likely develop overtime in an ethnic nationalist state. When people realise all their problems weren't solved by getting rid of all the niggers they are going to need a new boogie man to focus on using the same logic as biological determinism. Hence eugenics will develop.

Precisely because for the last ten thousand years there has never even for a moment been an ethnically stagnant nation (at least not a successful one) because there has been too much communication, trade and intermixing with other peoples.

But eventually if you are only breeding with white people incest will begin to occur.

My experience of muslims is from living in Saudi Arabia for two years, not a nice place to go to, some parts are rich, I was still treated like shit though.

But thats what you implied

Take Europe as an example, most of western Europe had monarchies, the systems were exactly the same in England, Scotland, France and so on for very long periods of history and yet they still had different nations.

So again, thats wrong.

So the blacks that went to the same school as me, in the same economic class as me and yet we're all very violent compared to the whites were suffering under poverty and a lack of education?

We had the same socio-economic factors and reacted very differently to them.

Not with a population of tens of millions.

So then the idea isn't to smooth out problems in bureaucratic administration.

I'm glad we've got that out of the way.


Capitalism is, actually.

Do you think a smartphone could be made in a shithole like the USSR or some 3rd world shithole (which always, ALWAYS follow leftist idealogy or tribal grouping) or something that DOESN'T follow capitalism could do?

The internet was invented in America (biggest Captialist country in the world and still is) and spread to others, all invention comes from highly nationalist countries with good economies (competition incites invention, not just unfilled niches)

Hell, the Phone itself is an American invention, for christ-sakes.

You need to read up on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, before invention, shelter must come first, before shelter, food, etc.

Leftist idealogy sacrifices all of it in some bid to accomplish a goal that won't be accomplish because it throws away all of the Hierarchy for the sake of the "group" which is retarded. The actual way to go is centrist, but you need to have people struggling for eachother's power and competition AND a free market in order to acheive some sort of Golden Age. The world's been getting shitty as fuck because of leftist idealogy bowing to the demands of parasites and eventually just being made up of the parasites as a result, who are placed in Left offices due to quotas.

All of you are brainwashed sheep who should abandon this board, because when regular Holla Forums has a point about you being fucking crazy, you need to disband.

Then why did you come to the literal opposite cancer, that demands that you have no identity before them so they can mold you into a soldier that only follows their orders like a sheep?

Yup. Grew up in a duplex on the west side and moved to a shitty suburb next to a trailer park outside of Houston when I was 7 or 8. You from here too?

Being opposed to neoliberal globalization and being opposed to nationalism in a neutral context aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

The thesis that a given nation should only concern itself with who and what lies within its own borders while responding to all else with hostility or derision is the thesis I am opposed to. Or, in other words, the idea that people should stick to their own kind.

If you're building a socialist economy, obviously you wouldn't want to open the floodgates to such a degree that you're not able to support anyone because of the strain on the economy, but once you grow enough to get everyone what they need, why not give spare MoPs and use-values to the proles of other nations, or take in other people from other places when you have room to support them?

my gott


No but their is an associate group of genes that represent something closest to what we know to be Finnish, and we can find these gene's by looking the genetic heritage of the Finnish people and finding patterns.

There is a lot of nuances here, yes I'm aware of this, but there is a general ethnic makeup for each and every nation. The question isn't if it exists, it's that how prominent is it.

I said that in a bad way, so I'll rephrase it: neither me nor who argued that nationalism is a natural occurrence due to our evolutionary development said we must base our political stances on that fact

So they already moved to violent, poor areas….and its the black people's fault?

I beg to differ

Except not really. Nations were defined by reasons other than supposed national identity and the borders, especially between people of different ethnicities, were always murky. If what you said is true why have government's worked so hard over the last few hundred years to promote this idea of national identity? When were national anthems invented? National flags? Why did the idea of a nation become so important once Louis of France was out of the picture?

Nationalism is just one more tool used to divide the working class. its just slightly less contentious for ordinary people than the divine right of kings.

Liberians eat people, DRC has the highest rape per capita in the world, south Africa and Zimbabwe commit racial genocide, half of them are muslims and thus cut the clits from little girls, do i really have to go on?

I'm not from America, besides, compare school shootings with the total white population and its very low.

No, turns out the areas were alright before the blacks moved in, then it becomes a violent area, then white flight occurs.

Tell me of 3 areas in the US in which there is an 80% + black population that meets average white levels of wealth, education and crime.

Bet you can't.

Can't even come up with a rebuttal? Then you know your sins, boyo.

Repent from your cuck ways.

You were raped and killed as an infidel? Thats your personal experience? Also

Exactly. The only adherence was to your king. Now all of a sudden the nation is important.

I dunno, I will in a lower socio-economic circumstances and the whites are as bad as the niggers. You need a bit more than just anecdotes.

Why not? Why will you magically not become close cousins?

Has white flight ever occurred in low income areas? You said they were imported INTO the low income areas, not the other way around.

Insert sjw argument about how whitey is racist is purposefully fucking up black people :^)

Other than muh correlation you really won't be able to strongly demonstrate your ideology unless the person already agrees with you. Your argument holds basically the same amount of water.

There really isn't. Even if you could guarantee that every actual Finn had some Finn genes you could identify and point to as evidence of Finnishness, how is that not an absolutely arbitrary distinction given that the presence off the Finn gene will predict absolutely nothing about the characteristics of the person in question?

Sorry, I wasn't really following reply chains when I wrote that.

It's a fucking spook mate

One of the most obvious ones

Quit being spooked cunt


Yeah, alright then.

Who's bombing populated squares, again? For no reason other then terror spreading at that.

That was because a monarchy is a literal fuckfest of inbreds that control your country. What, is democracy not a leftist idealogy, you literally want to return to the dark ages again? Or are you seriously decrying democracy because it's convenient at the moment.

So what's the population of the 3rd world right now? You cannot have met a black or arab without noticing key differences in tendancy, white people in general are much more subdued and open to negotiation (also shared with asians along with high intellegence on their side), which is why the majority of the first world is white, while the majority of the third world is NOT. People are born different, and people are NOT blank slates at birth.

Because there's a huge amount of diversity. You see, all humans technically commit incest (everyone can be traced back to the same sources), but closeness of relation is what matters in genetics. If you were to say have 30 (or some high number) generations from the same couple, and two of the 30th generation fucked, their kids would end up normal because that generation is very different from the first generation, with loads of new genes.

Tl;DR Read a fucking book you nigger.

I accept your assessment, actually, and your the first person to not shred me for my take on globalization. I've argued to my friends and peers irl that globalization is inevitable, but that we should be conservative in the sense of maintaining a stable economy within our limits until such time that expansion seems healthy and viable.

Become a leftist nationalist like IRA or PFLP



Do you have even a single source?

If the OP was non-european, you would be so butthurt right now.


Yes, if there existed a hypothetical cluster of Finn genes that only genes had they would not predict anything about the Finn in questions because Finns, like people of other nations, span the entire gamut of human achievement or ability.

In our hypothetical situation, a person with Finnishness could well have a learning disability or crippling blood disease or no legs. Whether they have Finnishness has no bearing on other things that people might actually care about.

He's a Jew.


You disgusting faggots are going to get fucked so hard tonight

Israel, another ethno-nationalist state. Whoops.

Why would I return to feudalism? I'm just pointing how transitory these systems are. Nationalism is literally only a few hundred years old, and because it benefited the rulling class while the divine right of kings supported, well, kings.

Nice diversion nigger

I don't think ive met an Austrian that had the same tendency as me either. Better fire up those gas chambers.

You've never met a poor white person have you?

Probably not but they also don't change like some kind of weird doll manufacutred exactly the same way but different to another brand of doll with no change whatsoever.



You didn't mention a single thing taken from a book

Also, why are you posting a meme from a different country? Aren't you proud of white achievements? You race traitor.


I was never a Holla Forumstard not that I'm a pinko now; I'm a lolberg but when I feel nationalist I just remind myself of shit stuff my state has done and other countries that are better and how nationalist stuff the state has done actually costs the people.


The genetic differences in the populations are proportionate to the differences we see between nations of people. They're sometimes small, but almost always enough to see the distinctions.

This whole debate boils down to whether your a biological relativist or not, which is a slippery slope to breaking the barriers between us and the animal kingdom

Most arguments against the concept of nationalism are really against racism and authoritarianism, and are usually predicated on the idea that territory is of no importance.

Pic related: you want this shit pouring out all over your yard? No? Amazing. Why the FUCK should we placidly accept the garbage of neighboring international properties?
This is obviously the thinking of those sad people who have 5 roommates and have never had their own nice place with a nice yard and actual privacy.
Anyone who has actual privacy and control of their personal territory will not pretend that territory doesn't matter.
And then you'll hear

I mean, honestly. Live by some white trash neighbors who let their kids run through your yard, trashing it with garbage and setting your shed on fire.
That absolutely scales. The Borders of your Nation-State are our Mutual Home. I'm glad being 100% c u c k is way of life for you, in Gresham, OR with 5 roommates who eat all your food and leave garbage in the lawn and never fucking clean.
The rest of us like having personal space and being able to maintain functional order in a peaceable environment.
You don't let squirrels invade your house and then reclassify them as pets. They are not pets, they are wild and you're going to get fucking rabies along with having to replace all the chewed wires in your entertainment center.

You idiots.
Left-Nationalism is a thing. Get with it.

Most people here are going to watch it merely to laugh at the spectacle.

Replace left-nationalism with "feminism", and this is the same rhetoric SJW's use
This almost looks like a copy pasta from tumblr, in fact

No it fucking doesn't. I'm a left-wing nationalist but bruh this is shit.

Okay, sport. Back that
Sweet Fucking Opinion
up with some kind of argument: How does it NOT scale?




does anybody have any tips for starting a meme/lulz party a la NBP?

I never thought someone would actually use my meme edits


OP literally thinks a One World Government is a good idea. Learn who your ancestors are.

Replace nationalism for your country with brotherhood with other workers.

Some of mine were commies if that's what you mean

Read about atrocities your country committed and the various ways your country has no doubt attempted to suppress the labor movement. Should impress upon you that the working class have no country.

My grandpa was in the Communist Party, so…

In other words, "how do I maintain the cognitive dissonance?"

Lefties are fucking pitiful.

He's feeling the pain of a person who's parting ways with comforting illusions.

Cognitive dissonance would be what it would be to try and reconcile nationalism with socialism.


There is nothing artificial about oxytocin and other hormones.

So is species but that does not make it not meaningful.

This is where nationalist ago right off the rails.

Totalitarian self censorship the post.

They don't mandate it but rather provide the basis for it. I for one will prioritize the survival of my own children over children born on the other side of the world and there is nothing wrong with that. I will assert that the vast majority of humanity would agree with me.

This is what Holla Forums thinks.

There's a big difference between prioritizing your own family first and feeling some sort of loyalty to people just because they happen to live on the same arbitrary plot of land.

Not when they are all your kin going back generations. And that plot of land is not arbitrary when you have been living there and working that land for generations.

The practice of hanging criminals was a form of human sacrifice among various Theod tribes. Chieftains would also hang prisoners of war to honor their gods for granting them victory.

Checked for
Try suicide. ;^)

you don't
face it, you tried to do that for a century and you couldn't do it
we just love our nations more than your failed ideologies
deal with it

You could try interacting more with (decent) people of other ethnicities. Beyond that, just give it time: I can tell that as a former fascist, bigoted sentiment will tend to subside in time if you're no longer exposing yourself to an environment that's actively feeding it.

No there isn't. Part of tribal loyalty is because you 'belong' with said tribe. You fit in with them. You were raised under a common culture and share history. It's not racist to want to protect western culture (liberty and enlightenment values for all you spookposters) against change when you KNOW that the what comes next is something we left behind (read, have already tried) over 500 years ago.

What flag even is that? Anarcho-nationalism? Anarcho-shitposting?

Our entire point is that these so called "western values" are not some kind of universal constant outside of niggerland. The Western world is fucking rife full of people who want these Enlightenment values gone, and see them as being the opposite of "western values". This is how little meaning the phrase has.

True cultural homogeneity cannot exist when we are at all capable of independent thought.

OP, people believe irrational things because they fill a psychological purpose, and being consciously aware of a cognitive bias does not make it go away. In this case, nationalism is usually meant to give a feeling of belonging to people who can't accept that no one gives a shit about them.

what who and why? I've seen shit before about ebil Enlightenment values but always assumed it was top-tier parody, kinda like this video.

What elements of current western values do you think need replaced? Do you think third worlders are the way to do this? If so how so?

Not that guy but I'd say Western Christains are a bigger threat to this than anything else. The whole idea that the West has progressed far beyond that of the rest of the world is fucking fallacy.

Forgot this gem

You are entirely missing the point, ironically in a way similar to the crazy woman in the video. "Western values" do not exist, people have always disagreed on values and ethics in society. This is the case everywhere, and plenty of people in the Islamic world want to move away from reactionary sentiments– they just lack any power, because Saudis and emirates.

You cannot just blindly assume what people think on a mass scale. This is the same logic that social justice types used to call all white men racist and whatnot.

Why does that change anything? What is the benefit of putting these people ahead of those from abroad?

And thus immediate kin becomes the vague concept of "heritage". Your argument was that nationalist loyalties were created by oxytocin pair bonds. Oxytocin bonds you to your parents, your siblings, your spouse and your children and maybe very close friends. It doesn't bind you to people you are at best poetically related to.

Basic personal experience disproves that mythology. My last roommates were two Koreans and a guy that was raised in Jordan. My new roommates are two white American guys like me and a brown American guy. "Naturally", I should get along much better with my new roommates than with my old ones, since my new roommates were raised in the same culture as me and two of them are the same race. Except I fucking hate my new roommates and got along great with my old ones. You're asking me to believe something that is immediately, observably untrue and justify it with some vague poetic nonsense.

Come to think of it, does this even apply to nations like America where
A) They are very young, only involving a handful of generations to establish "kinship" and
B) Many American families probably move around a lot into a different states coming across other communities that have a completely different kinship.

The system that this guy is describing worked for the Aboriginal Australian tribes but it doesn't make sense that applied to a whole nation.

no it's more about taking pride in the people/tribe/nation your part off.
It's like feeling proud of your family

I'm all for slapping down christians when they try to impose their shit on others. It's at the stage now where they're largely an irrelevance.

Christanity cannot be the biggest threat when it is in decline.

Western values do not exist.

I disagree, but that is basically semantic and irrelevant so I'll give you that for now.

Fine. We've agreed that western values don't exist. It is true however that people who grow up in the west will have a predisposition towards certain certain views and opinions. Most in the west value science over religion. Most in the west are broadly supportive of suffrage. Most in the west value freedom of speech and thought. Most in the west value some degree of individual liberty over hereditary authority. What I've just described can broadly be described as enlightenment values right? And many of the people coming to the west, especially as refugees, have values often diametrically opposed to some of these 'western values'. It is only natural that they will seek to change the west to be more compatible with their values. This is why I oppose bringing them over en masse.

but I have no connection to most people in my nation. "Nationalism" regarding one's town or city, that is understandable, but outside of that it becomes much more iffy

you now there is a difference betwen a nation and state right? a nation is basically a ethnic/cultural group.

Cut your dick off.
Smash balls between two bricks

even so, I don't see why I should care about people a thousand km away from me that I will never meet, regardless of whether they are part of my same ethnic group or not

What a steaming pile of bullshit. There is no one consistent culture in any nation, and "ethnicity" is complete nonsense. There is not a people on the planet, except perhaps abos, that is not a conglomeration of various precursors.

What makes abos the exception?
btw aboriginal australians consists of several different ethnic groups

Pretty fucking racist m8.

The problem is you cannot objectively say when one culture and language(and thus ethnicity) becomes separate from another. There's a ton of such examples in Europe, in which one group claims to be a separate ethnicity, the other group insists that they are just a subtype of some bigger ethnicity. The recognition of such things is pretty subjective.

True but you acknowledge in admitting this difference that there are generally differences in 'culture' dependent on geography. And these differences in culture tend to grow larger with distance.

Of course, but the issue of culture working like a spectrum still remains.

Are you retarded? Does this board believe in psychoanlysis?

le lacan face

This. So much.

Only the navel-gazing post-leftists do.

Nationals implies duty, why would anyone want to succumb to that?


Top kek this classcuck even quotes maslow

Stay cucked

Travel within a nation will do that for you. Supposedly similar people behave in wildly different ways from one region to another. Geography has a hell of a lot more to do with culture than ancestry or national identity.

For the reason I stated. Every ethnicity is just a conglomeration of precursor peoples.

They have stayed in one place for a milennium. Everyone else on the planet migrates frequently.

not really my experience

No they still migrated/traveled within australia, Also there are different enviroments in Australia too you know.

I note that Holla Forums only ever get hot and bothered about nationalism when it's from white people.


White people are devils, they must be erradicated

We also want more taxes and cultural marxist



Keep telling yourselves that guys.


Settle down lad.


What miniscule nation have you traveled around? I can travel a hundred miles eastward and come across a very different society.

are you american?

The question was, where have you been?

just be urself

Reminder that you can be nationalist even if you fully realize nations are spux
Reminder that Stirnerism is literally a meme
Reminder that Holla Forums does not read

>yfw it's actually difficult for ex-Holla Forumsyp faggots to rid themselves of trite nationalist bullshit
In my experience, maintaining any feelings of nationalism/patriotism or racialist views is exhausting more than anything else.

In communism, suburbs will be plowed under for more efficient housing.

Get your propertarian bullshit right the fuck out of here.

You get older and eventually through life you notice that nationalism isn't doing you any favours.

A society could not possibly use all of the urban sprawl around American cities.

You're a cuck, sorry for the term but it's correct. You hate yourself and the perfectly natural feelings and in group preferences. Just stop going against your own natural which is part of what makes you human and join Holla Forums

get cucked cappie


Celts and Germanics?
kek did you forget how barbaric Pagan Germanics were back then?

Oh we have in group preferences.
Fuck off :^)

All heil Molyneux




the idea that spooks are bad is a spook

I, unironically, want to see that chink gassed.

This actually sums up a core point of my nihilism.

Really makes you think

So, a sensible dojo, then?

It's irrational to identify with your country just because it's socially constructed? Then does that mean you're also not allowed to identify with cultural or ethnic background, class, hobbies, fandoms, political inclinations, etc. just because they're not "real?" Identity itself is just a mental construct, so you're not allowed to identify with anything?

The truth is that it's just not very useful or efficient. Suburbs serve more of an ideological and cultural purpose, rather than being anything close to being an efficient and desirable form of housing.

Yes and no.

Nationalism is a particularly district ice form of identity, but there are constructive, progressive forms of identity, like identifying with the international proletariat and the global socialist movement.


Sorry, on mobile.

You are allowed for what that is worth, but you are a colossal faggot for doing so.

Acultural Amorphous Blob detected

I bet you can't even define what "culture" is.

All we need to know is that Terence McKenna and Robert Anton Wilson said it was no bueno, right?

You can't. None of you can.

The war is lost.

how does one cope with knowing one is spooked, and that they can't de-spook themselves.

how does one cope with knowing everything is a spook

You can de-spook yourself. It's by recognizing that things that you thought were real were much more abstraction than what you previously thought.

Introspect and analyse your feelings. It's not really nation that you value, it's something else. Nation just serves as a placeholder.
pussy probably.

t. tankiepleb
