The total destruction of feminists is IMPERATIVE to achieving a higher birth rate and ending the oppression of men...

The total destruction of feminists is IMPERATIVE to achieving a higher birth rate and ending the oppression of men. It's high time men stopped getting the shorter end of the stick……. STOP CENSORING PEOPLE FEMINISTS!

People who believe in the feminist laws on wife beating should be killed/enslaved

People who believe in the feminist laws on marital rape should be killed/enslaved

People who think it's "okay" for women to leave the house unless absolutely necessary should be killed/enslaved

People who believe in female choice should be killed/enslaved

People who believe it's okay for women to hyphenate their names should be killed/enslaved

People who think divorce is okay should be killed/enslaved

People who believe that a woman should be allowed to disobey her lord and master should be killed/enslaved

People who agree with women's ownership of wealth or property should be killed/enslaved
And by "people" I mean men. Women are not people and don't deserve reference anyway. Let's put those ==evil subhumans== back in their cages where they belong……….. If my wife (ever) disobeys me I'll choke her, slam her in the dirt, lock her in the room like a little kid so she learns her lesson!! Husbands should be allowed to do everything (except maybe kill their animals/women).

THIS IS A MAN'S WORLD! Women should bow down, and serve us men.

Waste of dubs, tbh.

Go back to Holla Forums

t. Andrew "I'm 5'2 so I only date gooks and have a chip on my shoulder regarding white women" Anglin

Feminists are outclassed user. As much as they want to be men they will never reach that level, and then speed out about soggy knees.

Feminism: making women stay in touch with their immaturity and (((sell cigarettes))) since 1925.

The Book of Odes, no. 264. (ca. 781-771 B.C.E.): "Disorder is not sent down by Heaven, It is produced by women."

"Those who cannot be taught, cannot be instructed. These are women and eunuchs."

Is very true

Feminists like you should be put in concentration camps…. its better the white race dies than men live like oppressed 2nd class citizens

MGTOW is the only way….. finally when most men become MGTOWs we'll launch a war on wimmen/feminists and put them back in their place.

Then we'll breed and lord over our slaves (women) while feminists like you will burn in hell

whatcha' sliding, shlomo?


Yes and the sooner most men become MGTOWs the sooner we'll be able to launch the much needed war on women……….. to reduce them to the position of slaves/subhumans

People like you who advocate slavery of men are a REAL DANGER and should be treated as such

I don't advocate slavery of men or women and before you scream cuck, no women are not equal to us. To remove feminism and put traditional values back, you first remove the jew then you remove the feminists. A war with women isn't needed also
You're Islamic, aren't you? I obviously don't speak for anyone but I'm fairly certain most people here wouldn't want women literally beaten.

Out moshie.

But Hitler was not traditional. He was a product of the post first-wave-feminist society of the 20th century.

Naturally, Hitler 100% supported slavery of men. Women would not have to work and still be allowed to TALK BACK, DISOBEY and DIVORCE men LIKE EQUALS. He also supported ALIMONY like a true feminist.

Hitler allowed women to practice hypergamy like a feminist and didn't bring back the system of arranged marriages. He supported FEMALE CHOICE like a feminist.

Hitler expected men to work like slaves and give their hard earned money to their masters (women), who could then make their OWN CHOICES like spend it for their pleasure while the man could do nothing but watch his hard earned money go down the drain. He didn't even support WIFE BEATING and allowed women to VOTE because he was a feminist.

He saw women as victims of men who needed to be saved from working. He supported ways of life that are unfair on men like a feminist.


If men are expected to provide for women, then like cattle, women should not be allowed to disobey them and men should have absolute authority over their property (including women)……… something which Hitler didn't support because he was a feminist

Now you're just trying too hard


Cool story Mohammad. You'll never separate Europeans from our women, they've had rights and been treated with respect in our societies since time immemorial.

Tradition speaks of women as embodiments of evil but hitler saw women as man's best friend and companion because he was a brainwashed feminist.

If you look at Hitler's speech on women he clearly says at 2:49
This also makes his feminist values very clear.

Hitler also supported alimony, divorce, female choice, female votes, women being allowed to disobey men as long as they produced at least 2 kids.

He let his Mistress freely spend his money on entertaining guests/having fun.

Yes, he supported prostitution. His "partner" was a prostitute that wasn't even having his kids………… but leeching off his money………… again, something that is unfair on men

It's always been the same way whether it was Christian Europe, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome (until its last 2 centuries) or any other. The picture you posted is a 21st century woman wearing a bastardized version of a Northern European dress, but in reality here is the traditional dress of the Anglo Saxon women (notice the headcovering). Headcovering is also sanctioned by the Bible, it has nothing to do with Islam.

Apart from being found in Ancient Greece and Rome among other European tribes, it is also found in India, the pre-Islamic Middle East, Zoroastrian Persia etc.

Take a hike kike.

Traditional clothes of Swedish and Lithuanian women…….. they have the EXACT same headcovering as the rest of the Caucasoid territories like pre-Islamic Arabia, Persia and India. The Chinese supported breaking women's feet (see image) and I don't mind adopting that culture either, but ours is the best.

Not until you stop supporting special treatment for women while men slave it out…. or until you're dead

Why should we provide for women unless they are absolutely obedient and subordinate to us?? We aren't their fucking slaves. They can't be allowed to threaten us with divorce or alimony. I REFUSE TO PRODUCE CHILDREN unless women are reduced to a subordinate position and I am allowed
flagellis et fustibus acriter verberare uxorem
The bible clearly states that:

Do you fucking get it, feminazi scum? I am NOT made for the purpose of women. They are made to serve and obey me.

ITT: Muslim Internet Defense Force trying to rile up shit. Reported.

Remember to report slide threads!

are all semite/mudslime/nigger tier responses to rational management of relationships between the sexes

you absolutely do not have to enslave or brutalize someone to obtain what is due to you by prior agreement
if you have to, it's because the other didn't agree to it and you're an abuser

you filthy niggerkike