Yfw you realize leftism has been completely co-opted by the establishment



>implying that this isn't the case right fucking now with the rise of nationalism in Europe
AntiFa isn't a single political organization. It's an idea more than anything else, with various chapters in differing social circumstances doing their own thing. Making generalized statements about them is stupid unless you just a priori don't support attacking fascists.

Fucking this.

The bourgeois only care about their own power, they don't care about race at all. If they did, why would they import millions of non-whites to their countries? It makes no sense. You're just using mental gymnastics to convince yourself your anti-racist beliefs are somehow anti-establishment.

What's the deal with Holla Forums's obsession with tying antifa action into establishment politics? Is it just Holla Forumsyps trolling and ex/pol/yps who can still see themselves as the fascists?

Cheap labor. Notice they don't live around any brown people.

You must be living in a fucking alternate universe! Right now the ruling class of Europe (the EU and Western European governments) are trying as hard as possible to keep Europe's borders open to non-white immigrants, and suppress nationalism. Again, you're just using mental gymnastics to try and feel anti-establishment.
Well I am a fascist.

But they do live around non-whites. Rich Jews, rich Chinese, rich whites, etc have no problem with each other, because all they care about is money and social status.

Opinion discarded.

Convenient way to avoid addressing any of my points :)

I don't think they're entirely wrong. Antifas challenge fascists vigorously without challenging capitalism itself, the engine that creates fascism. Just beating up a bunch of dumb Nazis may feel satisfying, but it's not addressing the main problem. It reminds me of lifestyle anarchism.

Your points are worthless to me. kys

How do you know they don't? You can fight fascists on the streets and still engage in other political action. These aren't mutually exclusive activities. Antifa's express purpose is to combat fascism.

This. I don't fucking understand the obsession with ideological purity on Holla Forums. There's no reason you can't fight fascism and also fight capitalism and the State not that there's anything effective you can do to fight capitalism and the State in the first world anyways, and really, if you're an anarchist you should care about fighting fascism. Because racism is hierarchicial and something anarchists are against.

shocker, truly.

Not even close to anything I said or implied
Try to improve your reading comprehension fam

Its just pol and nazis trying to make themselves out to be rebellious while they are actually trying to strengthen the existing state structure.

read nigga, READ.

Because that isn't what they're doing. They might very well do other things outside of the antifa organization, but that doesn't concern me. Antifa by itself is often a waste of time and organization skills, posing little danger to capitalism. I imagine it even lets fascists feel like they're challenging the system.




Am I just imagining all of those communist professors and intellectuals?

And creating racial divides can serve their self-interest with divide and conquer. Why do governments devote so much energy and resources to border control and deportation if the entire bourgeois wasn't racist at all and fascists are daring anti-establishment rebels? Look up how many people Obummer has deported, look at the EU's anti-refugee deal with the Turks.

No shit. The entire purpose of it is to ensure that fascist don't organize unopposed. Most antifa members are involved with other leftist organizations who more than likely do some form of anti-capitalist protest.

Well that's great but literally every other historical figure who actually confronted fascism disagrees.

The elite aren't retarded, they know the public won't accept unlimited immigration. So they keep up the appearance of border control. But it's obvious from the results that they're not actually protecting our borders. If they were, there wouldn't be people who've been deported FIVE times prior in our country, like the murderer Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez. The EU deal is just to make sure they don't get so many refugees that it pisses the natives off. They need just enough multi-culturalism to keep everybody atomized and alienated.

Why are Holla Forums so obsessed with antifa? It's like the only two kinds of people you ever hear mentioning antifa are either Holla Forums or antifa themselves.

Or maybe bourgies aren't a borg and have competing ideologies among themselves? Unless you actually believe that porkies/shills like Trump and UKIP are actually against the ruling class. Division of races makes sense from a bourgie POV. You don't want the proles mad at you so you direct their frustration towards other proles who you portray as a threat to their interests. The right-wing bourgeois parties couldn't give two shits about the working class.


Because when they confront or are confronted by "liberals" they expect to be met with ineffectual, limp dick Democrats so it's shocking to find out otherwise. It's funny how much of an impression it has on them.

I actually agree that racial conflict is in the interests of the elite. However, your mistake is thinking that makes them racist. Their goal is a multi-cultural society in which every person is completely divorced from their racial/national identity, and instead acts as an atomized economic unit. The primary bulwark against this is nationalism. The nationalists in the West are whites. So they use deeply triggering and problematic racial conflict as a cudgel to pound whites into submission, so they don't pose a threat to globalism/internationalism.

Yeah we're just sooo scared of skinny anti-fa hipsters LOL

I typed anti-hwite, not "deeply triggering and excellent"

This may be your experience, but in my neck of the woods the working class is integral to the function not only of state but of civilized life.

There is honor in work.

This is what Holla Forums retards actually believe.

There's not that much to be made in terms of money or reputation by being a Marxist intellectual. We don't have nearly the same amount of big foundations to fund research and books and campaigns and such. Sure, fascism and white supremacy are more socially stigmatized, but that's just because ordinary people fucking despise those sorts and the sorts of people who contribute to these things can be fairly image-conscious. If you ignore the social aspects and focus on economics, an economically-rightist intellectual is going to have a hundred times more access to prestige and opportunities than a similar socialist intellectual.

As for academia, I don't know if you're aware, but it is absolutely dominated by liberals. You see a handful of commies, but a lot of the people that claim to have built on a Marxian analysis probably never read Marx and have a thought process like 'oh yeah Marx talked about class oppression, and I'm building on that by talking about how microagressions factor into intersectional race/gender oppression.' Sure, there's probably more legit commies than legit nazies but like I said earlier, that's because genocidal racists are despised by the general population and institutions don't want to deal with the potential blowback. I mean, fuck, why would the ruling class be pushing an ideology that says they need to be deposed and have their wealth and influence disappropriated?


ya think?

I forgot to respond to this earlier
Of course they don't. That's why we fascists support the overthrow of the entire "party" system.

Yes, the majority of professors are liberal, not communist. But if communism was truly a threat to the establishment, there would be NO communist professors and it would be vilified like fascism/nazism is. My point is not that the establishment supports leftism, but that it has co-opted it, and re-directed its energy away from anti-capitalism and towards anti-fascism, therefore in support of the establishment.

He's talking about liberals. Let's not pretend that the mainstream left is critical of liberalism.

Most people already oppose fascism. The elites, at this historical moment, are mostly opposed to fascism.

They could belong to knitting clubs as well, but that's equally irrelevant. A neo-Nazi could be a good parent, but that has nothing to do with the value of neo-Nazism either.

The historical figures who confronted fascism confronted fascism when it was the dominant ruling class ideology; that is, they confronted fascism when it was actually brave (and dangerous) to do so. Currently, it isn't.

You're one dumb shit, buddy. Nationalism doesn't stop bourgies from exploiting working people. It's in the short term interest of a lot of firms to have access to international markets in commodities and labour, but it's not like tariffs and protections are any fundamental threat to capitalism. Depending on the firm in question, they may even benefit, but you still have exploitation going on and you still have the contradictions of the capitalist system in effect. The current bout of globalism is indeed a bourgeois project in terms of eliminating borders to capital, but putting those back up won't bring you back to some magical 50s la la land where you've got a paying job, a car, a wife and white picket fence. Things will just keep getting worse as capitalism kills itself.

The system attacks fascist ideas not because they're actually threatening but because they need fascism to reinforce their own morality, being on the right side of history, all this bullshit. Everything has been coopted and used in one way or another to expand the system, that is the true horror of the system.

for all we know this was shot somewhere beside a warehouse in San Francisco, featuring a troupe of mongoloids taken advantage of

You should be.

It's legit, it's a brigade of British socialists in Syria. Ironic that they're fighting alongside Kurdish nationalists.

top fucking kek

Look up the Bob Crow Brigade in Syria.

Academic leftism definitely isn't a threat to the establishment, yes. It's got nothing to do with being anti-fascist, though, because like most of us, commie professors don't give two shits about self-described fascists and nationalists.

The reason academic leftism is tolerated is because it has proven itself generally toothless and domesticated, as proven by the fact that students who go through those professors' classes don't all become anti-capitalist suicide bombers. Perhaps it's in their long term interest as the ruling class to suppress these sorts of theories, but even if it was, there are several problems with this: A) the ruling class is not a homogeneous whole that acts as one, it is fragmented and uncoordinated B) elements of the ruling class often act against their long-term interests (see falling rate of profit) and C) tolerating it can produce both short-term profits and serve an ideological purpose by reinforcing the ruling dogma through various means (demonstrating the tolerance and stability of capitalism, for example).

The modern left is pretty fucked up, as anyone can plainly see, but not for the reasons you think. If it ever starts motivating action again, you'll probably see repression.

So are US Special Forces. Make a point other than keeping women as slaves is a bad thing.

Only if you're a ultra.

Do you think fascist parties just spring from ether? The point is to oppose them before the ruling class decides they'd rather swallow the brown pill over the red one.

I'm talking about historical figures who confronted fascists on the street before they took power.


It's also worth noting that the only area Marx isn't really taught or if he is it's accompanied with a lot of derision is in ecnomics. The only place where that kind of thought is actually dangerous for porky's well being.

Truth is in the omission.

you guys arent subtle…like not at all

If the main thing you took away from APOism is that its nationalist…
You should probably take a second look…

Thanks tankfam. I noticed it but it was too late.

I highy doubt the average Kurdish soldier 100% believes in all that leftist egalitarian crap. According to a major poll, 1/3rd of Hasakah province residents support secession. And considering the demographics of the province, an even higher percentage of Kurdish residents must support secession.

I don't think they rise to political power without the support (financial and ideological) of elites. That is, the goose-stepping buffoonery of the downtown neo-Nazi march matters not one iota to the ruling class when there is little support for fascism among them.

Even then, the fascists had significant support among the ruling class. They have basically none right now. Moreover, Trotsky was not simply against fascism but also against capitalism. I have no problem with a struggle against fascism so long as it's connected directly to a struggle against capitalism.

stop huffing jenkem and fix your site chodemonkey

It's also important to point out that Trotsky was not simply "against, against" but for something definite. Antifa by itself, disconnected from any wider political platform or struggle, only poses itself as if merely reactive opposition to the disgusting nature of Nazism. A reactive instinct, like Occupy against something disgusting is a sign of health, but there has to be more than disgust and reaction to actually combat things like Wall Street and fascism.

yarblegarblenarble..Just recede into the shadow of the past as you were destined to.

huff jenkem erryday nigga

Antifascism is class collaboration

Is being against open borders and mass immigration racist?

antifa is pure ideology, even when fascism is destroyed in their region, they'll find something new to attack, and label as fascism.

That hasn't happened…