Was this CGI, or a man in a suit? I legitimately can't tell anymore

Was this CGI, or a man in a suit? I legitimately can't tell anymore.

There was a CGI man inside the suit.

It's a proud POC actor you racist piece of shit

i lik criket

You high or something? That's an orangutan OP.

Stop motion

Reddit: The Thread

It's CG because these films dont even have writers

Non-ironically the best sci-fi franchise of modern times. People who discard it for insisting on stretching thin political messages over it are missing out.

You hwhite supremacist shitlord! That is a proud, independent person of African descent! Check your hwhite privilege.

The fur kinda gives away the illusion in some scenes, like this one.

The three new ones are straight up trash

CG suit.

CGI? John Boyega doesn't need any CGI enhancements. That was one of his best performances.

reddipol needs to take their idpol and go.

>>>Holla Forums
Go and stay go, nazi, Holla Forums is a leftist board.

said one desperate leftie soycock on Holla Forums that everyone makes fun of all the time
>>>Holla Forums

Um, no sweetie. Almost all of us are leftist. And guess what else? Cuckime is not welcome. No one like Maisie. Jews aren't the cause of your life's problems.

shhh, shut the hell up weenie before I hang you from a lamppost

cuckithis cuckiyou cuckistormfags cuckiaren't cuckiwelcome cuckihere cucki, cucki/tv/ cuckis cuckifor cuckigoons cuckiand cuckicommunists

Imagine being so desperate you posted twice in a row
As expected of a leftycuck

You know there's about 50/50 odds you're shitposting/ you're an actual neurotic jewess, I've been on another site where I get to browse through their profiles and every single jew has been a fucking nutcase.

Imagine being so stormtarded that you think only one person is tired of your shit.
Us communist goons will fuck your ass and then steal your dog.

John Boyega's acting career is really branching out.