The #FellowKids from my campus's right-wing student's group posted this sign today

The #FellowKids from my campus's right-wing student's group posted this sign today.

This is the level of intellectual honesty they decide to showcase to reel in students to their shill cause.

Other urls found in this thread:

do one with minorities and jews about food and banking

Write over it, "There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, classcuck"

Why do idiots think that smartphones are some technological breakthrough? They are just cheap computers that have been miniaturized.

They've done it. They've stopped socialism.

I think you're underestimating how much smartphones have changed the rhythm of our communication.

Print one of those You can't complain about feudalism because you make clothing and eat grain produced under feudalism pictures.
Then, post it right next to it.



*wear clothing


That smartphone is made by workers,not capitalism.
Capitalism is an ideology (or an economic system if you will),and it has no means of materially creating something.
It would be the same as if you said that you can't like the pyramids,but dislike slavery.

Got a problem with western Imperialism??

Why dont you use your Nokia and some leftover 155s to make an IED and slaughter those godless Kuffars;) ;) ;)

seriously at least prison nahtzis actually read art of war, these fucking cucks are ridiculous, been running into this "logic" a lot



I'm actually pretty sure i'm gonna do that. I was thinking of using this one.

Don't forget to post something about the International labour laws.

Why do they assume that I actually want to use any of this technology? I am condemned to use it because there's nothing else left, because you and your system have colonized the whole of reality and I have nowhere else to go.

me on the left lads :^)

these retards fail even on their own premises


At my community college I see more anti communism posters than anything remotely left wing. There are no left wing groups at all actually

They really haven't. Texting was a thing long before smart phones going all the way back to pagers in the 80s, and most of the time people are using them at home where they would otherwise use a regular computer. What people do with them when they are out, apart from the texting that had been going on before, is not so much communication as it is wasting time. They use them while they stand in lines. They use them when they are waiting for their meals to arrive. They use them at the bus stop.

Smart phones are more distraction devices than communication devices, like a Game Boy for adults. People are even playing Pokemon with them. Smart phones have not revolutionized communications. They have revolutionized how we experience boredom.


and even then, the media only began taking in notice of SMS texts with cell phones / feature phones of the late 90s - late 2000s.
the commercial above was made in the year 2000.
a sponsored PSA from 2006

In response, try making some posters where you false-flag as them or similar-sounding conservative organization, and blame economic problems on women, blacks or the Jews.
Actually using logic to refute posters like this is a waste of time. Better to use deception to harness the forces of idpol and cause a shitstorm instead.

No, that only makes idpol more powerful and then conservatives who respond as well. It only maintains this bullshit opposition.

there is no such thing as false flagging as them. No comment is dumb enough. They will adore anything that is on their spectrum.

I'm at a community college in a deep red state and I haven't seen any anti-communist posters.
Feels a bit retarded to put them in community colleges though, it's not like anyone staying at them for 4 years is going to do anything of importance anyway.

The pyramids weren't built by slaves.

Christ, how can people possibly be arguing this?
There are literally 2 possibilities
1) The pyramids were built by slaves (likely)
2) The pyramids were built by the Egyptian people out of loyalty to the Pharaoh (rather unlikely)

This is really a good trap for capitalists, the phones were likely made in the PRC - so they have to either agree that communism is superior or that state capitalism is superior. I'd make them worry about that themselves by making a GOT A PROBLEM WITH CHINA? poster


OP I am whipping you up a poster. Stand by for gommunism.

Are you imply they aren't genuinely your peers? If they are in college with you they are certainly #FellowKids



The pyramids were built by corvee labor.

Good news friend! There is such a socialist paradise, a land of wonder where the system is despised and the left is king! Come to Venezuela/Cuba (It's pretty much the same thing) and let loose your fantasies of a shittier tomorrow for the collective of all mankind!

pack up your bags everyone it's time to go home the entire marxist critique of capitalism has been stumped by the allmighty arguments of


standing by

College Republicans are 99% opportunists.

The pyramids were built by free enterprising individuals.

That's pretty weird tbh. I thought York had a reputation for being a leftist stronghold.

Can't upload because I'm on my phone and my static IP is banned :^)
Got any tweaks?

Print it on yellow paper to really blast some butts.

I go to a community college in NC and there are a bunch of Trotskyist posters all over the place.

They're being ironic don't do this you'll look like an autist they don't really believe it.
U wot m8?

Tories in their youth are the real autists

This is kind of good.

You should also print one of those feudalism pics too, grayscale if you're too cheap for colour.

I love it

holy fuck

plz print this one let the salt flow

You have to do something now OP.
Graffitti that shit or put up

Where did this meme come from?

OP here. Posted the comic near a few of the signs!




Maybe they'll finally see that all history is class struggle…

Fantastic my man



Do you have a colour printer or access to one?

post the salt plz i want to see the reactions


10/10 my man

prob the same people who talk about S█████ not having had a job until he was 40

post original?
I can't read it

Don't these posters make people wonder why there are anti-socialism propaganda posters in the first place?



Put one of these next to the one on the left.

Meant to post this too

Just put this up by the Karl Marx non argument one

Behold the peasant, casting doubt upon a king's divine right to rule. But isn't this very peasant consuming grain acquired from the lands of one of His Majesty's loyal servants? That gent is a hypocrite I say.

nice try Holla Forums

nice try Holla Forums

that argument doesn't stop ISIS from using.

remove the old white man though. it will make us look less cool

We'll take it into consideration, Holla Forums.

this is glorious

That's it, I'm making more posters.
The Campus Conservatives for York University won't know what fucking hit them!

Kek, not got a coloured printer? Are you using the library one or something?

Yeah sadly I used the library one. The shills will see it anyways. :^)

best thread.


Literally crying right now tbh

how will the bourgs recover from this?

rich beware!!

I'm going to imagine that's Xexizy on the bottom right. It looks kinda like him. Xex confirmed for secret ancap!?

Made this

capitalists on SUICIDE WATCH

warren buffet CONFIRMED DEAD

"crisis as bas as the big depression" - the economist

damn you're fast

Fuggin tories

Fuck, typo


people are probably so retarded they think european middle ages and roman empire were capitalist. calling it.

Pick one. And technically the internet and most technology in smart phones is the result of central planning, not muh free market.

Ethics are a spook moralcuck


I've yet to come across as proponent or apologist of capitalism that could define what a capitalist is and could distinguish the differences between it, feudalism and slavery let alone socialism or communism.

Oh and of course, they are blissfully ignorant of what Adam Smith actually wrote too but love to name-drop him.


That Thatcher quote is why we need to make versions of our own, you can find endless image macros of right wing idiocy that has a smug charismatic charm, yet when you want to look up anything leftist, it feels like you have to trawl for anything worth posting.

Also there's that Karl Marx never had a job rebuttal that's floating about here, we need to make it into a proper thing that can get reposted IRL, it's too unclear as is, could someone post it for clarity?

History repeats itself ad nauseam

left wing = promoting change
right wing = resisting change

even in the CPC Mao discussed left errors (like wanting to change too fast in the socialist transformation or wanting too push for revolution ahead of the workers) and right errors (like wanting the socialist transformation to be slower or waiting for the workers to do the entire revolution themselves).

Promoting capitalism therefore is right wing. It doesn't mean that all ideologies that promote capitalism are right wing necessarily (but that is also true) but they are all right wing in the aspect of their promotion of capitalism.


Capitalism is left wing by the true definition. It is the revolt of the third estate against right wing aristocracy. Difference between rule by warrior elite and rule by effete plutocrats.


Incorrect. Right wing is absolute. It does not change. You are just discussing various forms of left wing.



Uh, no?

Politics have changed significantly since the French Revolution. Feudalism is no longer the reigning socio-political paradigm and capitalism failed to bring about liberty, equality and brotherhood.

Correct. Right wing is absolute, as I said. It is not a relative definition, whereas left wing is a relative definition (with the most general being "not right wing").


That's absurd. There is no specific theory behind "the right", it arose as spontaneously as the left, largely as a reaction against it.

Incorrect again.



Virtually every piece of technology inside a smartphone exists because of state sponsored research.

I can't wait for when consumer models of the DARPA robots start getting produced and people start claiming that capitalism gave us robots.

I want to hate fuck her, apologize, marry, have kids, move in together, and watch her slowly become a commie like me by reading marx to her every night.

What could anyone want with one of those??

Based user.

You may also want to print out articles like this.

I have only skimmed it, I was looking for a different one on a similar topic but could not find it.

This info might be useful:

capitalism causes:
-environmental pollution/destruction
-extinction of animals
-sweatshop slavery
-corporate controlled governments

But it's oke, we got smartphones XD

A little late to the thread, but hopefully these get used.

I just want her hanged tbh, same with that pussy on the right

How surprising, lefties can't come up with a logical counter argument, so censorship time!

Posting a counterargument is exactly what he did you twat, where is the censorship?

How is it not a counterargument?

Are you trolling or really this stupid?


Pathetic, isn't it? Not only did one autist bite, but two others felt obliged to repeat what he said.

I hope I find an opportunity to use these.
Nice job comr8.

You gotta post moar.

Moar for workers.

Here's some butthurt lads

Is that t. thing a general meme or is it only used on the Chans?

Now point out how he lost the argument and is calling you a Stalinist sympathizer for emotional appeal.

Probably some fat dweeb that browses Holla Forums on his phone.


literally the exact same thing has happened to me

bitches are the biggest fucking reactionaries on campus. some stupid slut at my college crossed out a communism will win and wrote "never win" in the girliest fucking handwriting ever

seriously dude i feel your pain

she dotted her i with a heart too. i wanted to gulag every female in a 50 mile radius right then and there comrades

Post more rhetoric! Do it, its hilarious!
Also, post any salty reactions as well

You should write "not an argument ;^)" underneath it.

Now put this one up. Just cover the whole wall in posters.

Now put this and/or this
Right next to it :^)

You will never make this reddit, Hansen.


missing this

and this

Nail them with this now.



it's a parody m8

Quote Lenin on how the USSR was state capitalist.

Or say because "implying there's no alternative between capitalism and the USSR"

but the USSR was only state capitalist until Stalin repealed the NEP

Write under the slave and the peasant "t. someone who didn't live in Sassanid Persia" and "t. Someone who didn't live under the Abbasid Caliphs"

In what way is the USSR after Stalin repealed the NEP socialist?

I'd fug the reactionary on the left.

that's terrible, they don't understand what it means and just assume you're grasping at straws

This, ignore the fucking autists that take absolutely any bait placed in front of them and spend hours writing a thesis to some spotty little polack who doesn't even read any of it and actually try and engage your humor gland.

Mate just colour in Thatcher's lip in black.

I never said it was pleb, I just said it wasn't capitalist. It was more of state socialist than anything.


We've begun shitposting in real life.

Soon you'll be finding meme fights scratched into restroom stalls.

I'm not sure whether I ought to be horrified, or if I want to participate. Maybe both.

Finally something beside dick drawings on public bathrooms

was after i made it

Need updates on the poster bants

Because cheap, miniaturized computers are a fucking breakthrough if you're old enough to remember that they didn't always exist, you fucking teenager.

This thread is amazing.

Stop being such a homo.


Oh god, that image is great

Thanks it took a while to make

Who should Molyneux be shopped into? Harvey? Wolff? Lenin?

I think everybody but lenin would be too obscure to be memeable, but i dont see much wrong with having mr molyneux in it to say not an argument. His "not an argument" is a meme on its own by now.

I actually think it's funnier with Molyneux. I tweeted the image at him.

Sorry guys I don't want to start a meme turf war at my school. If there's any other York fags lurking they should totally post more spicy memes though

They were built by aliens

It is funnier with Molyneux

this is the best thread i've seen on here in a while

this is why we never reach communism

This post is literally
Okay, how was it state socialist then?

You can't stop now! Write not an argument below it.

Ah so this is York's equivalent current drama

t. UofT student

This is the very worst type of argument. For one thing, it cuts off their own branch of reasoning with it: who are they to deny the USSR having not lived in it likewise? Coupled next to it is a form of IdPol pseudo-unpopulous fallacy which asserts that in a paradigm of two actors, A and B, and an object, X, A and B has no systematic relationship to the difference between each other and yet X is always displaced between them rather than from or of them.

OP is a kulak.

You have failed the revolution this day, comrade.

fukken liberals


There is literally nothing wrong with the GNU mobile experience.

Anarchists are massive faggots confirmed.

fucking faggot you cant just stop

you post some propaganda whereever you faggots live. I can't carry the burden alone comrades.

forgot to take shit posting flag off

You mean this one?

Yeah that's the one, but it needs to be turned into easy to read poster.

I imagine, either have each of their portraits or caricatures lined up one after the other with a short summary under neath each one.

It doesn't, because OP is such a LARPer he doesn't even want to fight a meme war.

this thread is pure cancer


Yes we should keep to ourselves and never inspire anybody to question bootlicking propaganda. Especially not at an university where the future bourgeoise are currently impressionable.

Well it'd be useful to have regardless of whether OP needs it or not.

bumping for more education.

Put up a paper that says "Remember to thank the Führer for the rocketry to put satellites in space!"

they'll never win a meme war, feel safe to blow the fuck out of them ;)


libertarians really hate that last picture. they'll say it's all taken out of context. even though all of them are paragraph long quotes, but then the context they add doesn't improve the quotes at all. They just completely reaffirm what they said.
"He's not saying he likes dictatorship, he wrote a bunch of stuff shit-talking hitler, he's just saying a dictatorships that defends property rights is better than a democracy that doesnt"

Yeah, no shit, that's exactly that part that normies have a problem with.





t. drawgirl


Fuck you OP. entire thread and only provide is with 3 updates


Could someone post the original comic? I haven't seen it
