Do you believe in God?

Do you believe in God?

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Why not?


Yes, but since you are from /christian/ I can already tell that we have different conceptions of Him and you probably didn't read correctly Hegel.

No,for me to be religious would mean that my whole worldview to change; in religion science is nullified.And Christianity was literally founded upon cuckoldry,but i mean the trinity kinda fucks it up,i mean was god cucking god?

But why do you worship yourself over God, user? You are aware that the flesh and ego is weak?

What is your conception of Him? As long as you profess the Nicene Creed you are a Christian

Read the Bible.

No, i'm not spooked.

Because there is no scientific evidence that proves the existence of god.
Also I have never seen or heard god or any kind of supernatural being.

Kek,thats what actually made me an atheist.


You don't prove the existence of God through science. The same way we don't prove that napoleon existed through science or that Steiner existed through science. Read the Bible.

Because religion is a sppok. A distraction, a mere shadow on the wall. It requires illusion and lack of reason in order to sustain itself.

Of course I believe in him. I saw him in concert. I felt the low rumble of his bass. I smelled the acrid smoke of his cigarette. I heard him say, "We are Motörhead, and we play rock and roll!" To deny God would be to deny empirical evidence of an objective reality.

Go to church

100% effort reply

Same can be said for your ego. Read the Bible

Read the Bible

I have read it, it's fucking disgraceful. Your god is a malevolent, capricious, genocidal bully.

And furthermore, i've yet to see a mote of compelling evidence for his existence.

All religious people should be fucking shot

Thank you, friend. Are you going to give the scripture a chance now? Here is a recommended list. God bless you!

I have already read it. It says noting of how to rock.

Elaborate on how he is a bully.


Jesus rocks

Why should it concern me whether there's a God or not?


*tips fedora*
Why are you atheists such loosers?

Sodom and Gomorrah?
the whole Noah's ark story?
The god of the bible is a genocidal maniac.


Because he created you, died for you, and loves you

Misinterpretation of scripture is no meme, friend

and if you don't worship him and don't apologise for being human every hour of every day then you get tortured for eternity. Really fucking loving.

Remember that part where God ordered the Israelites to genocide several nations?

Sodom and Gomorrah were rebeling gods law, they deserved it
And God flooded the world because his creation, us humans, were destroying the world he made. So to start a new, he flooded the world.
Pic unrelated

The point is, they died and the blood is on his hands. Not if they were rebelling or whatever.

We should worship the one who created us. And we should live under his commandments because human law is sinful and evil

Modern day Israel is not the same as ancient Israel

I'm not talking about Jesus though, that's a different story.

I can live my life with the skepticism that there may or may not be a God that created me because he loves me and otherwise and still hold in account that that might be not true and I'm blob of shit washed up on the shore of an ocean millions of years ago with no purpose.

I can only love something back if I know it exists. And I haven't yet met God. So sorry I guess, let's keep searching.

So you do remember that part, right?
Remember the part where the Israelites ended up keeping some cultural artefacts instead of eliminating them, so God threatened to kill all of them as well?

Humans the the universe in general weren't created. Look at the various element dating methods, the world is waaaaaaay older the 6K years. The current prediction for the earth alone is a few billion years at least.

Who said I worship myself?
I have developed pride in myself, but I don't worship it.

nope, imaginary friends are for schizos

I don't see what point you're trying to make. They were sinners, they disobeyed God in a heinous way; so they deserved death

Gods revelation was made clear through Christ, the accounts of Christs life is in the Gospels, the Gosepls can be found in the Bible. Read it

Please elaborate, I'm not sure what point you're making

Prove it

Pride is a sin

Read the scripture


Who is the inmoral degenerate now?

I have. I was in a pretty strict primary school and I have read the entire bible.


read this:

Also, can you fathom that genocide for disagreeing with someone is maybe just a tad disagreeable?



God commands us to do much more than be straight-edge, user

Then why do you not believe?

because there's no worthwhile evidence for the existence of a god.


There is no right way to read the story of Abraham; god comes out looking like an asshole no matter what.

you'd have to live inside a whale for 3 days to think what he did was okay.

I went to a Church of England school, it contains nothing about proving the existence of a deity. It is however, laden with atrocities, death and murder.

I don't give a fuck, I find genocide and murder disagreeable.

The book is full of morals and lessons that clash with the western and my worldview. Furthermore, I did all the things i was told to when praying to god and I never got an answer.

I figured as an 8 year old that praying to something that a book and some people told me exists, but never showed itself in any way to me, didn't make sense, so I stopped believing in god.


I am also a good person that doesn't need to preach morality to feel like a good person.

The burden of proof lays upon you filthy christcucking cucks.




then prove god's existence, I'm sure you can do it

doesn't fucking count, give me something scientific.

spiderman would make a better god.

I was devout catholic for 20 years.
That's not going to work on me.
If you go to catechism, they teach distinctions between certain types of pride anyway.


Could god microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?


Intelligent design is literally the science of God

Read something that's not propaganda for once


ID is creationism in a cheap suit.


Read the Bible. It'll have the answers
Gods law is greater than Man's law

Only God is good

Elaborate why testimonies from Christ's disciples is not enough evidence?

Read some of my earlier posts. Read the Bible

Bearing false witness is also a sin. Also, the ego is weak, lose it, and trust in Christ instead

Read the bible

Which is in itself a science. Far more scientific than "nothing created everything"

So can I kill you for not believing in the right sect of Christianity?

for the last fucking time.

I attended a church of England school, i've read the book cover to cover.

It does not prove the existence of a god, it's a glorified story book. And a shit one at that, so much death and destruction and yet you claim your god is good. Utter crap.


Pope worship is not Christianity, try again

the origins of the universe aren't too well understood. But you know what? saying "I don't know" is ok. I don't personally know how the universe came to be, and I shall wait for science to find an adequate answer.

Shoving your scripture where it isn't wanted or needed is absurd.

CoE is protestant you shit.

Forgiveness is vital to Christianity. And thou shall not kill

The Bible is a collection of the Gospels written by his Disiples, those who saw Jesus perform his signs. Read it

It's literally the same damn thing, idol worship and all. Only difference is that the king is worshipped in place of the pope

I have read it, it's fucking awful. It's written by flawed humans, thus the sheer amount of contradicitons.

*correction, the NEW TESTAMENT was the Gospels, my mistake

well, shit. I guess you've defeated me.

Except we can't find any mention of Jesus in any classical works prior to the first and second centuries and we're not even sure who wrote the gospels,the only person we are sure about is Paul's letters.

I think the rampant sectarianism is proof of how flawed your religion is.


I never said I defeated you, I just don't know what argument you are making

Research more

no. there is only the void.


I would rather spend my time masturbating.

read this:

He would also make a better topic for this thread.

That's a sin, user

Unless you give me a detailed run down on all of those verse comparisons, then they're all misinterpretations

who else /slack/

It's right there in black and white, in shoould be abundantly clear unless you're illiterate or hopelessly ignorant.

Reminder that most of the things from the Old Testament are rewritten myths from the Mesopotamians (which were in turn rewritten from the Sumerians).

Read Ehrman.

Get that

Not seeing how I did that, but k

Never said it wasn't.
It's a creative nothing.
It can dissolve and break down, but you can't lose it. Any sense of self is ego.

It really is not, it takes all of them out of context
101. When Jesus walked on water how did the disciples respond?

They worshipped him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God (Matthew 14:33)
They were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened (Mark 6:51-52)
Shake my damn head

People like us are the world's only hope for a future.

Some ultimate deity that created everything and watches what we do? No, that's some autistic level shit.

But the universe itself, the sum of it's laws, something like the Tao or the Neopagan concept of "The All"? Sure, why not? You can call it God or whatever, but I prefer not to.

I guess you're going for the wilful ignorance route. Shame.

Praise "Bob".

Also the virgin Mary wasn't a virgin.
It was originally written as the girl Mary (girl as in young woman,not child) but got mistranslated from the old Greek language because the words for girl and virgin are similar.
This is one among the many mistranslations in the Bible,which begs the question whether the one you are reading is the correct one.


Prove that it was a mistranslation and not just a recently coincidence discovered.

I just proved one of them wrong, do you want me to go through every single one? Read the Bible for yourself or just go talk to a priest. God bless you

This is proof how how much you've blinded yourself. You ignore every proof against and and the multiple times i've specified I have read it, and found it abhorrent. A pity, the mind is a terrible thing to waste.

here,this took me approximately 5 seconds to google

Isn't that just like the same as the "Logos" of Christianity?

The only good theology is Marxian/young Hegelian theology

Read Ludwig Feuerbach and Terry Eagleton

Are you a mongrel? Have you not even read my previous post? If you can't even see how these ""contradictions"" are complete bullshit, then there is no way you have "read the Bible"

you can't just parrot two quotes and then write the whole thing off, that's intellectual dishonesty defined.

I guess, but the Christian concept of Logos, whether or not it is some kind of Pantheistic approach, is more tied to some kind of corporeal god rather than some conception of the "All".

Regardless or not, debating "god" in whatever form it exists/doesn't exist, is pointless. It doesn't effect our lives in the slightest.

Please disqualify the argument I presented then

I just fucking did. you can't dismiss all of it by bringing up two unrelated quotes.

Because I've read Kierkegaard.

The two quotes I presented were from the website you presented. The two quotes are meant to "contradict" eachother. I explained how the two quotes DO NOT contradict eachother, are you confused?


The universe is my will.

that doesn't invalidate 100 more. leanr to count.

I have my own ideas about what god is, but I do not subscribe to any religion.

I know, I never said I was going to, read the Bible and figure it out for yourself, or go to a priest. Bless you!

This is a heresy

I fail to see your point.

Hegelianism is complete bullshit fam.

so basically, you're too lazy/ignorant/stupid to fathom evidence against you.

which one?

Am I lazy yes? Could I prove them all wrong? Yes

I don't know who is trolling who anymore.

You do know that it was a grave crime to be an atheist or in some way anti-Christian back at the time.

then do it. I challenge you.

the one mirror reflects itsself
the one mirror sees itsself

Where is that from?


Just google it, bruv

oh, so you are lazy and ignorant. nevermind.

Read Hegel **and give Lacan a read*

I am lazy, yes. But I am not wrong

Read the bible in it's entirety then let your mind be silent and let the questions, observations and realizations well up from the silent void.

with no way to prove it.

so if you can't prove it, the only thing I have from you is "i'm right because I say so".

Just google it bruv


I have reason to believe in god, so I don't

I believe that I don't know what God is, and that we will probably never know with certainty.
Our animal minds are too limited for that, I think. There are so much possible ways to conceive God and no evidence that indicates that one way is closer to the truth than another. And, I mean, try to imagine a living being in five dimensions, it's fucking hard isn't it ?
So I think it's very presomptuous to believe in one of the ready-made ways to conceive God and believe this is the unique truth, especially when you consider that all those religions are way too anthropocentric to be kinda plausible.
All those myths were very useful when it came to consolidate human societies in ancient times, give a purpose to life and a set of reasonable rules to follow, etc, but when I see the shit fundamentalists do nowadays because of "muh god", I think it's time to move on from those traditions.

I stopped caring a long time ago :ooo

*have no reason.

Damn that fuckin freudian slip

Go back to >>>/christian/ and take your shitty memes with you.

Or even better, go argue with your fellow believers on >>>/islam/ even that shit is a more constructive way to spend your time than arguing on a political board that mostly doesn't give a fuck about spooky shit like religion.

Sage because this whole thread is most likely just bait.

If I grew up on a farm and was retarded, I might've, but I didn't so I don't.

Yes. I do not purport to know anything about the being or state of "God" but know that it is.

God exists. Case dismissed.

oh, well I guess that's it then

Yes. There's only three of us on this board though. Feelsbadman.

Whether or not god exists does not matter at all. If you want to prove your certain religion right, with all its rules and prohibitions, that is an entirely different matter.

okay, so I believe in god now. What changed? nothing

Proving yourself right is the problem with religion.

You don't believe in God to get something, you do it because it calls to you. You don't get some prize, you don't earn superpowers just by having faith in a given idea. The whole goal of life is to better oneself, to try to be the best "You" which you possibly can be - to resist the urges created by our weakwilled and addiction prone body in favor of the path of the perfect self. Faith in a God is not a necessary component of this but for me personally I cannot "not" believe in a God as I have interacted with it in a strange way which is difficult to explain accurately. I do not purport to "know" anything about God, only that it is.

Wish you all the best, friend.

Make that four. :)


I haven't ever felt such a calling

Of course I do. And all who do not believe in our Lord and Savior Bob shall be smitten from the earth and cast into fire.

It's none of our business to discuss whether or not God exists. You either have faith in it, or you don't.

Read Kant and Kierkegaard.

That is fine. Continue living your life and do well by others, that is all that matters.


I have faith in God :^)

this my dudes.

If that kind of attitude towards religion was taken by more religious people, I might think about accepting them. I mean, how stressful must it be living life with that in the back of your mind, that you go to hell if you misbehave

God should read Me, Myself and My Milkshop.

Yeah, I have no religious affiliation because I believe no text or widely shared idea can present "truth" in its pure and unadulterated form.

I had a revelation not long ago about what "The Bible" actually is, and does. It is a book written detailing a "great deed", but that great deed was yours. You are the pure spirit who gave him/herself for humanity and you still contain that goodness within you. You must read with that lens in mind, that you know perfect good and you must discern through that lens what is true and what isn't within the Bible. All religious texts are like this, there are large swaths of truth but likewise large swaths of deception to test the spirit in text. Blind faith leads to blind deception which leads to atrocities and despair.

I don't purport to know the state of the world but I know that if you do "Good" solely in service of "Good" you will do well by yourself and all those around you and they, and perhaps the universe itself, will reward you.

Which one? :^)


But I doubt God would be troubled with that or hesheit wouldn't be god, right?


My conception can be expressed like a propositional thesis. Separating man and God except in one isolated individual is an absurdity, like in many "Orthodox" readings of the Bible; Jesus's achievement was, as a man, to become God, so is not God become man, but man become God? It is not like, the Creator, or Artist if you will, suddenly throws himself into the painting he layed out and brushed, finds that it's all shit later, and expediently regains his composure. No, the very act is itself the gap between what the Artist's instrument is and the realisation of a constructed edifice, malformed at the offset without bounds.



Well somebody's out to get me

I'm agnostic

Pretty nihilistic, actually. While I admire Kierkegaard for the self-awareness of his leap of faith, I don't admire the unfounded conclusion.

become post-left anarcho-nihilist anonfriend we have Kierkecool for the modern day nihilist

I've thought about it more than once, I assure you, but I'm pretty content with just being a thorn in the side of everyone I know here in Canada. Until the day where politics (and idpol, because we actually have to contend with that as a real force here…) becomes so ridiculous that I just snap, I'm going to continue harping on about how much Trudeau sucks and how we should resurrect Tommy Douglas for PM.

My Spidysense is tingling.

All that image proves is that the word of God has been corrupted over time. Notice how the New testament has more contradictions due to the fact that it is farther from the truth of God, while the Tanakh is not as muddled.
It proves that the Jewish faith rings closer to God's vision of the world.

Perhaps. But I seriously doubt it is, or is anything like one of the god written about in relgious texts. As such, I don't care. But assuming one exists, and would provide an afterlife (no reason to believe this though)
Apparently the quote may be fabricated or heavily altered, but it still makes the point.
It's nothing I hold close and try to live by day by day, but it sums up my feelings on the subject matter, if a bit more impassioned than my own. Whether or not a god exists, however, I see no reason to bow down and worship it.

let me help out

Not after being pelted with numerous cult tactics from some dying offshoot of the same shitty "Second Great Awakening" that brought us Mormons, Adventists, and Millerites.
If there would be an eventuality that I'd return to the idea of the single Abrahamic god, it'd need be after several long years later, maybe a decade or two.
t. former jehovah's witness


And his name is John Cena.

Here comes the Spiderman.

I think this sums up my attitude towards god.


Yes, the one and only

Hi Theocrat
It's amusing seeing so many theocrats in this thread.
I know criticizing Christianity triggers you.

I personally prefer Eris and the Greek Pantheon to oppressive Christianity.

Max Stirner should be promoted globally and marxists and anarchists should use his egoist individualism to benefit humanity.
A better portrayal of Eris, instead of some high school diva.

no i have a brain. Marxist Leninist are too smart for that shit