NY Times promotes open marriages



The (((author))): twitter.com/susandominus

Some highlights:

Why aren't you in an open marriage yet, goyim?


Wiemar as fuck.

What about the father? Why can't the father see other women, why is it always the women banging other guys?

These fucking disgusting degenerates need to be purged.

Only for the woman.

Who the fuck does this (((cunt))) think she is fooling?

These kikes will deconstruct everything.

It's usually the woman banging other guys because there's always some guy willing to bang anything, even a married mother of two.

Gee, another kike in another Jew York rag is promoting this shit. Color me surprised.

The father is seeing someone. The same guy as the woman

Hi, thanks for being here on r/IAMA.

I got a question, how do you sustain such subversive activities without simultaneously killing off your Jewish heritage?


Le Redditor

The amount of jewish sounding names and noses in that article were astounding.

He is seeing someone, some disgusting open marriage woman.

This is how you get gen Z, boys. Bets on how she's rebelling against this. I put 10$ on a feminine-housewife-asthetic insta.



Only lefties will actually do this. Our enemies are weakening themselves.

Okay they aren't even being subtle anymore, thats a legit picture from a positive article about her. Text is original and is the name of a media company.


[hand rubbing intensifies]





Just one?

It's laughable how so very jewish these kikes look. I mean really, these people are breathing caricatures. As time goes on I wonder more and more whether old propaganda pieces were intentionally drawn in outlandish interpretations or if these were spot on copies


